746 research outputs found

    Extending Differential Fault Analysis to Dynamic S-Box Advanced Encryption Standard Implementations

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    Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a worldwide cryptographic standard for symmetric key cryptography. Many attacks try to exploit inherent weaknesses in the algorithm or use side channels to reduce entropy. At the same time, researchers strive to enhance AES and mitigate these growing threats. This paper researches the extension of existing Differential Fault Analysis (DFA) attacks, a family of side channel attacks, on standard AES to Dynamic S-box AES research implementations. Theoretical analysis reveals an expected average keyspace reduction of 2-88:9323 after one faulty ciphertext using DFA on the State of Rotational S-box AES-128 implementations. Experimental results revealed an average 2-88:8307 keyspace reduction and confirmed full key recovery is possible

    A Quantitative Study of Advanced Encryption Standard Performance as it Relates to Cryptographic Attack Feasibility

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    The advanced encryption standard (AES) is the premier symmetric key cryptosystem in use today. Given its prevalence, the security provided by AES is of utmost importance. Technology is advancing at an incredible rate, in both capability and popularity, much faster than its rate of advancement in the late 1990s when AES was selected as the replacement standard for DES. Although the literature surrounding AES is robust, most studies fall into either theoretical or practical yet infeasible. This research takes the unique approach drawn from the performance field and dual nature of AES performance. It uses benchmarks to assess the performance potential of computer systems for both general purpose and AES. Since general performance information is readily available, the ratio may be used as a predictor for AES performance and consequently attack potential. The design involved distributing USB drives to facilitators containing a bootable Linux operating system and the benchmark instruments. Upon boot, these devices conducted the benchmarks, gathered system specifications, and submitted them to a server for regression analysis. Although it is likely to be many years in the future, the results of this study may help better predict when attacks against AES key lengths will become feasible

    Improving Safety of an Automotive AES-GCM Core and its Impact on Side-Channel Protection

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    O incremento do número de componentes eletrónicos e o correspondente aumento do fluxo de dados no setor automóvel levou a uma preocupação crescente com a garantia de segurança dos sistemas eletrónicos, especialmente em sistemas críticos cuja violação seja passível de colocar em causa a integridade do sistema e a segurança das pessoas. A utilização de sistemas que implementam o Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) foi vista como uma solução para este problema, impedindo o acesso indevido aos dados dos veículos, através da sua encriptação. O algoritmo AES não possui atualmente nenhuma vulnerabilidade efetiva, mas o mesmo não acontece com as suas implementações, as quais estão sujeitas a ataques ditos side-channel, onde informações que resultam da operação destas implementações são exploradas na tentativa de descobrir os dados encriptados. A aplicação de núcleos IP no setor automóvel requer que as suas implementações cumpram a norma ISO-26262 de forma a garantir que a sua operação não compromete a segurança do veículo e dos ocupantes. Este cumprimento implica alterações na arquitetura dos sistemas que podem influenciar as características de operação que são normalmente exploradas em ataques para obter informação que eventualmente permita ganhar conhecimento sobre os dados encriptados. Assim, o desenvolvimento das componentes de segurança, na perspetiva da segurança informática da informação e no que se refere à segurança de operação do veículo e dos seus ocupantes, que são ainda consideradas como componentes independentes, podem na verdade estar relacionadas, já que as melhorias introduzidas para incrementar a resiliência a falhas e consequentemente a integridade de operação dos sistemas, podem aumentar a fragilidade do sistema a ataques que comprometam a segurança informática dos dados. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma arquitetura capaz de atingir as métricas para o nível mais alto de certificação em segurança de acordo com a norma ISSO-26262 (certificação ASIL-D), a partir de uma arquitetura já existente, e comparar as duas arquiteturas em termos de vulnerabilidade a ataques ditos side-channel que exploram o seu consumo de potência dinâmica. Os resultados demonstram que para a arquitetura ASIL-D a identificação de pontos de interesse e de dados relevantes no consumo de potência é mais evidente, o que sugere existir uma maior vulnerabilidade da arquitetura desenvolvida a ataques informáticos desenvolvidos por esse processo.The increase in electronic components and the corresponding increment in the data flow among electronic systems in automotive applications made security one of the main concerns in this sector. The use of IP cores that implement the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) was seen as a solution to this problem, preventing improper access to vehicle data, through its encryption. The AES algorithm does not currently have any effective vulnerability, but the same does not happen with its implementations, which are subject to side-channel attacks, where information that results from the operation of these implementations is exploited in an attempt to discover the encrypted data. The application of IP cores in the automotive sector requires that the implementations comply with the ISO-26262 standard in order to ensure that their operation does not compromise the vehicle's safety. This compliment implies changes in the core architecture that can influence the characteristics of operation that are normally exploited in attacks. Thus, the development of safety and security components in the automotive sector, which are still considered as independent processes, may be related because safety improvements may cause changes in the system's vulnerability to attacks that can compromise its security. This work aims to develop an architecture capable of reaching the metrics for the highest level of safety certification (ASIL-D), based on an existing architecture, and compare the two architectures in terms of vulnerability to side-channel attacks that exploit their dynamic power consumption. The results show that for the ASIL-D architecture, the identification of points of interest and relevant data on the power consumption traces is more evident, which suggests greater effectiveness of the attacks performed in this architecture

    Exploitation of Unintentional Information Leakage from Integrated Circuits

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    Unintentional electromagnetic emissions are used to recognize or verify the identity of a unique integrated circuit (IC) based on fabrication process-induced variations in a manner analogous to biometric human identification. The effectiveness of the technique is demonstrated through an extensive empirical study, with results presented indicating correct device identification success rates of greater than 99:5%, and average verification equal error rates (EERs) of less than 0:05% for 40 near-identical devices. The proposed approach is suitable for security applications involving commodity commercial ICs, with substantial cost and scalability advantages over existing approaches. A systematic leakage mapping methodology is also proposed to comprehensively assess the information leakage of arbitrary block cipher implementations, and to quantitatively bound an arbitrary implementation\u27s resistance to the general class of differential side channel analysis techniques. The framework is demonstrated using the well-known Hamming Weight and Hamming Distance leakage models, and approach\u27s effectiveness is demonstrated through the empirical assessment of two typical unprotected implementations of the Advanced Encryption Standard. The assessment results are empirically validated against correlation-based differential power and electromagnetic analysis attacks

    Toward Lightweight Cryptography: A Survey

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    The main problem in Internet of Things (IoT) security is how to find lightweight cryptosystems that are suitable for devices with limited capabilities. In this paper, a comprehensive literature survey that discusses the most prominent encryption algorithms used in device security in general and IoT devices in specific has been conducted. Many studies related to this field have been discussed to identify the most technical requirements of lightweight encryption systems to be compatible with variances in IoT devices. Also, we explored the results of security and performance of the AES algorithm in an attempt to study the algorithm performance for keeping an acceptable security level which makes it more adaptable to IoT devices as a lightweight encryption system

    DLPFA: Deep Learning based Persistent Fault Analysis against Block Ciphers

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    Deep learning techniques have been widely applied to side-channel analysis (SCA) in recent years and shown better performance compared with traditional methods. However, there has been little research dealing with deep learning techniques in fault analysis to date. This article undertakes the first study to introduce deep learning techniques into fault analysis to perform key recovery. We investigate the application of multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and convolutional neural network (CNN) in persistent fault analysis (PFA) and propose deep learning-based persistent fault analysis (DLPFA). DLPFA is first applied to advanced encryption standard (AES) to verify its availability. Then, to push the study further, we extend DLPFA to PRESENT, which is a lightweight substitution–permutation network (SPN)-based block cipher. The experimental results show that DLPFA can handle random faults and provide outstanding performance with a suitable selection of hyper-parameters