9 research outputs found

    Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna Array for MM-Wave 5G Mobile Handsets

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    YesThis study proposes a compact design of frequency-reconfigurable antenna array for fifth generation (5G) cellular networks. Eight compact discrete- fed slot antennas are placed on the top portion of a mobile phone printedcircuit- board (PCB) to form a beam-steerable array. The frequency response of the antenna can be reconfigured to operate at either 28 GHz or 38 GHz, two of the candidate frequency bands for millimeter-wave (MM-Wave) 5G communications. The reconfigurability function of the proposed design can be achieved by implementing and biasing a pair of diodes across each T-shaped slot antenna element. Rogers RT 5880 with thickness of 0.508 mm and properties of ε = 2.2 and δ = 0.0009 has been used as the antenna substrate. The antenna element is very compact in size with a good end-fire radiation pattern in the frequency bands of interest. The proposed beam-steerable array provides very good 3D coverage. The simulation results show that the proposed design provides some good characteristics fitting the need of the 5G cellular communications.Innovation programme under grant agreement H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 SECRET-722424, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under grant EP/E022936/

    Dual-band frequency reconfigurable 5G microstrip antenna

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    Microstrip Antenna is widely developed and used in modern telecommunications equipment because of its advantages. Microstrip antenna is also used in 5G development which is expected to increase communication capacity and also be able to provide very large data rates. The frequency used in 5G is 28, 38, and 78 GHz. However, the 5G network with high frequency has a weakness: transmitted waves are vulnerable to weather because of their dense waveform. Therefore, the multiband is used to support different frequencies in one antenna. Furthermore, antenna reconfiguration is used to set the antenna to work on a different frequency and adjust different radiation patterns depending on the needs without changing the form of the antenna. This paper proposes the dual-band frequency reconfigurable antenna with RT Duroid 5880 as its substrate using PIN diodes placed between the main patch and secondary patch element and simulated on CST software for 28 GHz and 38 GHz with two conditions, ON and OFF. Both simulated and measured results show that the antenna can work well as intended. During the OFF condition, the antenna only works at 38 GHz, while in the ON condition, the antenna works at 28 GHz and 38 GHz, respectively

    Dual-band frequency reconfigurable 5G microstrip antenna

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    Microstrip Antenna is widely developed and used in modern telecommunications equipment because of its advantages. Microstrip antenna is also used in 5G development which is expected to increase communication capacity and also be able to provide very large data rates. The frequency used in 5G is 28, 38, and 78 GHz. However, the 5G network with high frequency has a weakness: transmitted waves are vulnerable to weather because of their dense waveform. Therefore, the multiband is used to support different frequencies in one antenna. Furthermore, antenna reconfiguration is used to set the antenna to work on a different frequency and adjust different radiation patterns depending on the needs without changing the form of the antenna. This paper proposes the dual-band frequency reconfigurable antenna with RT Duroid 5880 as its substrate using PIN diodes placed between the main patch and secondary patch element and simulated on CST software for 28 GHz and 38 GHz with two conditions, ON and OFF. Both simulated and measured results show that the antenna can work well as intended. During the OFF condition, the antenna only works at 38 GHz, while in the ON condition, the antenna works at 28 GHz and 38 GHz, respectively

    New microstrip patch antenna array design at 28 GHz millimeter-wave for fifth-generation application

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    This paper presents a study and an array design consisting of two microstrip patch antennas connected in series in a 2×1 form. This antenna provides better performance for the fifth-generation (5G) wireless communication system. The microstrip line feeding technique realizes the design of this antenna. This feed offers the best bandwidth, is easy to model, and has low spurious radiation. The distance between the feed line and the patch can adapt to the antenna’s impedance. In addition, the antenna array proposed in this paper is designed and simulated using the high frequency structure simulator (HFSS) simulation software at the operating frequency of 28 GHz for the 5G band. The support material used is Rogers RT/duroid® 5880, with relative permittivity of 2.2, a thickness of h=0.5 mm, and a loss tangent of 0.0009. The simulation results obtained in this research paper are as: reflection coefficient: -35.91 dB, standing wave ratio (SWR): 1.032, bandwidth: 1.43 GHz, gain: 9.42 dB, directivity: 9.47 dB, radiated power: 29.94 dBm, accepted the power: 29.99 dBm, radiation efficiency: 29.95, efficiency: 99.83%. This proposed antenna array has achieved better performance than other antenna arrays recently published in scientific journals regarding bandwidth, beam gain, reflection coefficient, SWR, radiated power, accepted power, and efficiency. Therefore, this antenna array will likely become an important competitor for many uses within the 5G wireless applications

    Mobile-Phone Antenna Array with Diamond-Ring Slot Elements for 5G Massive MIMO Systems

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    A design of mobile-phone antenna array with diamond-ring slot elements is proposed for fifth generation (5G) massive multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO) systems. The configuration of the design consists of four double-fed diamond-ring slot antenna elements placed at different corners of the mobile-phone printed circuit board (PCB). A low-cost FR-4 dielectric with an overall dimension of 75 × 150 mm2 is used as the design substrate. The antenna elements are fed by 50-Ohm L-shaped microstrip-lines. Due to the orthogonal placement of microstrip feed lines, the diamond-ring slot elements can exhibit the polarization and radiation pattern diversity characteristic. A good impedance bandwidth (S11 ≤ −10 dB) of 3.2–4 GHz has been achieved for each antenna radiator. However, for S11 ≤ −6 dB, this value is 3–4.2 GHz. The proposed design provides the required radiation coverage of 5G smartphones. The performance of the proposed MIMO antenna design is examined using both simulation and experiment. High isolation, high efficiency and sufficient gain-level characteristics have been obtained for the proposed MIMO smartphone antenna. In addition, the calculated total active reflection coefficient (TARC) and envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) of the antenna elements are very low over the whole band of interest which verify the capability of the proposed multi-antenna systems for massive MIMO and diversity applications. Furthermore, the properties of the design in Data-mode/Talk-mode are investigated and presented

    Reconfigurable filtennas for IoT applications and LEO satellites constellations

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    Nesta dissertação foram projetadas três filtenas reconfiguráveis na frequência. A designação de “filtenas” vem da junção da palavra “antena” com a palavra “filtro”. Estes foram integrados na rede de alimentação de todas as estruturas, que têm a capacidade de operar a 20 e 29GHz, sendo utilizado um díodo PIN para controlar esta comutação. Para o projeto das três filtenas, foi necessário um processo de aprendizagem, no qual se idealizaram outras estruturas cujas falhas e limitações permitiram aprimorar os três resultados finais. Entre estas, desenhou-se uma antena reconfigurável para as frequências mais baixas de 2.4 e 5GHz, sendo o seu processo de construção utilizado no desenvolvimento das estruturas definitivas. A segunda antena delineada, com capacidade de operar a 9, 12.5 e 16GHz, apresentava uma rede de alimentação de elevado custo, o que levou à colocação de filtros nos projetos seguintes. Este passo foi de elevada importância no processo de otimização final. Por último, simularam-se outras filtenas ressoantes a 20 e 29GHz. As suas limitações motivaram a procura de novas técnicas que permitiram aperfeiçoar os projetos das três antenas finais.In this dissertation three frequency reconfigurable filtennas are projected. The designation of “filtenna” comes from the junction of the word “antenna” with the word “filter”. These have been integrated into the feed network of all structures, having the capacity to operate at 20 and 29GHz. A PIN diode is used to control the switching. For the design of the three filtennas, a learning process was necessary. Other structures were created whose flaws and limitations provided the basis for improvements in the three final results. Among these, a reconfigurable antenna was designed for the lower frequencies of 2.4 and 5GHz with its construction process being used in the development of the definitive structures. The second outlined antenna, capable of operating at 9, 12.5 and 16GHz, had a high-cost feed network, which led to the placement of filters in the subsequent designs. This step was of great importance to the final optimization process. Finally, others filtennas resonant at 20 and 29GHz were simulated. Their limitations motivated the search for new techniques that allowed to perfect the designs of the three final antennas.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe