615 research outputs found

    A Charge-Recycling Scheme and Ultra Low Voltage Self-Startup Charge Pump for Highly Energy Efficient Mixed Signal Systems-On-A-Chip

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    The advent of battery operated sensor-based electronic systems has provided a pressing need to design energy-efficient, ultra-low power integrated circuits as a means to improve the battery lifetime. This dissertation describes a scheme to lower the power requirement of a digital circuit through the use of charge-recycling and dynamic supply-voltage scaling techniques. The novel charge-recycling scheme proposed in this research demonstrates the feasibility of operating digital circuits using the charge scavenged from the leakage and dynamic load currents inherent to digital design. The proposed scheme efficiently gathers the “ground-bound” charge into storage capacitor banks. This reclaimed charge is then subsequently recycled to power the source digital circuit. The charge-recycling methodology has been implemented on a 12-bit Gray-code counter operating at frequencies of less than 50 MHz. The circuit has been designed in a 90-nm process and measurement results reveal more than 41% reduction in the average energy consumption of the counter. The total energy savings including the power consumed for the generation of control signals aggregates to an average of 23%. The proposed methodology can be applied to an existing digital path without any design change to the circuit but with only small loss to the performance. Potential applications of this scheme are described, specifically in wide-temperature dynamic power reduction and as a source for energy harvesters. The second part of this dissertation deals with the design and development of a self-starting, ultra-low voltage, switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converter that is essential to an energy harvesting system. The proposed charge-pump based SC-converter operates from 125-mV input and thus enables battery-less operation in ultra-low voltage energy harvesters. The charge pump does not require any external components or expensive post-fabrication processing to enable low-voltage operation. This design has been implemented in a 130-nm CMOS process. While the proposed charge pump provides significant efficiency enhancement in energy harvesters, it can also be incorporated within charge recycling systems to facilitate adaptable charge-recycling levels. In total, this dissertation provides key components needed for highly energy-efficient mixed signal systems-on-a-chip

    Integrated high-voltage switched-capacitor DC-DC converters

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    The focus of this work is on the integrated circuit (IC) level integration of high-voltage switched-capacitor (SC) converters with the goal of fully integrated power management solutions for system-on-chip (SoC) and system-in-pagage (SiP) applications. The full integration of SC converters provides a low cost and compact power supply solution for modern electronics. Currently, there are almost no fully integrated SC converters with input voltages above 5 V. The purpose of this work is to provide solutions for higher input voltages. The increasing challenges of a compact and efficient power supply on the chip are addressed. High-voltage rated components and the increased losses caused by parasitics not only reduce power density but also efficiency. Loss mechanisms in high-voltage SC converters are investigated resulting in an optimized model for high-voltage SC converters. The model developed allows an appropriate comparison of different semiconductor technologies and converter topologies. Methods and design proposals for loss reduction are presented. Control of power switches with their supporting circuits is a further challenge for high-voltage SC converters. The aim of this work is to develop fully integrated SC converters with a wide input voltage range. Different topologies and concepts are investigated. The implemented fully integrated SC converter has an input voltage range of 2 V to 13 V. This is twice the range of existing converters. This is achieved by an implemented buck and boost mode as well as 17 conversion ratios. Experimental results show a peak efficiency of 81.5%. This is the highest published peak efficiency for fully integrated SC converters with an input voltage > 5V. With the help of the model developed in this work, a three-phase SC converter topology for input voltages up to 60 V is derived and then investigated and discussed. Another focus of this work is on the power supply of sensor nodes and smart home applications with low-power consumption. Highly integrated micro power supplies that operate directly from mains voltage are particularly suitable for these applications. The micro power supply proposed in this work utilizes the high-voltage SC converter developed. The output power is 14 times higher and the power density eleven times higher than prior work. Since plenty of power switches are built into modern multi-ratio SC converters, the switch control circuits must be optimized with regard to low-power consumption and area requirements. In this work, different level shifter concepts are investigated and a low-power high-voltage level shifter for 50 V applications based on a capacitive level shifter is introduced. The level shifter developed exceeds the state of the art by a factor of more than eleven with a power consumption of 2.1pJ per transition. A propagation delay of 1.45 ns is achieved. The presented high-voltage level shifter is the first level shifter for 50 V applications with a propagation delay below 2 ns and power consumption below 20pJ per transition. Compared to the state of the art, the figure of merit is significantly improved by a factor of two. Furthermore, various charge pump concepts are investigated and evaluated within the context of this work. The charge pump, optimized in this work, improves the state of the art by a factor of 1.6 in terms of efficiency. Bidirectional switches must be implemented at certain locations within the power stage to prevent reverse conduction. The topology of a bidirectional switch developed in this work reduces the dynamic switching losses by 70% and the area consumption including the required charge pumps by up to 65% compared to the state of the art. These improvements make it possible to control the power switches in a fast and efficient way. Index terms — integrated power management, high input voltage, multi-ratio SC converter, level shifter, bidirectional switch, micro power supplyDer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Erforschung von Switched-Capacitor (SC) Spannungswandler für höhere Eingangsspannungen. Ziel der Arbeit ist es Lösungen für ein voll auf dem Halbleiterchip integriertes Power Management anzubieten um System on Chip (SoC) und System in Package (SiP) zu ermöglichen. Die vollständige Integration von SC Spannungswandlern bietet eine kostengünstige und kompakte Spannungsversorgungslösung für moderne Elektronik. Der kontinuierliche Trend hin zu immer kompakterer Elektronik und hin zu höheren Versorgungsspannungen wird in dieser Arbeit adressiert. Aktuell gibt es sehr wenige voll integrierte SC Spannungswandler mit einer Eingangsspannung größer 5 V. Die mit steigender Spannung zunehmenden Herausforderungen an eine kompakte und effiziente Spannungsversorgung auf dem Chip werden in dieser Arbeit untersucht. Die höhere Spannungsfestigkeit der verwendeten Komponenten korreliert mit erhöhten Verlusten und erhöhtem Flächenverbrauch, welche sich negativ auf den Wirkungsgrad und die Leistungsdichte von SC Spannungswandlern auswirkt. Bestandteil dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung dieser Verlustmechanismen und die Entwicklung eines Modells, welches speziell für höhere Spannungen optimiert wurde. Das vorgestellte Modell ermöglicht zum einen die optimale Dimensionierung der Spannungswandler und zum anderen faire Vergleichsmöglichkeiten zwischen verschiedenen SC Spannungswandler Architekturen und Halbleitertechnologien. Demnach haben sowohl die gewählte Architektur und Halbleitertechnologie als auch die Kombination aus gewählter Architektur und Technologie erheblichen Einfluss auf die Leistungsfähigkeit der Spannungswandler. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Vollintegration eines SC Spannungswandlers mit einem weiten und hohen Eingangsspannungsbereich zu entwickeln. Dazu wurden verschiedene Schaltungsarchitekturen und Konzepte untersucht. Der vorgestellte vollintegrierte SC Spannungswandler weist einen Eingangsspannungsbereich von 2 V bis 13 V auf. Dies ist eine Verdopplung im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik. Dies wird durch einen implementierten Auf- und Abwärtswandler-Betriebsmodus sowie 17 Übersetzungsverhältnisse erreicht. Experimentelle Ergebnisse zeigen einen Spitzenwirkungsgrad von 81.5%. Dies ist der höchste veröffentlichte Spitzenwirkungsgrad für vollintegrierte SC Spannungswandler mit einer Eingangsspannung größer 5 V. Mit Hilfe des in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Modells wird eine dreiphasige SC Spannungswandler Architektur für Eingangsspannungen bis zu 60 V entwickelt und anschließend analysiert und diskutiert. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit adressiert die kompakte Spannungsversorgung von Sensorknoten mit geringem Stromverbrauch, für Anwendungen wie Smart Home und Internet der Dinge (IoT). Für diese Anwendungen eignen sich besonders gut hochintegrierte Mikro-Netzteile, welche direkt mit dem 230VRMS-Hausnetz (bzw. 110VRMS) betrieben werden können. Das in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Mikro-Netzteil nutzt einen in dieser Arbeit entwickelten SC Spannungswandler für hohe Eingangsspannungen. Die damit erzielte Ausgangsleistung ist 14-mal größer im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik. In SC Spannungswandlern für hohe Spannungen werden viele Leistungsschalter benötigt, deshalb muss bei der Schalteransteuerung besonders auf einen geringen Leistungsverbrauch und Flächenbedarf der benötigten Schaltungsblöcke geachtet werden. Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist sowohl die Analyse verschiedener Konzepte für Pegelumsetzer, als auch die Entwicklung eines stromsparenden Pegelumsetzers für 50 V-Anwendungen. Mit einer Leistungsaufnahme von 2.1pJ pro Signalübergang reduziert der entwickelte Pegelumsetzer mit kapazitiver Kopplung um mehr als elfmal die Leistungsaufnahme im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik. Die erreichte Laufzeitverzögerung beträgt 1.45 ns. Damit erzielt der vorgestellte Hochspannungs-Pegelumsetzer als erster Pegelumsetzer für 50 V-Anwendungen eine Laufzeitverzögerung unter 2 ns und eine Leistungsaufnahme unter 20pJ pro Signalwechsel. Im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik wird die Leistungskennzahl um den Faktor zwei deutlich verbessert. Darüber hinaus werden im Rahmen dieser Arbeiten verschiedene Ladungspumpenkonzepte untersucht und bewertet. Die in dieser Arbeit optimierte Ladungspumpe verbessert den Stand der Technik um den Faktor 1.6 in Bezug auf den Wirkungsgrad. Die in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Schaltungsarchitektur eines bidirektionalen Schalters reduziert die dynamischen Schaltverluste um 70% und den benötigten Flächenbedarf inklusive der benötigten Ladungspumpe um bis zu 65% gegenüber dem Stand der Technik. Diese Verbesserungen ermöglichen es, die Leistungsschalter schnell und effizient anzusteuern. Schlagworte — Integriertes Powermanagement, hohe Eingangsspannung, Multi-Ratio SC Spannungswan- dler, Pegelumsetzer, bidirektionaler Schalter, Mikro-Netztei

    Energy processing circuits for low-power applications

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 199-205).Portable electronics have fueled the rich emergence of new applications including multi-media handsets, ubiquitous smart sensors and actuators, and wearable or implantable biomedical devices. New ultra-low power circuit techniques are constantly being proposed to further improve the energy efficiency of electronic circuits. A critical part of these energy conscious systems are the energy processing and power delivery circuits that interface with the energy sources and provide conditioned voltage and current levels to the load circuits. These energy processing circuits must maintain high efficiency and reduce component count for the final solution to be attractive from an energy, size and cost perspective. The first part of this work focuses on the development of on-chip voltage scalable switched capacitor DC-DC converters in digital CMOS processes. The converters are designed to deliver regulated scalable load voltages from 0.3V up to the battery voltage of 1.2V for ultra-dynamic voltage scaled systems. The efficiency limiting mechanisms of these on-chip DC-DC converters are analyzed and digital circuit techniques are proposed to tackle these losses. Measurement results from 3 test-chips implemented in 0.18pm and 65nm CMOS processes will be provided. The converters are able to maintain >75% efficiency over a wide range of load voltage and power levels while delivering load currents up to 8mA. An embedded switched capacitor DC-DC converter that acts as the power delivery unit in a 65nm subthreshold microcontroller system will be described. The remainder of the thesis deals with energy management circuits for battery-less systems. Harvesting ambient vibrational, light or thermal energy holds much promise in realizing the goal of a self-powered system. The second part of the thesis identifies problems with commonly used interface circuits for piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters and proposes a rectifier design that gives more than 4X improvement in output power extracted from the piezoelectric energy harvester. The rectifier designs are demonstrated with the help of a test-chip built in a 0.35pm CMOS process. The inductor used within the rectifier is shared efficiently with a multitude of DC-DC converters in the energy harvesting chip leading to a compact, cost-efficient solution. The DC-DC converters designed as part of a complete power management solution achieve efficiencies of greater than 85% even in the micro-watt power levels output by the harvester. The final part of the thesis deals with thermal energy harvesters to extract electrical power from body heat. Thermal harvesters in body-worn applications output ultra-low voltages of the order of 10's of milli-volts. This presents extreme challenges to CMOS circuits that are powered by the harvester. The final part of the thesis presents a new startup technique that allows CMOS circuits to interface directly with and extract power out of thermoelectric generators without the need for an external battery, clock or reference generators. The mechanically assisted startup circuit is demonstrated with the help of a test-chip built in a 0.35pm CMOS process and can work from as low as 35mV. This enables load circuits like processors and radios to operate directly of the thermoelectric generator without the aid of a battery. A complete power management solution is provided that can extract electrical power efficiently from the harvester independent of the input voltage conditions. With the help of closed-loop control techniques, the energy processing circuit is able to maintain efficiency over a wide range of load voltage and process variations.by Yogesh Kumar Ramadass.Ph.D

    Low energy digital circuits in advanced nanometer technologies

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    The demand for portable devices and the continuing trend towards the Internet ofThings (IoT) have made of energy consumption one of the main concerns in the industry and researchers. The most efficient way of reducing the energy consump-tion of digital circuits is decreasing the supply voltage (Vdd) since the dynamicenergy quadratically depends onVdd. Several works have shown that an optimumsupply voltage exists that minimizes the energy consumption of digital circuits. This optimum supply voltage is usually around 200 mV and 400 mV dependingon the circuit and technology used. To obtain these low supply voltages, on-chipdc-dc converters with high efficiency are needed.This thesis focuses on the study of subthreshold digital systems in advancednanometer technologies. These systems usually can be divided into a Power Man-agement Unit (PMU) and a digital circuit operating at the subthreshold regime.In particular, while considering the PMU, one of the key circuits is the dc-dcconverter. This block converts the voltage from the power source (battery, supercapacitor or wireless power transfer link) to a voltage between 200 mV and 400mV in order to power the digital circuit. In this thesis, we developed two chargerecycling techniques in order to improve the efficiency of switched capacitors dc-dcconverters. The first one is based on a technique used in adiabatic circuits calledstepwise charging. This technique was used in circuits and applications wherethe switching consumption of a big capacitance is very important. We analyzedthe possibility of using this technique in switched capacitor dc-dc converters withintegrated capacitors. We showed through measurements that a 29% reductionin the gate drive losses can be obtained with this technique. The second one isa simplification of stepwise charging which can be applied in some architecturesof switched capacitors dc-dc converters. We also fabricated and tested a dc-dcconverter with this technique and obtained a 25% energy reduction in the drivingof the switches that implement the converter.Furthermore, we studied the digital circuit working in the subthreshold regime,in particular, operating at the minimum energy point. We studied different modelsfor circuits working in these conditions and improved them by considering thedifferences between the NMOS and PMOS transistors. We obtained an optimumNMOS/PMOS leakage current imbalance that minimizes the total leakage energy per operation. This optimum depends on the architecture of the digital circuitand the input data. However, we also showed that important energy reductionscan be obtained by operating at a mean optimum imbalance. We proposed two techniques to achieve the optimum imbalance. We used aFully Depleted Silicon on Insulator (FD-SOI) 28 nm technology for most of the simulations, but we also show that these techniques can be applied in traditionalbulk CMOS technologies. The first one consists in using the back plane voltage of the transistors (or bulk voltage in traditional CMOS) to adjust independently theleakage current of the NMOS and PMOS transistor to work under the optimum NMOS/PMOS leakage current imbalance. We called this approach the OptimumBack Plane Biasing (OBB). A second technique consists of using the length of the transistors to adjust this leakage current imbalance. In the subthreshold regimeand in advanced nanometer technologies a moderate increase in the length has little impact in the output capacitance of the gates and thus in the dynamic energy.We called this approach an Asymmetric Length Biasing (ALB). Finally, we use these techniques in some basic circuits such as adders. We show that around 50% energy reduction can be obtained, in a wide range of frequency while working near the minimum energy point and using these techniques. The main contributions of this thesis are: • Analysis of the stepwise charging technique in small capacitances. •Implementation of stepwise charging technique as a charge recycling tech-nique for efficiency improvement in switched capacitor dc-dc converters. • Development of a charge sharing technique for efficiency improvement inswitched capacitor dc-dc converters. • Analysis of minimum operating voltage of digital circuits due to intrinsicnoise and the impact of technology scaling in this minimum. • Improvement in the modeling of the minimum energy point while considering NMOS and PMOS transistors difference. • Demonstration of the existence of an optimum leakage current imbalance be-tween the NMOS and PMOS transistors that minimizes energy consumptionin the subthreshold regiion. • Development of a back plane (bulk) voltage strategy for working in this optimum.• Development of a sizing strategy for working in the aforementioned optimum. • Analysis of the impact of architecture and input data on the optimum im-balance. The thesis is based on the publications [1–8]. During the Ph.D. program, other publications were generated [9–16] that are partially related with the thesis butwere not included in it.La constante demanda de dispositivos portables y los avances hacia la Internet de las Cosas han hecho del consumo de energía uno de los mayores desafíos y preocupación en la industria y la academia. La forma más eficiente de reducir el consumo de energía de los circuitos digitales es reduciendo su voltaje de alimentación ya que la energía dinámica depende de manera cuadrática con dicho voltaje. Varios trabajos demostraron que existe un voltaje de alimentación óptimo, que minimiza la energía consumida para realizar cierta operación en un circuito digital, llamado punto de mínima energía. Este óptimo voltaje se encuentra usualmente entre 200 mV y 400 mV dependiendo del circuito y de la tecnología utilizada. Para obtener estos voltajes de alimentación de la fuente de energía, se necesitan conversores dc-dc integrados con alta eficiencia. Esta tesis se concentra en el estudio de sistemas digitales trabajando en la región sub umbral diseñados en tecnologías nanométricas avanzadas (28 nm). Estos sistemas se pueden dividir usualmente en dos bloques, uno llamado bloque de manejo de potencia, y el segundo, el circuito digital operando en la region sub umbral. En particular, en lo que corresponde al bloque de manejo de potencia, el circuito más crítico es en general el conversor dc-dc. Este circuito convierte el voltaje de una batería (o super capacitor o enlace de transferencia inalámbrica de energía o unidad de cosechado de energía) en un voltaje entre 200 mV y 400 mV para alimentar el circuito digital en su voltaje óptimo. En esta tesis desarrollamos dos técnicas que, mediante el reciclado de carga, mejoran la eficiencia de los conversores dc-dc a capacitores conmutados. La primera es basada en una técnica utilizada en circuitos adiabáticos que se llama carga gradual o a pasos. Esta técnica se ha utilizado en circuitos y aplicaciones en donde el consumo por la carga y descarga de una capacidad grande es dominante. Nosotros analizamos la posibilidad de utilizar esta técnica en conversores dc-dc a capacitores conmutados con capacitores integrados. Se demostró a través de medidas que se puede reducir en un 29% el consumo debido al encendido y apagado de las llaves que implementan el conversor dc-dc. La segunda técnica, es una simplificación de la primera, la cual puede ser aplicada en ciertas arquitecturas de conversores dc-dc a capacitores conmutados. También se fabricó y midió un conversor con esta técnica y se obtuvo una reducción del 25% en la energía consumida por el manejo de las llaves del conversor. Por otro lado, estudiamos los circuitos digitales operando en la región sub umbral y en particular cerca del punto de mínima energía. Estudiamos diferentes modelos para circuitos operando en estas condiciones y los mejoramos considerando las diferencias entre los transistores NMOS y PMOS. Mediante este modelo demostramos que existe un óptimo en la relación entre las corrientes de fuga de ambos transistores que minimiza la energía de fuga consumida por operación. Este óptimo depende de la arquitectura del circuito digital y ademas de los datos de entrada del circuito. Sin embargo, demostramos que se puede reducir el consumo de manera considerable al operar en un óptimo promedio. Propusimos dos técnicas para alcanzar la relación óptima. Utilizamos una tecnología FD-SOI de 28nm para la mayoría de las simulaciones, pero también mostramos que estas técnicas pueden ser utilizadas en tecnologías bulk convencionales. La primer técnica, consiste en utilizar el voltaje de la puerta trasera (o sustrato en CMOS convencional) para ajustar de manera independiente las corrientes del NMOS y PMOS para que el circuito trabaje en el óptimo de la relación de corrientes. Esta técnica la llamamos polarización de voltaje de puerta trasera óptimo. La segunda técnica, consiste en utilizar los largos de los transistores para ajustar las corrientes de fugas de cada transistor y obtener la relación óptima. Trabajando en la región sub umbral y en tecnologías avanzadas, incrementar moderadamente el largo del transistor tiene poco impacto en la energía dinámica y es por eso que se puede utilizar. Finalmente, utilizamos estas técnicas en circuitos básicos como sumadores y mostramos que se puede obtener una reducción de la energía consumida de aproximadamente 50%, en un amplio rango de frecuencias, mientras estos circuitos trabajan cerca del punto de energía mínima. Las principales contribuciones de la tesis son: • Análisis de la técnica de carga gradual o a pasos en capacidades pequeñas. • Implementación de la técnica de carga gradual para la mejora de eficiencia de conversores dc-dc a capacitores conmutados. • Simplificación de la técnica de carga gradual para mejora de la eficiencia en algunas arquitecturas de conversores dc-dc de capacitores conmutados. • Análisis del mínimo voltaje de operación en circuitos digitales debido al ruido intrínseco del dispositivo y el impacto del escalado de las tecnologías en el mismo. • Mejoras en el modelado del punto de energía mínima de operación de un circuito digital en el cual se consideran las diferencias entre el transistor PMOS y NMOS. • Demostración de la existencia de un óptimo en la relación entre las corrientes de fuga entre el NMOS y PMOS que minimiza la energía de fugas consumida en la región sub umbral. • Desarrollo de una estrategia de polarización del voltaje de puerta trasera para que el circuito digital trabaje en el óptimo antes mencionado. • Desarrollo de una estrategia para el dimensionado de los transistores que componen las compuertas digitales que permite al circuito digital operar en el óptimo antes mencionado. • Análisis del impacto de la arquitectura del circuito y de los datos de entrada del mismo en el óptimo antes mencionado

    Low-Power Energy Efficient Circuit Techniques for Small IoT Systems

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    Although the improvement in circuit speed has been limited in recent years, there has been increased focus on the internet of things (IoT) as technology scaling has decreased circuit size, power usage and cost. This trend has led to the development of many small sensor systems with affordable costs and diverse functions, offering people convenient connection with and control over their surroundings. This dissertation discusses the major challenges and their solutions in realizing small IoT systems, focusing on non-digital blocks, such as power converters and analog sensing blocks, which have difficulty in following the traditional scaling trends of digital circuits. To accommodate the limited energy storage and harvesting capacity of small IoT systems, this dissertation presents an energy harvester and voltage regulators with low quiescent power and good efficiency in ultra-low power ranges. Switched-capacitor-based converters with wide-range energy-efficient voltage-controlled oscillators assisted by power-efficient self-oscillating voltage doublers and new cascaded converter topologies for more conversion ratio configurability achieve efficient power conversion down to several nanowatts. To further improve the power efficiency of these systems, analog circuits essential to most wireless IoT systems are also discussed and improved. A capacitance-to-digital sensor interface and a clocked comparator design are improved by their digital-like implementation and operation in phase and frequency domain. Thanks to the removal of large passive elements and complex analog blocks, both designs achieve excellent area reduction while maintaining state-of-art energy efficiencies. Finally, a technique for removing dynamic voltage and temperature variations is presented as smaller circuits in advanced technologies are more vulnerable to these variations. A 2-D simultaneous feedback control using an on-chip oven control locks the supply voltage and temperature of a small on-chip domain and protects circuits in this locked domain from external voltage and temperature changes, demonstrating 0.0066 V/V and 0.013 °C/°C sensitivities to external changes. Simple digital implementation of the sensors and most parts of the control loops allows robust operation within wide voltage and temperature ranges.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138743/1/wanyeong_1.pd

    Power management systems based on switched-capacitor DC-DC converter for low-power wearable applications

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    The highly efficient ultra-low-power management unit is essential in powering low-power wearable electronics. Such devices are powered by a single input source, either by a battery or with the help of a renewable energy source. Thus, there is a demand for an energy conversion unit, in this case, a DC-DC converter, which can perform either step-up or step-down conversions to provide the required voltage at the load. Energy scavenging with a boost converter is an intriguing choice since it removes the necessity of bulky batteries and considerably extends the battery life. Wearable devices are typically powered by a monolithic battery. The commonly available battery such as Alkaline or Lithium-ion, degrade over time due to their life spans as it is limited by the number of charge cycles- which depend highly on the environmental and loading condition. Thus, once it reaches the maximum number of life cycles, the battery needs to be replaced. The operation of the wearable devices is limited by usable duration, which depends on the energy density of the battery. Once the stored energy is depleted, the operation of wearable devices is also affected, and hence it needs to be recharged. The energy harvesters- which gather the available energy from the surroundings, however, have no limitation on operating life. The application can become battery-less given that harvestable energy is sufficiently powering the low-power devices. Although the energy harvester may not completely replace the battery source, it ensures the maximum duration of use and assists to become autonomous and self-sustain devices. The photovoltaic (PV) cell is a promising candidate as a hypothetical input supply source among the energy harvesters due to its smaller area and high power density over other harvesters. Solar energy use PV harvester can convert ambient light energy into electrical energy and keep it in the storage device. The harvested output of PV cannot directly connect to wearable loads for two main reasons. Depending on the incoming light, the harvested current result in varying open-circuit voltage. It requires the power management circuit to deal with unregulated input variation. Second, depending on the PV cell's material type and an effective area, the I-V characteristic's performance varies, resulting in a variation of the output power. There are several works of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) methods that allow the solar energy harvester to achieve optimal harvested power. Therefore, the harvested power depends on the size and usually small area cell is sufficient for micro-watt loads low-powered applications. The available harvested voltage, however, is generally very low-voltage range between 0.4-0.6 V. The voltage ratings of electronics in standard wearable applications operate in 1.8-3 V voltages as described in introduction’s application example section. It is higher than the supply source can offer. The overcome the mismatch voltage between source and supply circuit, a DC-DC boost converter is necessary. The switch-mode converters are favoured over the linear converters due to their highly efficient and small area overhead. The inductive converter in the switch-mode converter is common due to its high-efficiency performance. However, the integration of the inductor in the miniaturised integrated on-chip design tends to be bulky. Therefore, the switched-capacitor approach DC-DC converters will be explored in this research. In the switched-capacitor converter universe, there is plenty of work for single-output designs for various topologies. Most converters are reconfigurable to the different DC voltage levels apart from Dickson and cross-coupled charge pump topologies due to their boosting power stage architecture through a number of stages. However, existing multi-output converters are limited to the fixed gain ratio. This work explores the reconfigurable dual-output converter with adjustable gain to compromise the research gap. The thesis's primary focus is to present the inductor-less, switched-capacitor-based DC-DC converter power management system (PMS) supplied by a varying input of PV energy harvester input source. The PMS should deliver highly efficient regulated voltage conversion ratio (VCR) outputs to low-power wearable electronic devices that constitute multi-function building blocks

    Integrated DC-DC boost converters using CMOS silicon on Sapphire Technology

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    With the recent advancements in semiconductor manufacturing towards smaller, faster and more efficient microelectronic systems, the problems of increasing leakage current and reduced breakdown voltage in bulk-CMOS transistors have become substantial in the sub-100-nanometer era. The Peregrine UltraCMOS Silicon-on-Sapphire (SOS) technology that uses highly-insulating sapphire substrate as insulator was introduced to meet the continually growing need for higher performance RF products. The electrically isolated circuit elements in the UltraCMOS technology lead to increased switching speeds and lower power consumption due to reduced junction and parasitic capacitances. Furthermore, the growing need for high-speed switching applications such as boosting a lower voltage level to a higher one gives the UltraCMOS technology an upper hand over the bulk-CMOS process. The limitation to using an UltraCMOS transistor is that its maximum drain to source voltage (VDS ) swing is 2.5V. This thesis aims to address this limitation by studying and implementing various stacking techniques in high power switching applications where voltage switching of higher than 2.5V are required. Fully-integrated DC to DC boost converters with switching circuits based on dynamically self-biased stacked transistors are proposed. For high voltage and high power handling, the proposed stacking techniques equally distribute the overall output voltage to less than 2.5V across each stacked transistor in the switch (V DS of 2.5V)

    An Overview of Fully Integrated Switching Power Converters Based on Switched-Capacitor versus Inductive Approach and Their Advanced Control Aspects

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    This paper reviews and discusses the state of the art of integrated switched-capacitor and integrated inductive power converters and provides a perspective on progress towards the realization of efficient and fully integrated DC–DC power conversion. A comparative assessment has been presented to review the salient features in the utilization of transistor technology between the switched-capacitor and switched inductor converter-based approaches. First, applications that drive the need for integrated switching power converters are introduced, and further implementation issues to be addressed also are discussed. Second, different control and modulation strategies applied to integrated switched-capacitor (voltage conversion ratio control, duty cycle control, switching frequency modulation, Ron modulation, and series low drop out) and inductive converters (pulse width modulation and pulse frequency modulation) are then discussed. Finally, a complete set of integrated power converters are related in terms of their conditions and operation metrics, thereby allowing a categorization to provide the suitability of converter technologies

    A Silicon Carbide Power Management Solution for High Temperature Applications

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    The increasing demand for discrete power devices capable of operating in high temperature and high voltage applications has spurred on the research of semiconductor materials with the potential of breaking through the limitations of traditional silicon. Gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide (SiC), both of which are wide bandgap materials, have garnered the attention of researchers and gradually gained market share. Although these wide bandgap power devices enable more ambitious commercial applications compared to their silicon-based counterparts, reaching their potential is contingent upon developing integrated circuits (ICs) capable of operating in similar environments. The foundation of any electrical system is the ability to efficiently condition and supply power. The work presented in this thesis explores integrated SiC power management solutions in the form of linear regulators and switched capacitor converters. While switched-mode converters provide high efficiency, the requirement of an inductor hinders the development of a compact, integrated solution that can endure harsh operating environments. Although the primary research motivation for wide bandgap ICs has been to provide control and protection circuitry for power devices, the circuitry designed in this work can be incorporated in stand-alone applications as well. Battery or generator powered data acquisition systems targeted towards monitoring industrial machinery is one potential usage scenario

    CMOS indoor light energy harvesting system for wireless sensing applications

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresThis research thesis presents a micro-power light energy harvesting system for indoor environments. Light energy is collected by amorphous silicon photovoltaic (a-Si:H PV) cells, processed by a switched-capacitor (SC) voltage doubler circuit with maximum power point tracking (MPPT), and finally stored in a large capacitor. The MPPT Fractional Open Circuit Voltage (VOC) technique is implemented by an asynchronous state machine (ASM) that creates and, dynamically, adjusts the clock frequency of the step-up SC circuit, matching the input impedance of the SC circuit to the maximum power point (MPP) condition of the PV cells. The ASM has a separate local power supply to make it robust against load variations. In order to reduce the area occupied by the SC circuit, while maintaining an acceptable efficiency value, the SC circuit uses MOSFET capacitors with a charge reusing scheme for the bottom plate parasitic capacitors. The circuit occupies an area of 0.31 mm2 in a 130 nm CMOS technology. The system was designed in order to work under realistic indoor light intensities. Experimental results show that the proposed system, using PV cells with an area of 14 cm2, is capable of starting-up from a 0 V condition, with an irradiance of only 0.32 W/m2. After starting-up, the system requires an irradiance of only 0.18 W/m2 (18 mW/cm2) to remain in operation. The ASM circuit can operate correctly using a local power supply voltage of 453 mV, dissipating only 0.085 mW. These values are, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the lowest reported in the literature. The maximum efficiency of the SC converter is 70.3% for an input power of 48 mW, which is comparable with reported values from circuits operating at similar power levels.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT/MCTES), under project PEst-OE/EEI/UI0066/2011, and to the CTS multiannual funding, through the PIDDAC Program funds. I am also very grateful for the grant SFRH/PROTEC/67683/2010, financially supported by the IPL – Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa