189,397 research outputs found

    Re-designing Batik Mbako Motif Pattern

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    Batik Mbako as one of Indonesian local textile from Temanggung, has been developed since 2009. Mbako means temba-kau (tobacco) became inspiration for batik motif by local society. More than 30 pattern motif of Batik Mbako exist, some of them have been legally recognized by government. Nowadays, the development of motif design is less varied regarding to the lack of innovation design and has a potential to be redesign with new composition. The purpose of this paper is to create the innovation of motif pattern design composition for Batik Mbako. The methodology used by this paper was by reviewing and analysing the original Mbako motif pattern, creating new concept and redesign the shape of Mbako motif pattern. The main result of this paper was the innovation of motif pattern design for the form of original Batik Mbako motif, with three different concept and target market. This paper hopeful encourages people outside Temanggung to getting know more about Batik Mbako and gain the popularity for it. In the future those new motif design could be use by local artisan. Keywords batik, mbako, motif, pattern, desig

    Subsystems change ranking methodology (SCRaM) for complex product redesign process

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    Product redesign is hardly a straightforward process, especially for complex products. The existence of intricate interrelationships between different components of product design architecture makes it more susceptible to change propagation phenomenon. In this case, redesign risk is not easy to predict since the change effects are being propagated to other components from the initiating change component. Because of this condition, choosing the right initiating change component is essential to control redesign process risks, apart from being able to successfully satisfy the product requirements. With this notion, this paper proposes a method that systematically ranks all components of an existing product design based on their estimated redesign risk. By having this information, designers can make a better redesign planning. The demonstration of this method is presented through an example aircraft redesign case study

    A mass reduction effort of the electric and hybrid vehicle

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    Weight reduction, cost competitiveness, and elimination of the intrusion beam resulted from the redesign and fabrication using composite materials of the door outer panel and intrusion beam from a Chevrolet Impala. The basis of the redesign involved replacing these two steel parts with a single compression molding using the unique approach of simultaneously curing a sheet molding compound outside panel with a continuous glass fiber intrusion strap. A weight reduction of nearly 11 pounds per door was achieved. Additional weight savings are possible by taking advantage of the elimination of the intrusion beam to design thinner door structures. The parts consolidation approach allows the composite structure to be cost competitive with the original steel design for both the lower production car models and for the near to midterm production vehicles using current state of the art composite production techniques. The design, prototype fabrication, costing, material, properties and compression molding production requirements are discussed

    Redesign of Pneumatic Piston Using Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) Technique

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    Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) technique has been utilized intensively in industry for many years in order to increase the quality, decrease the cost and shorten the cycle time of a product. This paper is a detail application of the technique in the pneumatic piston product. The redesign effeciency of the product increases significantly from 25.9% to 67.45%

    Next Steps in Discovery Implementation: User‐Centered Discovery System Redesign

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    This paper will discuss a discovery system redesign project at the University of Houston Libraries, and in particular the Discovery Redesign Team’s collaborative, user‐centered approach. Throughout the redesign process, the team collected information about the needs and expectations of internal and external users regarding the Library’s discovery system. The team worked with two internal working groups to gather and evaluate the collected information. The results of this evaluation were used to make user‐centered design decisions. The Discovery Redesign Team worked with the Discovery Advisory Group, made up of library employees from various departments, to seek feedback and suggestions throughout the redesign process. Working collaboratively with this Group informed design decisions made by the team while also generating buy‐in for the discovery redesign. The team worked with the Discovery Usability Group to collect information from end‐users to inform the Team’s design decisions. The Committee held focus groups with the Library Information Desk staff to learn how the discovery system was serving users, and where it was falling short; they conducted usability tests with students to find out where users were experiencing breakdowns while completing common tasks. The methodologies and findings of the team’s various activities will be discussed. Changes to system interfaces affect both internal and external users. The University of Houston’s discovery system redesign is an example of a successful, user‐centered, collaborative design project

    Computational case-based redesign for people with ability impairment: Rethinking, reuse and redesign learning for home modification practice

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    Home modification practice for people with impairments of ability involves redesigning existing residential environments as distinct from the creation of a new dwelling. A redesigner alters existing structures, fittings and fixtures to better meet the occupant's ability requirements. While research on case-based design reasoning and healthcare informatics are well documented, the reasoning and process of redesign and its integration with individual human functional abilities remains poorly understood. Developing a means of capturing redesign knowledge in the form of case documentation online provides a means for integrating and learning from individual case-based redesign episodes where assessment and interventions are naturally linked. A key aim of the research outlined in this thesis was to gain a better understanding of the redesign of spaces for individual human ability with the view to computational modelling. Consequently, the foundational knowledge underpinning the model development includes design, redesign, case-based building design and human functional ability. Case-based redesign as proposed within the thesis, is a method for capturing the redesign context, the residential environment, the modification and the transformational knowledge involved in the redesign. Computational simulation methods are traditionally field dependent. Consequently, part of the research undertaken within this thesis involved the development of a framework for analysing cases within an online case-studies library to validate redesign for individuals and a method of acquiring reuse information so as to be able to estimate the redesign needs of a given population based on either their environment or ability profile. As home modification for people with functional impairments was a novel application field, an explorative action-based methodological approach using computational modelling was needed to underpin a case-based reasoning method. The action-based method involved a process of articulating and examining existing knowledge, suggesting new case-based computational practices, and evaluating the results. This cyclic process led to an improvement cycle that included theory, computational tool development and practical application. The rapid explosion of protocols and online redesign communities that utilise Web technologies meant that a web-based prototype capable of acquiring cases directly from home modification practitioners online and in context was both desirable and achievable. The first online version in 1998-99, encoded home modification redesigns using static WebPages and hyperlinks. This motivated the full-scale more dynamic and robust HMMinfo casestudies prototype whose action-based development is detailed within this thesis. The home modification casestudies library results from the development and integration of a novel case-based redesign model in combination with a Human- Activity-Space computational ontology. These two models are then integrated into a relational database design to enable online case acquisition, browsing, case reuse and redesign learning. The application of the redesign ontology illustrates case reuse and learning, and presents some of the implementation issues and their resolution. Original contributions resulting from this work include: extending case-based design theory to encompass redesign and redesign models, distinguishing the importance of human ability in redesign and the development of the Human-Activity-Space ontology. Additionally all data models were combined and their associated inter-relationships evaluated within a prototype made available to redesign practitioners. v Reflective and practitioner based evaluation contributed enhanced understanding of redesign case contribution dynamics in an online environment. Feedback from redesign practitioners indicated that gaining informed consent to share cases from consumers of home modification and maintenance services, in combination with the additional time required to document a case online, and reticence to go public for fear of critical feedback, all contributed to a less than expected case library growth. This is despite considerable interest in the HMMinfo casestudies website as evidenced by web usage statistics. Additionally the redesign model described in this thesis has practical implications for all design practitioners and educators who seek to create new work by reinterpreting, reconstructing and redesigning spaces

    Iterative design for active control of fluid flow

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    This paper considers iterative controller design for planar Poiseuille flow by model unfalsification and controller redesign. The main contribution is to show that model-unfalsification-based iterative design can be useful in flow control problems. The a priori knowledge of the dynamics of the sampled system is obtained from the analytic approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations by a Galerkin method. Pole-positions, expected model orders and feasible dynamic variations are valuable prior knowledge which can be taken into account in the uncertainty-model unfalsification-based iterative design scheme developed

    Exploring student engagement for Generation Y: a pilot in Environmental Economics

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    This paper reports on a pilot study involving the redesign of a third year Economics subject according to principles of engagement as they relate to the discursive Generation y student. The study involved a review of the literature, redesign of the subject to a blended learning format and evaluation of the design. The data collected included pre and post NSSE scores, subject grades, student surveys and qualitative feedback from individual students. While the redesign of the subject was constrained by available resources, and the implementation hindered by various systemic factors, it was found that in general the redesign did improve student engagement. In particular, it was found that the success of the scaffolded assessment tasks and the use of in-class activities as a means of revising for exams was significant. One issue that continues to perplex is the students’ mixed attitudes to attending lectures. Perhaps most importantly, the study indicates that by third year where traditional modes of teaching have characterised their curriculum, students have developed surface approaches to learning that cannot be corrected through individual third year courses.student engagement, elearning, generation y