12 research outputs found

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    Irreducible Triangulations are Small

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    A triangulation of a surface is \emph{irreducible} if there is no edge whose contraction produces another triangulation of the surface. We prove that every irreducible triangulation of a surface with Euler genus g1g\geq1 has at most 13g413g-4 vertices. The best previous bound was 171g72171g-72.Comment: v2: Referees' comments incorporate

    Line graphs and 22-geodesic transitivity

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    For a graph Γ\Gamma, a positive integer ss and a subgroup G\leq \Aut(\Gamma), we prove that GG is transitive on the set of ss-arcs of Γ\Gamma if and only if Γ\Gamma has girth at least 2(s1)2(s-1) and GG is transitive on the set of (s1)(s-1)-geodesics of its line graph. As applications, we first prove that the only non-complete locally cyclic 22-geodesic transitive graphs are the complete multipartite graph K3[2]K_{3[2]} and the icosahedron. Secondly we classify 2-geodesic transitive graphs of valency 4 and girth 3, and determine which of them are geodesic transitive

    Difference of Facial Achromatic Numbers between Two Triangular Embeddings of a Graph

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    A facial 33-complete kk-coloring of a triangulation GG on a surface is a vertex kk-coloring such that every triple of kk-colors appears on the boundary of some face of GG. The facial 33-achromatic number ψ3(G)\psi_3(G) of GG is the maximum integer kk such that GG has a facial 33-complete kk-coloring. This notion is an expansion of the complete coloring, that is, a proper vertex coloring of a graph such that every pair of colors appears on the ends of some edge. For two triangulations GG and G2˘7G\u27 on a surface, ψ3(G)\psi_3(G) may not be equal to ψ3(G2˘7)\psi_3(G\u27) even if GG is isomorphic to G2˘7G\u27 as graphs. Hence, it would be interesting to see how large the difference between ψ3(G)\psi_3(G) and ψ3(G2˘7)\psi_3(G\u27) can be. We shall show that an upper bound for such difference in terms of the genus of the surface

    Blocking nonorientability of a surface

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    AbstractLet S be a nonorientable surface. A collection of pairwise noncrossing simple closed curves in S is a blockage if every one-sided simple closed curve in S crosses at least one of them. Robertson and Thomas [9] conjectured that the orientable genus of any graph G embedded in S with sufficiently large face-width is “roughly” equal to one-half of the minimum number of intersections of a blockage with the graph. The conjecture was disproved by Mohar (Discrete Math. 182 (1998) 245) and replaced by a similar one. In this paper, it is proved that the conjectures in Mohar (1998) and Robertson and Thomas (J. Graph Theory 15 (1991) 407) hold up to a constant error term: For any graph G embedded in S, the orientable genus of G differs from the conjectured value at most by O(g2), where g is the genus of S

    On the genera of polyhedral embeddings of cubic graph

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    In this article we present theoretical and computational results on the existence of polyhedral embeddings of graphs. The emphasis is on cubic graphs. We also describe an efficient algorithm to compute all polyhedral embeddings of a given cubic graph and constructions for cubic graphs with some special properties of their polyhedral embeddings. Some key results are that even cubic graphs with a polyhedral embedding on the torus can also have polyhedral embeddings in arbitrarily high genus, in fact in a genus {\em close} to the theoretical maximum for that number of vertices, and that there is no bound on the number of genera in which a cubic graph can have a polyhedral embedding. While these results suggest a large variety of polyhedral embeddings, computations for up to 28 vertices suggest that by far most of the cubic graphs do not have a polyhedral embedding in any genus and that the ratio of these graphs is increasing with the number of vertices.Comment: The C-program implementing the algorithm described in this article can be obtained from any of the author

    Constant-factor approximations for asymmetric TSP on nearly-embeddable graphs

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    In the Asymmetric Traveling Salesperson Problem (ATSP) the goal is to find a closed walk of minimum cost in a directed graph visiting every vertex. We consider the approximability of ATSP on topologically restricted graphs. It has been shown by [Oveis Gharan and Saberi 2011] that there exists polynomial-time constant-factor approximations on planar graphs and more generally graphs of constant orientable genus. This result was extended to non-orientable genus by [Erickson and Sidiropoulos 2014]. We show that for any class of \emph{nearly-embeddable} graphs, ATSP admits a polynomial-time constant-factor approximation. More precisely, we show that for any fixed k0k\geq 0, there exist α,β>0\alpha, \beta>0, such that ATSP on nn-vertex kk-nearly-embeddable graphs admits a α\alpha-approximation in time O(nβ)O(n^\beta). The class of kk-nearly-embeddable graphs contains graphs with at most kk apices, kk vortices of width at most kk, and an underlying surface of either orientable or non-orientable genus at most kk. Prior to our work, even the case of graphs with a single apex was open. Our algorithm combines tools from rounding the Held-Karp LP via thin trees with dynamic programming. We complement our upper bounds by showing that solving ATSP exactly on graphs of pathwidth kk (and hence on kk-nearly embeddable graphs) requires time nΩ(k)n^{\Omega(k)}, assuming the Exponential-Time Hypothesis (ETH). This is surprising in light of the fact that both TSP on undirected graphs and Minimum Cost Hamiltonian Cycle on directed graphs are FPT parameterized by treewidth