96 research outputs found

    An analysis of malware evasion techniques against modern AV engines

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    This research empirically tested the response of antivirus applications to binaries that use virus-like evasion techniques. In order to achieve this, a number of binaries are processed using a number of evasion methods and are then deployed against several antivirus engines. The research also documents the process of setting up an environment for testing antivirus engines, including building the evasion techniques used in the tests. The results of the empirical tests illustrate that an attacker can evade multiple antivirus engines without much effort using well-known evasion techniques. Furthermore, some antivirus engines may respond to the occurrence of an evasion technique instead of the presence of any malicious code. In practical terms, this shows that while antivirus applications are useful for protecting against known threats, their effectiveness against unknown or modified threats is limited

    Black Box Analysis of Android Malware Detectors

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    Code obfuscation can make it challenging to detect malware in Android devices. Malware writers obfuscate the code of their programs by employing various techniques that attempt to hide the true purpose of the program. Malware detectors can use a number of features to classify a program as a malware. If the malware detector uses a feature that is obfuscated, then the malware detector will likely fail to classify the malware as malicious software. In this research, we obfuscate selected features of known malware and determine whether the malware can still be detected by a given detector. Using this approach, we show that we can effectively perform black box analysis of various malware detectors

    a framework for automated similarity analysis of malware

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    Malware, a category of software including viruses, worms, and other malicious programs, is developed by hackers to damage, disrupt, or perform other harmful actions on data, computer systems and networks. Malware analysis, as an indispensable part of the work of IT security specialists, aims to gain an in-depth understanding of malware code. Manual analysis of malware is a very costly and time-consuming process. As more malware variants are evolved by hackers who occasionally use a copy-paste-modify programming style to accelerate the generation of large number of malware, the effort spent in analyzing similar pieces of malicious code has dramatically grown. One approach to remedy this situation is to automatically perform similarity analysis on malware samples and identify the functions they share in order to minimize duplicated effort in analyzing similar codes of malware variants. In this thesis, we present a framework to match cloned functions in a large chunk of malware samples. Firstly, the instructions of the functions to be analyzed are extracted from the disassembled malware binary code and then normalized. We propose a new similarity metric and use it to determine the pair-wise similarity among malware samples based on the calculated similarity of their functions. The developed tool also includes an API class recognizer designed to determine probable malicious operations that can be performed by malware functions. Furthermore, it allows us to visualize the relationship among functions inside malware codes and locate similar functions importing the same API class. We evaluate this framework on three malware datasets including metamorphic viruses created by malware generation tools, real-life malware variants in the wild, and two well-known botnet trojans. The obtained experimental results confirm that the proposed framework is effective in detecting similar malware code

    Application of evolutionary machine learning in metamorphic malware analysis and detection

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    In recent times, malware detection and analysis are becoming key issues. A dangerous class of malware is metamorphic malware which is capable of modifying its own code and hiding malicious instructions within normal program code. Current malware detectors are susceptible to metamorphic malware as they are pre-trained to recognize only predicted versions of code. However, if detectors could be trained on a larger set of data that included potential mutant variants, they could be more accurate. The task of finding new evasive variants is challenging - many variants might exist. In this research, a two-phase system is proposed. First, a mutation only Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) is used to search for a diverse set of new, malicious mutants, that evade detection by existing detection algorithms. While this is shown to be successful, it requires multiple runs of the algorithm to produce multiple variants without explicit guarantee of diversity. To address this, a Quality Diversity (QD) algorithm — MAP-Elites, that traverses a high-dimensional search space in search of the best solution at every point of a feature space with low dimension, is then developed to return a large and diverse repertoire of solutions in a single run. This method produces a larger and more diverse archive of solutions than the mutation only Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) and sheds insight into the properties of a sample that lead to them being undetectable by a suite of existing detection engines. Having created a set of evasive and diverse variants, detectors are then trained using a set of classical classification methods (feature-based and sequence-based models) with results showing that classification of metamorphic malware can be improved by augmenting training data with the diverse set of evolved variant samples. This also includes the use of a pretrained Natural Language Processing (NLP) model in a transfer learning setting to show improved classification of metamorphic malware, using the evolved variants as part of the training data

    Leveraging the Cloud for Software Security Services.

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    This thesis seeks to leverage the advances in cloud computing in order to address modern security threats, allowing for completely novel architectures that provide dramatic improvements and asymmetric gains beyond what is possible using current approaches. Indeed, many of the critical security problems facing the Internet and its users are inadequately addressed by current security technologies. Current security measures often are deployed in an exclusively network-based or host-based model, limiting their efficacy against modern threats. However, recent advancements in the past decade in cloud computing and high-speed networking have ushered in a new era of software services. Software services that were previously deployed on-premise in organizations and enterprises are now being outsourced to the cloud, leading to fundamentally new models in how software services are sold, consumed, and managed. This thesis focuses on how novel software security services can be deployed that leverage the cloud to scale elegantly in their capabilities, performance, and management. First, we introduce a novel architecture for malware detection in the cloud. Next, we propose a cloud service to protect modern mobile devices, an ever-increasing target for malicious attackers. Then, we discuss and demonstrate the ability for attackers to leverage the same benefits of cloud-centric services for malicious purposes. Next, we present new techniques for the large-scale analysis and classification of malicious software. Lastly, to demonstrate the benefits of cloud-centric architectures outside the realm of malicious software, we present a threshold signature scheme that leverages the cloud for robustness and resiliency.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91385/1/jonojono_1.pd


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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, when most businesses were not equipped for remote work and cloud computing, we saw a significant surge in ransomware attacks. This study aims to utilize machine learning and artificial intelligence to prevent known and unknown malware threats from being exploited by threat actors when developers build and deploy applications to the cloud. This study demonstrated an experimental quantitative research design using Aqua. The experiment\u27s sample is a Docker image. Aqua checked the Docker image for malware, sensitive data, Critical/High vulnerabilities, misconfiguration, and OSS license. The data collection approach is experimental. Our analysis of the experiment demonstrated how unapproved images were prevented from running anywhere in our environment based on known vulnerabilities, embedded secrets, OSS licensing, dynamic threat analysis, and secure image configuration. In addition to the experiment, the forensic data collected in the build and deployment phase are exploitable vulnerability, Critical/High Vulnerability Score, Misconfiguration, Sensitive Data, and Root User (Super User). Since Aqua generates a detailed audit record for every event during risk assessment and runtime, we viewed two events on the Audit page for our experiment. One of the events caused an alert due to two failed controls (Vulnerability Score, Super User), and the other was a successful event meaning that the image is secure to deploy in the production environment. The primary finding for our study is the forensic data associated with the two events on the Audit page in Aqua. In addition, Aqua validated our security controls and runtime policies based on the forensic data with both events on the Audit page. Finally, the study’s conclusions will mitigate the likelihood that organizations will fall victim to ransomware by mitigating and preventing the total damage caused by a malware attack

    Studying a Virtual Testbed for Unverified Data

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    It is difficult to fully know the effects a piece of software will have on your computer, particularly when the software is distributed by an unknown source. The research in this paper focuses on malware detection, virtualization, and sandbox/honeypot techniques with the goal of improving the security of installing useful, but unverifiable, software. With a combination of these techniques, it should be possible to install software in an environment where it cannot harm a machine, but can be tested to determine its safety. Testing for malware, performance, network connectivity, memory usage, and interoperability can be accomplished without allowing the program to access the base operating system of a machine. After the full effects of the software are understood and it is determined to be safe, it could then be run from, and given access to, the base operating system. This thesis investigates the feasibility of creating a system to verify the security of unknown software while ensuring it will have no negative impact on the host machine

    Forensic identification and detection of hidden and obfuscated malware

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    The revolution in online criminal activities and malicious software (malware) has posed a serious challenge in malware forensics. Malicious attacks have become more organized and purposefully directed. With cybercrimes escalating to great heights in quantity as well as in sophistication and stealth, the main challenge is to detect hidden and obfuscated malware. Malware authors use a variety of obfuscation methods and specialized stealth techniques of information hiding to embed malicious code, to infect systems and to thwart any attempt to detect them, specifically with the use of commercially available anti-malware engines. This has led to the situation of zero-day attacks, where malware inflict systems even with existing security measures. The aim of this thesis is to address this situation by proposing a variety of novel digital forensic and data mining techniques to automatically detect hidden and obfuscated malware. Anti-malware engines use signature matching to detect malware where signatures are generated by human experts by disassembling the file and selecting pieces of unique code. Such signature based detection works effectively with known malware but performs poorly with hidden or unknown malware. Code obfuscation techniques, such as packers, polymorphism and metamorphism, are able to fool current detection techniques by modifying the parent code to produce offspring copies resulting in malware that has the same functionality, but with a different structure. These evasion techniques exploit the drawbacks of traditional malware detection methods, which take current malware structure and create a signature for detecting this malware in the future. However, obfuscation techniques aim to reduce vulnerability to any kind of static analysis to the determent of any reverse engineering process. Furthermore, malware can be hidden in file system slack space, inherent in NTFS file system based partitions, resulting in malware detection that even more difficult.Doctor of Philosoph
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