8 research outputs found

    Characterisations of elementary pseudo-caps and good eggs

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    In this note, we use the theory of Desarguesian spreads to investigate good eggs. Thas showed that an egg in PG(4n1,q)\mathrm{PG}(4n-1, q), qq odd, with two good elements is elementary. By a short combinatorial argument, we show that a similar statement holds for large pseudo-caps, in odd and even characteristic. As a corollary, this improves and extends the result of Thas, Thas and Van Maldeghem (2006) where one needs at least 4 good elements of an egg in even characteristic to obtain the same conclusion. We rephrase this corollary to obtain a characterisation of the generalised quadrangle T3(O)T_3(\mathcal{O}) of Tits. Lavrauw (2005) characterises elementary eggs in odd characteristic as those good eggs containing a space that contains at least 5 elements of the egg, but not the good element. We provide an adaptation of this characterisation for weak eggs in odd and even characteristic. As a corollary, we obtain a direct geometric proof for the theorem of Lavrauw

    Generalized quadrangles of orrder (s, s2), I

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    AbstractIn this paper generalized quadrangles of order (s, s2), s > 1, satisfying property (G) at a line, at a pair of points, or at a flag, are studied. Property (G) was introduced by S. E. Payne (Geom. Dedicata32 (1989), 93–118) and is weaker than 3-regularity (see S. E. Payne and J. A. Thas, “Finite Generalized Quadrangles,” Pitman, London, 1984). It was shown by Payne that each generalized quadrangle of order (s2, s), s > 1, arising from a flock of a quadratic cone, has property (G) at its point (∞). In particular translation generalized quadrangles satisfying property (G) are considered here. As an application it is proved that the Roman generalized quadrangles of Payne contain at least s3 + s2 classical subquadrangles Q(4, s). Also, as a by-product, several classes of ovoids of Q(4, s), s odd, are obtained; one of these classes is new. The goal of Part II is the classification of all translation generalized quadrangles satisfying property (G) at some flag ((∞), L)

    Finite semifields and nonsingular tensors

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    In this article, we give an overview of the classification results in the theory of finite semifields (note that this is not intended as a survey of finite semifields including a complete state of the art (see also Remark 1.10)) and elaborate on the approach using nonsingular tensors based on Liebler (Geom Dedicata 11(4):455-464, 1981)

    On generalized quadrangles with some concurrent axes of symmetry

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    Let S be a finite Generalized Quadrangle (GQ) of order (s, t), s not equal 1 not equal t, and suppose L is a line of S. A symmetry about L is an automorphism of S which fixes every line concurrent with L. A line L is an axis of symmetry if there is a full group of size s of symmetries about L. A point of a generalized quadrangle is a translation point if every line through it is an axis of symmetry. If there is a point p in a GQ S = (P, B, 1) for which there is a group G of automorphisms of the GQ which fixes p linewise, and such that G acts regularly on the points of P \ p(perpendicular to), then S is called an elation generalized quadrangle, and instead of S, often the notations (S-(P), G) or S(P) are used. If G is abelian, then (S-(P), G) is a translation generalized quadrangle (TGQ), and a GQ is a TGQ S-(P) if and only if p is a translation point, see [9]. We study the following two problems. (1) Suppose S is a G Q of order (8, t) s not equal 1 not equal t. How many distinct axes of symmetry through the same point p are needed to conclude that every line through p is an axis of symmetry, and hence that S-(P) is a TGQ? (2) Given a TGQ (S-(P), G), what is the minimum number of distinct lines through p such that G is generated by the symmetries about these lines

    Flocks, ovoids and generalized quadrangles

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    In this paper we will discuss some of the connections between flocks of quadratic cones, ovoids of PG(3, q) and generalized quadrangles

    Characterising substructures of finite projective spaces

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