11,237 research outputs found

    Digital signal processor and processing method for GPS receivers

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    A digital signal processor and processing method therefor for use in receivers of the NAVSTAR/GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) employs a digital carrier down-converter, digital code correlator and digital tracking processor. The digital carrier down-converter and code correlator consists of an all-digital, minimum bit implementation that utilizes digital chip and phase advancers, providing exceptional control and accuracy in feedback phase and in feedback delay. Roundoff and commensurability errors can be reduced to extremely small values (e.g., less than 100 nanochips and 100 nanocycles roundoff errors and 0.1 millichip and 1 millicycle commensurability errors). The digital tracking processor bases the fast feedback for phase and for group delay in the C/A, P.sub.1, and P.sub.2 channels on the L.sub.1 C/A carrier phase thereby maintaining lock at lower signal-to-noise ratios, reducing errors in feedback delays, reducing the frequency of cycle slips and in some cases obviating the need for quadrature processing in the P channels. Simple and reliable methods are employed for data bit synchronization, data bit removal and cycle counting. Improved precision in averaged output delay values is provided by carrier-aided data-compression techniques. The signal processor employs purely digital operations in the sense that exactly the same carrier phase and group delay measurements are obtained, to the last decimal place, every time the same sampled data (i.e., exactly the same bits) are processed

    Joining Extractions of Regular Expressions

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    Regular expressions with capture variables, also known as "regex formulas," extract relations of spans (interval positions) from text. These relations can be further manipulated via Relational Algebra as studied in the context of document spanners, Fagin et al.'s formal framework for information extraction. We investigate the complexity of querying text by Conjunctive Queries (CQs) and Unions of CQs (UCQs) on top of regex formulas. We show that the lower bounds (NP-completeness and W[1]-hardness) from the relational world also hold in our setting; in particular, hardness hits already single-character text! Yet, the upper bounds from the relational world do not carry over. Unlike the relational world, acyclic CQs, and even gamma-acyclic CQs, are hard to compute. The source of hardness is that it may be intractable to instantiate the relation defined by a regex formula, simply because it has an exponential number of tuples. Yet, we are able to establish general upper bounds. In particular, UCQs can be evaluated with polynomial delay, provided that every CQ has a bounded number of atoms (while unions and projection can be arbitrary). Furthermore, UCQ evaluation is solvable with FPT (Fixed-Parameter Tractable) delay when the parameter is the size of the UCQ

    Using a damper amplification factor to increase energy dissipation in structures

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    AbstractFluid dampers are an important tool for dissipating unwanted vibrations in a range of engineering structures. This paper examines the effects of amplifying the displacements transferred to a non-linear damper, to increase the effectiveness of the damper in a range of situations commonly encountered in civil engineering structures. These include, (i) the ability to “fine tune” the required damping for a particular size damper, (ii) the ability to have a set of the same size dampers, but with different amplification factors to achieve a specific damping task, and (iii) to increase the sensitivity of the damper to small movements which effectively extends the range over which the damper works. Through numerical simulations and experimental tests conducted on a non-linear damper, we quantify the potential advantages of adding an amplification factor and the range of parameters where the benefit to this device is significant. The example of a two-storey structure is used as a test case and real-time dynamic substructuring tests are used to assess the complete system performance using a range of different amplification factors. The results show that the structural performance is most improved for frequencies close to resonance and that the amplification factor has an effective limit that for the case considered in this study is of approximately 3. The effects of the mechanism compliance are also assessed

    Data analysis of gravitational-wave signals from spinning neutron stars. III. Detection statistics and computational requirements

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    We develop the analytic and numerical tools for data analysis of the gravitational-wave signals from spinning neutron stars for ground-based laser interferometric detectors. We study in detail the statistical properties of the optimum functional that need to be calculated in order to detect the gravitational-wave signal from a spinning neutron star and estimate its parameters. We derive formulae for false alarm and detection probabilities both for the optimal and the suboptimal filters. We assess the computational requirements needed to do the signal search. We compare a number of criteria to build sufficiently accurate templates for our data analysis scheme. We verify the validity of our concepts and formulae by means of the Monte Carlo simulations. We present algorithms by which one can estimate the parameters of the continuous signals accurately.Comment: LaTeX, 45 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    An investigation into glottal waveform based speech coding

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    Coding of voiced speech by extraction of the glottal waveform has shown promise in improving the efficiency of speech coding systems. This thesis describes an investigation into the performance of such a system. The effect of reverberation on the radiation impedance at the lips is shown to be negligible under normal conditions. Also, the accuracy of the Image Method for adding artificial reverberation to anechoic speech recordings is established. A new algorithm, Pre-emphasised Maximum Likelihood Epoch Detection (PMLED), for Glottal Closure Instant detection is proposed. The algorithm is tested on natural speech and is shown to be both accurate and robust. Two techniques for giottai waveform estimation, Closed Phase Inverse Filtering (CPIF) and Iterative Adaptive Inverse Filtering (IAIF), are compared. In tandem with an LF model fitting procedure, both techniques display a high degree of accuracy However, IAIF is found to be slightly more robust. Based on these results, a Glottal Excited Linear Predictive (GELP) coding system for voiced speech is proposed and tested. Using a differential LF parameter quantisation scheme, the system achieves speech quality similar to that of U S Federal Standard 1016 CELP at a lower mean bit rate while incurring no extra delay

    Power series approximations for two-class generalized processor sharing systems

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    We develop power series approximations for a discrete-time queueing system with two parallel queues and one processor. If both queues are nonempty, a customer of queue 1 is served with probability beta, and a customer of queue 2 is served with probability 1-beta. If one of the queues is empty, a customer of the other queue is served with probability 1. We first describe the generating function U(z (1),z (2)) of the stationary queue lengths in terms of a functional equation, and show how to solve this using the theory of boundary value problems. Then, we propose to use the same functional equation to obtain a power series for U(z (1),z (2)) in beta. The first coefficient of this power series corresponds to the priority case beta=0, which allows for an explicit solution. All higher coefficients are expressed in terms of the priority case. Accurate approximations for the mean stationary queue lengths are obtained from combining truncated power series and Pad, approximation