2,311 research outputs found

    A procurement adjustment strategy for FDI enterprises: A case study under the Belt and Road Initiative

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    This study combines international trade theories, purchase management theories and SWOT analysis together. Based on these theories, this study firstly finds the problems in multinational procurement management and then studies how multinational enterprises (MNEs) select their procurement strategy for the procurement of raw materials under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Also, this study takes Group A as a case company to perform a detailed analysis on. Contributions of this study are as follows. Firstly, from the macro level, the current research is mainly about the purchasing behaviours and procurement management in MNEs especially the procurement management in MNEs. However, this study conducts a micro level analysis of a specific enterprise, taking Group A as a case study. Secondly, combined with the MNEs location choice and procurement management, this study analysed, in particular, the localised purchase management models. Thirdly, by taking Group A as an example, the author constructed a dynamic mechanism of its procurement management selection mode combined with corresponding data of raw material procurement costs. Fourthly, the study analysed the motivation of procurement management shifts and discusses the possible new growth engine of Chinese MNEs and the localisation selection of MNEs.Este estudo combina teorias referentes ao comércio internacional com as teorias de gestão de compras e a análise SWOT. Com base nessas teorias, este estudo investiga primeiramente os problemas na gestão de aquisições das empresas multinacionais e, em seguida, estuda como as EMNs selecionam a sua estratégia de aquisição para a compra de matérias primas tendo em consideração a Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Além disso, esta tese toma o Grupo A como um exemplo para realizar uma análise detalhada. As contribuições deste estudo são as seguintes. Em primeiro lugar, as pesquisas existentes preocupam se, a um nível macro, com os comportamentos de compra e gestão de aquisições em empresas multinacionais. No entanto, este estudo conduz uma análise mais ao nível micro de uma empresa específica, tomando o Grupo A como um estudo de caso. Em segundo lugar, combinando a escolha da localização das EMs e a gestão de aquisições, este estudo analisa o modelo de gestão de compras. Em terceiro lugar, tomando o Grupo A como exemplo, o autor constrói um modelo dinâmico de seleção e gestão de compras combinando os dados correspondentes aos custos de aquisição de matéria prima. Em terceiro lugar, o estudo analisa a motivação das mudanças na gestão de compras e discute o possível motor novo de crescimento das empresas multinacionais chinesas e a seleção da localização das empresas multinacionais

    Operations Management

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    Global competition has caused fundamental changes in the competitive environment of the manufacturing and service industries. Firms should develop strategic objectives that, upon achievement, result in a competitive advantage in the market place. The forces of globalization on one hand and rapidly growing marketing opportunities overseas, especially in emerging economies on the other, have led to the expansion of operations on a global scale. The book aims to cover the main topics characterizing operations management including both strategic issues and practical applications. A global environmental business including both manufacturing and services is analyzed. The book contains original research and application chapters from different perspectives. It is enriched through the analyses of case studies

    Strategic Human Resource Management Practices: An Exploratory Survey of French Organisations

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    Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) have been amply discussed in both academic circles and business press. Most of our notion of SHRM are from the work done in the US and from the body of literature known as "High Performance Work Practices". This paper tries to contribute to the debate by understanding the changes in strategic HRM practices (Role and Structure of HR Department, Recruitment, Retraining & Redeployment, Performance Appraisal, Compensation, and Rightsizing) in France in the last 5 years and try to answer specifically the question of how strategic HRM practices have changed in French organizations to enhance corporate performance. A multi-respondent survey of 28 French organizations are analyzed to find the changes in SHRM in French organizations. The responses yielded a variety of HRM variables relating to role and structure of the HRM department, recruitment, performance appraisal, retraining and redeployment and rightsizingSHRM; Performance; Change; France

    Entry mode selection for internationalization of giant Chinese state owned companies: The case of entrance in Africa of China communications construction company

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    Enterprise internationalization is an inevitable choice as open economies develop to a certain level. According to the direct investment development path theory of John Dunning, when the GNP Per Capita exceeds 3000,thenetforeigninvestmentwillbepositive.Withrapiddevelopmentoverthepastthreedecades,ChinasinternationaleconomicpositionandinfluencehavesignificantlyimprovedanditsGNPPerCapitahassurpassed 3000, the net foreign investment will be positive. With rapid development over the past three decades, China’s international economic position and influence have significantly improved and its GNP Per Capita has surpassed 4000, it has entered the rapid growth stage for investment development as described in Dunning’s theory. At this stage, the market entry mode selection is the first issue to tackle for enterprise internationalization. This thesis takes China’s giant state owned construction companies as research object and the author analyzes the internal and external environments and the strategic selection for internationalization operation, and describes the conceptions, categories, internal attributes and factors of market entry mode selection for internationalization of construction companies. This thesis focuses on China Communications Construction Company Ltd (hereinafter referred to as CCCC), representative of giant Chinese state owned construction companies, sets up the SWOT analysis and weight system and conducts strategic positioning. Based on the above strategic positioning, the author takes into consideration the national background of these companies and puts forward three assumptions and their theoretical framework. The thesis takes CCCC’s entry into the market of Kenya and Angola as an example, verifies the effectiveness and application of the theoretical framework, and makes up the deficiency of the theory on market entry mode selection for enterprise internationalization, providing reference for enterprises’ market entry practice.Quando as economias abertas atingem um determinado nível de desenvolvimento a internacionalização das empresas torna-se uma escolha inevitável. De acordo com a teoria de investiemnto directo de John Dunning, quando o rendimento per capita excede 3000,oinvestimentoestrangeiroliquidoseraˊpositivo.Comumcrescimentoeconoˊmicoraˊpidonasuˊltimastre^sdeˊcadas,aposic\ca~oeconoˊmicainternacionaldaChinaeinflue^nciamelhoraramsignificativamenteeoseurendimentopercapitaultrapassouos3000, o investimento estrangeiro liquido será positivo. Com um crescimento económico rápido nas últimas três décadas, a posição económica internacional da China e influência melhoraram significativamente e o seu rendimento per capita ultrapassou os 4000. Atingiu, deste modo, o estágio defendido por Dunning. Esta tese tem como objecto de pesquisa as empresas “gigantes” estatais Chinesas do ramo das obras públicas e o autor analisa a envolvente interna e externa e a escolha estratégica dos modos de internacionalização das mesmas. Esta tese foca-se na empresa chinesa – China Communications Construction Company Ltd (CCCC), representante das empresas gigantes estatais chinesas de obras públicas, descrevendo o processo de realização da análise SWOT. Tendo por base o posicionamento estratégico da empresa, o autor analisa o contexto em que esta empresa se desenvolveu e avança com três pressupostos no que concerne à sua internacionalização. A tese compara também os processos de entrada da CCCC em Angola e no Quénia

    Green Technologies for Production Processes

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    This book focuses on original research works about Green Technologies for Production Processes, including discrete production processes and process production processes, from various aspects that tackle product, process, and system issues in production. The aim is to report the state-of-the-art on relevant research topics and highlight the barriers, challenges, and opportunities we are facing. This book includes 22 research papers and involves energy-saving and waste reduction in production processes, design and manufacturing of green products, low carbon manufacturing and remanufacturing, management and policy for sustainable production, technologies of mitigating CO2 emissions, and other green technologies

    Towards the Internet of Smart Trains: A Review on Industrial IoT-Connected Railways

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    [Abstract] Nowadays, the railway industry is in a position where it is able to exploit the opportunities created by the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and enabling communication technologies under the paradigm of Internet of Trains. This review details the evolution of communication technologies since the deployment of GSM-R, describing the main alternatives and how railway requirements, specifications and recommendations have evolved over time. The advantages of the latest generation of broadband communication systems (e.g., LTE, 5G, IEEE 802.11ad) and the emergence of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for the railway environment are also explained together with the strategic roadmap to ensure a smooth migration from GSM-R. Furthermore, this survey focuses on providing a holistic approach, identifying scenarios and architectures where railways could leverage better commercial IIoT capabilities. After reviewing the main industrial developments, short and medium-term IIoT-enabled services for smart railways are evaluated. Then, it is analyzed the latest research on predictive maintenance, smart infrastructure, advanced monitoring of assets, video surveillance systems, railway operations, Passenger and Freight Information Systems (PIS/FIS), train control systems, safety assurance, signaling systems, cyber security and energy efficiency. Overall, it can be stated that the aim of this article is to provide a detailed examination of the state-of-the-art of different technologies and services that will revolutionize the railway industry and will allow for confronting today challenges.Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; ED431C 2016-045Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; ED341D R2016/012Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; ED431G/01Agencia Estatal de Investigación (España); TEC2013-47141-C4-1-RAgencia Estatal de Investigación (España); TEC2015-69648-REDCAgencia Estatal de Investigación (España); TEC2016-75067-C4-1-


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    A common European energy policy is emerging. That poses a puzzling instance of European integration and policy‐making. Despite the origins of the European integration project rooted in the coal and nuclear sectors, integration in the energy domain largely failed until the 1990s. The last two decades, however, witnessed an increasing number of energy policy initiatives at the European Union (EU) level and culminated in the inclusion of the energy article in the 2009 Lisbon Treaty. The dissertation aims to explain under what conditions, and how, European integration succeeds in the domain of energy policy, based on a novel fuzzy‐set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) of the twelve key legislative proposals in the EU energy policy field, and a comparative case study of the two EU renewable energy directives. In the dissertation, I develop a configurational approach that sets ground for a typological theory of European integration. The findings support the major claim of the study that there are multiple paths to successful integration outcome. I find alternative paths of integration in the EU’s energy policy domain. The dissertation findings provide evidence that integration of EU energy policy proceeds under the interplay of structure (rules), agency (member state preferences, or supranational policy entrepreneurs) and contingency (external shocks)

    From Conference to alliance: multiple perspectives

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    Tradition and Innovation in Construction Project Management

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    This book is a reprint of the Special Issue 'Tradition and Innovation in Construction Project Management' that was published in the journal Buildings