123 research outputs found

    ParaPhraser: Russian paraphrase corpus and shared task

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    The paper describes the results of the First Russian Paraphrase Detection Shared Task held in St.-Petersburg, Russia, in October 2016. Research in the area of paraphrase extraction, detection and generation has been successfully developing for a long time while there has been only a recent surge of interest towards the problem in the Russian community of computational linguistics. We try to overcome this gap by introducing the project ParaPhraser.ru dedicated to the collection of Russian paraphrase corpus and organizing a Paraphrase Detection Shared Task, which uses the corpus as the training data. The participants of the task applied a wide variety of techniques to the problem of paraphrase detection, from rule-based approaches to deep learning, and results of the task reflect the following tendencies: the best scores are obtained by the strategy of using traditional classifiers combined with fine-grained linguistic features, however, complex neural networks, shallow methods and purely technical methods also demonstrate competitive results.Peer reviewe

    A comparison of statistical machine learning methods in heartbeat detection and classification

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    In health care, patients with heart problems require quick responsiveness in a clinical setting or in the operating theatre. Towards that end, automated classification of heartbeats is vital as some heartbeat irregularities are time consuming to detect. Therefore, analysis of electro-cardiogram (ECG) signals is an active area of research. The methods proposed in the literature depend on the structure of a heartbeat cycle. In this paper, we use interval and amplitude based features together with a few samples from the ECG signal as a feature vector. We studied a variety of classification algorithms focused especially on a type of arrhythmia known as the ventricular ectopic fibrillation (VEB). We compare the performance of the classifiers against algorithms proposed in the literature and make recommendations regarding features, sampling rate, and choice of the classifier to apply in a real-time clinical setting. The extensive study is based on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. Our main contribution is the evaluation of existing classifiers over a range sampling rates, recommendation of a detection methodology to employ in a practical setting, and extend the notion of a mixture of experts to a larger class of algorithms

    Implementation of a knowledge discovery and enhancement module from structured information gained from unstructured sources of information

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Neural Representations of Concepts and Texts for Biomedical Information Retrieval

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    Information retrieval (IR) methods are an indispensable tool in the current landscape of exponentially increasing textual data, especially on the Web. A typical IR task involves fetching and ranking a set of documents (from a large corpus) in terms of relevance to a user\u27s query, which is often expressed as a short phrase. IR methods are the backbone of modern search engines where additional system-level aspects including fault tolerance, scale, user interfaces, and session maintenance are also addressed. In addition to fetching documents, modern search systems may also identify snippets within the documents that are potentially most relevant to the input query. Furthermore, current systems may also maintain preprocessed structured knowledge derived from textual data as so called knowledge graphs, so certain types of queries that are posed as questions can be parsed as such; a response can be an output of one or more named entities instead of a ranked list of documents (e.g., what diseases are associated with EGFR mutations? ). This refined setup is often termed as question answering (QA) in the IR and natural language processing (NLP) communities. In biomedicine and healthcare, specialized corpora are often at play including research articles by scientists, clinical notes generated by healthcare professionals, consumer forums for specific conditions (e.g., cancer survivors network), and clinical trial protocols (e.g., www.clinicaltrials.gov). Biomedical IR is specialized given the types of queries and the variations in the texts are different from that of general Web documents. For example, scientific articles are more formal with longer sentences but clinical notes tend to have less grammatical conformity and are rife with abbreviations. There is also a mismatch between the vocabulary of consumers and the lingo of domain experts and professionals. Queries are also different and can range from simple phrases (e.g., COVID-19 symptoms ) to more complex implicitly fielded queries (e.g., chemotherapy regimens for stage IV lung cancer patients with ALK mutations ). Hence, developing methods for different configurations (corpus, query type, user type) needs more deliberate attention in biomedical IR. Representations of documents and queries are at the core of IR methods and retrieval methodology involves coming up with these representations and matching queries with documents based on them. Traditional IR systems follow the approach of keyword based indexing of documents (the so called inverted index) and matching query phrases against the document index. It is not difficult to see that this keyword based matching ignores the semantics of texts (synonymy at the lexeme level and entailment at phrase/clause/sentence levels) and this has lead to dimensionality reduction methods such as latent semantic indexing that generally have scale-related concerns; such methods also do not address similarity at the sentence level. Since the resurgence of neural network methods in NLP, the IR field has also moved to incorporate advances in neural networks into current IR methods. This dissertation presents four specific methodological efforts toward improving biomedical IR. Neural methods always begin with dense embeddings for words and concepts to overcome the limitations of one-hot encoding in traditional NLP/IR. In the first effort, we present a new neural pre-training approach to jointly learn word and concept embeddings for downstream use in applications. In the second study, we present a joint neural model for two essential subtasks of information extraction (IE): named entity recognition (NER) and entity normalization (EN). Our method detects biomedical concept phrases in texts and links them to the corresponding semantic types and entity codes. These first two studies provide essential tools to model textual representations as compositions of both surface forms (lexical units) and high level concepts with potential downstream use in QA. In the third effort, we present a document reranking model that can help surface documents that are likely to contain answers (e.g, factoids, lists) to a question in a QA task. The model is essentially a sentence matching neural network that learns the relevance of a candidate answer sentence to the given question parametrized with a bilinear map. In the fourth effort, we present another document reranking approach that is tailored for precision medicine use-cases. It combines neural query-document matching and faceted text summarization. The main distinction of this effort from previous efforts is to pivot from a query manipulation setup to transforming candidate documents into pseudo-queries via neural text summarization. Overall, our contributions constitute nontrivial advances in biomedical IR using neural representations of concepts and texts

    Methods for constructing an opinion network for politically controversial topics

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    The US presidential race, the re-election of President Hugo Chavez, and the economic crisis in Greece and other European countries are some of the controversial topics being played on the news everyday. To understand the landscape of opinions on political controversies, it would be helpful to know which politician or other stakeholder takes which position - support or opposition - on specific aspects of these topics. The work described in this thesis aims to automatically derive a map of the opinions-people network from news and other Web docu- ments. The focus is on acquiring opinions held by various stakeholders on politi- cally controversial topics. This opinions-people network serves as a knowledge- base of opinions in the form of (opinion holder) (opinion) (topic) triples. Our system to build this knowledge-base makes use of online news sources in order to extract opinions from text snippets. These sources come with a set of unique challenges. For example, processing text snippets involves not just iden- tifying the topic and the opinion, but also attributing that opinion to a specific opinion holder. This requires making use of deep parsing and analyzing the parse tree. Moreover, in order to ensure uniformity, both the topic as well the opinion holder should be mapped to canonical strings, and the topics should also be organized into a hierarchy. Our system relies on two main components: i) acquiring opinions which uses a combination of techniques to extract opinions from online news sources, and ii) organizing topics which crawls and extracts de- bates from online sources, and organizes these debates in a hierarchy of political controversial topics. We present systematic evaluations of the different compo- nents of our system, and show their high accuracies. We also present some of the different kinds of applications that require political analysis. We present some application requires political analysis such as identifying flip-floppers, political bias, and dissenters. Such applications can make use of the knowledge-base of opinions.Kontroverse Themen wie das US-Präsidentschaftsrennen, die Wiederwahl von Präsident Hugo Chavez, die Wirtschaftskrise in Griechenland sowie in anderen europäischen Ländern werden täglich in den Nachrichten diskutiert. Um die Bandbreite verschiedener Meinungen zu politischen Kontroversen zu verstehen, ist es hilfreich herauszufinden, welcher Politiker bzw. Interessenvertreter welchen Standpunkt (Pro oder Contra) bezüglich spezifischer Aspekte dieser Themen einnimmt. Diese Dissertation beschreibt ein Verfahren, welches automatisch eine Übersicht des Meinung-Mensch-Netzwerks aus aktuellen Nachrichten und anderen Web-Dokumenten ableitet. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf dem Erfassen von Meinungen verschiedener Interessenvertreter bezüglich politisch kontroverser Themen. Dieses Meinung-Mensch-Netzwerk dient als Wissensbasis von Meinungen in Form von Tripeln: (Meinungsvertreter) (Meinung) (Thema). Um diese Wissensbasis aufzubauen, nutzt unser System Online-Nachrichten und extrahiert Meinungen aus Textausschnitten. Quellen von Online-Nachrichten stellen eine Reihe von besonderen Anforderungen an unser System. Zum Beispiel umfasst die Verarbeitung von Textausschnitten nicht nur die Identifikation des Themas und der geschilderten Meinung, sondern auch die Zuordnung der Stellungnahme zu einem spezifischen Meinungsvertreter.Dies erfordert eine tiefgründige Analyse sowie eine genaue Untersuchung des Syntaxbaumes. Um die Einheitlichkeit zu gewährleisten, müssen darüber hinaus Thema sowie Meinungsvertreter auf ein kanonisches Format abgebildet und die Themen hierarchisch angeordnet werden. Unser System beruht im Wesentlichen auf zwei Komponenten: i) Erkennen von Meinungen, welches verschiedene Techniken zur Extraktion von Meinungen aus Online-Nachrichten beinhaltet, und ii) Erkennen von Beziehungen zwischen Themen, welches das Crawling und Extrahieren von Debatten aus Online-Quellen sowie das Organisieren dieser Debatten in einer Hierarchie von politisch kontroversen Themen umfasst. Wir präsentieren eine systematische Evaluierung der verschiedenen Systemkomponenten, welche die hohe Genauigkeit der von uns entwickelten Techniken zeigt. Wir diskutieren außerdem verschiedene Arten von Anwendungen, die eine politische Analyse erfordern, wie zum Beispiel die Erkennung von Opportunisten, politische Voreingenommenheit und Dissidenten. All diese Anwendungen können durch die Wissensbasis von Meinungen umfangreich profitieren

    Linked Open Data - Creating Knowledge Out of Interlinked Data: Results of the LOD2 Project

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    Database Management; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Information Systems and Communication Servic

    An Information theoretic approach to production and comprehension of discourse markers

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    Discourse relations are the building blocks of a coherent text. The most important linguistic elements for constructing these relations are discourse markers. The presence of a discourse marker between two discourse segments provides information on the inferences that need to be made for interpretation of the two segments as a whole (e.g., because marks a reason). This thesis presents a new framework for studying human communication at the level of discourse by adapting ideas from information theory. A discourse marker is viewed as a symbol with a measurable amount of relational information. This information is communicated by the writer of a text to guide the reader towards the right semantic decoding. To examine the information theoretic account of discourse markers, we conduct empirical corpus-based investigations, offline crowd-sourced studies and online laboratory experiments. The thesis contributes to computational linguistics by proposing a quantitative meaning representation for discourse markers and showing its advantages over the classic descriptive approaches. For the first time, we show that readers are very sensitive to the fine-grained information encoded in a discourse marker obtained from its natural usage and that writers use explicit marking for less expected relations in terms of linguistic and cognitive predictability. These findings open new directions for implementation of advanced natural language processing systems.Diskursrelationen sind die Bausteine eines kohärenten Texts. Die wichtigsten sprachlichen Elemente für die Konstruktion dieser Relationen sind Diskursmarker. Das Vorhandensein eines Diskursmarkers zwischen zwei Diskurssegmenten liefert Informationen über die Inferenzen, die für die Interpretation der beiden Segmente als Ganzes getroffen werden müssen (zB. weil markiert einen Grund). Diese Dissertation bietet ein neues Framework für die Untersuchung menschlicher Kommunikation auf der Ebene von Diskursrelationen durch Anpassung von denen aus der Informationstheorie. Ein Diskursmarker wird als ein Symbol mit einer messbaren Menge relationaler Information betrachtet. Diese Information wird vom Autoren eines Texts kommuniziert, um den Leser zur richtigen semantischen Decodierung zu führen. Um die informationstheoretische Beschreibung von Diskursmarkern zu untersuchen, führen wir empirische korpusbasierte Untersuchungen durch: offline Crowdsourcing-Studien und online Labor-Experimente. Die Dissertation trägt zur Computerlinguistik bei, indem sie eine quantitative Bedeutungs-Repräsentation zu Diskursmarkern vorschlägt und ihre Vorteile gegenüber den klassischen deskriptiven Ansätzen aufzeigt. Wir zeigen zum ersten Mal, dass Leser sensitiv für feinkörnige Informationen sind, die durch Diskursmarker kodiert werden, und dass Textproduzenten Relationen, die sowohl auf linguistischer Ebene als auch kognitiv weniger vorhersagbar sind, häufiger explizit markieren. Diese Erkenntnisse eröffnen neue Richtungen für die Implementierung fortschrittlicher Systeme der Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache

    Representation and Inference for Open-Domain Question Answering: Strength and Limits of two Italian Semantic Lexicons

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    La ricerca descritta nella tesi è stata dedicata alla costruzione di un prototipo di sistema di Question Answering per la lingua italiana. Il prototipo è stato utilizzato come ambiente di valutazione dell’utilità dell’informazione codificata in due lessici semantici computazionali, ItalWordNet e SIMPLE-CLIPS. Il fine è quello di metter in evidenza ipunti di forza e ilimiti della rappresentazione dell’informazione proposta dai due lessici