39 research outputs found

    Scaling reinforcement learning to the unconstrained multi-agent domain

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    Reinforcement learning is a machine learning technique designed to mimic the way animals learn by receiving rewards and punishment. It is designed to train intelligent agents when very little is known about the agent’s environment, and consequently the agent’s designer is unable to hand-craft an appropriate policy. Using reinforcement learning, the agent’s designer can merely give reward to the agent when it does something right, and the algorithm will craft an appropriate policy automatically. In many situations it is desirable to use this technique to train systems of agents (for example, to train robots to play RoboCup soccer in a coordinated fashion). Unfortunately, several significant computational issues occur when using this technique to train systems of agents. This dissertation introduces a suite of techniques that overcome many of these difficulties in various common situations. First, we show how multi-agent reinforcement learning can be made more tractable by forming coalitions out of the agents, and training each coalition separately. Coalitions are formed by using information-theoretic techniques, and we find that by using a coalition-based approach, the computational complexity of reinforcement-learning can be made linear in the total system agent count. Next we look at ways to integrate domain knowledge into the reinforcement learning process, and how this can signifi-cantly improve the policy quality in multi-agent situations. Specifically, we find that integrating domain knowledge into a reinforcement learning process can overcome training data deficiencies and allow the learner to converge to acceptable solutions when lack of training data would have prevented such convergence without domain knowledge. We then show how to train policies over continuous action spaces, which can reduce problem complexity for domains that require continuous action spaces (analog controllers) by eliminating the need to finely discretize the action space. Finally, we look at ways to perform reinforcement learning on modern GPUs and show how by doing this we can tackle significantly larger problems. We find that by offloading some of the RL computation to the GPU, we can achieve almost a 4.5 speedup factor in the total training process

    Learning with delayed reinforcement in an exploratory probabilistic logic neural network

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    Imperial Users onl

    Adaptive Cognitive Interaction Systems

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    Adaptive kognitive Interaktionssysteme beobachten und modellieren den Zustand ihres Benutzers und passen das Systemverhalten entsprechend an. Ein solches System besteht aus drei Komponenten: Dem empirischen kognitiven Modell, dem komputationalen kognitiven Modell und dem adaptiven Interaktionsmanager. Die vorliegende Arbeit enthält zahlreiche Beiträge zur Entwicklung dieser Komponenten sowie zu deren Kombination. Die Ergebnisse werden in zahlreichen Benutzerstudien validiert

    2022 GREAT Day Program

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    SUNY Geneseo’s Sixteenth Annual GREAT Day.https://knightscholar.geneseo.edu/program-2007/1016/thumbnail.jp

    2019 GREAT Day Program

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    SUNY Geneseo’s Thirteenth Annual GREAT Day.https://knightscholar.geneseo.edu/program-2007/1013/thumbnail.jp

    Modern applications of machine learning in quantum sciences

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    In these Lecture Notes, we provide a comprehensive introduction to the most recent advances in the application of machine learning methods in quantum sciences. We cover the use of deep learning and kernel methods in supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning algorithms for phase classification, representation of many-body quantum states, quantum feedback control, and quantum circuits optimization. Moreover, we introduce and discuss more specialized topics such as differentiable programming, generative models, statistical approach to machine learning, and quantum machine learning

    Modern applications of machine learning in quantum sciences

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    In these Lecture Notes, we provide a comprehensive introduction to the most recent advances in the application of machine learning methods in quantum sciences. We cover the use of deep learning and kernel methods in supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning algorithms for phase classification, representation of many-body quantum states, quantum feedback control, and quantum circuits optimization. Moreover, we introduce and discuss more specialized topics such as differentiable programming, generative models, statistical approach to machine learning, and quantum machine learning.Comment: 268 pages, 87 figures. Comments and feedback are very welcome. Figures and tex files are available at https://github.com/Shmoo137/Lecture-Note

    Strukturell variasjon som påvirker genetisk miljøtilpasning i laksefisk

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    Structural variations (SVs), e.g. deletions, insertions, inversions and duplications of sequences, are a major source of genomic variation affecting more base pairs in the genome than single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Despite their increasingly recognised importance in adaptive evolution and species diversification, SVs are vastly understudied in most species. Long-read sequencing, together with recently developed bioinformatic tools, have provided step-change improvements in the precision and recall of SV detection and allow us to increase the detected SVs manyfold across the species range. In addition, long-reads represent a major shift in our ability to build continuous genome assemblies as fundamental resources for most genome wide studies. The work in this thesis utilises long-read data to generate multiple genome sequences for the two salmonid species Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis). We present the first pan-genome for Atlantic salmon, comprising 11 long-read-based assemblies across the species range. Among these, the highest quality genome has 2.55 Gbp assembled into chromosome sequences, 259 Mbp more sequence than in the previous Atlantic salmon reference genome. The genome has a highly improved continuity with contig N50 increasing from 58 kbp to 28.06 Mbp (484-fold). The detection of SVs in these 11 individuals, revealed 1,061,452 SVs, with an average of ~77.4 Mbp of sequence differing per sample. The Atlantic salmon has adapted to different river environment across a large geographical distribution. To investigate genomic variation underlying these adaptations, we associated SVs and environmental data in a dataset of 366 short-read samples genotyped using genome graph analyses. These analyses highlighted multiple SVs contributing to environmental adaptations, including an 18 kbp deletion encompassing a polymorphic segmental duplication of three genes associated with annual precipitation. Next, we use the Atlantic salmon pan-genome to study the emergence of supergenes. Because supergenes can be maintained over millions of years by balancing selection and typically exhibit strong recombination suppression, their underlying functional variants and how they are formed are largely unknown. Inversions are type of rearrangement commonly associated with supergenes, and by directly comparing multiple highly continuous genome assemblies we were able to detect a number of large inversions in Atlantic salmon. A 3 Mb inversion, estimated to be ~15,000-year-old, and segregating in North American populations, displayed supergene signatures with adaptive variation captured within the standard arrangement of the inversion, as well as other adaptive variation accumulating after the inversion occurred. Characterization of other inversions with matched repeat structures at the breakpoints did not show any supergene signatures, suggesting that shared breakpoint repeats may obstruct the supergene formation. Lastly, we created long-read based genome assemblies for sympatric species pairs (Dwarf and Normal) belonging to lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis). The species pairs offer a suitable model system for studying genomic patterns of differentiation and in particular the role of SVs in speciation. By combining long-reads, direct assembly, and short-read methods we detect 89,909 high-confidence SVs in the species pair across two lakes, covering five times more sequence in the genome compared to SNPs. In the study, we highlight shared outliers of differentiation between the lakes, indicating that they contribute to speciation. Interestingly, we find that more than 70% of SVs differentiating between the Normal and Dwarf species pairs of lake whitefish are overlapping transposable elements. This work demonstrates that SVs may play an important role for the differentiation and speciation of sympatric species pairs in lake whitefish.Strukturell variasjon (SVer), for eksempel delesjoner, insersjoner, inversjoner og duplikasjoner av sekvens, er en viktig kilde til genomisk variasjon som samplet sett påvirker flere basepar i genomet enn punktmutasjoner (SNPs). Til tross for en økende annerkjennelse for at SVer spiller en viktig rolle i genetisk tilpassing til ulikt miljø og artsdannelse har denne typen variasjon vært lite studert i mange arter. Ny DNA-sekvenseringsteknologi med lengre leselengder (long-read sequencing), samt utvikling av nye bioinformatiske verktøy, har ført til drastiske forbedringer i deteksjonen av SVer. ‘Long-read’ sekvensering gjør det også mulig å lage mer komplette og sammenhengende genomsekvenser enn tidligere. I denne avhandlingen benytter vi oss av ‘long-read’ data til å lage flere genomsekvenser av høy kvalitet for to ulike laksefiskarter: Atlanterhavslaks (Salmo salar) og en Nordamerikansk type sik ‘lake whitefish’ (Coregonus clupeaformis). Her rapporterer vi det første pan-genomet for Atlanterhavslaks. Det består av 11 assemblier basert på ‘long- read’ sekvensering av individer fra fire ulike fylogeografiske grupper av villaks. Assembliet av høyest kvalitet inkluderer 2,55 Gbp sekvens i kromosomer, 259 Mbp mer enn det forrige referansegenomet til Atlanterhavslaks. I tillegg ble andelen sammenhengende sekvens, målt som contig N50, økt fra 58 kbp til 28,06 Mbp (484 ganger høyere). Vi fant 1.061.452 SVer på tvers av de 11 individene med ~77,4 Mbp gjennomsnittlig sekvensforskjell per prøve. Atlanterhavslaksen har over tid tilpasset miljøet i ulike elver. For å studere underliggende genetisk variasjon for denne tilpasningen assosierte vi SVer med ulike miljøvariabler i et datasett bestående av 366 ‘short-read’ sekvenserte prøver ved bruk av en genom-graf. Ved hjelp av disse analysene fant vi flere SVer som bidrar til miljøtilpasning, blant annet en 18 kbp lang delesjon som inneholder tre gener assosiert med mengden nedbør i området. Vi brukte så pan-genomet for Atlanterhavsaks til å studere dannelsen av ‘supergener’. Supergener er en sammenkobling av genetisk variasjon i koblingsulikevekt som for eksempel kan oppstå ved hjelp av store inversjoner. Her utnyttet vi 11 genomassemblier til å identifisere og karakterisere en rekke store inversjoner i Atlanterhavslaks. En av inversjonene på 3 Mbp, estimert til å være ~15.000 år gammel, viste signaturer for utvikling som supergen. For de andre inversjonene som var flankert av repetert DNA fant vi ikke karakteristiske trekk på supergener, noe som tyder på at det repetitive DNA forhindrer en dannelse av supergener. Til slutt lagde vi genomsekvenser for ulike former (‘Normal’ og ‘Dwarf’) av ‘lake whitefish’ (Coregonus clupeaformis) som lever i de samme innsjøene i Nord-Amerika. Genomsekvensene muliggjør studier av genomiske mekanismene bak artsdannelse i denne laksefisken. Ved å kombinere ‘long-read’ data, direkte sammenlikning av assemblier, og ‘short-read’ data fant vi 89,909 SVer som skilte de to formene av ‘lake whitefish’ i to innsjøer. SVene omfatter mer enn fem ganger flere basepar i genomet sammenlignet med SNPs. I studiet fant vi flere SVer med avvikende forekomst (‘outliers’) i de to formene av ‘lake whitefish’, noe som indikerer at disse SVene bidrar til artsdannelse. Videre fant vi at 70 % av SVene overlappet en form av repetert DNA kalt transposable elementer. Dette arbeidet understreker at SVer kan spille en viktig rolle for artsdannelse i ’lake whitefish’