294,345 research outputs found

    From which world is your graph?

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    Discovering statistical structure from links is a fundamental problem in the analysis of social networks. Choosing a misspecified model, or equivalently, an incorrect inference algorithm will result in an invalid analysis or even falsely uncover patterns that are in fact artifacts of the model. This work focuses on unifying two of the most widely used link-formation models: the stochastic blockmodel (SBM) and the small world (or latent space) model (SWM). Integrating techniques from kernel learning, spectral graph theory, and nonlinear dimensionality reduction, we develop the first statistically sound polynomial-time algorithm to discover latent patterns in sparse graphs for both models. When the network comes from an SBM, the algorithm outputs a block structure. When it is from an SWM, the algorithm outputs estimates of each node's latent position.Comment: To appear in NIPS 201


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    Does the attention we pay to the world around us when we photograph destroy the inherent truth of it, as it was when Orpheus looked back at Eurydice? Is our attempt to understand the world by preserving it through a photograph only a fleeting attempt for survival in the face of eschatological thought? Or does pho- tography -- the act of looking itself --- render the opaque into a living clarified truth through poetic action? As Roland Barthes notes in Camera Lucida, “the Greeks entered into death back- ward: what they had before them was their past.” What Orpheus had behind him was his memory of Eurydice, brought to life by imagination, not by Hades. Barthes again notes that history “is constituted only if we consider it, only if we look at it -- and in order to look at it, we must be excluded from it. As a living soul I am the very contrary of history.” Photography is a tool of exclusion, photographs sepa- rate us from life. Photographs, like Orpheus, don’t see the truth. Eurydice vanished when Orpheus looked back because she was never there, she was beheld only in his mind. In the viewer’s completion, photographs can show what was never there, if the viewer is possessed with the presence of mind to parse the difference. Such an education is no mean feat. Photographs are direct records of a moment in time and space. Light reflected off of the world chisels itself into a semi-permanent re- cord of enchanting stardust -- to the enchanted. The frame of an image is incontrovertibly finite, yet there is an infinite world to which the frame opens: an image is as much what you bring to it, as what it brings to you. “It is what I add to the photograph, and what is nonetheless already there,” Barthes says. It is a cyclical relationship. The window to which a photo opens is partially a reflection of your own experience, one that contains the image itself. Acknowledging this cyclicality, the writer David Campany notes that “Photo- graphs turn things into signs of themselves.” Photos are inert, they don’t change, but how we see them does, and thus animat- ed with fresh meaning in this dynamic much may be newly realized and what they reveal is potentially infinite. Like Orpheus, both the photographers and the viewers of their images look back. Who and what is your Eurydice

    Additive Manufactured Formula SAE Brake Caliper

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    In a world where innovation has become the new norm, automobiles can often be found at the forefront of that movement. Each and every year there are new innovations and concepts that push modern day technology to the edge of what is physically possible. This can be seen from every aspect of these automobiles ranging from the conceptual stage all the way to production. Most of these advancements have been made possible with the new technology that has become available on the manufacturing side of the designs. Instead of being constrained by what is possible on your average 3 to 5 axis mill, many companies can now take advantage of additive manufacturing to make more complex and optimized parts. The goal of this project is to take a component on a vehicle, much like the average brake caliper, which is a part that has suffered from a sense of complacency in previous years, and try to optimize and modernize the component with the aid of additive manufacturing

    Mobile application for fleet management

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    Fleet management is not difficult if your company only has five to ten vehicles. But if there are thousands of vehicles, then you need a fleet management system, or you will be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work for you. With the help of a fleet management system, you can monitor any vehicle in real-time. You can find out whether the customer has received the item they purchased by or is on the way. You can also know whether your driver is working or just idling by. Without a vehicle management system, you only rely on the trust you have between you and your drivers. And more often than not, your trust is betrayed by your drivers. With a vehicle management system, routine service schedules information can be obtained anytime and anywhere. You only have to enter the required data into the system and it will arrange the schedule. Fleet management certainly involves drivers. The involvement starts with determining work schedules and reporting. Staff who arrive late at the office will certainly affect your customer satisfaction because the delivery will definitely be delayed. The fleet management system will eliminate these things. The system will automatically inform the driver of their work schedule so he/she can come to work on time. A fleet management a website and a Android mobile application to facilitate the in-house management, viewing options and communications for the associated employees. In this project, an iOS mobile application is needed to manage the driver, vehicle and intercommunication of drivers. The application then further provides the functionalities for driver to view and track the Alarms, Events and other vehicle based on the geo location of the vehicle. Furthermore, it provides the facility for management to keep track of all the vehicles and their trips which helps to analyze the data. This report covers the development of the project of Fleet Management application. Many companies want to stay small and keep their contracts manageable, and they’re happy with a few cars or trucks. Even so, they would still like to do more business. The Fleet Management application has been designed to provide solutions that will help them function more efficiently. A company can greatly increase its profits for relatively low investment in these solutions. Whether large or small, any business can find a fleet management software product on the market that meets its needs. We all know that it is difficult, if not impossible, to predict the future. Generally, there are so many different variables to consider, many of them very difficult to predict, that make the whole exercise quite complex. Predicting the future of fleet management is this type of exercise. If you think someone in the world already knows how it will be, think twice. From truck manufacturers to telematics companies, from large technology companies to fleet managers with 30 years of experience, nobody knows for sure. we added some cutting-edge technologies to this Fleet Management system. With that in mind, we are in fact proposing a new future for fleet management. Or, at least, contributing to it

    Understanding the Trends of European Startup Ecosystems

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    The world faces numerous crises, being the economic and financial crisis, the more worrying crisis and which people become more aware, to find solutions to various problems, namely unemployment, especially youth unemployment. Throughout the evolution of the world, entrepreneurship phenomenon went hand in hand with economic and technological development, providing new businesses with innovative concepts, responding to people's needs. Today, entrepreneurship continues to be important to the economies, as it adds new companies with value by presenting people with talent, with creative sense and innovative products and services. With technological development and financial assistance from investors or government, we have witnessed an exponential growth of startups over the past few years. Entrepreneurial education also encouraged this development, presenting conferences and workshops, calling students to innovation, creating your own startup. In reply to the growth and development of European ecosystems, this research work was developed to analyze the reality of European ecosystems. The aim is to understand whether there are trends in choosing economic sectors, business models and pricing models. This investigation is composed by an extensive literature review to startups and startup ecosystem and by an empirical study to startups’ perception concerning to this subject. To acquire empirical data it was conducted an online questionnaire directed to a sample of startups registered on online platform. This study confirmed the existence of trends by information gathered from online platform and the online questionnaire. It is proposed a recommendation, which will help to continue the investigations concerning to this subject

    Urban Sustainability: Innovative Spaces, Vulnerabilities and Opportunities

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    [Abstract] The need to promote a debate among researchers from active research networks in IAPS is at the origin of this book on “Urban sustainability: Innovative spaces, vulnerabilities and opportunities”. This book is the reflection of a growing tradition of tackling issues that are central to social and political efforts to solve pressing societal and environmental problems in evermore intricate contexts of resource scarcity, growing population and urbanization, social inequality and rising emissions. Promoting research and creating the conditions for lively and effective scientific debate has been part of the mission of IAPS since its beginnings. The growing effervescence of content network is reflected in a rising number of scientific events and interesting publications, such as the book you now have in your hands. In this introduction, we will gloss over the reasons that lie behind the choice of theme, which is likely to underlie the discussions and debates throughout the next years, all over the world. The theme we have selected, and reflected in the title, makes reference to a recurring concept that is ever-present in today’s society: sustainabilit

    Integrated system based on the automation of the extraction and characterization, using natural processing language, of user ratings in sales platforms

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    [Abstract] At present, more and more importance is given to what people think, what they think and what are your preferences. With the rise of social networks and online stores, these data are accessible more than ever in a simple and global way, so it is increasingly important to know manage and analyze all this information. Thus, it is not surprising that over time more companies are focusing their interest on sentiment mining, which allows them to identify possible business opportunities, maintain a good reputation of the company in the networks or improve the marketing your products. For all these reasons, we are interested in building a tool capable of extracting from all the reviews that exists throughout the Internet, what is the opinion of a product/service (its most praised characteristics, its greatest shortcomings…), so that, through a good analysis, we can extract important information in an automated way. This paper will discuss how to build a tool capable of analyzing and retrieving reviews from the World Wide Web. Building two main systems, one for extracting reviews with the use of scraping tools and another for analyzing sentiment in texts with the use of machine learning and natural language processing.[Resumo] Na actualidade cada vez dáselle máis importancia a qué opinan as persoas, qué é o que pensan e cales son as suas preferencias. Coa subida da popularidade das redes sociais e as tendas online, estes datos estan máis accesibles que nunca, de manera sinxela e global, co que cada vez é máis importante saber xestionar e analizar toda esa información. Así, non é de extrañar que co tempo máis compañías estén centrando o seu interés na minaría de sentimentos, que lles permite posibles oportunidades de negocio, mantener unha boa reputación de empresa nas redes e mellorar o marketing. Por todo isto, interésanos construir unha ferramenta capaz de extraer de todas as reseñas que existen ao longo de internet, cal é a opinión que se ten dun produto/servizo, de forma que, a través dunha boa análise podamos obter información de importancia de maneira automatizada. Neste traballo falarase de como construir unha ferramenta capaz de analizar e obter as reseñas da World Wide Web. Construindo un sistema de extracción de reviews co uso de ferramentas de scraping e outro de análise de sentimentos en textos co uso de aprendizaxe automático e procesamento da linguaxe natural.Traballo fin de grao. Enxeñaría Informática. Curso 2021/202