7,796 research outputs found

    Hardware acceleration of reaction-diffusion systems:a guide to optimisation of pattern formation algorithms using OpenACC

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    Reaction Diffusion Systems (RDS) have widespread applications in computational ecology, biology, computer graphics and the visual arts. For the former applications a major barrier to the development of effective simulation models is their computational complexity - it takes a great deal of processing power to simulate enough replicates such that reliable conclusions can be drawn. Optimizing the computation is thus highly desirable in order to obtain more results with less resources. Existing optimizations of RDS tend to be low-level and GPGPU based. Here we apply the higher-level OpenACC framework to two case studies: a simple RDS to learn the ‘workings’ of OpenACC and a more realistic and complex example. Our results show that simple parallelization directives and minimal data transfer can produce a useful performance improvement. The relative simplicity of porting OpenACC code between heterogeneous hardware is a key benefit to the scientific computing community in terms of speed-up and portability

    Inviwo -- A Visualization System with Usage Abstraction Levels

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    The complexity of today's visualization applications demands specific visualization systems tailored for the development of these applications. Frequently, such systems utilize levels of abstraction to improve the application development process, for instance by providing a data flow network editor. Unfortunately, these abstractions result in several issues, which need to be circumvented through an abstraction-centered system design. Often, a high level of abstraction hides low level details, which makes it difficult to directly access the underlying computing platform, which would be important to achieve an optimal performance. Therefore, we propose a layer structure developed for modern and sustainable visualization systems allowing developers to interact with all contained abstraction levels. We refer to this interaction capabilities as usage abstraction levels, since we target application developers with various levels of experience. We formulate the requirements for such a system, derive the desired architecture, and present how the concepts have been exemplary realized within the Inviwo visualization system. Furthermore, we address several specific challenges that arise during the realization of such a layered architecture, such as communication between different computing platforms, performance centered encapsulation, as well as layer-independent development by supporting cross layer documentation and debugging capabilities

    Creating and controlling visual environments using BonVision.

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    Real-time rendering of closed-loop visual environments is important for next-generation understanding of brain function and behaviour, but is often prohibitively difficult for non-experts to implement and is limited to few laboratories worldwide. We developed BonVision as an easy-to-use open-source software for the display of virtual or augmented reality, as well as standard visual stimuli. BonVision has been tested on humans and mice, and is capable of supporting new experimental designs in other animal models of vision. As the architecture is based on the open-source Bonsai graphical programming language, BonVision benefits from native integration with experimental hardware. BonVision therefore enables easy implementation of closed-loop experiments, including real-time interaction with deep neural networks, and communication with behavioural and physiological measurement and manipulation devices

    Volumetric Medical Images Visualization on Mobile Devices

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    Volumetric medical images visualization is an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Through history, one of the most dificult tasks for Medicine Specialists has been the accurate location of broken bones and of the damaged tissues during Chemotherapy treatment, among other applications; like techniques used in Neurological Studies. Thus these situations enhance the need of visualization in Medicine. New technologies, the improvement and development of new hardware as well as software and the updating of old ones for graphic applications have resulted in specialized systems for medical visualization. However the use of these techniques in mobile devices has been poor due to its low performance. In our work, we propose a client-server scheme, where the model is compressed in the server side and is reconstructed in a nal thin-client device. The technique restricts the natural density values to achieve good bone visualization in medical models, transforming the rest of the data to zero. Our proposal uses a tridimensional Haar Wavelet Function locally applied inside units blocks of 16x16x16, similar to the Wavelet Based 3D Compression Scheme for Interactive Visualization of Very Large Volume Data approach. We also implement a quantization algorithm which handles error coeficients according to the frequency distributions of these coe cients. Finally, we made an evaluation of the volume visualization; on current mobile devices .We present the speci cations for the implementation of our technique in the Nokia n900 Mobile Phone

    Implementation and Applications of Art-directable Ocean Simulation Tools

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    Ocean effects are important aspects of the filmmaking. They help to establish emotions and dynamism via the behaviors of the oceans, and provides the different atmosphere for storytelling by creating various ocean scenarios. Gilligan is a prototype environmental scene simulator, whose core technique of the ocean simulation has been widely used in feature film productions. This thesis develops ocean simulation tools working with Maya and Houdini with the techniques provided by Gilligan. The Gilligan-Maya workflow executes ocean simulation methods in Gilligan to simulate oceans. The Gilligan-Houdini workflow integrates Gilligan into Houdini, containing a Houdini wrapper of Gilligan, along with a series of Houdini digital assets to support the usage. Artists can use these tools to generate ocean effects, with controls to simplify the production workflow, and well-exposed to all the simulation data for advanced development. This thesis demonstrates several applications with different ocean effects scenarios: ocean environment creation, ocean with floating objects, and ocean character effects