2,664 research outputs found

    From WIS.2 to Smart Forest – a sustainable forest management decision support system

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    WIS.2 is a DSS for monitoring and implementing the goal-oriented and sustainable management of forest ecosystems, especially with regard to the integral management of significant spatial and temporal scales in forest ecosystems. WIS.2 considers multiple ecosystem goods and services in silvicultural management and the implementation of silvicultural interventions, which are in accordance with the Swiss silvicultural tradition. WIS.2 takes a top-down approach, starting with the entrepreneurial strategy, and ending at short and mid-term interventions at stand level. WIS.2 structures the overall decision process across multiple scales and provides decision support for each decision to be taken by organizing and connecting available data and models. WIS.2 is based on MS Access and ArcGIS View and is composed of different applications, each handling a main aspect of the management of forest ecosystems. The tool is used at the level of higher education in forest management in Switzerland. WIS.2, initially developed during 2001-2005 within the framework of a PhD thesis at the ETH in Zurich (Rosset 2005a), has been successively improved through practical use in more than 10 case studies in five Swiss Cantons. The main challenge is now to advance from a prototype to an easily available consolidated IT product

    Taking the High Road: Protecting Open Space Along America's Highways

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    Examines the environmental impacts of road construction and the spiraling of land prices along new roads, and promotes best practices for linking land use and road construction. Includes success stories and recommendations for policymakers

    Research-based Environmental Law: The Debate Between Ecology Versus Development

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    Nowadays, economic growth continues to be driven not followed by equity and justice compliance.Cases of natural resources looting, pollution and environmental destruction, forest fires and illegal mining, as well as the neglect of the rights of indigenous peoples, into a series of major issues and need study are not limited to mono-discipline approach. A research in the field of management and protection of natural resources and environment are more important to be used as a basic study was a paradigm shift from all stakeholders and policy-makers to synergize the importance of ecological with various dimensions. To realize the balance of ecological and development (economic) interests, have been used a wide variety of approach to environmental management in Indonesia, includes, command and control, self-regulation, voluntarism, education and information instruments, and economic instruments. As it turns out in practice, however it needed more consistent policies in applying the principles of sustainable development for the control and utilization of environmental resources

    Vloga ekonomije v gozdnem načrtovanju in ocena gozdne politike v Sloveniji

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    This paper explores the current status of the forest sectors in Slovenia, identifies potential issues in the management and use of the forests, and discusses a means by which policy makers can identify opportunities to enhance the role played by forests and their related goods and services in Slovenia. Specifically, a framework is proposed to assess the relationships between the economic, social, and ecological aspects of Slovenia%s forestseffects of changes in economic conditions on forest demands and useseconomic impacts of ecological, social, and business conditionseffects of current or proposed policiesand opportunities for the sustainable economic development of wood-based and forest-dependent enterprises. Such a framework is critical for managing Slovenia\u27s forests and forestry sector in such a manner to optimize the ecological and economic potential.Prispevek prikazuje raziskavo stanja gozdarskega sektorja v Sloveniji, pokaže na potencialne težave v upravljanju in rabi gozdov ter odpira razpravo o orodjih, s katerimi bi lahko pripravljavci politik opredelili priložnosti za krepitev vloge gozdov v Sloveniji in z njimi povezanih dobrin in storitev. Podan je predlog okvira za analizo: povezav med ekonomskimi, socialnimi in ekološkimi vidiki gozdov v Slovenijivplivov spremenjenih ekonomskih razmer na povpraševanje in rabo gozdnih virovekonomskih vplivov ekoloških in socialnih razmer ter poslovnega okoljaučinkov veljavnih in predlaganih politikin priložnosti za trajnostni ekonomski razvoj podjetništva v lesno-predelovalni panogi in gozdarskem podjetništvu. Tovrstni okvir je ključen za gospodarjenje z gozdovi Slovenije z vidika optimiziranja ekološkega in ekonomskega potenciala gozdarskega sektorja

    Advancing Circular Business

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    In this world of scarce resources, circular economy (CE) has been identified as an important means for increasing resource efficiency and reducing the use of natural resources. What, however, does implementing circular business and operational models mean for companies’ business execution, mindsets, and competitive edges? This publication presents the practical case studies of several different CE business implementations. The focus on this exploration was to identify the role of information management in successful CE business implementation. The outcomes offer a chance for different representatives of different firms to learn from practical cases of CE implementation in operational and business models. This publication aims to show the pathway toward CE by providing 1. a description of CE 2. an explanation of its impact on business execution 3. stories about the role of information in the creation of CE business 4. practical tools for the creation of CE business The structure of the publication tracks similar logic to, and presents practical case examples from, the field of CE business. Tools and methods were applied and further developed within the case companies: BMH Technology, Fortum, Solita, and UPM. The publication presents the major results of research and development work performed within the “From Data to Wisdom—Approaches Enabling Circular Economy” project (D2W). The project was initiated in August 2016 and continued until January 2019. The research work was conducted by VTT, LUT University, and Tampere University as part of the BioNets program of Business Finland. The project provided a good overview of the demands of CE business in a multidisciplinary multi-company setting. It focused on three approaches for examining circular business: innovation and business models, relationships and networks, and data and wisdom. Since D2W had a broad scope, some of these approaches should be developed further to provide practical tools for business developers (companies and organizations). The work of D2W will therefore continue. Case-specific projects are being considered to develop practical results for the needs of practitioners interested in improving their capabilities for CE business creation. Examples of new topics for the subsequent steps of research include, for example: • Key performance indicators of CE and sustainable development • Governance of CE business ecosystems • New artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, opportunities and requirements in CE business implementationpublishedVersio

    Online Εvaluation of Earth Observation Derived Indicators for Urban Planning and Management

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    Extensive urbanization and growth of population density have acquired a paramount interest towards a sustainable urban development. Earth Observation (EO) is an important source of information required for urban planning and management. The availability of EO data provides the immense opportunity for urban environmental indicators development easily derived by remote sensors. In this study, the state of the art methods were employed to develop urban planning and management relevant indicators that can be evaluated by using EO data. The importance of this approach lies on providing alternatives for improving urban planning and management, without consuming time and resources in collecting field or archived data. The evaluated urban indicators were integrated into a Web‐based Information System that was developed for online exploitation. The results for three case studies are therefore available online and can be used by urban planners and stakeholders in supporting their planning decisions

    Exploring Net Benefit Maximization: Conservation Easements and the Public-Private Interface

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    Gustanski and Wright talk about conservation easements and the public-private interface. The ease of application across varied lands coupled with the financial and tax-associated benefits of conservation easements have driven the popularity of their use in conserving private lands across the US. Conservation easements typically require sizeable public funding resources, which are provided through either direct public expenditures via diverse public programs established to promote the conservation of land or through tax benefits

    Computer-based tools for supporting forest management. The experience and the expertise world-wide

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    Report of Cost Action FP 0804 Forest Management Decision Support Systems (FORSYS)Computer-based tools for supporting forest management. The experience and the expertise world-wide answers a call from both the research and the professional communities for a synthesis of current knowledge about the use of computerized tools in forest management planning. According to the aims of the Forest Management Decision Support Systems (FORSYS) (http://fp0804.emu.ee/) this synthesis is a critical success factor to develop a comprehensive quality reference for forest management decision support systems. The emphasis of the book is on identifying and assessing the support provided by computerized tools to enhance forest management planning in real-world contexts. The book thus identifies the management planning problems that prevail world-wide to discuss the architecture and the components of the tools used to address them. Of importance is the report of architecture approaches, models and methods, knowledge management and participatory planning techniques used to address specific management planning problems. We think that this synthesis may provide effective support to research and outreach activities that focus on the development of forest management decision support systems. It may contribute further to support forest managers when defining the requirements for a tool that best meets their needs. The first chapter of the book provides an introduction to the use of decision support systems in the forest sector and lays out the FORSYS framework for reporting the experience and expertise acquired in each country. Emphasis is on the FORSYS ontology to facilitate the sharing of experiences needed to characterize and evaluate the use of computerized tools when addressing forest management planning problems. The twenty six country reports share a structure designed to underline a problem-centric focus. Specifically, they all start with the identification of the management planning problems that are prevalent in the country and they move on to the characterization and assessment of the computerized tools used to address them. The reports were led by researchers with background and expertise in areas that range from ecological modeling to forest modeling, management planning and information and communication technology development. They benefited from the input provided by forest practitioners and by organizations that are responsible for developing and implementing forest management plans. A conclusions chapter highlights the success of bringing together such a wide range of disciplines and perspectives. This book benefited from voluntary contributions by 94 authors and from the involvement of several forest stakeholders from twenty six countries in Europe, North and South America, Africa and Asia over a three-year period. We, the chair of FORSYS and the editorial committee of the publication, acknowledge and thank for the valuable contributions from all authors, editors, stakeholders and FORSYS actors involved in this project

    Surdna Foundation - 2006 Annual Report

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    Contains board chair's message, letter from the president, list of grants awarded, financial summary, grant guidelines and application procedures, and list of officers and staff

    Environmental Soft Law as a Governance Strategy

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    Soft law governance relies on nongovernmental institutions that establish and implement voluntary standards. Compared with traditional hard law solutions to societal and economic problems, soft law alternatives promise to be more politically feasible to establish and then easier to adapt in the face of changing circumstances. They may also seem more likely to be flexible in what they demand of targeted businesses and other entities. But can soft law actually work to solve major problems? This Article considers the value of soft law governance through the lens of three major voluntary, nongovernmental initiatives that address environmental concerns: (1) ISO 14001 environmental management systems; (2) sustainable forest certification systems; and (3) LEED standards for energy efficient buildings. Taken together, these case studies indicate that, even though soft law governance may hold considerable theoretical appeal, it can also be quite limited in what it actually achieves. Decision-makers should rely on soft law governance only with full recognition of its limitations as well as its alluring characteristics