101 research outputs found

    Parameterizing the semantics of fuzzy attribute implications by systems of isotone Galois connections

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    We study the semantics of fuzzy if-then rules called fuzzy attribute implications parameterized by systems of isotone Galois connections. The rules express dependencies between fuzzy attributes in object-attribute incidence data. The proposed parameterizations are general and include as special cases the parameterizations by linguistic hedges used in earlier approaches. We formalize the general parameterizations, propose bivalent and graded notions of semantic entailment of fuzzy attribute implications, show their characterization in terms of least models and complete axiomatization, and provide characterization of bases of fuzzy attribute implications derived from data

    Bivalent and other solutions of fuzzy relational equations via linguistic hedges

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    Abstract We show that the well-known results regarding solutions of fuzzy relational equations and their systems can easily be generalized to obtain criteria regarding constrained solutions such as solutions which are crisp relations. When the constraint is empty, constrained solutions are ordinary solutions. The generalization is obtained by employing intensifying and relaxing linguistic hedges, conceived in this paper as certain unary functions on the scale of truth degrees. One aim of the paper is to highlight the problem of constrained solutions and to demonstrate that this problem naturally appears when identifying unknown relations. The other is to emphasize the role of linguistic hedges as constraints. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Motivation Fuzzy relational equations play an important role in fuzzy set theory and its applications, see and every fuzzy relation U satisfying the first or the second equality is called a solution of the respective fuzzy relational equation. The nature of the unknown relationship represented by U may impose additional constraints on U. For example, one may require that U be a bivalent (crisp) relation (see Section 3 for an illustrative example). More generally

    Using intensifying hedges to reduce size of multi-adjoint concept lattices with heterogeneous conjunctors

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    Abstract. In this work we focus on the use of intensifying hedges as a tool to reduce the size of the recently introduced multi-adjoint concept lattices with heterogeneous conjunctors

    A Recursive Bateson-Inspired Model for the Generation of Semantic Formal Concepts from Spatial Sensory Data

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    Neural-symbolic approaches to machine learning incorporate the advantages from both connectionist and symbolic methods. Typically, these models employ a first module based on a neural architecture to extract features from complex data. Then, these features are processed as symbols by a symbolic engine that provides reasoning, concept structures, composability, better generalization and out-of-distribution learning among other possibilities. However, neural approaches to the grounding of symbols in sensory data, albeit powerful, still require heavy training and tedious labeling for the most part. This paper presents a new symbolic-only method for the generation of hierarchical concept structures from complex spatial sensory data. The approach is based on Bateson's notion of difference as the key to the genesis of an idea or a concept. Following his suggestion, the model extracts atomic features from raw data by computing elemental sequential comparisons in a stream of multivariate numerical values. Higher-level constructs are built from these features by subjecting them to further comparisons in a recursive process. At any stage in the recursion, a concept structure may be obtained from these constructs and features by means of Formal Concept Analysis. Results show that the model is able to produce fairly rich yet human-readable conceptual representations without training. Additionally, the concept structures obtained through the model (i) present high composability, which potentially enables the generation of 'unseen' concepts, (ii) allow formal reasoning, and (iii) have inherent abilities for generalization and out-of-distribution learning. Consequently, this method may offer an interesting angle to current neural-symbolic research. Future work is required to develop a training methodology so that the model can be tested against a larger dataset

    Разработка алгоритмов поиска формальных понятий в нечётких контекстах

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    Текст работы публикуется с изъятиями.В результате исследований проведён обзор существующих подходов обобщения анализа формальных понятий на нечёткие контексты, разобраны подробные примеры для каждого подхода, разработаны алгоритмы FuzzyCbO и DirectCbO. Создан комплекс программ, реализующий алгоритмы Янга, Белоглавека, FuzzyCbO и DirectCbO, проведены вычислительные эксперименты для сравнения реализованных алгоритмов

    Fuzzy formal concept analysis

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    CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORFormal Context Analysis is a mathematical theory that enables us to find concepts from a given set of objects, a set of attributes and a relation on them. There is a hierarchy of such concepts, from which a complete lattice can be made. In this paper we p831192205CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIOR306546/2017-5308524/2014-437th Conference of the North-American-Fuzzy-Information-Processing-Society (NAFIPS

    Attribute exploration with fuzzy attributes and background knowledge

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    Abstract. Attribute exploration is a formal concept analytical tool for knowledge discovery by interactive determination of the implications holding between a given set of attributes. The corresponding algorithm queries the user in an efficient way about the implications between the attributes. The result of the exploration process is a representative set of examples for the entire theory and a set of implications from which all implications that hold between the considered attributes can be deduced. The method was successfully applied in different real-life applications for discrete data. In many instances, the user may know some implications before the exploration starts. These are considered as background knowledge and their usage shortens the exploration process. In this paper we show that the handling of background information can be generalised to the fuzzy setting

    Conceptual Factors and Fuzzy Data

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    With the growing number of large data sets, the necessity of complexity reduction applies today more than ever before. Moreover, some data may also be vague or uncertain. Thus, whenever we have an instrument for data analysis, the questions of how to apply complexity reduction methods and how to treat fuzzy data arise rather naturally. In this thesis, we discuss these issues for the very successful data analysis tool Formal Concept Analysis. In fact, we propose different methods for complexity reduction based on qualitative analyses, and we elaborate on various methods for handling fuzzy data. These two topics split the thesis into two parts. Data reduction is mainly dealt with in the first part of the thesis, whereas we focus on fuzzy data in the second part. Although each chapter may be read almost on its own, each one builds on and uses results from its predecessors. The main crosslink between the chapters is given by the reduction methods and fuzzy data. In particular, we will also discuss complexity reduction methods for fuzzy data, combining the two issues that motivate this thesis.Komplexitätsreduktion ist eines der wichtigsten Verfahren in der Datenanalyse. Mit ständig wachsenden Datensätzen gilt dies heute mehr denn je. In vielen Gebieten stößt man zudem auf vage und ungewisse Daten. Wann immer man ein Instrument zur Datenanalyse hat, stellen sich daher die folgenden zwei Fragen auf eine natürliche Weise: Wie kann man im Rahmen der Analyse die Variablenanzahl verkleinern, und wie kann man Fuzzy-Daten bearbeiten? In dieser Arbeit versuchen wir die eben genannten Fragen für die Formale Begriffsanalyse zu beantworten. Genauer gesagt, erarbeiten wir verschiedene Methoden zur Komplexitätsreduktion qualitativer Daten und entwickeln diverse Verfahren für die Bearbeitung von Fuzzy-Datensätzen. Basierend auf diesen beiden Themen gliedert sich die Arbeit in zwei Teile. Im ersten Teil liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Komplexitätsreduktion, während sich der zweite Teil der Verarbeitung von Fuzzy-Daten widmet. Die verschiedenen Kapitel sind dabei durch die beiden Themen verbunden. So werden insbesondere auch Methoden für die Komplexitätsreduktion von Fuzzy-Datensätzen entwickelt

    A core language for fuzzy answer set programming

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    A number of different Fuzzy Answer Set Programming (FASP) formalisms have been proposed in the last years, which all differ in the language extensions they support. In this paperwe investigate the expressivity of these frameworks. Specificallywe showhowa variety of constructs in these languages can be implemented using a considerably simpler core language. These simulations are important as a compact and simple language is easier to implement and to reason about, while an expressive language offers more options when modeling problems