22 research outputs found

    Are IEEE 1500 compliant cores really compliant to the standard?

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    Functional verification of complex SoC designs is a challenging task, which fortunately is increasingly supported by automation. This article proposes a verification component for IEEE Std 1500, to be plugged into a commercial verification tool suit

    Verification of RISC-V Processor beyond RV32I ISA

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    The RISC-V processor\u27s open-source architecture provides designers with flexibility in implementing the architecture for a variety of applications. The same advantage, however, makes the verification process difficult because all variations must be verified. The proposed project will create a verification environment for the extended RISC V architecture. RISC-V supports both the M standard extension for integer multiplication and division and the Zicsr standard extension for control and status register instructions. The above-mentioned ISA classes will be tested using the RV32I ISA-based DUT with a UVM environment around the DUT to verify the M and Zicsr functionalities. The M and Zicsr type ISA were verified with a 95% functional coverage. The UVM framework created can be re-used to verify other Instruction Set Architecture

    Towards Multidimensional Verification: Where Functional Meets Non-Functional

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    Trends in advanced electronic systems' design have a notable impact on design verification technologies. The recent paradigms of Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) assume devices immersed in physical environments, significantly constrained in resources and expected to provide levels of security, privacy, reliability, performance and low power features. In recent years, numerous extra-functional aspects of electronic systems were brought to the front and imply verification of hardware design models in multidimensional space along with the functional concerns of the target system. However, different from the software domain such a holistic approach remains underdeveloped. The contributions of this paper are a taxonomy for multidimensional hardware verification aspects, a state-of-the-art survey of related research works and trends towards the multidimensional verification concept. The concept is motivated by an example for the functional and power verification dimensions.Comment: 2018 IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NORCAS): NORCHIP and International Symposium of System-on-Chip (SoC

    Order Book Updates Generator

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    Tento dokument analyzuje zprávy zasílané burzami NYSE Arca a ISE a popisuje návrh generátoru, který generuje zprávy měnící obraz burzy. Lze ho využít pro testování programů, které pracují s informacemi zasílanými elektronickými burzami. Jsou popsány techniky verifikace řízené pokrytím a generování náhodných vstupních vektorů. Generování zpráv je založeno na XML šabloně, díky čemuž může být generátor použit pro různé burzy.This thesis analyses messages that come from NYSE Arca and ISE exchanges and provides a description of design of stock exchange updates generator which is capable of generating constrained-random messages. It can be used for testing software that handles messages from an electronic stock exchange. Techniques of coverage-driven verification and constrained-random stimulus generation are discussed. Message generation is based on XML template and because of that the generator can be adjusted for various exchanges.

    Understanding multidimensional verification: Where functional meets non-functional

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    Abstract Advancements in electronic systems' design have a notable impact on design verification technologies. The recent paradigms of Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) assume devices immersed in physical environments, significantly constrained in resources and expected to provide levels of security, privacy, reliability, performance and low-power features. In recent years, numerous extra-functional aspects of electronic systems were brought to the front and imply verification of hardware design models in multidimensional space along with the functional concerns of the target system. However, different from the software domain such a holistic approach remains underdeveloped. The contributions of this paper are a taxonomy for multidimensional hardware verification aspects, a state-of-the-art survey of related research works and trends enabling the multidimensional verification concept. Further, an initial approach to perform multidimensional verification based on machine learning techniques is evaluated. The importance and challenge of performing multidimensional verification is illustrated by an example case study

    Clock Domain Crossing Fault Model and Coverage Metric for Validation of SoC Design

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    Multiple asynchronous clock domains have been increasingly employed in System-on-Chip (SoC) designs for different I/O interfaces. Functional validation is one of the most expensive tasks in the SoC design process. Simulation on register transfer level (RTL) is still the most widely used method. It is important to quantitatively measure the validation confidence and progress for clock domain crossing (CDC) designs. In this paper, we propose an efficient method for definition of CDC coverage, which can be used in RTL simulation for a multi-clock domain SoC design. First, we develop a CDC fault model to present the actual effect of metastability Second, we use a temporal dataflow graph (TDFG) to propagate the CDC faults to observable variables. Finally, CDC coverage is defined based on the CDC faults and their observability Our experiments on a commercial IP demonstrate that this method is useful to find CDC errors early in the design cycles.Automation & Control SystemsEngineering, Electrical & ElectronicEngineering, MechanicalEICPCI-S(ISTP)

    Functional verification framework of an AES encryption module

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    Over the time, the development of the digital design has increased dramatically and nowadays many different circuits and systems are designed for multiple purposes in short time lapses. However, this development has not been based only in the enhancement of the design tools, but also in the improvement of the verification tools, due to the outstanding role of the verification process that certifies the adequate performance and the fulfillment of the requirements. In the verification industry, robust methodologies such as the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) are used, an example of this is [1], but they have not been implemented yet in countries such as Peru and they seem inconvenient for educational purposes. This research propose an alternative methodology for the verification process of designs at the industry scale with a modular structure that contributes to the development of more complex and elaborated designs in countries with little or none verification background and limited verification tools. This methodology is a functional verification methodology described in SystemVerilog and its effectiveness is evaluated in the verification of an AES (Advance Encryption Standard) encryption module obtained from [2]. The verification framework is based on a verification plan (developed in this research as well) with high quality standards as it is defined in the industry. This verification plan evaluates synchronization, data validity, signal stability, signal timing and behavior consistency using Assertions, functional coverage and code coverage. An analysis of the outcomes obtained shows that the AES encryption module was completely verified obtaining 100% of the Assertions evaluation, 100% of functional verification and over 95% of code coverage in all approaches (fsm, block, expression, toggle). Besides, the modular structure defines the intercommunication with the Design only in the bottom most level, which facilitates the reuse of the verification framework with different bus interfaces. Nonetheless, this unit level verification framework can be easily instantiated by a system level verification facilitating the scalability. Finally, the documentation, tutorials and verification plan templates were generated successfully and are aimed to the development of future projects in the GuE PUCP (Research group in Microelectronics). In conclusion, the methodology proposed for the verification framework of the AES encryption module is in fact capable of verifying designs at the industry scale with high level of reliability, defining a very detailed and standardized verification plan and containing a suitable structure for reuse and scalability.Tesi

    Automated functional coverage driven verification with Universal Verification Methodology

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    Abstract. In this Master’s thesis, the validity of Universal Verification Methodology in digital design verification is studied. A brief look into the methodology’s history is taken, and its unique properties and object-oriented features are presented. Important coverage topics in project planning are discussed, and the two main types of coverage, code and functional coverage, are explained and the methods how they are captured are presented. The practical section of this thesis shows the implementation of a monitoring environment and an Universal Verification Methodology environment. The monitoring environment includes class-based components that are used to collect functional coverage from an existing SystemVerilog test bench. The Universal Verification Methodology environment uses the same monitoring system, but a different driving setup to stress the design under test. Coverage and simulation performance values are extracted and from all test benches and the data is compared. The results indicate that the Universal Verification Methodology environment incorporating constrained random stimulus is capable of faster simulation run times and better code coverage values. The simulation time measured was up to 26 % faster compared to a module-based environment.Automaattinen toiminnallisen kattavuuden ohjaama verifiointi universaalilla varmennusmenetelmällä. Tiivistelmä. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan universaalin varmennusmenetelmän (Universal Verification Methodology) soveltuvuutta digitaalisten laitteiden verifiointiin. Työssä tehdään lyhyt katsaus menetelmän historiaan. Lisäksi menetelmän omia ainutlaatuisia ja olio-pohjaisia ominaisuuksia käydään läpi. Kattavuuteen liittyviä käsitteitä esitetään projektihallinnan näkökulmasta. Kattavuudesta käsitellään toiminnallinen ja koodikattavuus, ja tavat, miten näitä molempia kerätään simulaatioista. Työn käytännön osuudessa esitetään monitorointiympäristön ja universaalin varmennusmenetelmän pohjalta tehdyn ympäristön toteutus. Monitorointi-ympäristössä on luokkapohjaisia komponentteja, joiden avulla kerätään toiminnallista kattavuutta jo olemassa olevasta testipenkistä. Universaalin varmennusmenetelmän pohjalta tehdyssä ympäristössä on samojen monitorointikomponenttien lisäksi testattavan kohteen ohjaamiseen vaadittavia komponentteja. Eri testipenkeistä kerätään kattavuuteen ja suorituskykyyn liittyvää dataa vertaamista varten. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että rajoitettua satunnaista herätettä hyödykseen käyttävät universaalit varmennusmenetelmäympäristöt pääsevät nopeampiin suoritusaikoihin ja parempiin koodikattavuuslukuihin. Simulaation suoritusaikaan saatiin parhaassa tapauksessa jopa 26 % parannus

    Determining Cases of Scenarios to Improve Coverage in Simulation-based Verification

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    Abstract—Functional verification of complex designs is still dominated by simulation-based approaches. In particular, Coverage-driven Verification (CDV) is well acknowledged and ap-plied in industry. Here, verification gaps in terms of inadequately checked scenarios are addressed and closed by generating and applying dedicated stimuli. In order to ensure a good coverage and, by this, a high verification quality, each scenario is supposed to become sufficiently triggered. However, the considered scenario may be triggered in several fashions and information about that is hardly available in the existing CDV approaches. In this work, we propose an approach which automatically derives this information. Examples and experimental evaluations illustrate how this improves coverage in simulation-based verification. I