2,826 research outputs found

    Fusing Heterogeneous Data for Detection Under Non-stationary Dependence

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of detection for dependent, non-stationary signals where the non-stationarity is encoded in the dependence structure. We employ copula theory, which allows for a general parametric characterization of the joint distribution of sensor observations and, hence, allows for a more general description of inter-sensor dependence. We design a copula-based detector using the Neyman-Pearson framework. Our approach involves a sample-wise copula selection scheme, which for a simple hypothesis test, is proved to perform better than previously used single copula selection schemes. We demonstrate the utility of our copula-based approach on simulated data, and also for outdoor sensor data collected by the Army Research Laboratory at the US southwest border

    Fusing Censored Dependent Data for Distributed Detection

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    In this paper, we consider a distributed detection problem for a censoring sensor network where each sensor's communication rate is significantly reduced by transmitting only "informative" observations to the Fusion Center (FC), and censoring those deemed "uninformative". While the independence of data from censoring sensors is often assumed in previous research, we explore spatial dependence among observations. Our focus is on designing the fusion rule under the Neyman-Pearson (NP) framework that takes into account the spatial dependence among observations. Two transmission scenarios are considered, one where uncensored observations are transmitted directly to the FC and second where they are first quantized and then transmitted to further improve transmission efficiency. Copula-based Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT) for censored data is proposed with both continuous and discrete messages received at the FC corresponding to different transmission strategies. We address the computational issues of the copula-based GLRTs involving multidimensional integrals by presenting more efficient fusion rules, based on the key idea of injecting controlled noise at the FC before fusion. Although, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is reduced by introducing controlled noise at the receiver, simulation results demonstrate that the resulting noise-aided fusion approach based on adding artificial noise performs very closely to the exact copula-based GLRTs. Copula-based GLRTs and their noise-aided counterparts by exploiting the spatial dependence greatly improve detection performance compared with the fusion rule under independence assumption

    Heterogeneous Sensor Signal Processing for Inference with Nonlinear Dependence

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    Inferring events of interest by fusing data from multiple heterogeneous sources has been an interesting and important topic in recent years. Several issues related to inference using heterogeneous data with complex and nonlinear dependence are investigated in this dissertation. We apply copula theory to characterize the dependence among heterogeneous data. In centralized detection, where sensor observations are available at the fusion center (FC), we study copula-based fusion. We design detection algorithms based on sample-wise copula selection and mixture of copulas model in different scenarios of the true dependence. The proposed approaches are theoretically justified and perform well when applied to fuse acoustic and seismic sensor data for personnel detection. Besides traditional sensors, the access to the massive amount of social media data provides a unique opportunity for extracting information about unfolding events. We further study how sensor networks and social media complement each other in facilitating the data-to-decision making process. We propose a copula-based joint characterization of multiple dependent time series from sensors and social media. As a proof-of-concept, this model is applied to the fusion of Google Trends (GT) data and stock/flu data for prediction, where the stock/flu data serves as a surrogate for sensor data. In energy constrained networks, local observations are compressed before they are transmitted to the FC. In these cases, conditional dependence and heterogeneity complicate the system design particularly. We consider the classification of discrete random signals in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), where, for communication efficiency, only local decisions are transmitted. We derive the necessary conditions for the optimal decision rules at the sensors and the FC by introducing a hidden random variable. An iterative algorithm is designed to search for the optimal decision rules. Its convergence and asymptotical optimality are also proved. The performance of the proposed scheme is illustrated for the distributed Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) problem. Censoring is another communication efficient strategy, in which sensors transmit only informative observations to the FC, and censor those deemed uninformative . We design the detectors that take into account the spatial dependence among observations. Fusion rules for censored data are proposed with continuous and discrete local messages, respectively. Their computationally efficient counterparts based on the key idea of injecting controlled noise at the FC before fusion are also investigated. In this thesis, with heterogeneous and dependent sensor observations, we consider not only inference in parallel frameworks but also the problem of collaborative inference where collaboration exists among local sensors. Each sensor forms coalition with other sensors and shares information within the coalition, to maximize its inference performance. The collaboration strategy is investigated under a communication constraint. To characterize the influence of inter-sensor dependence on inference performance and thus collaboration strategy, we quantify the gain and loss in forming a coalition by introducing the copula-based definitions of diversity gain and redundancy loss for both estimation and detection problems. A coalition formation game is proposed for the distributed inference problem, through which the information contained in the inter-sensor dependence is fully explored and utilized for improved inference performance

    Reconstructing the Traffic State by Fusion of Heterogeneous Data

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    We present an advanced interpolation method for estimating smooth spatiotemporal profiles for local highway traffic variables such as flow, speed and density. The method is based on stationary detector data as typically collected by traffic control centres, and may be augmented by floating car data or other traffic information. The resulting profiles display transitions between free and congested traffic in great detail, as well as fine structures such as stop-and-go waves. We establish the accuracy and robustness of the method and demonstrate three potential applications: 1. compensation for gaps in data caused by detector failure; 2. separation of noise from dynamic traffic information; and 3. the fusion of floating car data with stationary detector data.Comment: For more information see http://www.mtreiber.de or http://www.akesting.d

    Dynamic L-type CaV1.2 channel trafficking facilitates CaV1.2 clustering and cooperative gating.

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    L-type CaV1.2 channels are key regulators of gene expression, cell excitability and muscle contraction. CaV1.2 channels organize in clusters throughout the plasma membrane. This channel organization has been suggested to contribute to the concerted activation of adjacent CaV1.2 channels (e.g. cooperative gating). Here, we tested the hypothesis that dynamic intracellular and perimembrane trafficking of CaV1.2 channels is critical for formation and dissolution of functional channel clusters mediating cooperative gating. We found that CaV1.2 moves in vesicular structures of circular and tubular shape with diverse intracellular and submembrane trafficking patterns. Both microtubules and actin filaments are required for dynamic movement of CaV1.2 vesicles. These vesicles undergo constitutive homotypic fusion and fission events that sustain CaV1.2 clustering, channel activity and cooperative gating. Our study suggests that CaV1.2 clusters and activity can be modulated by diverse and unique intracellular and perimembrane vesicular dynamics to fine-tune Ca2+ signals

    Decision-Making with Heterogeneous Sensors - A Copula Based Approach

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    Statistical decision making has wide ranging applications, from communications and signal processing to econometrics and finance. In contrast to the classical one source-one receiver paradigm, several applications have been identified in the recent past that require acquiring data from multiple sources or sensors. Information from the multiple sensors are transmitted to a remotely located receiver known as the fusion center which makes a global decision. Past work has largely focused on fusion of information from homogeneous sensors. This dissertation extends the formulation to the case when the local sensors may possess disparate sensing modalities. Both the theoretical and practical aspects of multimodal signal processing are considered. The first and foremost challenge is to \u27adequately\u27 model the joint statistics of such heterogeneous sensors. We propose the use of copula theory for this purpose. Copula models are general descriptors of dependence. They provide a way to characterize the nonlinear functional relationships between the multiple modalities, which are otherwise difficult to formalize. The important problem of selecting the `best\u27 copula function from a given set of valid copula densities is addressed, especially in the context of binary hypothesis testing problems. Both, the training-testing paradigm, where a training set is assumed to be available for learning the copula models prior to system deployment, as well as generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) based fusion rule for the online selection and estimation of copula parameters are considered. The developed theory is corroborated with extensive computer simulations as well as results on real-world data. Sensor observations (or features extracted thereof) are most often quantized before their transmission to the fusion center for bandwidth and power conservation. A detection scheme is proposed for this problem assuming unifom scalar quantizers at each sensor. The designed rule is applicable for both binary and multibit local sensor decisions. An alternative suboptimal but computationally efficient fusion rule is also designed which involves injecting a deliberate disturbance to the local sensor decisions before fusion. The rule is based on Widrow\u27s statistical theory of quantization. Addition of controlled noise helps to \u27linearize\u27 the higly nonlinear quantization process thus resulting in computational savings. It is shown that although the introduction of external noise does cause a reduction in the received signal to noise ratio, the proposed approach can be highly accurate when the input signals have bandlimited characteristic functions, and the number of quantization levels is large. The problem of quantifying neural synchrony using copula functions is also investigated. It has been widely accepted that multiple simultaneously recorded electroencephalographic signals exhibit nonlinear and non-Gaussian statistics. While the existing and popular measures such as correlation coefficient, corr-entropy coefficient, coh-entropy and mutual information are limited to being bivariate and hence applicable only to pairs of channels, measures such as Granger causality, even though multivariate, fail to account for any nonlinear inter-channel dependence. The application of copula theory helps alleviate both these limitations. The problem of distinguishing patients with mild cognitive impairment from the age-matched control subjects is also considered. Results show that the copula derived synchrony measures when used in conjunction with other synchrony measures improve the detection of Alzheimer\u27s disease onset

    Anomalous transport in the crowded world of biological cells

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    A ubiquitous observation in cell biology is that diffusion of macromolecules and organelles is anomalous, and a description simply based on the conventional diffusion equation with diffusion constants measured in dilute solution fails. This is commonly attributed to macromolecular crowding in the interior of cells and in cellular membranes, summarising their densely packed and heterogeneous structures. The most familiar phenomenon is a power-law increase of the MSD, but there are other manifestations like strongly reduced and time-dependent diffusion coefficients, persistent correlations, non-gaussian distributions of the displacements, heterogeneous diffusion, and immobile particles. After a general introduction to the statistical description of slow, anomalous transport, we summarise some widely used theoretical models: gaussian models like FBM and Langevin equations for visco-elastic media, the CTRW model, and the Lorentz model describing obstructed transport in a heterogeneous environment. Emphasis is put on the spatio-temporal properties of the transport in terms of 2-point correlation functions, dynamic scaling behaviour, and how the models are distinguished by their propagators even for identical MSDs. Then, we review the theory underlying common experimental techniques in the presence of anomalous transport: single-particle tracking, FCS, and FRAP. We report on the large body of recent experimental evidence for anomalous transport in crowded biological media: in cyto- and nucleoplasm as well as in cellular membranes, complemented by in vitro experiments where model systems mimic physiological crowding conditions. Finally, computer simulations play an important role in testing the theoretical models and corroborating the experimental findings. The review is completed by a synthesis of the theoretical and experimental progress identifying open questions for future investigation.Comment: review article, to appear in Rep. Prog. Phy

    Distributed Sequential Hypothesis Testing with Dependent Sensor Observations

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of distributed sequential detection using wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in the presence of imperfect communication channels between the sensors and the fusion center (FC). We assume that sensor observations are spatially dependent. We propose a copula-based distributed sequential detection scheme that characterizes the spatial dependence. Specifically, each local sensor collects observations regarding the phenomenon of interest and forwards the information obtained to the FC over noisy channels. The FC fuses the received messages using a copula-based sequential test. Moreover, we show the asymptotic optimality of the proposed copula-based sequential test. Numerical experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach

    Hypothesis Testing Using Spatially Dependent Heavy-Tailed Multisensor Data

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    The detection of spatially dependent heavy-tailed signals is considered in this dissertation. While the central limit theorem, and its implication of asymptotic normality of interacting random processes, is generally useful for the theoretical characterization of a wide variety of natural and man-made signals, sensor data from many different applications, in fact, are characterized by non-Gaussian distributions. A common characteristic observed in non-Gaussian data is the presence of heavy-tails or fat tails. For such data, the probability density function (p.d.f.) of extreme values decay at a slower-than-exponential rate, implying that extreme events occur with greater probability. When these events are observed simultaneously by several sensors, their observations are also spatially dependent. In this dissertation, we develop the theory of detection for such data, obtained through heterogeneous sensors. In order to validate our theoretical results and proposed algorithms, we collect and analyze the behavior of indoor footstep data using a linear array of seismic sensors. We characterize the inter-sensor dependence using copula theory. Copulas are parametric functions which bind univariate p.d.f. s, to generate a valid joint p.d.f. We model the heavy-tailed data using the class of alpha-stable distributions. We consider a two-sided test in the Neyman-Pearson framework and present an asymptotic analysis of the generalized likelihood test (GLRT). Both, nested and non-nested models are considered in the analysis. We also use a likelihood maximization-based copula selection scheme as an integral part of the detection process. Since many types of copula functions are available in the literature, selecting the appropriate copula becomes an important component of the detection problem. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated numerically on simulated data, as well as using indoor seismic data. With appropriately selected models, our results demonstrate that a high probability of detection can be achieved for false alarm probabilities of the order of 10^-4. These results, using dependent alpha-stable signals, are presented for a two-sensor case. We identify the computational challenges associated with dependent alpha-stable modeling and propose alternative schemes to extend the detector design to a multisensor (multivariate) setting. We use a hierarchical tree based approach, called vines, to model the multivariate copulas, i.e., model the spatial dependence between multiple sensors. The performance of the proposed detectors under the vine-based scheme are evaluated on the indoor footstep data, and significant improvement is observed when compared against the case when only two sensors are deployed. Some open research issues are identified and discussed