114 research outputs found

    Adaptive detection of a signal known only to lie on a line in a known subspace, when primary and secondary data are partially homogeneous

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    This paper deals with the problem of detecting a signal, known only to lie on a line in a subspace, in the presence of unknown noise, using multiple snapshots in the primary data. To account for uncertainties about a signal's signature, we assume that the steering vector belongs to a known linear subspace. Furthermore, we consider the partially homogeneous case, for which the covariance matrix of the primary and the secondary data have the same structure but possibly different levels. This provides an extension to the framework considered by Bose and Steinhardt. The natural invariances of the detection problem are studied, which leads to the derivation of the maximal invariant. Then, a detector is proposed that proceeds in two steps. First, assuming that the noise covariance matrix is known, the generalized-likelihood ratio test (GLRT) is formulated. Then, the noise covariance matrix is replaced by its sample estimate based on the secondary data to yield the final detector. The latter is compared with a similar detector that assumes the steering vector to be known

    Adaptive detection with bounded steering vectors mismatch angle

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    We address the problem of detecting a signal of interest (SOI), using multiple observations in the primary data, in a background of noise with unknown covariance matrix. We consider a situation where the signal signature is not known perfectly, but its angle with a nominal and known signature is bounded. Furthermore, we consider a possible scaling inhomogeneity between the primary and the secondary noise covariance matrix. First, assuming that the noise covariance matrix is known, we derive the generalized-likelihood ratio test (GLRT), which involves solving a semidefinite programming problem. Next, we substitute the unknown noise covariance matrix for its estimate obtained from secondary data, to yield the final detector. The latter is compared with a detector that assumes a known signal signature

    A bayesian approach to adaptive detection in nonhomogeneous environments

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    We consider the adaptive detection of a signal of interest embedded in colored noise, when the environment is nonhomogeneous, i.e., when the training samples used for adaptation do not share the same covariance matrix as the vector under test. A Bayesian framework is proposed where the covariance matrices of the primary and the secondary data are assumed to be random, with some appropriate joint distribution. The prior distributions of these matrices require a rough knowledge about the environment. This provides a flexible, yet simple, knowledge-aided model where the degree of nonhomogeneity can be tuned through some scalar variables. Within this framework, an approximate generalized likelihood ratio test is formulated. Accordingly, two Bayesian versions of the adaptive matched filter are presented, where the conventional maximum likelihood estimate of the primary data covariance matrix is replaced either by its minimum mean-square error estimate or by its maximum a posteriori estimate. Two detectors require generating samples distributed according to the joint posterior distribution of primary and secondary data covariance matrices. This is achieved through the use of a Gibbs sampling strategy. Numerical simulations illustrate the performances of these detectors, and compare them with those of the conventional adaptive matched filter

    Adaptive detection of distributed targets in compound-Gaussian noise without secondary data: A Bayesian approach

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    In this paper, we deal with the problem of adaptive detection of distributed targets embedded in colored noise modeled in terms of a compound-Gaussian process and without assuming that a set of secondary data is available.The covariance matrices of the data under test share a common structure while having different power levels. A Bayesian approach is proposed here, where the structure and possibly the power levels are assumed to be random, with appropriate distributions. Within this framework we propose GLRT-based and ad-hoc detectors. Some simulation studies are presented to illustrate the performances of the proposed algorithms. The analysis indicates that the Bayesian framework could be a viable means to alleviate the need for secondary data, a critical issue in heterogeneous scenarios

    A Unified Theory of Adaptive Subspace Detection. Part I: Detector Designs

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    This paper addresses the problem of detecting multidimensional subspace signals, which model range-spread targets, in noise of unknown covariance. It is assumed that a primary channel of measurements, possibly consisting of signal plus noise, is augmented with a secondary channel of measurements containing only noise. The noises in these two channels share a common covariance matrix, up to a scale, which may be known or unknown. The signal model is a subspace model with variations: the subspace may be known or known only by its dimension; consecutive visits to the subspace may be unconstrained or they may be constrained by a prior distribution. As a consequence, there are four general classes of detectors and, within each class, there is a detector for the case where the scale between the primary and secondary channels is known, and for the case where this scale is unknown. The generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) based detectors derived in this paper, when organized with previously published GLR detectors, comprise a unified theory of adaptive subspace detection from primary and secondary channels of measurements

    An improved adaptive sidelobe blanker

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    We propose a two-stage detector consisting of a subspace detector followed by the whitened adaptive beamformer orthogonal rejection test. The performance analysis shows that it possesses the constant false alarm rate property with respect to the unknown covariance matrix of the noise and that it can guarantee a wider range of directivity values with respect to previously proposed two-stage detectors. The probability of false alarm and the probability of detection (for both matched and mismatched signals) have been evaluated by means of numerical integration techniques

    Adaptive Waveform Design with Multipath Exploitation Radar in Heterogeneous Environments

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    The problem of detecting point like targets over a glistening surface is investigated in this manuscript, and the design of an optimal waveform through a two-step process for a multipath exploitation radar is proposed. In the first step, a non-adaptive waveform is transmitted and a constrained Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT) detector is deduced at reception which exploits multipath returns in the range cell under test by modelling the target echo as a superposition of the direct plus the multipath returns. Under the hypothesis of heterogeneous environments, thus by assuming a compound-Gaussian distribution for the clutter return, this latter is estimated in the range cell under test through the secondary data, which are collected from the out-of-bin cells. The Fixed Point Estimate (FPE) algorithm is applied in the clutter estimation, then used to design the adaptive waveform for transmission in the second step of the algorithm, in order to suppress the clutter coming from the adjacent cells. The proposed GLRT is also used at the end of the second transmission for the final decision. Extensive performance evaluation of the proposed detector and adaptive waveform for various multipath scenarios is presented. The performance analysis prove that the proposed method improves the Signal-to-Clutter Ratio (SCR) of the received signal, and the detection performance with multipath exploitation

    Adaptive Detection of Structured Signals in Low-Rank Interference

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of detecting the presence (or absence) of an unknown but structured signal from the space-time outputs of an array under strong, non-white interference. Our motivation is the detection of a communication signal in jamming, where often the training portion is known but the data portion is not. We assume that the measurements are corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise of unknown variance and a few strong interferers, whose number, powers, and array responses are unknown. We also assume the desired signals array response is unknown. To address the detection problem, we propose several GLRT-based detection schemes that employ a probabilistic signal model and use the EM algorithm for likelihood maximization. Numerical experiments are presented to assess the performance of the proposed schemes

    Facing channel calibration issues affecting passive radar DPCA and STAP for GMTI

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    This paper addresses the problem of clutter cancellation for ground moving target indication (GMTI) in multi-channel passive radar on mobile platforms. Specifically, the advantages of a space-time adaptive processing (STAP) approach are presented, compared to a displaced phase centre antenna (DPCA) approach, in the case of an angle-dependent imbalance affecting the receiving channels. The schemes are tested against simulated clutter data. Finally, a space-time GLRT detection scheme is proposed, where steering vector is not specified in the spatial domain, resulting in a non-coherent integration of target echoes across the receiving channels. Such solution offers comparable clutter cancellation capability and is more robust against significant calibration errors compared to a conventional GLRT detector, which suffers from spatial steering vector mismatches