19 research outputs found

    Learning vision-based agile flight: From simulation to the real world

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    PNT cyber resilience : a Lab2Live observer based approach, Report 1 : GNSS resilience and identified vulnerabilities. Technical Report 1

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    The use of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) such as GPS and Galileo are vital sources of positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) information for vehicles. This information is of critical importance for connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) due to their dependence on this information for localisation, route planning and situational awareness. A downside to solely relying on GNSS for PNT is that the signal strength arriving from navigation satellites in space is weak and currently there is no authentication included in the civilian GNSS adopted in the automotive industry. This means that cyber-attacks against the GNSS signal via jamming or spoofing are attractive to adversaries due to the potentially high impact they can achieve. This report reviews the vulnerabilities of GNSS services for CAVs (a summary is shown in Figure 1), as well as detection and mitigating techniques, summarises the opinions on PNT cyber testing sourced from a select group of experts, and finishes with a description of the associated lab-based and real-world feasibility study and proposed research methodology

    Kodizajn arhitekture i algoritama za lokalizacijumobilnih robota i detekciju prepreka baziranih namodelu

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    This thesis proposes SoPC (System on a Programmable Chip) architectures for efficient embedding of vison-based localization and obstacle detection tasks in a navigational pipeline on autonomous mobile robots. The obtained results are equivalent or better in comparison to state-ofthe- art. For localization, an efficient hardware architecture that supports EKF-SLAM's local map management with seven-dimensional landmarks in real time is developed. For obstacle detection a novel method of object recognition is proposed - detection by identification framework based on single detection window scale. This framework allows adequate algorithmic precision and execution speeds on embedded hardware platforms.Ova teza bavi se dizajnom SoPC (engl. System on a Programmable Chip) arhitektura i algoritama za efikasnu implementaciju zadataka lokalizacije i detekcije prepreka baziranih na viziji u kontekstu autonomne robotske navigacije. Za lokalizaciju, razvijena je efikasna računarska arhitektura za EKF-SLAM algoritam, koja podržava skladištenje i obradu sedmodimenzionalnih orijentira lokalne mape u realnom vremenu. Za detekciju prepreka je predložena nova metoda prepoznavanja objekata u slici putem prozora detekcije fiksne dimenzije, koja omogućava veću brzinu izvršavanja algoritma detekcije na namenskim računarskim platformama

    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2019

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    This Research Report presents the FY19 research statistics and contributions of the Graduate School of Engineering and Management (EN) at AFIT. AFIT research interests and faculty expertise cover a broad spectrum of technical areas related to USAF needs, as reflected by the range of topics addressed in the faculty and student publications listed in this report. In most cases, the research work reported herein is directly sponsored by one or more USAF or DOD agencies. AFIT welcomes the opportunity to conduct research on additional topics of interest to the USAF, DOD, and other federal organizations when adequate manpower and financial resources are available and/or provided by a sponsor. In addition, AFIT provides research collaboration and technology transfer benefits to the public through Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs). Interested individuals may discuss ideas for new research collaborations, potential CRADAs, or research proposals with individual faculty using the contact information in this document

    Feature Papers of Drones - Volume I

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    [EN] The present book is divided into two volumes (Volume I: articles 1–23, and Volume II: articles 24–54) which compile the articles and communications submitted to the Topical Collection ”Feature Papers of Drones” during the years 2020 to 2022 describing novel or new cutting-edge designs, developments, and/or applications of unmanned vehicles (drones). Articles 1–8 are devoted to the developments of drone design, where new concepts and modeling strategies as well as effective designs that improve drone stability and autonomy are introduced. Articles 9–16 focus on the communication aspects of drones as effective strategies for smooth deployment and efficient functioning are required. Therefore, several developments that aim to optimize performance and security are presented. In this regard, one of the most directly related topics is drone swarms, not only in terms of communication but also human-swarm interaction and their applications for science missions, surveillance, and disaster rescue operations. To conclude with the volume I related to drone improvements, articles 17–23 discusses the advancements associated with autonomous navigation, obstacle avoidance, and enhanced flight plannin


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    State Estimator using Hybrid Kalman and Particle Filter for Indoor UAV Navigation

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    Master's thesis in Mechatronics (MAS500)Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are being used for outdoors inspection and surveying tasks. When operating in an outdoor environment, the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) is predominantly used for position aiding, and magnetometers are used for heading aiding. In combination with an inertial sensor, these sensors form the backbone for state estimation for drones operating in an outdoor environment. A desire to utilize UAVs for inspections in indoor environments means that new challenges are faced. One of these challenges is that the traditional GNSS is unavailable for position aiding, and magnetometers can be unreliable in the presence of industrial equipment. This thesis aims at proposing, developing, and implementing a filtering solution capable of performing indoor autonomous navigation. A Hybrid filter solution is proposed where the GNSS and magnetometer are replaced by a stereo camera for depth perception. The Hybrid-filter is composed of a Kalman filter loosely coupled with a Particle filter. The Kalman filter is the main navigation filter in this framework. The navigation solution is based on integrated inertial measurements and aided by position and heading estimates from the Particle filter. In turn, the particle filter utilizes the velocity and attitude estimates from the Kalman filter, along with the depth data from the stereo camera to estimate the position and heading of the UAV

    Multi-Robot Systems: Challenges, Trends and Applications

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    This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue entitled “Multi-Robot Systems: Challenges, Trends, and Applications” that was published in Applied Sciences. This Special Issue collected seventeen high-quality papers that discuss the main challenges of multi-robot systems, present the trends to address these issues, and report various relevant applications. Some of the topics addressed by these papers are robot swarms, mission planning, robot teaming, machine learning, immersive technologies, search and rescue, and social robotics

    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2011

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    This report summarizes the research activities of the Air Force Institute of Technology’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management. It describes research interests and faculty expertise; lists student theses/dissertations; identifies research sponsors and contributions; and outlines the procedures for contacting the school. Included in the report are: faculty publications, conference presentations, consultations, and funded research projects. Research was conducted in the areas of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electro-Optics, Computer Engineering and Computer Science, Systems and Engineering Management, Operational Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics and Engineering Physics

    Feasible, Robust and Reliable Automation and Control for Autonomous Systems

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    The Special Issue book focuses on highlighting current research and developments in the automation and control field for autonomous systems as well as showcasing state-of-the-art control strategy approaches for autonomous platforms. The book is co-edited by distinguished international control system experts currently based in Sweden, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom, with contributions from reputable researchers from China, Austria, France, the United States of America, Poland, and Hungary, among many others. The editors believe the ten articles published within this Special Issue will be highly appealing to control-systems-related researchers in applications typified in the fields of ground, aerial, maritime vehicles, and robotics as well as industrial audiences