1,825 research outputs found

    Methods for fast and reliable clustering

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    Maximum likelihood estimation of Gaussian mixture models using stochastic search

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Gaussian mixture models (GMM), commonly used in pattern recognition and machine learning, provide a flexible probabilistic model for the data. The conventional expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm for the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of GMMs is very sensitive to initialization and easily gets trapped in local maxima. Stochastic search algorithms have been popular alternatives for global optimization but their uses for GMM estimation have been limited to constrained models using identity or diagonal covariance matrices. Our major contributions in this paper are twofold. First, we present a novel parametrization for arbitrary covariance matrices that allow independent updating of individual parameters while retaining validity of the resultant matrices. Second, we propose an effective parameter matching technique to mitigate the issues related with the existence of multiple candidate solutions that are equivalent under permutations of the GMM components. Experiments on synthetic and real data sets show that the proposed framework has a robust performance and achieves significantly higher likelihood values than the EM algorithm. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    High-Dimensional Regression with Gaussian Mixtures and Partially-Latent Response Variables

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    In this work we address the problem of approximating high-dimensional data with a low-dimensional representation. We make the following contributions. We propose an inverse regression method which exchanges the roles of input and response, such that the low-dimensional variable becomes the regressor, and which is tractable. We introduce a mixture of locally-linear probabilistic mapping model that starts with estimating the parameters of inverse regression, and follows with inferring closed-form solutions for the forward parameters of the high-dimensional regression problem of interest. Moreover, we introduce a partially-latent paradigm, such that the vector-valued response variable is composed of both observed and latent entries, thus being able to deal with data contaminated by experimental artifacts that cannot be explained with noise models. The proposed probabilistic formulation could be viewed as a latent-variable augmentation of regression. We devise expectation-maximization (EM) procedures based on a data augmentation strategy which facilitates the maximum-likelihood search over the model parameters. We propose two augmentation schemes and we describe in detail the associated EM inference procedures that may well be viewed as generalizations of a number of EM regression, dimension reduction, and factor analysis algorithms. The proposed framework is validated with both synthetic and real data. We provide experimental evidence that our method outperforms several existing regression techniques

    Regularization and Optimization in Model-Based Clustering

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    Due to their conceptual simplicity, k-means algorithm variants have been extensively used for unsupervised cluster analysis. However, one main shortcoming of these algorithms is that they essentially fit a mixture of identical spherical Gaussians to data that vastly deviates from such a distribution. In comparison, general Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) can fit richer structures but require estimating a quadratic number of parameters per cluster to represent the covariance matrices. This poses two main issues: (i) the underlying optimization problems are challenging due to their larger number of local minima, and (ii) their solutions can overfit the data. In this work, we design search strategies that circumvent both issues. We develop more effective optimization algorithms for general GMMs, and we combine these algorithms with regularization strategies that avoid overfitting. Through extensive computational analyses, we observe that optimization or regularization in isolation does not substantially improve cluster recovery. However, combining these techniques permits a completely new level of performance previously unachieved by k-means algorithm variants, unraveling vastly different cluster structures. These results shed new light on the current status quo between GMM and k-means methods and suggest the more frequent use of general GMMs for data exploration. To facilitate such applications, we provide open-source code as well as Julia packages (UnsupervisedClustering.jl and RegularizedCovarianceMatrices.jl) implementing the proposed techniques

    GOGMA: Globally-Optimal Gaussian Mixture Alignment

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    Gaussian mixture alignment is a family of approaches that are frequently used for robustly solving the point-set registration problem. However, since they use local optimisation, they are susceptible to local minima and can only guarantee local optimality. Consequently, their accuracy is strongly dependent on the quality of the initialisation. This paper presents the first globally-optimal solution to the 3D rigid Gaussian mixture alignment problem under the L2 distance between mixtures. The algorithm, named GOGMA, employs a branch-and-bound approach to search the space of 3D rigid motions SE(3), guaranteeing global optimality regardless of the initialisation. The geometry of SE(3) was used to find novel upper and lower bounds for the objective function and local optimisation was integrated into the scheme to accelerate convergence without voiding the optimality guarantee. The evaluation empirically supported the optimality proof and showed that the method performed much more robustly on two challenging datasets than an existing globally-optimal registration solution.Comment: Manuscript in press 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognitio

    A New Generation of Mixture-Model Cluster Analysis with Information Complexity and the Genetic EM Algorithm

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    In this dissertation, we extend several relatively new developments in statistical model selection and data mining in order to improve one of the workhorse statistical tools - mixture modeling (Pearson, 1894). The traditional mixture model assumes data comes from several populations of Gaussian distributions. Thus, what remains is to determine how many distributions, their population parameters, and the mixing proportions. However, real data often do not fit the restrictions of normality very well. It is likely that data from a single population exhibiting either asymmetrical or nonnormal tail behavior could be erroneously modeled as two populations, resulting in suboptimal decisions. To avoid these pitfalls, we develop the mixture model under a broader distributional assumption by fitting a group of multivariate elliptically-contoured distributions (Anderson and Fang, 1990; Fang et al., 1990). Special cases include the multivariate Gaussian and power exponential distributions, as well as the multivariate generalization of the Student’s T. This gives us the flexibility to model nonnormal tail and peak behavior, though the symmetry restriction still exists. The literature has many examples of research generalizing the Gaussian mixture model to other distributions (Farrell and Mersereau, 2004; Hasselblad, 1966; John, 1970a), but our effort is more general. Further, we generalize the mixture model to be non-parametric, by developing two types of kernel mixture model. First, we generalize the mixture model to use the truly multivariate kernel density estimators (Wand and Jones, 1995). Additionally, we develop the power exponential product kernel mixture model, which allows the density to adjust to the shape of each dimension independently. Because kernel density estimators enforce no functional form, both of these methods can adapt to nonnormal asymmetric, kurtotic, and tail characteristics. Over the past two decades or so, evolutionary algorithms have grown in popularity, as they have provided encouraging results in a variety of optimization problems. Several authors have applied the genetic algorithm - a subset of evolutionary algorithms - to mixture modeling, including Bhuyan et al. (1991), Krishna and Murty (1999), and Wicker (2006). These procedures have the benefit that they bypass computational issues that plague the traditional methods. We extend these initialization and optimization methods by combining them with our updated mixture models. Additionally, we “borrow” results from robust estimation theory (Ledoit and Wolf, 2003; Shurygin, 1983; Thomaz, 2004) in order to data-adaptively regularize population covariance matrices. Numerical instability of the covariance matrix can be a significant problem for mixture modeling, since estimation is typically done on a relatively small subset of the observations. We likewise extend various information criteria (Akaike, 1973; Bozdogan, 1994b; Schwarz, 1978) to the elliptically-contoured and kernel mixture models. Information criteria guide model selection and estimation based on various approximations to the Kullback-Liebler divergence. Following Bozdogan (1994a), we use these tools to sequentially select the best mixture model, select the best subset of variables, and detect influential observations - all without making any subjective decisions. Over the course of this research, we developed a full-featured Matlab toolbox (M3) which implements all the new developments in mixture modeling presented in this dissertation. We show results on both simulated and real world datasets. Keywords: mixture modeling, nonparametric estimation, subset selection, influence detection, evidence-based medical diagnostics, unsupervised classification, robust estimation

    Speaker segmentation and clustering

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    This survey focuses on two challenging speech processing topics, namely: speaker segmentation and speaker clustering. Speaker segmentation aims at finding speaker change points in an audio stream, whereas speaker clustering aims at grouping speech segments based on speaker characteristics. Model-based, metric-based, and hybrid speaker segmentation algorithms are reviewed. Concerning speaker clustering, deterministic and probabilistic algorithms are examined. A comparative assessment of the reviewed algorithms is undertaken, the algorithm advantages and disadvantages are indicated, insight to the algorithms is offered, and deductions as well as recommendations are given. Rich transcription and movie analysis are candidate applications that benefit from combined speaker segmentation and clustering. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Gaussian mixture model-based contrast enhancement

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    In this study, a method for enhancing low-contrast images is proposed. This method, called Gaussian mixture model-based contrast enhancement (GMMCE), brings into play the Gaussian mixture modelling of histograms to model the content of the images. On the basis of the fact that each homogeneous area in natural images has a Gaussian-shaped histogram, it decomposes the narrow histogram of low-contrast images into a set of scaled and shifted Gaussians. The individual histograms are then stretched by increasing their variance parameters, and are diffused on the entire histogram by scattering their mean parameters, to build a broad version of the histogram. The number of Gaussians as well as their parameters are optimised to set up a Gaussian mixture modelling with lowest approximation error and highest similarity to the original histogram. Compared with the existing histogram-based methods, the experimental results show that the quality of GMMCE enhanced pictures are mostly consistent and outperform other benchmark methods. Additionally, the computational complexity analysis shows that GMMCE is a low-complexity method
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