13 research outputs found

    Fruit detection and 3D location using instance segmentation neural networks and structure-from-motion photogrammetry

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    The development of remote fruit detection systems able to identify and 3D locate fruits provides opportunities to improve the efficiency of agriculture management. Most of the current fruit detection systems are based on 2D image analysis. Although the use of 3D sensors is emerging, precise 3D fruit location is still a pending issue. This work presents a new methodology for fruit detection and 3D location consisting of: (1) 2D fruit detection and segmentation using Mask R-CNN instance segmentation neural network; (2) 3D point cloud generation of detected apples using structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry; (3) projection of 2D image detections onto 3D space; (4) false positives removal using a trained support vector machine. This methodology was tested on 11 Fuji apple trees containing a total of 1455 apples. Results showed that, by combining instance segmentation with SfM the system performance increased from an F1-score of 0.816 (2D fruit detection) to 0.881 (3D fruit detection and location) with respect to the total amount of fruits. The main advantages of this methodology are the reduced number of false positives and the higher detection rate, while the main disadvantage is the high processing time required for SfM, which makes it presently unsuitable for real-time work. From these results, it can be concluded that the combination of instance segmentation and SfM provides high performance fruit detection with high 3D data precision. The dataset has been made publicly available and an interactive visualization of fruit detection results is accessible at http://www.grap.udl.cat/documents/photogrammetry_fruit_detection.html. Dades primàries associades a l'article http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/68505This work was partly funded by the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya (grant 2017 SGR646), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project AGL2013-48297-C2-2-R) and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (project RTI2018-094222-B-I00). Part of the work was also developed within the framework of the project TEC2016-75976-R, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The Spanish Ministry of Educationis thanked for Mr. J.Gené’s pre-doctoral fellowships (FPU15/03355). We would also like to thank Nufri (especially Santiago Salamero and Oriol Morreres) and Vicens Maquinària Agrícola S.A. for their support during data acquisition, and Ernesto Membrillo and Roberto Maturino for their support in dataset labelling

    Fuji-SfM dataset: A collection of annotated images and point clouds for Fuji apple detection and location using structure-from-motion photogrammetry

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    The present dataset contains colour images acquired in a commercial Fuji apple orchard (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Fuji) to reconstruct the 3D model of 11 trees by using structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry. The data provided in this article is related to the research article entitled “Fruit detection and 3D location using instance segmentation neural networks and structure-from-motion photogrammetry” [1]. The Fuji-SfM dataset includes: (1) a set of 288 colour images and the corresponding annotations (apples segmentation masks) for training instance segmentation neural networks such as Mask-RCNN; (2) a set of 582 images defining a motion sequence of the scene which was used to generate the 3D model of 11 Fuji apple trees containing 1455 apples by using SfM; (3) the 3D point cloud of the scanned scene with the corresponding apple positions ground truth in global coordinates. With that, this is the first dataset for fruit detection containing images acquired in a motion sequence to build the 3D model of the scanned trees with SfM and including the corresponding 2D and 3D apple location annotations. This data allows the development, training, and test of fruit detection algorithms either based on RGB images, on coloured point clouds or on the combination of both types of data. Dades primàries associades a l'article http://hdl.handle.net/10459.1/68505This work was partly funded by the Secretaria d'Universitats i Recerca del Departament d'Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya (grant 2017 SGR 646), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project AGL2013-48297-C2-2-R) and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (project RTI2018-094222-B-I00). Part of the work was also developed within the framework of the project TEC2016-75976-R, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The Spanish Ministry of Education is thanked for Mr. J. Gené’s pre-doctoral fellowships (FPU15/03355)

    Assessing automatic data processing algorithms for RGB-D cameras to predict fruit size and weight in apples

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    Data acquired using an RGB-D Azure Kinect DK camera were used to assess different automatic algorithms to estimate the size, and predict the weight of non-occluded and occluded apples. The programming of the algorithms included: (i) the extraction of images of regions of interest (ROI) using manual delimitation of bounding boxes or binary masks; (ii) estimating the lengths of the major and minor geometric axes for the purpose of apple sizing; and (iii) predicting the final weight by allometric modelling. In addition to the use of bounding boxes, the algorithms also allowed other post-mask settings (circles, ellipses and rotated rectangles) to be implemented, and different depth options (distance between the RGB-D camera and the fruits detected) for subsequent sizing through the application of the thin lens theory. Both linear and nonlinear allometric models demonstrated the ability to predict apple weight with a high degree of accuracy (R2 greater than 0.942 and RMSE < 16 g). With respect to non-occluded apples, the best weight predictions were achieved using a linear allometric model including both the major and minor axes of the apples as predictors. The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) ranged from 5.1% to 5.7% with respective RMSE of 11.09 g and 13.02 g, depending to whether circles, ellipses, or bounding boxes were used to adjust fruit shape. The results were therefore promising and open up the possibility of implementing reliable in-field apple measurements in real time. Importantly, final weight prediction error and intermediate size estimation errors (from sizing algorithms) interact but in a way that is not easily quantifiable when weight allometric models with implicit prediction error are used. In addition, allometric models should be reviewed when applied to other apple cultivars, fruit development stages or even for different fruit growth conditions depending on canopy management.This work was partly funded by the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya (grants 2017, SGR 646 and 2021 LLAV 00088), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation / AEI/10.13039/501100011033 / ERDF (grants RTI2018-094222-B-I00 [PAgFRUIT project], PID2021-126648OB-I00 [PAgPROTECT project]) and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation / AEI/10.13039/501100011033 / European Union NextGeneration / PRTR (grantTED2021-131871B-I00 [DIGIFRUIT project]). We would also like to thank the Secretariat of Universities and Research of the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Social Fund (ESF) for financing Juan Carlos Miranda’s pre-doctoral fellowship (2020 FI_B 00586). The work of Jordi Gené-Mola was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Universities through a Margarita Salas postdoctoral grant funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cassava root crown phenotyping using three-dimension (3D) multi-view stereo reconstruction

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    Phenotypic analysis of cassava root crowns (CRCs) so far has been limited to visual inspection and very few measurements due to its laborious process in the feld. Here, we developed a platform for acquiring 3D CRC models using close-range photogrammetry for phenotypic analysis. The state of the art is a low cost and easy to set up 3D acquisition requiring only a background sheet, a reference object and a camera, compatible with feld experiments in remote areas. We tested diferent software with CRC samples, and Agisoft and Blender were the most suitable software for generating high-quality 3D models and data analysis, respectively. We optimized the workfow by testing diferent numbers of images for 3D reconstruction and found that a minimum of 25 images per CRC can provide high quality 3D models. Up to ten traits, including 3D crown volumes, 3D crown surface, root density, surface to-volume ratio, root numbers, root angle, crown diameter, cylinder soil volume, CRC compactness and root length can be extracted providing novel parameters for studying cassava storage roots. We applied this platform to partial-inbred cassava populations and demonstrated that our platform provides reliable 3D CRC modelling for phenotypic analysis, analysis of genetic variances and supporting breeding selection

    Fruit sizing using AI: A review of methods and challenges

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    Fruit size at harvest is an economically important variable for high-quality table fruit production in orchards and vineyards. In addition, knowing the number and size of the fruit on the tree is essential in the framework of precise production, harvest, and postharvest management. A prerequisite for analysis of fruit in a real-world environment is the detection and segmentation from background signal. In the last five years, deep learning convolutional neural network have become the standard method for automatic fruit detection, achieving F1-scores higher than 90 %, as well as real-time processing speeds. At the same time, different methods have been developed for, mainly, fruit size and, more rarely, fruit maturity estimation from 2D images and 3D point clouds. These sizing methods are focused on a few species like grape, apple, citrus, and mango, resulting in mean absolute error values of less than 4 mm in apple fruit. This review provides an overview of the most recent methodologies developed for in-field fruit detection/counting and sizing as well as few upcoming examples of maturity estimation. Challenges, such as sensor fusion, highly varying lighting conditions, occlusions in the canopy, shortage of public fruit datasets, and opportunities for research transfer, are discussed.This work was partly funded by the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya (grants 2017 SGR 646 and 2021 LLAV 00088) and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation / AEI/10.13039/501100011033 / FEDER (grants RTI2018-094222-B-I00 [PAgFRUIT project] and PID2021-126648OB-I00 [PAgPROTECT project]). The Secretariat of Universities and Research of the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya and European Social Fund (ESF) are also thanked for financing Juan Carlos Miranda’s pre-doctoral fellowship (2020 FI_B 00586). The work of Jordi Gené-Mola was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Universities through a Margarita Salas postdoctoral grant funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio