15,662 research outputs found

    Delayed phlegmon with gallstone fragments masquerading as soft tissue sarcoma.

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    Complications from lost gallstones after cholecystectomy are rare but varied from simple perihepatic abscess to empyema and expectoration of gallstones. Gallstone complications have been reported in nearly every organ system, although reports of malignant masquerade of retained gallstones are few. We present the case of an 87-year-old woman with a flank soft tissue tumor 4 years after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The initial clinical, radiographic and biopsy findings were consistent with soft tissue sarcoma (STS), but careful review of her case in multidisciplinary conference raised the suspicion for retained gallstones rather than STS. The patient was treated with incisional biopsy/drainage of the mass, and gallstones were retrieved. The patient recovered completely without an extensive resectional procedure, emphasizing the importance of multidisciplinary sarcoma care to optimize outcomes for potential sarcoma patients

    Intramural pure pigment gall­stones, a case report

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    A case of intramural pure pigment gallstones, which were fortuitously found in post-mortem examination, is presented. The incidence, mechanism of formation of the stones and roentgenological diagnosis of the intramural gallstones, porcelain gall bladder, are mentioned.</p

    Cholesterol nucleation time in gallbladder bile of patients with solitary or multiple cholesterol gallstones

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    Patients with multiple cholesterol gallbladder stones have been found to be at a higher risk for the recurrence of gallstones after successful nonsurgical treatment than those with a solitary stone. Cholesterol gallstone recurrence, like primary gallstone formation, probably involves a triple defect with supersaturation, abnormally rapid nucleation of cholesterol in bile and altered gallbladder motor function. We investigated whether the increased recurrence rate of patients with multiple stones might be caused by more rapid nucleation. Therefore the time required for cholesterol monohydrate crystals to appear in ultracentrifuged bile of patients with solitary (n = 71) or multiple (n = 42) cholesterol gallstones was determined. The cholesterol nucleation time was significantly (p 4 days) nucleation time. However, no difference in the cholesterol saturation index was found between the bile samples from patients with solitary stones and the bile samples from patients with multiple stones (1.55 ± 0.65 vs. 1.54 ± 0.59, mean ± S.D., respectively). The more rapid cholesterol nucleation in gallbladder bile may, therefore, be the major risk factor causing the higher percentage of stone recurrence in patients with multiple cholesterol stones as compared with patients with solitary cholesterol stones

    Biofilm producing Salmonella typhi: Chronic colonization and development of gallbladder cancer

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    Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi is the aetiological agent of typhoid or enteric fever. In a subset of individuals, S. Typhi colonizes the gallbladder causing an asymptomatic chronic infection. Nonetheless, these asymptomatic carriers provide a reservoir for further spreading of the disease. Epidemiological studies performed in regions where S. Typhi is endemic, revealed that the majority of chronically infected carriers also harbour gallstones, which in turn, have been indicated as a primary predisposing factor for the onset of gallbladder cancer (GC). It is now well recognised, that S. Typhi produces a typhoid toxin with a carcinogenic potential, that induces DNA damage and cell cycle alterations in intoxicated cells. In addition, biofilm production by S. Typhi may represent a key factor for the promotion of a persistent infection in the gallbladder, thus sustaining a chronic local inflammatory response and exposing the epithelium to repeated damage caused by carcinogenic toxins. This review aims to highlight the putative connection between the chronic colonization by highly pathogenic strains of S. Typhi capable of combining biofilm and toxin production and the onset of GC. Considering the high risk of GC associated with the asymptomatic carrier status, the rapid identification and profiling of biofilm production by S. Typhi strains would be key for effective therapeutic management and cancer prevention

    Relation of Gallbladder Motility to Viscosity and Composition of Gallbladder Bile in Patients with Cholesterol Gallstones

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    Background/Aims: Increased viscosity and supersaturation of cholesterol in gallbladder bile, as well as an impaired motility of the gallbladder, are considered to be important factors in the pathogenesis of cholesterol gallstones. However, the relation of these parameters has not yet been determined. Material and Methods: Bile viscosity (mPa.s) was measured by rotation viscosimetry and the composition of gallbladder bile was determined using standard methodology. Gallbladder motility was calculated as ejection fraction in percent of total volume 45 min after a test meal using ultrasonography in patients with gallstones prior to elective cholecystectomy. Results: The study included 35 patients with cholesterol gallstones. Viscosity of gallbladder bile ranged between 0.9 and 12.5 mPa.s (median 2.2 mPa.s) and an ejection fraction of the gallbladder of 55.4 +/- 18.3% (mean +/- SD) was determined. No significant correlation (r = 0.19, p < 0.2) between the 2 parameters could be calculated. Analysis of the composition of gallbladder bile revealed a positive correlation of all components to biliary viscosity but not to the motility of the gallbladder, with the exceptions of a negative correlation (r = 0.39, p < 0.02) between mucin concentration and the ejection fraction at 45 min after the test meal. Conclusions: The motility of the gallbladder appears to be unrelated to the viscosity of gallbladder bile or gallbladder bile composition. The negative correlation between the ejection fraction of the gallbladder and mucin concentration of gallbladder bile suggests that chronic inflammation of the gallbladder wall is associated with both an impaired motility of the gallbladder and increased mucin release into gallbladder bile. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Base

    Gallstones: Bad Company for the Steatotic Liver

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    Gallstones are very frequent worldwide with a prevalence ranging from 10% to 15% in Western countries to <5% in Africa, with the geographic variations being associated with genetic and environmental factors.1 Although asymptomatic in more than 80% of patients, gallstone disease incurs one of the highest health care costs among digestive diseases and hospitalization is frequent as a consequence of its complications

    Association between cholesterol-phospholipid vesicles and cholesterol crystals in human gallbladder bile

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    Rapid aggregation of cholesterol-phospholipid vesicles in gallbladder bile seems to be the first event in the production of cholesterol crystals, a prerequisite for cholesterol gallstone formation. We examined the amount of these vesicles in 33 human gallbladder biles in relation to biliary lipid composition and to the presence of cholesterol crystals. Biliary microscopy detected cholesterol crystals in all 19 biles from patients with cholesterol gallstones but in none of 14 biles from patients with pigment stones. Gel chromatography was used to separate vesicles and micelles in the native bile with an eluting buffer containing 10 mM sodium cholate to prevent disruption of micellar lipids. Cholesterol, phospholipid and bile salt concentrations were measured in every fraction collected. Bile acid, phospholipid, cholesterol and total lipid concentrations were not significantly different in samples with and without cholesterol crystals. The cholesterol saturation index (1.4 ± 0.11 vs. 1.0 ± 0.08) was significantly (p < 0.01) higher in biles with crystals than without crystals. Gel filtration revealed a vesicular peak in addition to micellar fraction in 18 (23.1 ± 3.2% of total cholesterol) of the 19 biles with crystals but only in three (15.7 ± 2.4% of total cholesterol) of 14 biles without crystals. There was no relation between biliary lipid concentration or the cholesterol saturation index and the percentage of vesicular cholesterol in biles with or without crystals. The close association of vesicles and crystals in human gallbladder bile supports the contention that vesicles are important in the initial nucleation of cholesterol monohydrate crystals

    Dietary N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids decrease biliary cholesterol saturation in gallstone disease

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    Because fatty acid composition of biliary phospholipids influences cholesterol secretion into bile, we investigated whether replacement of n-1 monounsaturated or n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in biliary phosphatidylcholines reduces supersaturation with cholesterol and prevents precipitation of cholesterol crystals in bile of gallstone patients. Seven patients with radiolucent gallstones in functioning gallbladders were studied before (control) and after 5 wk of dietary supplementation with marine fish oil (11.3 gm/day = 3.75 gm n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids/day). Duodenal bile was collected for analysis during intravenous infusion of cholecystokinin. Gallbladder emptying in response to cholecystokinin was comparable before and during intake of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Intake of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids increased (p < 0.001) the fractions of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids and decreased the fractions of linoleic (p < 0.001) and arachidonic acids (p < 0.02) in biliary phospholipids. Concomitantly, the molar ratio of cholesterol to phospholipids decreased (-19%; p < 0.05). As a consequence, the cholesterol saturation index was reduced by -25% (p = 0.01), from 1.60 ± 0.44 to 1.24 ± 0.38. However, in vitro nucleation time of duodenal bile was not prolonged. The decrease in cholesterol saturation was not sufficient to prevent nucleation of cholesterol crystals in bile of gallstone patients. In conclusion, our data suggest that cholesterol saturation can be influenced by the fatty acid composition of the phosphatidylcholines secreted in bile
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