141 research outputs found

    Exposure Render: An Interactive Photo-Realistic Volume Rendering Framework

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    The field of volume visualization has undergone rapid development during the past years, both due to advances in suitable computing hardware and due to the increasing availability of large volume datasets. Recent work has focused on increasing the visual realism in Direct Volume Rendering (DVR) by integrating a number of visually plausible but often effect-specific rendering techniques, for instance modeling of light occlusion and depth of field. Besides yielding more attractive renderings, especially the more realistic lighting has a positive effect on perceptual tasks. Although these new rendering techniques yield impressive results, they exhibit limitations in terms of their exibility and their performance. Monte Carlo ray tracing (MCRT), coupled with physically based light transport, is the de-facto standard for synthesizing highly realistic images in the graphics domain, although usually not from volumetric data. Due to the stochastic sampling of MCRT algorithms, numerous effects can be achieved in a relatively straight-forward fashion. For this reason, we have developed a practical framework that applies MCRT techniques also to direct volume rendering (DVR). With this work, we demonstrate that a host of realistic effects, including physically based lighting, can be simulated in a generic and flexible fashion, leading to interactive DVR with improved realism. In the hope that this improved approach to DVR will see more use in practice, we have made available our framework under a permissive open source license

    Developing an efficient algorithm for computing Solar Radiation Pressure

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    The main goal for this master's degree final thesis is to propose an alternative way of computing solar radiation pressure. Solar radiation pressure is the impact of the photons emitted by the Sun onto a satellite. This impact generates acceleration that is important to model satellite's motion

    Fast occlusion sweeping

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    Abstract. While realistic illumination significantly improves the visual quality and perception of rendered images, it is often very expensive to compute. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for embedding a global ambient occlusion computation within the fast sweeping algorithm while determining isosurfaces. With this method we can approximate ambient occlusion for rendering volumetric data with minimal additional cost over fast sweeping. We compare visualizations rendered with our algorithm to visualizations computed with only local shading, and with a ambient occlusion calculation using Monte Carlo sampling method. We also show how this method can be used for approximating low frequency shadows and subsurface scattering. Realistic illumination techniques used in digitally synthesized images are known to greatly enhance the perception of shape. This is as true for renderings of volume data as it is for geometric models. For example, Qiu et al. [1] used full global illumination techniques to improve visualizations of volumetric data, and Stewart [2] shows how computation of local ambient occlusion enhances the perception of grooves in a brain CT scanned dataset. Tarini et al. In this paper, we provide a new solution for ambient occlusion computation that is significantly faster than existing techniques. The method integrates well with a volumetric ray marching algorithm implemented on the GPU. While not a full global illumination solution, ambient occlusion provides a more realistic illumination model than does local illumination, and permits the use of realistic light sources, like skylights. For accelerating our ray marching algorithm, we build a volumetric signed distance field using the fast sweeping method, and we embed our ambient occlusion approximatio

    GPU-based high performance Monte Carlo simulation in neutron transport

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPU) are high performance co-processors intended, originally, to improve the use and quality of computer graphics applications. Since researchers and practitioners realized the potential of using GPU for general purpose, their application has been extended to other elds out of computer graphics scope. The main objective of this work is to evaluate the impact of using GPU in neutron transport simulation by Monte Carlo method. To accomplish that, GPU- and CPU-based (single and multicore) approaches were developed and applied to a simple, but time-consuming problem. Comparisons demonstrated that the GPU-based approach is about 15 times faster than a parallel 8-core CPU-based approach also developed in this work

    Pathtracing on GPU

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na akceleraci renderovací metody pathtracing. Cílem práce je demonstrace a srovnání výkonnosti implementací pathtracingu na CPU a GPU. Obě implementace budou využívat akcelerační datové struktury. Výsledky jednotlivých optimalizačních technik budou diskutovány a porovnávány mezi sebou. Dále budou rozebrány možnosti rozšíření stávající aplikace.This bachelor thesis focuses on the acceleration of rendering algorithm pathtracing. Thesis's goal is demonstration and performance comparison between implementation on CPU and GPU. Both implementations will be discussed and compared between themselves. Furthermore, will be describe possibilities of extending existing application.

    A fast analytical dose calculation approach for MRI-guided proton therapy.

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    Objective.Magnetic resonance (MR) is an innovative technology for online image guidance in conventional radiotherapy and is also starting to be considered for proton therapy as well. For MR-guided therapy, particularly for online plan adaptations, fast dose calculation is essential. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, however, which are considered the gold standard for proton dose calculations, are very time-consuming. To address the need for an efficient dose calculation approach for MRI-guided proton therapy, we have developed a fast GPU-based modification of an analytical dose calculation algorithm incorporating beam deflections caused by magnetic fields.Approach.Proton beams (70-229 MeV) in orthogonal magnetic fields (0.5/1.5 T) were simulated using TOPAS-MC and central beam trajectories were extracted to generate look-up tables (LUTs) of incremental rotation angles as a function of water-equivalent depth. Beam trajectories are then reconstructed using these LUTs for the modified ray casting dose calculation. The algorithm was validated against MC in water, different materials and for four example patient cases, whereby it has also been fully incorporated into a treatment plan optimisation regime.Main results.Excellent agreement between analytical and MC dose distributions could be observed with sub-millimetre range deviations and differences in lateral shifts <2 mm even for high densities (1000 HU). 2%/2 mm gamma pass rates were comparable to the 0 T scenario and above 94.5% apart for the lung case. Further, comparable treatment plan quality could be achieved regardless of magnetic field strength.Significance.A new method for accurate and fast proton dose calculation in magnetic fields has been developed and successfully implemented for treatment plan optimisation