95 research outputs found

    Application of Remote Sensing GIS in Agriculture

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    This article provides an overview of some of the recent research in agriculture involving remote sensing and GIS. Attention focuses on application of remote sensing and GIS specially in agriculture including geography, land surveying, most Earth Science disciplines, parent child relationship, unique identification, attributes, technical parameters, 2D/3D view and any other requirement customized. These advances have been made over recent years and foundations for future research established and can be efficiently used in Agriculture for better results

    Information and Communication Technologies for Agriculture (ICT4Ag) in sub-Saharan Africa: A bibliometrics perspective based on web of science data, 1991–2018

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    The purpose of this study was to assess research articles published on ICT4Ag in subSaharan Africa, with a view to determining the application of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the agricultural sector in the region. The agricultural sector in sub-Saharan Africa is one of the most important sectors that have greatly benefited from the application of ICTs. Research on the application of ICTs is rapidly expanding and therefore requires synthesis to gauge the extent of publication, the subject focus of the research on ICTs for agriculture (hereafter simply referred to as ICT4Ag), and the trend of publication and countries contributing to research on ICT4Ag in sub-Saharan African countries. Relevant data were obtained from the Web of Science (WoS) citation databases using a search query, which combined a variety of agricultural terms and several key, words that constitute ICTs. It was found that ICTs are largely applied for communication and dissemination of agricultural information to and among stakeholders, including farmers and extension workers. Areas of application involve land use, crops [production], animal husbandry, conservation, [soil and crop]  management, and climate change. In terms of the broad disciplinary context, the application of ICTs in agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa occurs mostly in agronomy, environmental sciences, and dairy and animal science. Although only a few specific names of ICTs were found in the literature on agriculture, ICT-led activities and applications such as remote sensing, GIS, computer programs, software, Landsat, and information systems, among others, provided insight into not only the areas but also the nature of ICT  application in agriculture in the region. The internet, radio, computers and mobile phones were among the few types of ICTs that featured in the ICT4Ag literature and are, therefore, deemed to be the commonly used in agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. Concerning the foreign countries that have collaborated with sub-Saharan Africa in ICT4Ag research, the USA, France and England featured the most, thereby signalling the continuation of colonial legacies in the region. Furthermore, the pattern of collaboration may signal the nature of knowledge and innovation diffusion for ICT4Ag in sub-Saharan Africa. Finally, results reveal a diversity of areas of ICT application in agriculture in the region. The study makes recommendations for further research in other geographical regions for comparison purposes; a study to explore other bibliographic databases such as Scopus; and a study to assess the impact of the ICTs on agricultural performance of the affected countries. Key words: Sub-Saharan Africa, Information technologies, Innovations, ICTs, ICT4Ag, Agriculture, Farming, Bibliometric


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    Crops is one of agriculture part will be needed in the lives of human being. Food is a basic requirement for humans to be able to maintain life and hence the adequacy of food for every person at all times. Food security is a condition where the availability of food is sufficient for their food needs. It will continue to maintain the sustainability of food consumption and also help balance a fluctuation in prices and production of crops. Food availability is one aspect that exists in food security that is intended to fulfill a food need. Food security have several aspects, such as food availability, coverage, stability and quality of consumption. Mapping food security using Geographic Information System is important, by knowing the situation of food in the region, both the government and other institutions can make policies that are right on target. The objective of research will make a geographic information system related to food crop mapping to pay attention conditions of food security and can see the potential of food crop production from a sub-district that have high productivity especially for rice, cassava, sweet potato, soybean

    Paddy Field Zone Delineation Using Apparent Electrical Conductivity and its Relationship to the Chemical and Physical Properties of Soil

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    Spatial variability and temporal variability of soil chemical and physical properties within a field is unavoidable. Meanwhile, laboratory soil test is usually time consuming and laborious. To satisfy the concept of precision farming, rapid and intensive soil sampling is necessary for describing the uncertainty within a field. Apparent or bulk soil electrical conductivity (EC,) technique for describing soil spatial variability is widely used. A sensor known as VerisEC can measure the average EC, of 0-30 cm (shallow EC,) and 0-90 cm (deep EC,) depths and locate its position by Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) at every second. EC, includes soil salinity and soil texture. Soil texture has high correlation with soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) hence, soil nutrient contents. The main purpose of this study was to generate variability map of soil EC, within rice cultivation areas using VerisEC sensor for three seasons. The EC, values were then compared to some soil chemical and physical properties namely pH, EC, OM, OC, total S, total N, available P, CEC, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Al, Fe, total cation, BS, ESP, dry bulk density, moisture content, clay, silt, fine sand, coarse sand and sand, within classes after delineation. The study site was 145 ha paddy fields at Block C, Sawah Sempadan in the Tanjong Karang Rice Irrigation Scheme, Malaysia. The sensor was pulled by a tractor in a U-shape pattern between the field drains (speed = 15 km h-'). Disturbed and undisturbed of 236 sampling points were collected and recorded their positions by GPS (Trimble GeoExplorer3). Soil properties and EC, data were mapped using kriging technique on GS+ and ArcGIS. SPSS and SAS were used for their statistical analysis. The study showed that the EC sensor can determine soil spatial and temporal variability, where it can acquire the soil information quickly with less labour. Most of the soil properties and EC, changed from one season to other seasons, except total N. Much of the soil properties had the same mean values for seasons 1 and 3 such as K, moisture content, silt and coarse sand. Spatial variability of shallow and deep EC, had the same pattern for different seasons even though the mean values were different. Deep EC, showed the pattern of former canal routes clearly as continuous lines about 45 m wide at the northern and central parts of the study area. Low Na in zone 1 delineated by deep EC, may be due to deep soil profile to reach the parent material of marine alluvial, where it was a former water route. High fine sand and sand in zone 1 were found for all the seasons. The models of soil properties estimation based on EC, varied spatially and temporally from season to season and even from zone to zone. Most of them can be estimated better by deep EC, except, soil K and ESP. The selected models showed that the highest significant R* was found in fine sand and sand models with the consistency of the model throughout the study seasons. The relationship between yield and deep EC, was non significant for all the season

    Sentinel-1 SAR interferometry for agriculture: description of an experiment in Oryol, Russia

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    In this work we describe an experiment to be carried out in the basin of Suhaya Orlitsa river (Oryol region, central part of European Russia) to compare in-situ measurements of soil moisture with estimates obtained using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry. The Sentinel-1 mission of the European Space Agency (ESA), acquiring C-band SAR images regularly over all Earth regions since 2014 with a mean revisiting time of 6 days, is used. In-situ measurements of soil moisture are planned in a time interval of 3 hours in coincidence of each Sentinel-1 passage, using a temporal sampling of 15 minutes. Test measurements are planned at the end of the month of April, when the soil accumulates water. The aim of the experiment is to demonstrate the feasibility of using Sentinel-1 images to densify the network of in-situ measurements of soil moisture on the territory of Russia. The application of SAR interferometry is investigated as it requires less in-situ measurements than methods based on the use of radar cross-section and the inversion of models of electromagnetic scattering from natural surfaces. Examples of interferometric coherence and phase images obtained by processing Sentinel-1 images acquired on 20th September 2019 and 2nd October 2019 over the study area are shown

    GIS-based irrigation evaluation strategy for a rice production region, A

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    Presented during the Third international conference on irrigation and drainage held March 30 - April 2, 2005 in San Diego, California. The theme of the conference was "Water district management and governance."Includes bibliographical references.Water shortage has become an international problem and this is especially true in China. This paper will detail the process of constructing a GIS-based information system to complete large-scale evaluation for water irrigation efficiency in a rice production region in China. A GIS-based system is built to integrate evaluation models and manage irrigation region actively and present the evaluation result in this paper. The research region is divided into several sub-regions and each sub-region is irrigated differently. After comparison of the results of different irritation methods, the suitable way of irrigation for a certain region can be selected. In this study, each rice production farm field located in sub-regions will be regarded as a basic unit and is digitalized to form spatial database. We monitor all growing stage of paddy rice and record water irrigation and rice yield. The goal is to find region-fit irrigation strategy and thus to enhance the profitability of irrigation water.Sponsored by USCID; co-sponsored by Association of California Water Agencies and International Network for Participatory Irrigation Management

    Planiranje nasada lijeske uporabom GIS-a i multikriterijske analize

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    Spatial and environmental conditions on the agricultural land are invariable components and any plantation planning should take them into consideration. The conducted research presented methodology for suitability calculation of hazel plantations based on multicriteria analysis, performed in Vukovar-Srijem County. Nine criteria representing topographic, climate, pedology and infrastructure properties were modelled in GIS environment. Values of created layers were standardized using stepwise standardization and their respective weights were calculated by Analytical Hierarchical Process. These values were integrated using weighted linear combination, resulting with suitability values. The surrounding area of the City of Ilok had the highest suitability for hazel plantation in the studied locality, with maximum suitability 4.1 out of 5.0. Suitability was visualized on a thematic map, which enables farmers to interpret the data.Poljoprivredno je zemljište stacionarna komponenta s prostornim i ekološkim uvjetima na koje se ne može utjecati, kao što su topografija i klima. Provedeno istraživanje predstavlja metodologiju za izračun pogodnosti nasada lijeske temeljenu na multikriterijskoj analizi i primijenjenu u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji. Devet kriterija koji predstavljaju topografska, klimatska, pedološka i infrastrukturna svojstva modelirana su u GIS okruženju. Vrijednosti stvorenih slojeva standardizirane su pomoću postupne standardizacije, a njihove težine izračunate su analitičkim hijerarhijskim procesom. Te su vrijednosti integrirane pomoću težinske linearne kombinacije, što je rezultiralo vrijednostima pogodnosti. Područje najviše pogodnosti za nasade lijeske na području istraživanja okolica je grada Iloka, s maksimalnom prikladnošću 4,1 od mogućih 5,0. Razina pogodnosti vizualizirana je u obliku tematske karte, koja omogućuje poljoprivrednicima interpretaciju podataka

    Characterization of forest fire frequency using fire scar mapping of temporal satellite data for forest fire management

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    One of the most complex problems facing in tropical forests, particularly in deciduous forests, is the recurrent incidence of fire. It is well known that fire caused extensive damage in the forest ecosystem by quantitatively and qualitatively. To reduce occurrences of forest fire, proper management of fire is highly important which entails mapping of forest fire frequency and identification of suitable area for watchtowers. In the present study, fire frequency analysis of Melghat Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra was done for the last seven years (2014-2020) based on the fire scar on the temporal Landsat data during fire season (January-June). Fire frequency analysis shows that an area of 1053.64 ha (0.52%) of the reserve was burned all seven years followed by 3050.53 ha (1.49%) for six times, 3849.52 ha (1.88%) for five times, 5520.04 ha (2.70%) for four times, 11845.63 ha (5.80%) for three times, 36863.52 ha (18.03%) for two times, 70126.33 ha (34.31%) for once and 72093.02 ha (35.27%) remains unburned all these seven years. The fire frequency map generated was used as an input for prioritizing the locations of watch towers as well as prioritizing grazing closure areas and fires lines. Identification of suitable sites for locating new watchtowers has been done by integrating and modeling of forest fire frequency map, existing watchtowers and viewshed analysis in GIS. Based on these results only thirteen watchtowers were categorized under retainable among the existing watchtowers and 27 new watchtowers are proposed to cover the entire area