1,438 research outputs found

    A wearable device for sport performance analysis and monitoring

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    In this paper the use of a wearable device is considered in order to evaluate the performance of an athlete during her/his sport activities. The preliminary step consists of recording the motion variables at a sufficiently high sampling rate throughout the experimental campaign. The collected data are then elaborated by a PC-based application to identify the system dynamics and derive some synthetic performance indicators, by taking into account also the experience of the sport professionals. The extraction of the indicators is based on basic signal processing that can be implemented in algorithms run directly on the microcontroller unit (MCU) of the device. The key indicators values can be sent to other electronic devices by using one of the available wireless network connections at a reduced transmission rate. Some experimental data are also reported to illustrate the effectiveness of the approach

    Feature extraction from ear-worn sensor data for gait analysis

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    Gait analysis has a significant role in assessing human's walking pattern. It is generally used in sports science for understanding body mechanics, and it is also used to monitor patients' neuro-disorder related gait abnormalities. Traditional marker-based systems are well known for tracking gait parameters for gait analysis, however, it requires long set up time therefore very difficult to be applied in everyday realtime monitoring. Nowadays, there is ever growing of interest in developing portable devices and their supporting software with novel algorithms for gait pattern analysis. The aim of this research is to investigate the possibilities of novel gait pattern detection algorithms for accelerometer-based sensors. In particular, we have used e-AR sensor, an ear-worn sensor which registers body motion via its embedded 3-D accelerom-eter. Gait data was given semantic annotation using pressure mat as well as real-time video recording. Important time stamps within a gait cycle, which are essential for extracting meaningful gait parameters, were identified. Furthermore, advanced signal processing algorithm was applied to perform automatic feature extraction by signal decomposition and reconstruction. Analysis on real-word data has demonstrated the potential for an accelerometer-based sensor system and its ability to extract of meaningful gait parameters

    MEMS Accelerometers

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    Micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) devices are widely used for inertia, pressure, and ultrasound sensing applications. Research on integrated MEMS technology has undergone extensive development driven by the requirements of a compact footprint, low cost, and increased functionality. Accelerometers are among the most widely used sensors implemented in MEMS technology. MEMS accelerometers are showing a growing presence in almost all industries ranging from automotive to medical. A traditional MEMS accelerometer employs a proof mass suspended to springs, which displaces in response to an external acceleration. A single proof mass can be used for one- or multi-axis sensing. A variety of transduction mechanisms have been used to detect the displacement. They include capacitive, piezoelectric, thermal, tunneling, and optical mechanisms. Capacitive accelerometers are widely used due to their DC measurement interface, thermal stability, reliability, and low cost. However, they are sensitive to electromagnetic field interferences and have poor performance for high-end applications (e.g., precise attitude control for the satellite). Over the past three decades, steady progress has been made in the area of optical accelerometers for high-performance and high-sensitivity applications but several challenges are still to be tackled by researchers and engineers to fully realize opto-mechanical accelerometers, such as chip-scale integration, scaling, low bandwidth, etc

    Novel Technique for Gait Analysis Using Two Waist Mounted Gyroscopes

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    Analysis of the human gait is used in many applications such as medicine, sports, and person identification. Several research studies focused on the use of MEMS inertial sensors for gait analysis and showed promising results. The miniaturization of these sensors and their wearability allowed the analysis of gait on a long term outside of the laboratory environment which can reveal more information about the person and introduced the use of gait analysis in new applications such as indoor localization. Step detection and step length estimation are two basic and important gait analysis tasks. In fact, step detection is a prerequisite for the exploration of all other gait parameters. Researchers have proposed many methods for step detection, and their experiments results showed high accuracies that exceeded 99% in some cases. All of these methods rely on experimental thresholds selected based on a limited number of subjects and walking conditions. Selecting and verifying an optimal threshold is a difficult task since it can vary according to a lot of factors such as user, footwear, and the walking surface material. Also, most of these methods do not distinguish walking from other activities; they can only recognize motion state from idle state. Methods that can be used to distinguish walking from other activities are mainly machine learning methods that need training and complex data labeling. On the other hand, step length estimation methods used in the literature either need constant calibration for each user, rely on impractical sensor placement, or both. In this thesis, we employ the human walking bipedal nature for gait analysis using two MEMS gyroscopes, one attached to each side of the lower waist. This setup allowed the step detection and discrimination from other non bipedal activities without the need for magnitude thresholds or training. We were also able to calculate the hip rotation angle in the sagittal plane which allowed us to estimate the step length. without needing for constants calibration. By mounting an accelerometer on the center of the back of the waist, we were able to develop a method to auto-calibrate the Weinberg method constant, which is one of the most accurate step length estimation methods, and increase its accuracy even more

    Analysis and enhancement of interpersonal coordination using inertial measurement unit solutions

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    Die heutigen mobilen Kommunikationstechnologien haben den Umfang der verbalen und textbasierten Kommunikation mit anderen Menschen, sozialen Robotern und kĂŒnstlicher Intelligenz erhöht. Auf der anderen Seite reduzieren diese Technologien die nonverbale und die direkte persönliche Kommunikation, was zu einer gesellschaftlichen Thematik geworden ist, weil die Verringerung der direkten persönlichen Interaktionen eine angemessene Wahrnehmung sozialer und umgebungsbedingter Reizmuster erschweren und die Entwicklung allgemeiner sozialer FĂ€higkeiten bremsen könnte. Wissenschaftler haben aktuell die Bedeutung nonverbaler zwischenmenschlicher AktivitĂ€ten als soziale FĂ€higkeiten untersucht, indem sie menschliche Verhaltensmuster in Zusammenhang mit den jeweilgen neurophysiologischen Aktivierungsmustern analzsiert haben. Solche QuerschnittsansĂ€tze werden auch im Forschungsprojekt der EuropĂ€ischen Union "Socializing sensori-motor contingencies" (socSMCs) verfolgt, das darauf abzielt, die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit sozialer Roboter zu verbessern und Autismus-Spektrumsstörungen (ASD) adĂ€quat zu behandeln. In diesem Zusammenhang ist die Modellierung und das Benchmarking des Sozialverhaltens gesunder Menschen eine Grundlage fĂŒr theorieorientierte und experimentelle Studien zum weiterfĂŒhrenden VerstĂ€ndnis und zur UnterstĂŒtzung interpersoneller Koordination. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden zwei verschiedene empirische Kategorien in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von der Entfernung der Interagierenden zueinander vorgeschlagen: distale vs. proximale Interaktionssettings, da sich die Struktur der beteiligten kognitiven Systeme zwischen den Kategorien Ă€ndert und sich die Ebene der erwachsenden socSMCs verschiebt. Da diese Dissertation im Rahmen des socSMCs-Projekts entstanden ist, wurden Interaktionssettings fĂŒr beide Kategorien (distal und proximal) entwickelt. Zudem wurden Ein-Sensor-Lösungen zur Reduzierung des Messaufwands (und auch der Kosten) entwickelt, um eine Messung ausgesuchter Verhaltensparameter bei einer Vielzahl von Menschen und sozialen Interaktionen zu ermöglichen. ZunĂ€chst wurden Algorithmen fĂŒr eine kopfgetragene TrĂ€gheitsmesseinheit (H-IMU) zur Messung der menschlichen Kinematik als eine Ein-Sensor-Lösung entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse bestĂ€tigten, dass die H-IMU die eigenen Gangparameter unabhĂ€ngig voneinander allein auf Basis der Kopfkinematik messen kann. Zweitens wurden—als ein distales socSMC-Setting—die interpersonellen Kopplungen mit einem Bezug auf drei interagierende Merkmale von „Übereinstimmung“ (engl.: rapport) behandelt: PositivitĂ€t, gegenseitige Aufmerksamkeit und Koordination. Die H-IMUs ĂŒberwachten bestimmte soziale Verhaltensereignisse, die sich auf die Kinematik der Kopforientierung und Oszillation wĂ€hrend des Gehens und Sprechens stĂŒtzen, so dass der Grad der Übereinstimmung geschĂ€tzt werden konnte. Schließlich belegten die Ergebnisse einer experimentellen Studie, die zu einer kollaborativen Aufgabe mit der entwickelten IMU-basierten Tablet-Anwendung durchgefĂŒhrt wurde, unterschiedliche Wirkungen verschiedener audio-motorischer Feedbackformen fĂŒr eine UnterstĂŒtzung der interpersonellen Koordination in der Kategorie proximaler sensomotorischer Kontingenzen. Diese Dissertation hat einen intensiven interdisziplinĂ€ren Charakter: Technologische Anforderungen in den Bereichen der Sensortechnologie und der Softwareentwicklung mussten in direktem Bezug auf vordefinierte verhaltenswissenschaftliche Fragestellungen entwickelt und angewendet bzw. gelöst werden—und dies in zwei unterschiedlichen DomĂ€nen (distal, proximal). Der gegebene Bezugsrahmen wurde als eine große Herausforderung bei der Entwicklung der beschriebenen Methoden und Settings wahrgenommen. Die vorgeschlagenen IMU-basierten Lösungen könnten dank der weit verbreiteten IMU-basierten mobilen GerĂ€te zukĂŒnftig in verschiedene Anwendungen perspektiv reich integriert werden.Today’s mobile communication technologies have increased verbal and text-based communication with other humans, social robots and intelligent virtual assistants. On the other hand, the technologies reduce face-to-face communication. This social issue is critical because decreasing direct interactions may cause difficulty in reading social and environmental cues, thereby impeding the development of overall social skills. Recently, scientists have studied the importance of nonverbal interpersonal activities to social skills, by measuring human behavioral and neurophysiological patterns. These interdisciplinary approaches are in line with the European Union research project, “Socializing sensorimotor contingencies” (socSMCs), which aims to improve the capability of social robots and properly deal with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Therefore, modelling and benchmarking healthy humans’ social behavior are fundamental to establish a foundation for research on emergence and enhancement of interpersonal coordination. In this research project, two different experimental settings were categorized depending on interactants’ distance: distal and proximal settings, where the structure of engaged cognitive systems changes, and the level of socSMCs differs. As a part of the project, this dissertation work referred to this spatial framework. Additionally, single-sensor solutions were developed to reduce costs and efforts in measuring human behaviors, recognizing the social behaviors, and enhancing interpersonal coordination. First of all, algorithms using a head worn inertial measurement unit (H-IMU) were developed to measure human kinematics, as a baseline for social behaviors. The results confirmed that the H-IMU can measure individual gait parameters by analyzing only head kinematics. Secondly, as a distal sensorimotor contingency, interpersonal relationship was considered with respect to a dynamic structure of three interacting components: positivity, mutual attentiveness, and coordination. The H-IMUs monitored the social behavioral events relying on kinematics of the head orientation and oscillation during walk and talk, which can contribute to estimate the level of rapport. Finally, in a new collaborative task with the proposed IMU-based tablet application, results verified effects of different auditory-motor feedbacks on the enhancement of interpersonal coordination in a proximal setting. This dissertation has an intensive interdisciplinary character: Technological development, in the areas of sensor and software engineering, was required to apply to or solve issues in direct relation to predefined behavioral scientific questions in two different settings (distal and proximal). The given frame served as a reference in the development of the methods and settings in this dissertation. The proposed IMU-based solutions are also promising for various future applications due to widespread wearable devices with IMUs.European Commission/HORIZON2020-FETPROACT-2014/641321/E

    Applications of MEMS Gyroscope for Human Gait Analysis

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    After decades of development, quantitative instruments for human gait analysis have become an important tool for revealing underlying pathologies manifested by gait abnormalities. However, the gold standard instruments (e.g., optical motion capture systems) are commonly expensive and complex while needing expert operation and maintenance and thereby be limited to a small number of specialized gait laboratories. Therefore, in current clinical settings, gait analysis still mainly relies on visual observation and assessment. Due to recent developments in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, the cost and size of gyroscopes are decreasing, while the accuracy is being improved, which provides an effective way for qualifying gait features. This chapter aims to give a close examination of human gait patterns (normal and abnormal) using gyroscope-based wearable technology. Both healthy subjects and hemiparesis patients participated in the experiment, and experimental results show that foot-mounted gyroscopes could assess gait abnormalities in both temporal and spatial domains. Gait analysis systems constructed of wearable gyroscopes can be more easily used in both clinical and home environments than their gold standard counterparts, which have few requirements for operation, maintenance, and working environment, thereby suggesting a promising future for gait analysis

    Evaluating indoor positioning systems in a shopping mall : the lessons learned from the IPIN 2018 competition

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    The Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN) conference holds an annual competition in which indoor localization systems from different research groups worldwide are evaluated empirically. The objective of this competition is to establish a systematic evaluation methodology with rigorous metrics both for real-time (on-site) and post-processing (off-site) situations, in a realistic environment unfamiliar to the prototype developers. For the IPIN 2018 conference, this competition was held on September 22nd, 2018, in Atlantis, a large shopping mall in Nantes (France). Four competition tracks (two on-site and two off-site) were designed. They consisted of several 1 km routes traversing several floors of the mall. Along these paths, 180 points were topographically surveyed with a 10 cm accuracy, to serve as ground truth landmarks, combining theodolite measurements, differential global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and 3D scanner systems. 34 teams effectively competed. The accuracy score corresponds to the third quartile (75th percentile) of an error metric that combines the horizontal positioning error and the floor detection. The best results for the on-site tracks showed an accuracy score of 11.70 m (Track 1) and 5.50 m (Track 2), while the best results for the off-site tracks showed an accuracy score of 0.90 m (Track 3) and 1.30 m (Track 4). These results showed that it is possible to obtain high accuracy indoor positioning solutions in large, realistic environments using wearable light-weight sensors without deploying any beacon. This paper describes the organization work of the tracks, analyzes the methodology used to quantify the results, reviews the lessons learned from the competition and discusses its future
