525,305 research outputs found

    ARROWSMITH-P: A prototype expert system for software engineering management

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    Although the field of software engineering is relatively new, it can benefit from the use of expert systems. Two prototype expert systems were developed to aid in software engineering management. Given the values for certain metrics, these systems will provide interpretations which explain any abnormal patterns of these values during the development of a software project. The two systems, which solve the same problem, were built using different methods, rule-based deduction and frame-based abduction. A comparison was done to see which method was better suited to the needs of this field. It was found that both systems performed moderately well, but the rule-based deduction system using simple rules provided more complete solutions than did the frame-based abduction system

    Semantic annotation, publication, and discovery of Java software components: an integrated approach

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    Component-based software development has matured into standard practice in software engineering. Among the advantages of reusing software modules are lower costs, faster development, more manageable code, increased productivity, and improved software quality. As the number of available software components has grown, so has the need for effective component search and retrieval. Traditional search approaches, such as keyword matching, have proved ineffective when applied to software components. Applying a semantically- enhanced approach to component classification, publication, and discovery can greatly increase the efficiency of searching and retrieving software components. This has been already applied in the context of Web technologies, and Web services in particular, in the frame of Semantic Web Services research. This paper examines the similarities between software components and Web services and adapts an existing Semantic Web Service publication and discovery solution into a software component annotation and discovery tool which is implemented as an Eclipse plug-in

    Vibration-Based Nondestructive Assessment of Rotational Stiffness of Structural Connections

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    This paper proposed a novel approach to assess the rotational stiffness of structural frame members using nondestructive vibration-based procedure. The procedure is useful for rehabilitation and retrofitting aging structures. Once the vibration signals of a frame member are measured and analyzed, a reverse engineering algorithm could be used to solve the vibration characteristic equation for the stiffness. The required signal conditioner and software are readily available and inexpensive. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150317

    Y: New Component-Based Software Life Cycle Model

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    With the need to produce ever larger and more complex software systems, the use of reusable components has become increasingly imperative. Of the many existing and proposed techniques for software development, it seems clear that component-based software development will be at the forefront of new approaches to the production of software systems and holds the promise of substantially enhancing the software production and maintenance process. Attempts to rationalize component-based development have to recognize that the construction of a software system is a complex multifaceted activity that involves domain engineering, frame working, assembling, archiving and design of software components. These activities, among others, are encompassed by a software life cycle, named the Y model, put forward in this study. The Y model provides guidance for the major phases to be followed under its umbrella

    Requirements engineering in open innovation: a research agenda

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    In recent years Open Innovation (OI) has gained much attention and made firms aware that they need to consider the open environment surrounding them. To facilitate this shift Requirements Engineering (RE) needs to be adapted in order to manage the increase and complexity of new requirements sources as well as networks of stakeholders. In response we build on and advance an earlier proposed software engineering framework for fostering OI, focusing on stakeholder management, when to open up, and prioritization and release planning. Literature in open source RE is contrasted against recent findings of OI in software engineering to establish a current view of the area. Based on the synthesized findings we propose a research agenda within the areas under focus, along with a framing-model to help researchers frame and break down their research questions to consider the different angles implied by the OI model

    The Engineering Process for the Design of a Motorcycle Chassis and Suspension

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    The thesis objective is to define and establish an engineering process for the design of a modern motorcycle chassis and suspension. The engineering process focuses on the interdisciplinary fields of engineering dealing with design and structural optimization. Specialized software, such as Motorcycle Kinematics, MATLAB, CATIA, HEEDS Professional, and NASTRAN are utilized. Motorcycle Kinematics is used to set up the preliminary motorcycle geometry, and MATLAB is a used to analyze the kinematics and stability of the motorcycle based on this geometry. CATIA (Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application) is used to graphically illustrate the geometry of the motorcycle in three dimensional space. HEEDS Professional is optimization software that was used to minimize the weight of the motorcycle by searching the preliminary design space by automating the iterative design process, adjusting the criteria variables until it has reached an optimum value. NASTRAN (Finite Element structural program) is utilized for the calculations of stresses of the motorcycle frame components. HEEDS software interfaces with NEI Nastran until the optimal geometry ensuring structural reliability is obtained. The software was used to design, analyze and structurally optimize a race oriented motorcycle

    Perencanaan Struktur Gedung Kuliah Utama Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro Semarang

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    A Multifunctional building to support learning activities has become an urgent need for the faculty of engineering of UNDIP as some departments have limited lecture rooms. The Construction of such building is a solution for better and comfortable lecture facilities at the Faculty of Engineering. The building structure is design as SRPMK or Special Moment Resisting Frame based on SNI 03-1726-2012 and SNI 03-2847-2002. The structure analysis and design of the building was conducted using a structural analysis program and Cad software. This thesis looks into structural design of Slabs, Beams, Columns, Lifts, Beam-Coloumn Joints, Tie Beam and Fondations

    On the discovery of business processes orchestration patterns

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    COORDINSPECTOR is a Software Tool aiming at extracting the coordination layer of a software system. Such a reverse engineering process provides a clear view of the actually invoked services as well as the logic behind such invocations. The analysis process is based on program slicing techniques and the generation of, System Dependence Graphs and Coordination Dependence Graphs. The tool analyzes Common Intermediate Language (CIL), the native language of the Microsoft .Net Frame- work, thus making suitable for processing systems developed in any .Net Framework compilable language. COORDINSPECTOR generates graphical representations of the coordination layer together with business process orchestrations specified in WS- BPEL 2.0
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