425 research outputs found

    Accuracy of a DTM derived from full-waveform laser scanning data under unstructured eucalypt forest: a case study

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    A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is fundamental for extracting several forest canopy structure metrics from data acquired with small-footprint airborne laser scanning (ALS). This modern remote sensing technology is based on laser measurements from a laser system mounted on an aircraft and integrated with a geodetic GNSS receiver and an inertial measurement unit (IMU) or inertia navigation system (INS). In the context of a research project for deriving forest inventory parameters and fuel variables under eucalypt stands in Mediterranean climates, the vertical precision of the DTM obtained by automatic filtering of full-waveform ALS data had to be evaluated. The DTM accuracy estimation on a study area with peculiar characteristics, which are often avoided in related studies, will also allow verifying the performance of full- waveform ALS systems. The accuracy estimation is carried out in a novel way. By novel way, it is meant an exhaustive, well-planned collection of reliable control data in forest environment. The collection of the control data involves the production of DTM on 43 circular plots (radius = 11.28m) using total stations and geodetic GNSS receivers. These DTM, with a total of 3356 points, allowed one to evaluate consistently and reliably the vertical accuracy of the terrain surface produced with ALS under a eucalypt forest. This global accuracy, expressed by the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the vertical differences between the field surveyed surface and the ALS derived DTM surface is 0.15m (mean=0.08m and std=0.09m). This impressive value indicates that, for an ALS point cloud density of 10pts/m2 and footprint of 20 cm, the methodology used to extract the DTM from full- waveform ALS data under an unstructured eucalypt forest is very accurate. In this article it is addressed both the strategy adopted to collect the control data and the quality assessment of the DTM produced by means of the ALS data

    Ground-based synthetic aperture radar (GBSAR) interferometry for deformation monitoring

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    Ph. D ThesisGround-based synthetic aperture radar (GBSAR), together with interferometry, represents a powerful tool for deformation monitoring. GBSAR has inherent flexibility, allowing data to be collected with adjustable temporal resolutions through either continuous or discontinuous mode. The goal of this research is to develop a framework to effectively utilise GBSAR for deformation monitoring in both modes, with the emphasis on accuracy, robustness, and real-time capability. To achieve this goal, advanced Interferometric SAR (InSAR) processing algorithms have been proposed to address existing issues in conventional interferometry for GBSAR deformation monitoring. The proposed interferometric algorithms include a new non-local method for the accurate estimation of coherence and interferometric phase, a new approach to selecting coherent pixels with the aim of maximising the density of selected pixels and optimizing the reliability of time series analysis, and a rigorous model for the correction of atmospheric and repositioning errors. On the basis of these algorithms, two complete interferometric processing chains have been developed: one for continuous and the other for discontinuous GBSAR deformation monitoring. The continuous chain is able to process infinite incoming images in real time and extract the evolution of surface movements through temporally coherent pixels. The discontinuous chain integrates additional automatic coregistration of images and correction of repositioning errors between different campaigns. Successful deformation monitoring applications have been completed, including three continuous (a dune, a bridge, and a coastal cliff) and one discontinuous (a hillside), which have demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of the presented algorithms and chains for high-accuracy GBSAR interferometric measurement. Significant deformation signals were detected from the three continuous applications and no deformation from the discontinuous. The achieved results are justified quantitatively via a defined precision indicator for the time series estimation and validated qualitatively via a priori knowledge of these observing sites.China Scholarship Council (CSC), Newcastle Universit

    The Interferometric Use of Radar Sensors for the Urban Monitoring of Structural Vibrations and Surface Displacements

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    In this paper, we propose a combined use of real aperture radar (RAR) and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors, within an interferometric processing chain, to provide a new methodology for monitoring urban environment and historical buildings at different temporal and spatial scales. In particular, ground-based RAR measurements are performed to estimate the vibration displacements and the natural oscillation frequencies of structures, with the aim of supporting the understanding of the building dynamic response. These measurements are then juxtaposed with ground-based and space-borne SAR data to monitor surface deformation phenomena, and hence, point out potential risks within an urban environment. In this framework, differential interferometric SAR algorithms are implemented to generate short-term (monthly) surface displacement and long-term (annual) mean surface displacement velocity maps at local (hundreds m2) and regional (tens km2) scale, respectively. The proposed methodology, developed among the activities carried out within the national project Programma Operativo Nazionale MASSIMO (Monitoraggio in Area Sismica di SIstemi MOnumentali), is tested and discussed for the ancient structure of Saint Augustine compound, located in the historical center of Cosenza (Italy) and representing a typical example of the Italian Cultural Heritage

    InSAR Modeling of Geophysics Measurements

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    In the present work, the geometry and basic parameters of interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) geophysics system are addressed. Equations of pixel height and displacement evaluation are derived. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) signal model based on linear frequency modulation (LFM) waveform and image reconstruction procedure are suggested. The concept of pseudo InSAR measurements, interferogram, and differential interferogram generation is considered. Interferogram and differential interferogram are generated based on a surface model and InSAR measurements. Results of numerical experiments are provided

    Neural Network Pattern Recognition Experiments Toward a Fully Automatic Detection of Anomalies in InSAR Time Series of Surface Deformation

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    We present a neural network-based method to detect anomalies in time-dependent surface deformation fields given a set of geodetic images of displacements collected from multiple viewing geometries. The presented methodology is based on a supervised classification approach using combinations of line of sight multitemporal, multi-geometry interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) time series of displacements. We demonstrate this method with a set of 170 million time series of surface deformation generated for the entire Italian territory and derived from ERS, ENVISAT, and COSMO-SkyMed Synthetic Aperture Radar satellite constellations. We create a training dataset that has been compared with independently validated data and current state-of-the-art classification techniques. Compared to state-of-the-art algorithms, the presented framework provides increased detection accuracy, precision, recall, and reduced processing times for critical infrastructure and landslide monitoring. This study highlights how the proposed approach can accelerate the anomalous points identification step by up to 147 times compared to analytical and other artificial intelligence methods and can be theoretically extended to other geodetic measurements such as GPS, leveling data, or extensometers. Our results indicate that the proposed approach would make the anomaly identification post-processing times negligible when compared to the InSAR time-series processing

    Geodetic monitoring of complex shaped infrastructures using Ground-Based InSAR

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    In the context of climate change, alternatives to fossil energies need to be used as much as possible to produce electricity. Hydroelectric power generation through the utilisation of dams stands out as an exemplar of highly effective methodologies in this endeavour. Various monitoring sensors can be installed with different characteristics w.r.t. spatial resolution, temporal resolution and accuracy to assess their safe usage. Among the array of techniques available, it is noteworthy that ground-based synthetic aperture radar (GB-SAR) has not yet been widely adopted for this purpose. Despite its remarkable equilibrium between the aforementioned attributes, its sensitivity to atmospheric disruptions, specific acquisition geometry, and the requisite for phase unwrapping collectively contribute to constraining its usage. Several processing strategies are developed in this thesis to capitalise on all the opportunities of GB-SAR systems, such as continuous, flexible and autonomous observation combined with high resolutions and accuracy. The first challenge that needs to be solved is to accurately localise and estimate the azimuth of the GB-SAR to improve the geocoding of the image in the subsequent step. A ray tracing algorithm and tomographic techniques are used to recover these external parameters of the sensors. The introduction of corner reflectors for validation purposes confirms a significant error reduction. However, for the subsequent geocoding, challenges persist in scenarios involving vertical structures due to foreshortening and layover, which notably compromise the geocoding quality of the observed points. These issues arise when multiple points at varying elevations are encapsulated within a singular resolution cell, posing difficulties in pinpointing the precise location of the scattering point responsible for signal return. To surmount these hurdles, a Bayesian approach grounded in intensity models is formulated, offering a tool to enhance the accuracy of the geocoding process. The validation is assessed on a dam in the black forest in Germany, characterised by a very specific structure. The second part of this thesis is focused on the feasibility of using GB-SAR systems for long-term geodetic monitoring of large structures. A first assessment is made by testing large temporal baselines between acquisitions for epoch-wise monitoring. Due to large displacements, the phase unwrapping can not recover all the information. An improvement is made by adapting the geometry of the signal processing with the principal component analysis. The main case study consists of several campaigns from different stations at Enguri Dam in Georgia. The consistency of the estimated displacement map is assessed by comparing it to a numerical model calibrated on the plumblines data. It exhibits a strong agreement between the two results and comforts the usage of GB-SAR for epoch-wise monitoring, as it can measure several thousand points on the dam. It also exhibits the possibility of detecting local anomalies in the numerical model. Finally, the instrument has been installed for continuous monitoring for over two years at Enguri Dam. An adequate flowchart is developed to eliminate the drift happening with classical interferometric algorithms to achieve the accuracy required for geodetic monitoring. The analysis of the obtained time series confirms a very plausible result with classical parametric models of dam deformations. Moreover, the results of this processing strategy are also confronted with the numerical model and demonstrate a high consistency. The final comforting result is the comparison of the GB-SAR time series with the output from four GNSS stations installed on the dam crest. The developed algorithms and methods increase the capabilities of the GB-SAR for dam monitoring in different configurations. It can be a valuable and precious supplement to other classical sensors for long-term geodetic observation purposes as well as short-term monitoring in cases of particular dam operations

    Mapping and monitoring geomorphological processes in mountainous areas using PSI data: Central Pyrenees case study

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    In this paper the Stable Point Network technique, an established Persistent Scatterer InSAR (PSI) technique, (SPN), has been applied for the first time to the analysis of several geomorphological processes present in the GĂĄllego river basin (Central Pyrenees, Spain). The SPN coherence based approach has been used to process three different SAR images datasets covering two temporal periods: 1995 to 2001 and 2001 to 2007. This approach has permitted the detection of more than 40 000 natural ground targets or Persistent Scatterers (PSs) in the study area, characterised by the presence of vegetation and a low urban density. Derived displacement maps have permitted the detection and monitoring of deformations in landslides, alluvial fans and erosive areas. In the first section, the study area is introduced. Then the specifics of the SPN processing are presented. The deformation results estimated with the SPN technique for the different processed datasets are compared and analysed with previous available geo-information. Then several detailed studies are presented to illustrate the processes detected by the satellite based analysis. In addition, a comparison between the performance of ERS and ENVISAT satellites with terrestrial SAR has demonstrates that these are complementary techniques, which can be integrated in order to monitor deformation processes, like landslides, that over the same monitoring area may show very different ranges of movement. The most relevant conclusions of this work are finally discussed
