45,933 research outputs found

    Characteristics of flight simulator visual systems

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    The physical parameters of the flight simulator visual system that characterize the system and determine its fidelity are identified and defined. The characteristics of visual simulation systems are discussed in terms of the basic categories of spatial, energy, and temporal properties corresponding to the three fundamental quantities of length, mass, and time. Each of these parameters are further addressed in relation to its effect, its appropriate units or descriptors, methods of measurement, and its use or importance to image quality

    The Anisoplanatic Point Spread Function in Adaptive Optics

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    The effects of anisoplanatism on the adaptive optics point spread function are investigated. A model is derived that combines observations of the guide star with an analytic formulation of anisoplanatism to generate predictions for the adaptive optics point spread function at arbitrary locations within the field of view. The analytic formulation captures the dependencies of anisoplanatism on aperture diameter, observing wavelength, angular offset, zenith angle and turbulence profile. The predictions of this model are compared to narrowband 2.12 um and 1.65 um images of a 21 arcsec binary (mV=7.3, 7.6) acquired with the Palomar Adaptive Optics System on the Hale 5 meter telescope. Contemporaneous measurements of the turbulence profile made with a DIMM/MASS unit are used together with images of the primary to predict the point spread function of the binary companion. Predicted companion Strehl ratios are shown to match measurements to within a few percent, whereas predictions based on the isoplanatic angle approximation are highly discrepant. The predicted companion point spread functions are shown to agree with observations to 10%. These predictions are used to measure the differential photometry between binary members to an accuracy of 1 part in 10^{3}, and the differential astrometry to an accuracy of 1 mas. Errors in the differential astrometry are shown to be dominated by differential atmospheric tilt jitter. These results are compared to other techniques that have been employed for photometry, astrometry, and high contrast imaging.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Ringing effects reduction by improved deconvolution algorithm Application to A370 CFHT image of gravitational arcs

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    We develop a self-consistent automatic procedure to restore informations from astronomical observations. It relies on both a new deconvolution algorithm called LBCA (Lower Bound Constraint Algorithm) and the use of the Wiener filter. In order to explore its scientific potential for strong and weak gravitational lensing, we process a CFHT image of the galaxies cluster Abell 370 which exhibits spectacular strong gravitational lensing effects. A high quality restoration is here of particular interest to map the dark matter within the cluster. We show that the LBCA turns out specially efficient to reduce ringing effects introduced by classical deconvolution algorithms in images with a high background. The method allows us to make a blind detection of the radial arc and to recover morphological properties similar to thoseobserved from HST data. We also show that the Wiener filter is suitable to stop the iterative process before noise amplification, using only the unrestored data.Comment: A&A in press 9 pages 9 figure

    Shaped Pupil Lyot Coronagraphs: High-Contrast Solutions for Restricted Focal Planes

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    Coronagraphs of the apodized pupil and shaped pupil varieties use the Fraunhofer diffraction properties of amplitude masks to create regions of high contrast in the vicinity of a target star. Here we present a hybrid coronagraph architecture in which a binary, hard-edged shaped pupil mask replaces the gray, smooth apodizer of the apodized pupil Lyot coronagraph (APLC). For any contrast and bandwidth goal in this configuration, as long as the prescribed region of contrast is restricted to a finite area in the image, a shaped pupil is the apodizer with the highest transmission. We relate the starlight cancellation mechanism to that of the conventional APLC. We introduce a new class of solutions in which the amplitude profile of the Lyot stop, instead of being fixed as a padded replica of the telescope aperture, is jointly optimized with the apodizer. Finally, we describe shaped pupil Lyot coronagraph (SPLC) designs for the baseline architecture of the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope-Astrophysics Focused Telescope Assets (WFIRST-AFTA) coronagraph. These SPLCs help to enable two scientific objectives of the WFIRST-AFTA mission: (1) broadband spectroscopy to characterize exoplanet atmospheres in reflected starlight and (2) debris disk imaging.Comment: 41 pages, 15 figures; published in the JATIS special section on WFIRST-AFTA coronagraph

    No-Reference Light Field Image Quality Assessment Based on Micro-Lens Image

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    Light field image quality assessment (LF-IQA) plays a significant role due to its guidance to Light Field (LF) contents acquisition, processing and application. The LF can be represented as 4-D signal, and its quality depends on both angular consistency and spatial quality. However, few existing LF-IQA methods concentrate on effects caused by angular inconsistency. Especially, no-reference methods lack effective utilization of 2-D angular information. In this paper, we focus on measuring the 2-D angular consistency for LF-IQA. The Micro-Lens Image (MLI) refers to the angular domain of the LF image, which can simultaneously record the angular information in both horizontal and vertical directions. Since the MLI contains 2-D angular information, we propose a No-Reference Light Field image Quality assessment model based on MLI (LF-QMLI). Specifically, we first utilize Global Entropy Distribution (GED) and Uniform Local Binary Pattern descriptor (ULBP) to extract features from the MLI, and then pool them together to measure angular consistency. In addition, the information entropy of Sub-Aperture Image (SAI) is adopted to measure spatial quality. Extensive experimental results show that LF-QMLI achieves the state-of-the-art performance

    A novel ultrasonic strain gauge for single-sided measurement of a local 3D strain field

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    A novel method is introduced for the measurement of a 3D strain field by exploiting the interaction between ultrasound waves and geometrical characteristics of the insonified specimen. First, the response of obliquely incident harmonic waves to a deterministic surface roughness is utilized. Analysis of backscattered amplitudes in Bragg diffraction geometry then yields a measure for the in-plane strain field by mapping any shift in angular dependency. Secondly, the analysis of the reflection characteristics of normal incident pulsed waves in frequency domain provides a measure of the out-of-plane normal strain field component, simply by tracking any change in the stimulation condition for a thickness resonance. As such, the developed ultrasonic strain gauge yields an absolute, contactless and single-sided mapping of a local 3D strain field, in which both sample preparation and alignment procedure are needless. Results are presented for cold-rolled DC06 steel samples onto which skin passing of the work rolls is applied. The samples have been mechanically loaded, introducing plastic strain levels ranging from 2% up to 35%. The ultrasonically measured strains have been validated with various other strain measurement techniques, including manual micrometer, longitudinal and transverse mechanical extensometer and optical mono- and stereovision digital image correlation. Good agreement has been obtained between the ultrasonically determined strain values and the results of the conventional methods. As the ultrasonic strain gauge provides all three normal strain field components, it has been employed for the extraction of Lankford ratios at different applied longitudinal plastic strain levels, revealing a strain dependent plastic anisotropy of the investigated DC06 steel sheet

    The MUSE-Wide Survey: A first catalogue of 831 emission line galaxies

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    We present a first instalment of the MUSE-Wide survey, covering an area of 22.2 arcmin2^2 (corresponding to ∼\sim20% of the final survey) in the CANDELS/Deep area of the Chandra Deep Field South. We use the MUSE integral field spectrograph at the ESO VLT to conduct a full-area spectroscopic mapping at a depth of 1h exposure time per 1 arcmin2^2 pointing. We searched for compact emission line objects using our newly developed LSDCat software based on a 3-D matched filtering approach, followed by interactive classification and redshift measurement of the sources. Our catalogue contains 831 distinct emission line galaxies with redshifts ranging from 0.04 to 6. Roughly one third (237) of the emission line sources are Lyman α\alpha emitting galaxies with 3<z<63 < z < 6, only four of which had previously measured spectroscopic redshifts. At lower redshifts 351 galaxies are detected primarily by their [OII] emission line (0.3≲z≲1.50.3 \lesssim z \lesssim 1.5), 189 by their [OIII] line (0.21≲z≲0.850.21 \lesssim z \lesssim 0.85), and 46 by their Hα\alpha line (0.04≲z≲0.420.04 \lesssim z \lesssim 0.42). Comparing our spectroscopic redshifts to photometric redshift estimates from the literature, we find excellent agreement for z<1.5z<1.5 with a median Δz\Delta z of only ∼4×10−4\sim 4 \times 10^{-4} and an outlier rate of 6%, however a significant systematic offset of Δz=0.26\Delta z = 0.26 and an outlier rate of 23% for Lyα\alpha emitters at z>3z>3. Together with the catalogue we also release 1D PSF-weighted extracted spectra and small 3D datacubes centred on each of the 831 sources.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, data products are available for download from http://muse-vlt.eu/science/muse-wide-survey/ and later via the CD

    Evaluation of diffuse-illumination holographic cinematography in a flutter cascade

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    Since 1979, the Lewis Research Center has examined holographic cinematography for three-dimensional flow visualization. The Nd:YAG lasers used were Q-switched, double-pulsed, and frequency-doubled, operating at 20 pulses per second. The primary subjects for flow visualization were the shock waves produced in two flutter cascades. Flow visualization was by diffuse-illumination, double-exposure, and holographic interferometry. The performances of the lasers, holography, and diffuse-illumination interferometry are evaluated in single-window wind tunnels. The fringe-contrast factor is used to evaluate the results. The effects of turbulence on shock-wave visualization in a transonic flow are discussed. The depth of field for visualization of a turbulent structure is demonstrated to be a measure of the relative density and scale of that structure. Other items discussed are the holographic emulsion, tests of coherence and polarization, effects of windows and diffusers, hologram bleaching, laser configurations, influence and handling of specular reflections, modes of fringe localization, noise sources, and coherence requirements as a function of the pulse energy. Holography and diffuse illumination interferometry are also reviewed
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