675 research outputs found

    Frequency Modulated Continuous Waveform Radar for Collision Prevention in Large Vehicles

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    The drivers of large vehicles can have very limited visibility, which contributes to poor situation awareness and an increased risk of collision with other agents. This thesis is focused on the development of reliable sensing for this close proximity problem in large vehicles operating in harsh environmental conditions. It emphasises the use of in-depth knowledge of a sensor’s physics and performance characteristics to develop effective mathematical models for use in different mapping algorithms. An analysis of the close proximity problem and the demands it poses on sensing technologies is presented. This guides the design and modelling process for a frequency modulated continuous waveform (FMCW) radar sensor for use in solving the close proximity problem. Radar offers better all-weather performance than other sensing modalities, but its measurement structure is more complex and often degraded by noise and clutter. The commonly used constant false alarm rate (CFAR) threshold approach performs poorly in applications with frequent extended targets and a short measurement vector, as is the case here. Therefore, a static detection threshold is calculated using measurements of clutter made using the radar, allowing clutter measurements to be filtered out in known environments. The detection threshold is used to develop a heuristic sensor model for occupancy grid mapping. This results in a more reliable representation of the environment than is achieved using the detection threshold alone. A Gaussian mixture extended Kalman probability hypothesis density filter (GM-EK-PHD) is implemented to allow mapping in dynamic environments using the FMCW radar. These methods are used to produce maps of the environment that can be displayed to the driver of a large vehicle to better avoid collisions. The concepts developed in this thesis are validated using simulated and real data from a low-cost 24GHz FMCW radar developed at the Australian Centre for Field Robotics at the University of Sydney

    Localisation and tracking of people using distributed UWB sensors

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    In vielen Überwachungs- und Rettungsszenarien ist die Lokalisierung und Verfolgung von Personen in Innenräumen auf nichtkooperative Weise erforderlich. Für die Erkennung von Objekten durch Wände in kurzer bis mittlerer Entfernung, ist die Ultrabreitband (UWB) Radartechnologie aufgrund ihrer hohen zeitlichen Auflösung und Durchdringungsfähigkeit Erfolg versprechend. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Prozess vorgestellt, mit dem Personen in Innenräumen mittels UWB-Sensoren lokalisiert werden können. Er umfasst neben der Erfassung von Messdaten, Abstandschätzungen und dem Erkennen von Mehrfachzielen auch deren Ortung und Verfolgung. Aufgrund der schwachen Reflektion von Personen im Vergleich zum Rest der Umgebung, wird zur Personenerkennung zuerst eine Hintergrundsubtraktionsmethode verwendet. Danach wird eine konstante Falschalarmrate Methode zur Detektion und Abstandschätzung von Personen angewendet. Für Mehrfachziellokalisierung mit einem UWB-Sensor wird eine Assoziationsmethode entwickelt, um die Schätzungen des Zielabstandes den richtigen Zielen zuzuordnen. In Szenarien mit mehreren Zielen kann es vorkommen, dass ein näher zum Sensor positioniertes Ziel ein anderes abschattet. Ein Konzept für ein verteiltes UWB-Sensornetzwerk wird vorgestellt, in dem sich das Sichtfeld des Systems durch die Verwendung mehrerer Sensoren mit unterschiedlichen Blickfeldern erweitert lässt. Hierbei wurde ein Prototyp entwickelt, der durch Fusion von Sensordaten die Verfolgung von Mehrfachzielen in Echtzeit ermöglicht. Dabei spielen insbesondere auch Synchronisierungs- und Kooperationsaspekte eine entscheidende Rolle. Sensordaten können durch Zeitversatz und systematische Fehler gestört sein. Falschmessungen und Rauschen in den Messungen beeinflussen die Genauigkeit der Schätzergebnisse. Weitere Erkenntnisse über die Zielzustände können durch die Nutzung zeitlicher Informationen gewonnen werden. Ein Mehrfachzielverfolgungssystem wird auf der Grundlage des Wahrscheinlichkeitshypothesenfilters (Probability Hypothesis Density Filter) entwickelt, und die Unterschiede in der Systemleistung werden bezüglich der von den Sensoren ausgegebene Informationen, d.h. die Fusion von Ortungsinformationen und die Fusion von Abstandsinformationen, untersucht. Die Information, dass ein Ziel detektiert werden sollte, wenn es aufgrund von Abschattungen durch andere Ziele im Szenario nicht erkannt wurde, wird als dynamische Überdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit beschrieben. Die dynamische Überdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit wird in das Verfolgungssystem integriert, wodurch weniger Sensoren verwendet werden können, während gleichzeitig die Performanz des Schätzers in diesem Szenario verbessert wird. Bei der Methodenauswahl und -entwicklung wurde die Anforderung einer Echtzeitanwendung bei unbekannten Szenarien berücksichtigt. Jeder untersuchte Aspekt der Mehrpersonenlokalisierung wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit mit Hilfe von Simulationen und Messungen in einer realistischen Umgebung mit UWB Sensoren verifiziert.Indoor localisation and tracking of people in non-cooperative manner is important in many surveillance and rescue applications. Ultra wideband (UWB) radar technology is promising for through-wall detection of objects in short to medium distances due to its high temporal resolution and penetration capability. This thesis tackles the problem of localisation of people in indoor scenarios using UWB sensors. It follows the process from measurement acquisition, multiple target detection and range estimation to multiple target localisation and tracking. Due to the weak reflection of people compared to the rest of the environment, a background subtraction method is initially used for the detection of people. Subsequently, a constant false alarm rate method is applied for detection and range estimation of multiple persons. For multiple target localisation using a single UWB sensor, an association method is developed to assign target range estimates to the correct targets. In the presence of multiple targets it can happen that targets closer to the sensor induce shadowing over the environment hindering the detection of other targets. A concept for a distributed UWB sensor network is presented aiming at extending the field of view of the system by using several sensors with different fields of view. A real-time operational prototype has been developed taking into consideration sensor cooperation and synchronisation aspects, as well as fusion of the information provided by all sensors. Sensor data may be erroneous due to sensor bias and time offset. Incorrect measurements and measurement noise influence the accuracy of the estimation results. Additional insight of the targets states can be gained by exploiting temporal information. A multiple person tracking framework is developed based on the probability hypothesis density filter, and the differences in system performance are highlighted with respect to the information provided by the sensors i.e. location information fusion vs range information fusion. The information that a target should have been detected when it is not due to shadowing induced by other targets is described as dynamic occlusion probability. The dynamic occlusion probability is incorporated into the tracking framework, allowing fewer sensors to be used while improving the tracker performance in the scenario. The method selection and development has taken into consideration real-time application requirements for unknown scenarios at every step. Each investigated aspect of multiple person localization within the scope of this thesis has been verified using simulations and measurements in a realistic environment using M-sequence UWB sensors

    Indoor multi-person tracking via ultra-wideband radars

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    Ankara : The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and The Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2014.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2014.Includes bibliographical references leaves 37-41.Tracking multiple objects in indoor environments has various applications such as patient monitoring and inventory tracking. In this thesis, the use of Gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density (GM-PHD) filters is investigated for multiple person tracking via ultra-wideband (UWB) radar sensors in an indoor environment. An experimental setup consisting of a network of UWB radar sensors and a high-speed computer is designed and a new detection algorithm is proposed. The results of this experimental proof-of-concept study show that it is possible to accurately track multiple targets using a UWB radar sensor network in indoor environments based on the proposed approach.Gülmezoğlu, BerkM.S

    Multiperson tracking with a network of ultrawideband radar sensors based on gaussian mixture PHD filters

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    In this paper, we investigate the use of Gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density filters for multiple person tracking using ultrawideband (UWB) radar sensors in an indoor environment. An experimental setup consisting of a network of UWB radar sensors and a computer is designed, and a new detection algorithm is proposed. The results of this experimental proof-of-concept study show that it is possible to accurately track multiple targets using a UWB radar sensor network in indoor environments based on the proposed approach. © 2014 IEEE

    Developing a person guidance module for hospital robots

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    This dissertation describes the design and implementation of the Person Guidance Module (PGM) that enables the IWARD (Intelligent Robot Swarm for attendance, Recognition, Cleaning and delivery) base robot to offer route guidance service to the patients or visitors inside the hospital arena. One of the common problems encountered in huge hospital buildings today is foreigners not being able to find their way around in the hospital. Although there are a variety of guide robots currently existing on the market and offering a wide range of guidance and related activities, they do not fit into the modular concept of the IWARD project. The PGM features a robust and foolproof non-hierarchical sensor fusion approach of an active RFID, stereovision and cricket mote sensor for guiding a patient to the X-ray room, or a visitor to a patient’s ward in every possible scenario in a complex, dynamic and crowded hospital environment. Moreover, the speed of the robot can be adjusted automatically according to the pace of the follower for physical comfort using this system. Furthermore, the module performs these tasks in any unconstructed environment solely from a robot’s onboard perceptual resources in order to limit the hardware installation costs and therefore the indoor setting support. Similar comprehensive solution in one single platform has remained elusive in existing literature. The finished module can be connected to any IWARD base robot using quick-change mechanical connections and standard electrical connections. The PGM module box is equipped with a Gumstix embedded computer for all module computing which is powered up automatically once the module box is inserted into the robot. In line with the general software architecture of the IWARD project, all software modules are developed as Orca2 components and cross-complied for Gumstix’s XScale processor. To support standardized communication between different software components, Internet Communications Engine (Ice) has been used as middleware. Additionally, plug-and-play capabilities have been developed and incorporated so that swarm system is aware at all times of which robot is equipped with PGM. Finally, in several field trials in hospital environments, the person guidance module has shown its suitability for a challenging real-world application as well as the necessary user acceptance

    Waveform design and processing techniques in OFDM radar

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    Includes bibliographical referencesWith the advent of powerful digital hardware, software defined radio and radar have become an active area of research and development. This in turn has given rise to many new research directions in the radar community, which were previously not comprehensible. One such direction is the recently investigated OFDM radar, which uses OFDM waveforms instead of the classic linear frequency mod- ulated waveforms. Being a wideband signal, the OFDM symbol offers spectral efficiency along with improved range resolution, two enticing characteristics for radar. Historically a communication signal, OFDM is a special form of multi- carrier modulation, where a single data stream is transmitted over a number of lower rate carriers. The information is conveyed via sets of complex phase codes modulating the phase of the carriers. At the receiver, a demodulation stage estimates the transmitted phase codes and the information in the form of binary words is finally retrieved. In radar, the primary goal is to detect the presence of targets and possibly estimate some of their features through measurable quantities, e.g. range, Doppler, etc. Yet, being a young waveform in radar, more understanding is required to turn it into a standard radar waveform. Our goal, with this thesis, is to mature our comprehension of OFDM for radar and contribute to the realm of OFDM radar. First, we develop two processing alternatives for the case of a train of wideband OFDM pulses. In this, our first so-called time domain solution consists in applying a matched filter to compress the received echoes in the fast time before applying a fast Fourier transform in the slow time to form the range Doppler image. We motivate this approach after demonstrating that short OFDM pulses are Doppler tolerant. The merit of this approach is to conserve existing radar architectures while operating OFDM waveforms. The second so-called frequency domain solution that we propose is inspired from communication engineering research since the received echoes are tumbled in the frequency domain. After several manipulations, the range Doppler image is formed. We explain how this approach allows to retrieve an estimate of the unambiguous radial velocity, and propose two methods for that. The first method requires the use of identical sequence (IS) for the phase codes and is, as such, binding, while the other method works irrespective of the phase codes. Like the previous technique, this processing solution accommodates high Doppler frequencies and the degradation in the range Doppler image is negligible provided that the spacing between consecutive subcarriers is sufficient. Unfortunately, it suffers from the issue of intersymbol interference (ISI). After observing that both solutions provide the same processing gain, we clarify the constraints that shall apply to the OFDM signals in either of these solutions. In the first solution, special care has been employed to design OFDM pulses with low peak-to-mean power ratio (PMEPR) and low sidelobe level in the autocorrelation function. In the second solution, on the other hand, only the constraint of low PMEPR applies since the sidelobes of the scatterer characteristic function in the range Doppler image are Fourier based. Then, we develop a waveform-processing concept for OFDM based stepped frequency waveforms. This approach is intended for high resolution radar with improved low probability of detection (LPD) characteristics, as we propose to employ a frequency hopping scheme from pulse to pulse other than the conventional linear one. In the same way we treated our second alternative earlier, we derive our high range resolution processing in matrix terms and assess the degradation caused by high Doppler on the range profile. We propose using a bank of range migration filters to retrieve the radial velocity of the scatterer and realise that the issue of classical ambiguity in Doppler can be alleviated provided that the relative bandwidth, i.e. the total bandwidth covered by the train of pulses divided by the carrier frequency, is chosen carefully. After discussing a deterministic artefact caused by frequency hopping and the means to reduce it at the waveform design or processing level, we discuss the benefit offered by our concept in comparison to other standard wideband methods and emphasize on its LPD characteristics at the waveform and pulse level. In our subsequent analysis, we investigate genetic algorithm (GA) based techniques to finetune OFDM pulses in terms of radar requirements viz., low PMEPR only or low PMEPR and low sidelobe level together, as evoked earlier. To motivate the use of genetic algorithms, we establish that existing techniques are not exible in terms of the OFDM structure (the assumption that all carriers are present is always made). Besides, the use of advanced objective functions suited to particular configurations (e.g. low sidelobe level in proximity of the main autocorrelation peak) as well as the combination of multiple objective functions can be done elegantly with GA based techniques. To justify that solely phase codes are used for our optimisation(s), we stress that the weights applied to the carriers composing the OFDM signal can be spared to cope with other radar related challenges and we give an example with a case of enhanced detection. Next, we develop a technique where we exploit the instantaneous wideband trans- mission to characterise the type of the canonical scatterers that compose a target. Our idea is based on the well-established results from the geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD), where the scattered energy varies with frequency. We present the problem related to ISI, stress the need to design the transmitted pulse so as to reduce this risk and suggest having prior knowledge over the scatterers relative positions. Subsequently, we develop a performance analysis to assess the behaviour of our technique in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Then, we demonstrate the merit of integrating over several pulses to improve the characterisation rate of the scatterers. Because the scattering centres of a target resonate variably at different frequencies, frequency diversity is another enticing property which can be used to enhance the sensing performance. Here, we exploit this element of diversity to improve the classification function. We develop a technique where the classification takes place at the waveform design when few targets are present. In our case study, we have three simple targets. Each is composed of perfectly electrically conducting spheres for which we have exact models of the scattered field. We develop a GA based search to find optimal OFDM symbols that best discriminate one target against any other. Thereafter, the OFDM pulse used for probing the target in the scene is constructed by stacking the resulting symbols in time. After discussing the problem of finding the best frequency window to sense the target, we develop a performance analysis where our figure of merit is the overall probability of correct classification. Again, we prove the merit of integrating over several pulses to reach classification rates above 95%. In turn, this study opens onto new challenges in the realm of OFDM radar. We leave for future research the demonstration of the practical applicability of our novel concepts and mention manifold research axes, viz., a signal processing axis that would include methods to cope with inter symbol interference, range migration issues, methods to raise the ambiguity in Doppler when several echoes from distinct scatterers overlap in the case of our frequency domain processing solutions; an algorithmic axis that would concern the heuristic techniques employed in the design of our OFDM pulses. We foresee that further tuning might help speeding up our GA based algorithms and we expect that constrained multi- objective optimisation GA (MOO-GA) based techniques shall benefit the OFDM pulse design problem in radar. A system design axis that would account for the hardware components' behaviours, when possible, directly at the waveform design stage and would include implementation of the OFDM radar system

    Ground moving target tracking with space-time adaptive radar

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    Ground moving target tracking by airborne radar provides situational awareness of vehicle movements in the supervised region. Vehicles are detected by applying space time adaptive processing to the received multi channel radar data. The detections are then fed to a tracking algorithm that processes them to tracks. In literature, radar signal processing and ground target tracking are treated as two separate topics and results are not validated by experimental data. The first objective of this thesis is to provide a closer link between these fields. The second objective is to show that tracking performance can be improved by providing additional data from the radar signal processing to the tracking step. The third objective is to validate the algorithm and the performance improvement using experimental data. As a result this thesis presents a unified treatment of ground moving target tracking from radar raw data to established tracks. A complete reference algorithm for ground moving target tracking based on the Gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density filter is presented. In particular, Jacobians of the observation process are derived. They are presented in such a form that immediate implementation in a programming language is possible. In the course of this thesis a measurement campaign with the experimental radar PAMIR of Fraunhofer FHR was conducted. The experiment included two GPS equipped reference vehicles and a multitude of targets of opportunity. Tracking results obtained with this experimental data and the reference tracking algorithm of this thesis are shown. The thesis also enhances the reference target tracking algorithm by a parameter that characterizes the variance of the direction of arrival measurement of the target signal. This parameter is determined adaptively depending on the estimated signal strength and the clutter background. The major contribution with regard to this enhancement is a thorough experimental validation: Firstly, a comparison between GPS based measurements and radar based measurements of the direction of arrival shows that this variance captures the distribution of measurement errors excellently. Secondly, tracking results are compared to the GPS tracks of the ground truth vehicles. It is found that the enhanced algorithm yields superior track quality with respect to both track accuracy and track continuity.Bodenzielverfolgung mit luftgestütztem Radar liefert das Lagebild von Fahrzeug­bewegungen innerhalb des beobachteten Gebiets. Fahrzeuge werden durch die Anwendung von Raum-Zeit adaptiver Signalverarbeitung (STAP) entdeckt. Die Entdeckungen werden dann von einem Zielverfolgungsalgorithmus zu Zielspuren verarbeitet. In der Literatur werden Radarsignalverarbeitung und Zielverfolgung als zwei getrennte Forschungsfelder behandelt und die Bodenzielverfolgung wird nicht anhand von Realdaten validiert. Das erste Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, eine engere Verbindung zwischen beiden Feldern herzustellen. Das zweite Ziel ist zu zeigen, dass die Qualität der Zielverfolgung durch das Verwenden zusätzlicher, durch die Radarsignalverarbeitung gewonnene Information verbessert werden kann. Das dritte Ziel ist, die Funktionalität der Zielverfolgung und die Verbesserung der Leistung durch experimentelle Realdaten zu belegen. Somit stellt diese Arbeit eine Gesamtbehandlung der Bodenzielverfolgung von den Radar-Rohdaten bis zu Zielspuren dar. Es wird ein vollständiger, auf dem Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density Filter basierender Referenzalgorithmus für die Bodenzielverfolgung entwickelt. Insbesondere werden Jacobimatrizen der Beobachtungsfunktion hergeleitet. Sie werden in der Arbeit so dargestellt, dass sie direkt in einer Programmiersprache implementiert werden können. Im Zuge dieser Arbeit wurde ein Zielverfolgungs-Experiment mit dem Experimentalsystem PAMIR des Fraunhofer FHR durchgeführt. In dem Experiment wurden neben einer Vielzahl von Gelegenheitszielen zwei mit GPS-Geräten ausgerüstete Fahrzeuge von dem Radar beobachtet. Auf Basis dieses Experiments und des Referenzalgorithmus werden Zielverfolgungsergebnisse vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus erweitert diese Arbeit den Referenzalgorithmus um einen Parameter, der die Varianz der Richtungsschätzung des Zielsignals charakterisiert. Dieser Parameter wird adaptiv anhand der geschätzten Signalstärke und der Stärke störender Bodenrückstreuungen festgelegt. Der wesentliche Beitrag dieser Arbeit in Bezug auf diese Erweiterung ist eine gründliche experimentelle Validierung. Erstens zeigt der Vergleich von GPS- und Radar-basierten Richtungsschätzungen, dass dieser Parameter die Verteilung des Messfehlers exzellent beschreibt. Zweitens werden Zielverfolgungsergebnisse mit den GPS-Spuren verglichen. Es zeigt sich, dass der erweiterte Algorithmus sowohl in Bezug auf die Spurgenauigkeit als auch in Bezug auf die Spurkontinuität die Zielverfolgung verbessert

    Advancements and Breakthroughs in Ultrasound Imaging

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    Ultrasonic imaging is a powerful diagnostic tool available to medical practitioners, engineers and researchers today. Due to the relative safety, and the non-invasive nature, ultrasonic imaging has become one of the most rapidly advancing technologies. These rapid advances are directly related to the parallel advancements in electronics, computing, and transducer technology together with sophisticated signal processing techniques. This book focuses on state of the art developments in ultrasonic imaging applications and underlying technologies presented by leading practitioners and researchers from many parts of the world

    Adaptive Illumination Patterns for Radar Applications

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    The fundamental goal of Fully Adaptive Radar (FAR) involves full exploitation of the joint, synergistic adaptivity of the radar\u27s transmitter and receiver. Little work has been done to exploit the joint space time Degrees-of-Freedom (DOF) available via an Active Electronically Steered Array (AESA) during the radar\u27s transmit illumination cycle. This research introduces Adaptive Illumination Patterns (AIP) as a means for exploiting this previously untapped transmit DOF. This research investigates ways to mitigate clutter interference effects by adapting the illumination pattern on transmit. Two types of illumination pattern adaptivity were explored, termed Space Time Illumination Patterns (STIP) and Scene Adaptive Illumination Patterns (SAIP). Using clairvoyant knowledge, STIP demonstrates the ability to remove sidelobe clutter at user specified Doppler frequencies, resulting in optimum receiver performance using a non-adaptive receive processor. Using available database knowledge, SAIP demonstrated the ability to reduce training data heterogeneity in dense target environments, thereby greatly improving the minimum discernable velocity achieved through STAP processing

    Tracking interacting targets in multi-modal sensors

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    PhDObject tracking is one of the fundamental tasks in various applications such as surveillance, sports, video conferencing and activity recognition. Factors such as occlusions, illumination changes and limited field of observance of the sensor make tracking a challenging task. To overcome these challenges the focus of this thesis is on using multiple modalities such as audio and video for multi-target, multi-modal tracking. Particularly, this thesis presents contributions to four related research topics, namely, pre-processing of input signals to reduce noise, multi-modal tracking, simultaneous detection and tracking, and interaction recognition. To improve the performance of detection algorithms, especially in the presence of noise, this thesis investigate filtering of the input data through spatio-temporal feature analysis as well as through frequency band analysis. The pre-processed data from multiple modalities is then fused within Particle filtering (PF). To further minimise the discrepancy between the real and the estimated positions, we propose a strategy that associates the hypotheses and the measurements with a real target, using a Weighted Probabilistic Data Association (WPDA). Since the filtering involved in the detection process reduces the available information and is inapplicable on low signal-to-noise ratio data, we investigate simultaneous detection and tracking approaches and propose a multi-target track-beforedetect Particle filtering (MT-TBD-PF). The proposed MT-TBD-PF algorithm bypasses the detection step and performs tracking in the raw signal. Finally, we apply the proposed multi-modal tracking to recognise interactions between targets in regions within, as well as outside the cameras’ fields of view. The efficiency of the proposed approaches are demonstrated on large uni-modal, multi-modal and multi-sensor scenarios from real world detections, tracking and event recognition datasets and through participation in evaluation campaigns