111 research outputs found

    Efficient Feature Matching for Large-scale Images based on Cascade Hash and Local Geometric Constraint

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    Feature matching plays a crucial role in 3D reconstruction to provide correspondences between overlapped images. The accuracy and efficiency of feature matching significantly impact the performance of 3D reconstruction. The widely used framework with the exhaustive nearest neighbor searching (NNS) between descriptors and RANSAC-based geometric estimation is, however, low-efficient and unreliable for large-scale UAV images. Inspired by indexing-based NNS, this paper implements an efficient feature matching method for large-scale images based on Cascade Hashing and local geometric constraints. Our proposed method improves upon traditional feature matching approaches by introducing a combination of image retrieval, data scheduling, and GPU-accelerated Cascade Hashing. Besides, it utilizes a local geometric constraint to filter matching results within a matching framework. On the one hand, the GPU-accelerated Cascade Hashing technique generates compact and discriminative hash codes based on image features, facilitating the rapid completion of the initial matching process, and significantly reducing the search space and time complexity. On the other hand, after the initial matching is completed, the method employs a local geometric constraint to filter the initial matching results, enhancing the accuracy of the matching results. This forms a three-tier framework based on data scheduling, GPU-accelerated Cascade Hashing, and local geometric constraints. We conducted experiments using two sets of large-scale UAV image data, comparing our method with SIFTGPU to evaluate its performance in initial matching, outlier rejection, and 3D reconstruction. The results demonstrate that our method achieves a feature matching speed 2.0 times that of SIFTGPU while maintaining matching accuracy and producing comparable reconstruction results. This suggests that our method holds promise for efficiently addressing large-scale image matching

    On-device Scalable Image-based Localization via Prioritized Cascade Search and Fast One-Many RANSAC.

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    We present the design of an entire on-device system for large-scale urban localization using images. The proposed design integrates compact image retrieval and 2D-3D correspondence search to estimate the location in extensive city regions. Our design is GPS agnostic and does not require network connection. In order to overcome the resource constraints of mobile devices, we propose a system design that leverages the scalability advantage of image retrieval and accuracy of 3D model-based localization. Furthermore, we propose a new hashing-based cascade search for fast computation of 2D-3D correspondences. In addition, we propose a new one-many RANSAC for accurate pose estimation. The new one-many RANSAC addresses the challenge of repetitive building structures (e.g. windows, balconies) in urban localization. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our 2D-3D correspondence search achieves state-of-the-art localization accuracy on multiple benchmark datasets. Furthermore, our experiments on a large Google Street View (GSV) image dataset show the potential of large-scale localization entirely on a typical mobile device

    A Survey on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    Deep learning algorithms, in particular convolutional networks, have rapidly become a methodology of choice for analyzing medical images. This paper reviews the major deep learning concepts pertinent to medical image analysis and summarizes over 300 contributions to the field, most of which appeared in the last year. We survey the use of deep learning for image classification, object detection, segmentation, registration, and other tasks and provide concise overviews of studies per application area. Open challenges and directions for future research are discussed.Comment: Revised survey includes expanded discussion section and reworked introductory section on common deep architectures. Added missed papers from before Feb 1st 201

    3D Scene Reconstruction with Micro-Aerial Vehicles and Mobile Devices

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    Scene reconstruction is the process of building an accurate geometric model of one\u27s environment from sensor data. We explore the problem of real-time, large-scale 3D scene reconstruction in indoor environments using small laser range-finders and low-cost RGB-D (color plus depth) cameras. We focus on computationally-constrained platforms such as micro-aerial vehicles (MAVs) and mobile devices. These platforms present a set of fundamental challenges - estimating the state and trajectory of the device as it moves within its environment and utilizing lightweight, dynamic data structures to hold the representation of the reconstructed scene. The system needs to be computationally and memory-efficient, so that it can run in real time, onboard the platform. In this work, we present three scene reconstruction systems. The first system uses a laser range-finder and operates onboard a quadrotor MAV. We address the issues of autonomous control, state estimation, path-planning, and teleoperation. We propose the multi-volume occupancy grid (MVOG) - a novel data structure for building 3D maps from laser data, which provides a compact, probabilistic scene representation. The second system uses an RGB-D camera to recover the 6-DoF trajectory of the platform by aligning sparse features observed in the current RGB-D image against a model of previously seen features. We discuss our work on camera calibration and the depth measurement model. We apply the system onboard an MAV to produce occupancy-based 3D maps, which we utilize for path-planning. Finally, we present our contributions to a scene reconstruction system for mobile devices with built-in depth sensing and motion-tracking capabilities. We demonstrate reconstructing and rendering a global mesh on the fly, using only the mobile device\u27s CPU, in very large (300 square meter) scenes, at a resolutions of 2-3cm. To achieve this, we divide the scene into spatial volumes indexed by a hash map. Each volume contains the truncated signed distance function for that area of space, as well as the mesh segment derived from the distance function. This approach allows us to focus computational and memory resources only in areas of the scene which are currently observed, as well as leverage parallelization techniques for multi-core processing

    Monocular 3d Object Recognition

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    Object recognition is one of the fundamental tasks of computer vision. Recent advances in the field enable reliable 2D detections from a single cluttered image. However, many challenges still remain. Object detection needs timely response for real world applications. Moreover, we are genuinely interested in estimating the 3D pose and shape of an object or human for the sake of robotic manipulation and human-robot interaction. In this thesis, a suite of solutions to these challenges is presented. First, Active Deformable Part Models (ADPM) is proposed for fast part-based object detection. ADPM dramatically accelerates the detection by dynamically scheduling the part evaluations and efficiently pruning the image locations. Second, we unleash the power of marrying discriminative 2D parts with an explicit 3D geometric representation. Several methods of such scheme are proposed for recovering rich 3D information of both rigid and non-rigid objects from monocular RGB images. (1) The accurate 3D pose of an object instance is recovered from cluttered images using only the CAD model. (2) A global optimal solution for simultaneous 2D part localization, 3D pose and shape estimation is obtained by optimizing a unified convex objective function. Both appearance and geometric compatibility are jointly maximized. (3) 3D human pose estimation from an image sequence is realized via an Expectation-Maximization algorithm. The 2D joint location uncertainties are marginalized out during inference and 3D pose smoothness is enforced across frames. By bridging the gap between 2D and 3D, our methods provide an end-to-end solution to 3D object recognition from images. We demonstrate a range of interesting applications using only a single image or a monocular video, including autonomous robotic grasping with a single image, 3D object image pop-up and a monocular human MoCap system. We also show empirical start-of-art results on a number of benchmarks on 2D detection and 3D pose and shape estimation

    Deep learning for fast and robust medical image reconstruction and analysis

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    Medical imaging is an indispensable component of modern medical research as well as clinical practice. Nevertheless, imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computational tomography (CT) are costly and are less accessible to the majority of the world. To make medical devices more accessible, affordable and efficient, it is crucial to re-calibrate our current imaging paradigm for smarter imaging. In particular, as medical imaging techniques have highly structured forms in the way they acquire data, they provide us with an opportunity to optimise the imaging techniques holistically by leveraging data. The central theme of this thesis is to explore different opportunities where we can exploit data and deep learning to improve the way we extract information for better, faster and smarter imaging. This thesis explores three distinct problems. The first problem is the time-consuming nature of dynamic MR data acquisition and reconstruction. We propose deep learning methods for accelerated dynamic MR image reconstruction, resulting in up to 10-fold reduction in imaging time. The second problem is the redundancy in our current imaging pipeline. Traditionally, imaging pipeline treated acquisition, reconstruction and analysis as separate steps. However, we argue that one can approach them holistically and optimise the entire pipeline jointly for a specific target goal. To this end, we propose deep learning approaches for obtaining high fidelity cardiac MR segmentation directly from significantly undersampled data, greatly exceeding the undersampling limit for image reconstruction. The final part of this thesis tackles the problem of interpretability of the deep learning algorithms. We propose attention-models that can implicitly focus on salient regions in an image to improve accuracy for ultrasound scan plane detection and CT segmentation. More crucially, these models can provide explainability, which is a crucial stepping stone for the harmonisation of smart imaging and current clinical practice.Open Acces

    Automatic 3D Facial Performance Acquisition and Animation using Monocular Videos

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    Facial performance capture and animation is an essential component of many applications such as movies, video games, and virtual environments. Video-based facial performance capture is particularly appealing as it offers the lowest cost and the potential use of legacy sources and uncontrolled videos. However, it is also challenging because of complex facial movements at different scales, ambiguity caused by the loss of depth information, and a lack of discernible features on most facial regions. Unknown lighting conditions and camera parameters further complicate the problem. This dissertation explores the video-based 3D facial performance capture systems that use a single video camera, overcome the challenges aforementioned, and produce accurate and robust reconstruction results. We first develop a novel automatic facial feature detection/tracking algorithm that accurately locates important facial features across the entire video sequence, which are then used for 3D pose and facial shape reconstruction. The key idea is to combine the respective powers of local detection, spatial priors for facial feature locations, Active Appearance Models (AAMs), and temporal coherence for facial feature detection. The algorithm runs in realtime and is robust to large pose and expression variations and occlusions. We then present an automatic high-fidelity facial performance capture system that works on monocular videos. It uses the detected facial features along with multilinear facial models to reconstruct 3D head poses and large-scale facial deformation, and uses per-pixel shading cues to add fine-scale surface details such as emerging or disappearing wrinkles and folds. We iterate the reconstruction procedure on large-scale facial geometry and fine-scale facial details to improve the accuracy of facial reconstruction. We further improve the accuracy and efficiency of the large-scale facial performance capture by introducing a local binary feature based 2D feature regression and a convolutional neural network based pose and expression regression, and complement it with an efficient 3D eye gaze tracker to achieve realtime 3D eye gaze animation. We have tested our systems on various monocular videos, demonstrating the accuracy and robustness under a variety of uncontrolled lighting conditions and overcoming significant shape differences across individuals

    Improving Efficiency in Deep Learning for Large Scale Visual Recognition

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    The emerging recent large scale visual recognition methods, and in particular the deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), are promising to revolutionize many computer vision based artificial intelligent applications, such as autonomous driving and online image retrieval systems. One of the main challenges in large scale visual recognition is the complexity of the corresponding algorithms. This is further exacerbated by the fact that in most real-world scenarios they need to run in real time and on platforms that have limited computational resources. This dissertation focuses on improving the efficiency of such large scale visual recognition algorithms from several perspectives. First, to reduce the complexity of large scale classification to sub-linear with the number of classes, a probabilistic label tree framework is proposed. A test sample is classified by traversing the label tree from the root node. Each node in the tree is associated with a probabilistic estimation of all the labels. The tree is learned recursively with iterative maximum likelihood optimization. Comparing to the hard label partition proposed previously, the probabilistic framework performs classification more accurately with similar efficiency. Second, we explore the redundancy of parameters in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and employ sparse decomposition to significantly reduce both the amount of parameters and computational complexity. Both inter-channel and inner-channel redundancy is exploit to achieve more than 90\% sparsity with approximately 1\% drop of classification accuracy. We also propose a CPU based efficient sparse matrix multiplication algorithm to reduce the actual running time of CNN models with sparse convolutional kernels. Third, we propose a multi-stage framework based on CNN to achieve better efficiency than a single traditional CNN model. With a combination of cascade model and the label tree framework, the proposed method divides the input images in both the image space and the label space, and processes each image with CNN models that are most suitable and efficient. The average complexity of the framework is significantly reduced, while the overall accuracy remains the same as in the single complex model