11 research outputs found

    Archetype-based conversion of EHR content models: pilot experience with a regional EHR system

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Exchange of Electronic Health Record (EHR) data between systems from different suppliers is a major challenge. EHR communication based on archetype methodology has been developed by openEHR and CEN/ISO. The experience of using archetypes in deployed EHR systems is quite limited today. Currently deployed EHR systems with large user bases have their own proprietary way of representing clinical content using various models. This study was designed to investigate the feasibility of representing EHR content models from a regional EHR system as openEHR archetypes and inversely to convert archetypes to the proprietary format.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The openEHR EHR Reference Model (RM) and Archetype Model (AM) specifications were used. The template model of the Cambio COSMIC, a regional EHR product from Sweden, was analyzed and compared to the openEHR RM and AM. This study was focused on the convertibility of the EHR semantic models. A semantic mapping between the openEHR RM/AM and the COSMIC template model was produced and used as the basis for developing prototype software that performs automated bi-directional conversion between openEHR archetypes and COSMIC templates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Automated bi-directional conversion between openEHR archetype format and COSMIC template format has been achieved. Several archetypes from the openEHR Clinical Knowledge Repository have been imported into COSMIC, preserving most of the structural and terminology related constraints. COSMIC templates from a large regional installation were successfully converted into the openEHR archetype format. The conversion from the COSMIC templates into archetype format preserves nearly all structural and semantic definitions of the original content models. A strategy of gradually adding archetype support to legacy EHR systems was formulated in order to allow sharing of clinical content models defined using different formats.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The openEHR RM and AM are expressive enough to represent the existing clinical content models from the template based EHR system tested and legacy content models can automatically be converted to archetype format for sharing of knowledge. With some limitations, internationally available archetypes could be converted to the legacy EHR models. Archetype support can be added to legacy EHR systems in an incremental way allowing a migration path to interoperability based on standards.</p

    Evaluation Criteria for Frameworks in eHealth Domain

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    Framework articles are commonly used to synthesise research literature on a topic area, and provide a thorough description and evaluation of the work done, setting directions for future research. There is a need for criteria that can both guide authors to develop comprehensive frameworks, and for reviewers to evaluate these articles, especially in complex areas such as E-Health. By assessing a representative sample of journals and databases most likely to publish E-Health framework articles, we present a set of criteria for the evaluation of framework articles and identify the most salient features for this type of publications. Our findings suggest that a “good” framework article should aid researchers in understanding the research area, have clearly defined boundary, consist of a parsimonious set of elements and have clear guidelines on what to expect for a problem within that framework. We also found that framework articles in the E-Health domain can be characterised according to their objective, comprehensiveness, relationship with the boundary of the research stream, temporal nature, elements examined and substantive output. This paper describes how we arrive at the criteria for evaluating EHealth frameworks, and illustrates how we can apply them on a specific framework

    LinkEHR-Ed: A multi-reference model archetype editor based on formal semantics

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    Purpose To develop a powerful archetype editing framework capable of handling multiple reference models and oriented towards the semantic description and standardization of legacy data. Methods The main prerequisite for implementing tools providing enhanced support for archetypes is the clear specification of archetype semantics. We propose a formalization of the definition section of archetypes based on types over tree-structured data. It covers the specialization of archetypes, the relationship between reference models and archetypes and conformance of data instances to archetypes. Results LinkEHR-Ed, a visual archetype editor based on the former formalization with advanced processing capabilities that supports multiple reference models, the editing and semantic validation of archetypes, the specification of mappings to data sources, and the automatic generation of data transformation scripts, is developed. Conclusions LinkEHR-Ed is a useful tool for building, processing and validating archetypes based on any reference model.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under grant TS12007-66S7S-C02; by the Generalitat Valenciana under grant APOSTD/2007/055 and by the program PAID-06-07 de la Universidad Politecnica de Valencia.Maldonado Segura, JA.; Moner Cano, D.; Boscá Tomás, D.; Fernandez Breis, JT.; Angulo Fernández, C.; Robles Viejo, M. (2009). LinkEHR-Ed: A multi-reference model archetype editor based on formal semantics. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 78(8):559-570. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2009.03.006S55957078

    Semantic validation of standard based electronic health record documents with W3C XML Schema

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    ++43 1 40400 6693 (Phone) [email protected] 2 Summary Objectives. The goal of this article is to examine whether W3C XML Schema provides a practicable solution for the semantic validation of standard based electronic health record (EHR) documents. With semantic validation we mean that the EHR documents are checked for conformance with the underlying archetypes and reference model. Methods. We describe an approach that allows XML Schemas to be derived from archetypes based on a specific naming convention. The archetype constraints are augmented with additional components of the reference model within the XML Schema representation. A copy of the EHR document that is transformed according to the before-mentioned naming convention is used for the actual validation against the XML Schema. Results. We tested our approach by semantically validating EHR documents conformant to three different ISO/EN 13606 archetypes respective to three sections of the CDA implementation guide &quot;Continuity of Care Document (CCD)&quot; and an implementation guide for diabetes therapy data. We further developed a tool to automate the different steps of our semantic validation approach. Conclusions. For two particular kinds of archetype prescriptions, individual transformations are required for the corresponding EHR documents. Otherwise, a fully generic validation is possible. In general, we consider W3C XML Schema as a practicable solution for the semantic validation of standard based EHR documents

    Post-MAPS: An interactive acquisition platform for gastroenterology

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    Post-MAPS is a web platform that collects gastroenterological exam data from several european hospital centers, to be used in future clinical studies and was developed in partnership with experts from the gastroenterological area and information technology (IT) technicians. However, although functional, this platform has some issues that are crucial for its functioning, and can render user interaction unpleasant and exhaustive. Accordingly, we proposed the development of a new web platform, in which we aimed for an improvement in terms of usability, data uni cation and interoperability. Therefore, it was necessary to identify and study different ways of acquiring clinical data and review some of the existing clinical databases in order to understand how they work and what type of data they store, as well as their impact and contribution to clinical knowledge. Closely linked to the data model is the ability to share data with other systems, so, we also studied the concept of interoperability and analyzed some of the most widely used international standards, such as DICOM, HL7 and openEHR. As one of the primary objectives of this project was to achieve a better level of usability, practices related to Human Computer-Interaction, such as requirement analysis, creation of conceptual models, prototyping, and evaluation were also studied. Before we began the development, we conducted an analysis of the previous platform, from a functional point of view, which allowed us to gather not only a list of architectural and interface issues, but also a list of improvement opportunities. It was also performed a small preliminary study in order to evaluate the platform's usability, where we were able to realize that perceived usability is different between users, and that, in some aspects, varies according to their location, age and years of experience. Based on the information gathered during the platform's analysis and in the conclusions of the preliminary study, a new platform was developed, prepared for all potential users, from the inexperienced to the most comfortable with technology. It presents major improvements in terms of usability, also providing several new features that simplify the users' work, improving their interaction with the system, making their experience more enjoyable


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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Healthcare domain produces and consumes big quantities of people's health data. Although data exchange is the norm rather than the exception, being able to access to all patient data is still far from achieved. Current developments such as personal health records will introduce even more data and complexity to the Electronic Health Records (EHR). Achieving semantic interoperability is one of the biggest challenges to overcome in order to benefit from all the information contained in the distributed EHR. This requires that the semantics of the information can be understood by all involved parties. It has been stablished that three layers are needed to achieve semantic interoperability: Reference models, clinical models (archetypes), and clinical terminologies. As seen in the literature, information models (reference models and clinical models) are lacking methodologies and tools to improve EHR systems and to develop new systems that can be semantically interoperable. The purpose of this thesis is to provide methodologies and tools for advancing the use of archetypes in three different scenarios: - Archetype definition over specifications with no dual model architecture native support. Any EHR architecture that directly or indirectly has the notion of detailed clinical models (such as HL7 CDA templates) can be potentially used as a reference model for archetype definition. This allows transforming single-model architectures (which contain only a reference model) into dual-model architectures (reference model with archetypes). A set of methodologies and tools has been developed to support the definition of archetypes from multiple reference models. - Data transformation. A complete methodology and tools are proposed to deal with the transformation of legacy data into XML documents compliant with the archetype and the underlying reference model. If the reference model is a standard then the transformation is a standardization process. The methodologies and tools allow both the transformation of legacy data and the transformation of data between different EHR standards. - Automatic generation of implementation guides and reference materials from archetypes. A methodology for the automatic generation of a set of reference materials is provided. These materials are useful for the development and use of EHR systems. These reference materials include data validators, example instances, implementation guides, human-readable formal rules, sample forms, mindmaps, etc. These reference materials can be combined and organized in different ways to adapt to different types of users (clinical or information technology staff). This way, users can include the detailed clinical model in their organization workflow and cooperate in the model definition. These methodologies and tools put clinical models as a key part of the system. The set of presented methodologies and tools ease the achievement of semantic interoperability by providing means for the semantic description, normalization, and validation of existing and new systems.[ES] El sector sanitario produce y consume una gran cantidad de datos sobre la salud de las personas. La necesidad de intercambiar esta información es una norma más que una excepción, aunque este objetivo está lejos de ser alcanzado. Actualmente estamos viviendo avances como la medicina personalizada que incrementarán aún más el tamaño y complejidad de la Historia Clínica Electrónica (HCE). La consecución de altos grados de interoperabilidad semántica es uno de los principales retos para aprovechar al máximo toda la información contenida en las HCEs. Esto a su vez requiere una representación fiel de la información de tal forma que asegure la consistencia de su significado entre todos los agentes involucrados. Actualmente está reconocido que para la representación del significado clínico necesitamos tres tipos de artefactos: modelos de referencia, modelos clínicos (arquetipos) y terminologías. En el caso concreto de los modelos de información (modelos de referencia y modelos clínicos) se observa en la literatura una falta de metodologías y herramientas que faciliten su uso tanto para la mejora de sistemas de HCE ya existentes como en el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas con altos niveles de interoperabilidad semántica. Esta tesis tiene como propósito proporcionar metodologías y herramientas para el uso avanzado de arquetipos en tres escenarios diferentes: - Definición de arquetipos sobre especificaciones sin soporte nativo al modelo dual. Cualquier arquitectura de HCE que posea directa o indirectamente la noción de modelos clínicos detallados (por ejemplo, las plantillas en HL7 CDA) puede ser potencialmente usada como modelo de referencia para la definición de arquetipos. Con esto se consigue transformar arquitecturas de HCE de modelo único (solo con modelo de referencia) en arquitecturas de doble modelo (modelo de referencia + arquetipos). Se han desarrollado metodologías y herramientas que faciliten a los editores de arquetipos el soporte a múltiples modelos de referencia. - Transformación de datos. Se propone una metodología y herramientas para la transformación de datos ya existentes a documentos XML conformes con los arquetipos y el modelo de referencia subyacente. Si el modelo de referencia es un estándar entonces la transformación será un proceso de estandarización de datos. La metodología y herramientas permiten tanto la transformación de datos no estandarizados como la transformación de datos entre diferentes estándares. - Generación automática de guías de implementación y artefactos procesables a partir de arquetipos. Se aporta una metodología para la generación automática de un conjunto de materiales de referencia de utilidad en el desarrollo y uso de sistemas de HCE, concretamente validadores de datos, instancias de ejemplo, guías de implementación , reglas formales legibles por humanos, formularios de ejemplo, mindmaps, etc. Estos materiales pueden ser combinados y organizados de diferentes modos para facilitar que los diferentes tipos de usuarios (clínicos, técnicos) puedan incluir los modelos clínicos detallados en el flujo de trabajo de su sistema y colaborar en su definición. Estas metodologías y herramientas ponen los modelos clínicos como una parte clave en el sistema. El conjunto de las metodologías y herramientas presentadas facilitan la consecución de la interoperabilidad semántica al proveer medios para la descripción semántica, normalización y validación tanto de sistemas nuevos como ya existentes.[CA] El sector sanitari produeix i consumeix una gran quantitat de dades sobre la salut de les persones. La necessitat d'intercanviar aquesta informació és una norma més que una excepció, encara que aquest objectiu està lluny de ser aconseguit. Actualment estem vivint avanços com la medicina personalitzada que incrementaran encara més la grandària i complexitat de la Història Clínica Electrònica (HCE). La consecució d'alts graus d'interoperabilitat semàntica és un dels principals reptes per a aprofitar al màxim tota la informació continguda en les HCEs. Açò, per la seua banda, requereix una representació fidel de la informació de tal forma que assegure la consistència del seu significat entre tots els agents involucrats. Actualment està reconegut que per a la representació del significat clínic necessitem tres tipus d'artefactes: models de referència, models clínics (arquetips) i terminologies. En el cas concret dels models d'informació (models de referència i models clínics) s'observa en la literatura una mancança de metodologies i eines que en faciliten l'ús tant per a la millora de sistemes de HCE ja existents com per al desenvolupament de nous sistemes amb alts nivells d'interoperabilitat semàntica. Aquesta tesi té com a propòsit proporcionar metodologies i eines per a l'ús avançat d'arquetips en tres escenaris diferents: - Definició d'arquetips sobre especificacions sense suport natiu al model dual. Qualsevol arquitectura de HCE que posseïsca directa o indirectament la noció de models clínics detallats (per exemple, les plantilles en HL7 CDA) pot ser potencialment usada com a model de referència per a la definició d'arquetips. Amb açò s'aconsegueix transformar arquitectures de HCE de model únic (solament amb model de referència) en arquitectures de doble model (model de referència + arquetips). S'han desenvolupat metodologies i eines que faciliten als editors d'arquetips el suport a múltiples models de referència. - Transformació de dades. Es proposa una metodologia i eines per a la transformació de dades ja existents a documents XML conformes amb els arquetips i el model de referència subjacent. Si el model de referència és un estàndard llavors la transformació serà un procés d'estandardització de dades. La metodologia i eines permeten tant la transformació de dades no estandarditzades com la transformació de dades entre diferents estàndards. - Generació automàtica de guies d'implementació i artefactes processables a partir d'arquetips. S'hi inclou una metodologia per a la generació automàtica d'un conjunt de materials de referència d'utilitat en el desenvolupament i ús de sistemes de HCE, concretament validadors de dades, instàncies d'exemple, guies d'implementació, regles formals llegibles per humans, formularis d'exemple, mapes mentals, etc. Aquests materials poden ser combinats i organitzats de diferents maneres per a facilitar que els diferents tipus d'usuaris (clínics, tècnics) puguen incloure els models clínics detallats en el flux de treball del seu sistema i col·laborar en la seua definició. Aquestes metodologies i eines posen els models clínics com una part clau del sistemes. El conjunt de les metodologies i eines presentades faciliten la consecució de la interoperabilitat semàntica en proveir mitjans per a la seua descripció semàntica, normalització i validació tant de sistemes nous com ja existents.Boscá Tomás, D. (2016). DETAILED CLINICAL MODELS AND THEIR RELATION WITH ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62174TESISCompendi

    Communication in Healthcare: Opportunities for information technology and concerns for patient safety

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    Understanding healthcare workflow is fundamental for design and implementation of information systems. Communication and information exchange between healthcare professionals plays a pivotal role in developing smooth workflow within and between healthcare organizations. The study in this thesis analyzes the interaction between Information Technology (IT) and the medication process within and between healthcare organizations. The focus is on the interactions that lead to communication problems and as a result lead to unintended negative consequences on patient safety. The thesis examines several cases of IT intervention to improve intra- and inter-organizational communication. It raises important implications on how to design and implement IT systems that support healthcare processes without jeopardizing patient safety. The author concludes for IT to improve healthcare communication and patient safety, at intra-organizational level, it has to support the highly integrated nature of the shared healthcare work. At inter-organizational level the main challenge is that different pieces of the shared work are not sufficiently integrated

    Creating archetypes for patient assessment with nurses to facilitate shared patient centred care in the older person

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    The process of what information is captured in documenting patient care assessment and how it is summarised, communicated and interpreted by nurses across different healthcare services is the main focus of this thesis. Currently in Ireland, systems within the domain of healthcare are undergoing transformation. Existing practices where health information is collected at one local health organisation level and often duplicated across differing services will not support the strategic goals of the newly established clinical directorates. The political vision is simple: Ireland must move towards a nationally integrated electronic record to support patient centred care. Whilst the political vision may be simple, the process of implementation is not and forms the main topic of this thesis. Strategic goals to move nationally towards integrated electronic records are motivated by the global concerns of an ageing population associated with an increase in the prevalence of chronic illness and co-morbidity. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of a pilot study which identified the semantic and syntactic clinical requirements for the testing and implementation of a shared discharge/transfer summary assessment record for persons over the age of 65. This summary record was designed in accordance with ISO 13606, the International standard for Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) communication and is underpinned by ISO 18104, the international standard for Categorial Structures for Representation of Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Actions in Terminological Systems. A participatory action research approach was adopted, using an exploratory mixed methods research study design. This translational study was completed in two local health organisation areas in Dublin with six service providers across the primary, acute and continuing care services over a two year period. The qualitative element of the study involved 17 interviews, 7 focus group sessions with participants including policy makers and nurses from each of the participating services. Quantitative data included questionnaires from nurses (n = 14) and patients (n=5) evaluating the effectiveness of the summary record. The quantitative data also analysed information from a set of cumulative assessment records (n = 16) which were interpreted in tandem with the qualitative data and then analysed statistically. The shared discharge/transfer summary care record was piloted on 16 patients over an extended timeframe. The quantitative data showed a statistical significance commensurate with the qualitative data collected on patient participants. An evaluation of the pilot study produced qualitative data which was used to gain insight into the differing contexts that healthcare professionals practice within. This data was illustrated in graphical configurations to make evident to policy makers the various roles that nurses engage with in the course of their care delivery. Data collected from both the qualitative and quantitative analysis suggest that the test implementation of the record template was fit for purpose. Identification of the clinical requirements and testing of the summary record over a two year period was a labour intensive process which was logistically difficult to implement. One consequence of this study was the education of the nursing participants on gaining a common understanding of what needs to be measured in patient assessment to inform future theory testing for outcome based research. A second consequence was the empowerment of the nursing participants to develop archetypes for inclusion in future electronic healthcare records in Ireland. The prototype archetypes designed for assessment of the older person in this study are at present informing a number of practical applications within the nursing community in Ireland. Over the course of the study the participatory action research design altered in its focus and emerged as a dominant qualitative mixed methods study