14 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT In the recent years, reversible logic has emerged as a viable approach in power optimization and also has found its importance in low power CMOS, quantum computing, nanotechnology, and optical computing. The main challenge in reversible circuits is to optimize the quantum cost, time delay and the garbage outputs associated with the reversible circuit. 'RevKit' in recent years has become a popular and powerful tool for design visualization, implementation and analysis in reversible computing. In this work, we have implemented the design of reversible 4-bit and 8-bit barrel shifter circuits in RevKit and results are analyzed in terms of quantum cost, delay, garbage outputs, gate count, line count and transistor cost. Further, the simulation results have been documented and tabulated to facilitate a comparative study with conventional designs. Keywords: reversible circuits, barrel shifters, quantum cost, time delay, garbage output, RevKit. INTRODUCTION In irreversible logic computations [1], each bit of information lost generates kTln2 joules of heat energy, where k is Boltzmann's constant and T is the absolute temperature at which the computation is performed. Thus, the amount of energy dissipated in a system bears a direct relationship to the number of bits erased during the computation. The kTln2 energy dissipation can be avoided [2] if a computation is carried out in a reversible manner Rotating and shifting data in a single cycle are required in several applications like efficient computations and arithmetic operations. Barrel shifters, more suitable for this kind of operations, since, it is capable of shifting or rotating the inputs in a single cycle and find great importance in the digital signal processing computation. In reversible system information is not erased. The number of inputs and outputs are equal in reversible gates, which means that the input stage can always be retained from the output stage. Thus, such an implementation of reversible barrel shifter will be highly efficient when compared to any conventional design in terms of time delay, garbage output or the quantum cost associated with such a structure. The majority of the work that currently exists in literature focuses on optimizing the reversible sequential designs in terms of number of reversible gates and garbage outputs using functional verification. A few prior works have used design tools such as RevKi

    On the performance and programming of reversible molecular computers

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    If the 20th century was known for the computational revolution, what will the 21st be known for? Perhaps the recent strides in the nascent fields of molecular programming and biological computation will help bring about the ‘Coming Era of Nanotechnology’ promised in Drexler’s ‘Engines of Creation’. Though there is still far to go, there is much reason for optimism. This thesis examines the underlying principles needed to realise the computational aspects of such ‘engines’ in a performant way. Its main body focusses on the ways in which thermodynamics constrains the operation and design of such systems, and it ends with the proposal of a model of computation appropriate for exploiting these constraints. These thermodynamic constraints are approached from three different directions. The first considers the maximum possible aggregate performance of a system of computers of given volume, V, with a given supply of free energy. From this perspective, reversible computing is imperative in order to circumvent the Landauer limit. A result of Frank is refined and strengthened, showing that the adiabatic regime reversible computer performance is the best possible for any computer—quantum or classical. This therefore shows a universal scaling law governing the performance of compact computers of ~V^(5/6), compared to ~V^(2/3) for conventional computers. For the case of molecular computers, it is shown how to attain this bound. The second direction extends this performance analysis to the case where individual computational particles or sub-units can interact with one another. The third extends it to interactions with shared, non-computational parts of the system. It is found that accommodating these interactions in molecular computers imposes a performance penalty that undermines the earlier scaling result. Nonetheless, scaling superior to that of irreversible computers can be preserved, and appropriate mitigations and considerations are discussed. These analyses are framed in a context of molecular computation, but where possible more general computational systems are considered. The proposed model, the א-calculus, is appropriate for programming reversible molecular computers taking into account these constraints. A variety of examples and mathematical analyses accompany it. Moreover, abstract sketches of potential molecular implementations are provided. Developing these into viable schemes suitable for experimental validation will be a focus of future work

    Design and Synthesis of Efficient Circuits for Quantum Computers

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    Οι πρόσφατες εξελίξεις στον τομέα της πειραματικής κατασκευής κβαντικών υπολογιστών με εξαρτήματα αυξημένης αξιοπιστίας δείχνει ότι η κατασκευή τέτοιων μεγάλων μηχανών βασισμένων στις αρχές της κβαντικής φυσικής είναι πιθανή στο κοντινό μέλλον. Καθώς το μέγεθος των μελλοντικών κβαντικών υπολογιστών θα αυξάνεται, η σχεδίαση αποδοτικότερων κβαντικών κυκλωμάτων και μεθόδων σχεδίασης θα αποκτήσει σταδιακά πρακτικό ενδιαφέρον. Η συνεισφορά της διατριβής στην κατεύθυνση της σχεδίασης αποδοτικών κβαντικών κυκλωμάτων είναι διττή: Η πρώτη είναι η σχεδίαση καινοτόμων αποδοτικών αριθμητικών κβαντικών κυκλωμάτων βασισμένων στον Κβαντικό Μετασχηματισμό Fourier (QFT), όπως πολλαπλασιαστής-με-σταθερά-συσσωρευτής (MAC) και διαιρέτης με σταθερά, με γραμμικό βάθος (ή ταχύτητα) ως προς τον αριθμό ψηφίων των ακεραίων. Αυτά τα κυκλώματα συνδυάζονται αποτελεσματικά ώστε να επιτελέσουν την πράξη του modulo πολλαπλασιασμού με σταθερά με γραμμική πολυπλοκότητα χρόνου και χώρου και συνεπώς μπορούν να επιτελέσουν την πράξη της modulo εκθετικοποίησης (modular exponentiation) με τετραγωνική πολυπλοκότητα χρόνου και γραμμική πολυπλοκότητα χώρου. Οι πράξεις της modulo εκθετικοποίησης και του modulo πολλαπλασιασμού είναι αναπόσπαστα μέρη του σημαντικού κβαντικού αλγορίθμου παραγοντοποίησης του Shor, αλλά και άλλων κβαντικών αλγορίθμων της ίδιας οικογένειας, γνωστών ως κβαντική εκτίμηση φάσης (Quantum Phase Estimation). Αντιμετωπίζονται με αποτελεσματικό τρόπο σημαντικά προβλήματα υλοποίησης, που σχετίζονται με την απαίτηση χρήσης κβαντικών πυλών περιστροφής υψηλής ακρίβειας, καθώς και της χρήσης τοπικών επικοινωνιών. Η δεύτερη συνεισφορά της διατριβής είναι μία γενική μεθοδολογία ιεραρχικής σύνθεσης κβαντικών και αντιστρέψιμων κυκλωμάτων αυθαίρετης πολυπλοκότητας και μεγέθους. Η ιεραρχική μέθοδος σύνθεσης χειρίζεται καλύτερα μεγάλα κυκλώματα σε σχέση με τις επίπεδες μεθόδους σύνθεσης. Η προτεινόμενη μέθοδος προσφέρει πλεονεκτήματα σε σχέση με τις συνήθεις ιεραρχικές συνθέσεις που χρησιμοποιούν την μέθοδο "υπολογισμός-αντιγραφή-αντίστροφος υπολογισμός" του Bennett.The recent advances in the field of experimental construction of quantum computers with increased fidelity components shows that large-scale machines based on the principles of quantum physics are likely to be realized in the near future. As the size of the future quantum computers will be increased, efficient quantum circuits and design methods will gradually gain practical interest. The contribution of this thesis towards the design of efficient quantum circuits is two-fold. The first is the design of novel efficient quantum arithmetic circuits based on the Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT), like multiplier-with-constant-and-accumulator (MAC) and divider by constant, both of linear depth (or speed) with respect with the bits number of the integer operands. These circuits are effectively combined so as they can perform modular multiplication by constant in linear depth and space and consequently modular exponentiation in quadratic time and linear space. Modular exponentiation and modular multiplication operations are integral parts of the important quantum factorization algorithm of Shor and other quantum algorithms of the same family, known as Quantum Phase Estimation algorithms. Important implementation problems like the required high accuracy of the employed rotation quantum gates and the local communications between the gates are effectively addressed. The second contribution of this thesis is a generic hierarchical synthesis methodology for arbitrary complex and large quantum and reversible circuits. The methodology can handle more easily larger circuits relative to the flat synthesis methods. The proposed method offers advantages over the standard hierarchical synthesis which uses Bennett's method of "compute-copy-uncompute"


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    In this book some recent advances in development of photodetectors and photodetection systems for specific applications are included. In the first section of the book nine different types of photodetectors and their characteristics are presented. Next, some theoretical aspects and simulations are discussed. The last eight chapters are devoted to the development of photodetection systems for imaging, particle size analysis, transfers of time, measurement of vibrations, magnetic field, polarization of light, and particle energy. The book is addressed to students, engineers, and researchers working in the field of photonics and advanced technologies

    Molecular machinery and manufacturing with applications to computation

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1991.Vita.Includes bibliographical references (p. 469-487).by K. Eric Drexler.Ph.D

    Collective analog bioelectronic computation

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 677-710).In this thesis, I present two examples of fast-and-highly-parallel analog computation inspired by architectures in biology. The first example, an RF cochlea, maps the partial differential equations that describe fluid-membrane-hair-cell wave propagation in the biological cochlea to an equivalent inductor-capacitor-transistor integrated circuit. It allows ultra-broadband spectrum analysis of RF signals to be performed in a rapid low-power fashion, thus enabling applications for universal or software radio. The second example exploits detailed similarities between the equations that describe chemical-reaction dynamics and the equations that describe subthreshold current flow in transistors to create fast-and-highly-parallel integrated-circuit models of protein-protein and gene-protein networks inside a cell. Due to a natural mapping between the Poisson statistics of molecular flows in a chemical reaction and Poisson statistics of electronic current flow in a transistor, stochastic effects are automatically incorporated into the circuit architecture, allowing highly computationally intensive stochastic simulations of large-scale biochemical reaction networks to be performed rapidly. I show that the exponentially tapered transmission-line architecture of the mammalian cochlea performs constant-fractional-bandwidth spectrum analysis with O(N) expenditure of both analysis time and hardware, where N is the number of analyzed frequency bins. This is the best known performance of any spectrum-analysis architecture, including the constant-resolution Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), which scales as O(N logN), or a constant-fractional-bandwidth filterbank, which scales as O (N2).(cont.) The RF cochlea uses this bio-inspired architecture to perform real-time, on-chip spectrum analysis at radio frequencies. I demonstrate two cochlea chips, implemented in standard 0.13m CMOS technology, that decompose the RF spectrum from 600MHz to 8GHz into 50 log-spaced channels, consume < 300mW of power, and possess 70dB of dynamic range. The real-time spectrum analysis capabilities of my chips make them uniquely suitable for ultra-broadband universal or software radio receivers of the future. I show that the protein-protein and gene-protein chips that I have built are particularly suitable for simulation, parameter discovery and sensitivity analysis of interaction networks in cell biology, such as signaling, metabolic, and gene regulation pathways. Importantly, the chips carry out massively parallel computations, resulting in simulation times that are independent of model complexity, i.e., O(1). They also automatically model stochastic effects, which are of importance in many biological systems, but are numerically stiff and simulate slowly on digital computers. Currently, non-fundamental data-acquisition limitations show that my proof-of-concept chips simulate small-scale biochemical reaction networks at least 100 times faster than modern desktop machines. It should be possible to get 103 to 106 simulation speedups of genome-scale and organ-scale intracellular and extracellular biochemical reaction networks with improved versions of my chips. Such chips could be important both as analysis tools in systems biology and design tools in synthetic biology.by Soumyajit Mandal.Ph.D

    Transferencia electrónica fotoinducida basada en aceptores tipo N-Óxidos de Isoquinolinas: procesos oxidativos radicalarios y operadores lógicos moleculares

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    Estudio de la transferencia electrónica fotoinducida en una serie de sistemas Dador-Espaciador-Aceptor (D-S-A). Estos sistemas están involucrados en una seried de procesos fotofísicos y fotoquímicos que incluyen emisión y quencheo de fluorescencia así como rotura y formación de enlaces. La interacción de estos sistemas con distintas especies químicas producen cambios de emisión de fluorescencia que pueden estudiarse desde la lógica Booleana y definirse como distintas puertas lógicas moleculares