231 research outputs found

    Gyroharmonic analysis on relativistic gyrogroups

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    Einstein, Möbius, and Proper Velocity gyrogroups are relativistic gyrogroups that appear as three different realizations of the proper Lorentz group in the real Minkowski space-time \bkR^{n,1}. Using the gyrolanguage we study their gyroharmonic analysis. Although there is an algebraic gyroisomorphism between the three models we show that there are some differences between them. Our study focus on the translation and convolution operators, eigenfunctions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator, Poisson transform, Fourier-Helgason transform, its inverse, and Plancherel's Theorem. We show that in the limit of large t,t, t→+∞,t \rightarrow +\infty, the resulting gyroharmonic analysis tends to the standard Euclidean harmonic analysis on Rn,{\mathbb R}^n, thus unifying hyperbolic and Euclidean harmonic analysis

    Harmonic analysis on the Möbius gyrogroup

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    In this paper we propose to develop harmonic analysis on the Poincaré ball BtnB_t^n, a model of the n-dimensional real hyperbolic space. The Poincaré ball BtnB_t^n is the open ball of the Euclidean n-space RnR^n with radius t>0t>0, centered at the origin of RnR^n and equipped with Möbius addition, thus forming a Möbius gyrogroup where Möbius addition in the ball plays the role of vector addition in Rn\mathbb{R}^n. For any t>0t>0 and an arbitrary parameter σ∈R\sigma \in R we study the (σ,t)(\sigma,t)-translation, the (σ,t)( \sigma,t)-convolution, the eigenfunctions of the (σ,t)(\sigma,t)-Laplace-Beltrami operator, the (σ,t)(\sigma,t)-Helgason Fourier transform, its inverse transform and the associated Plancherel's Theorem, which represent counterparts of standard tools, thus, enabling an effective theory of hyperbolic harmonic analysis. Moreover, when t→+∞t \rightarrow +\infty the resulting hyperbolic harmonic analysis on BtnB_t^n tends to the standard Euclidean harmonic analysis on RnR^n, thus unifying hyperbolic and Euclidean harmonic analysis. As an application we construct diffusive wavelets on BtnB_t^n

    Number fields with prescribed norms

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    We study the distribution of extensions of a number field kk with fixed abelian Galois group GG, from which a given finite set of elements of kk are norms. In particular, we show the existence of such extensions. Along the way, we show that the Hasse norm principle holds for 100%100\% of GG-extensions of kk, when ordered by conductor. The appendix contains an alternative purely geometric proof of our existence result.Comment: 35 pages, comments welcome

    Visual complex analysis

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    Harmonic analysis on the Einstein gyrogroup

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    In this paper we study harmonic analysis on the Einstein gyrogroup of the open ball of Rn^n, n∈N,n \in N, centered at the origin and with arbitrary radius t∈R+,t \in R^+, associated to the generalised Laplace-Beltrami operator L_{\sigma,t} = \disp \left( 1 - \frac{\|x\|^2}{t^2} \right) \!\left( \Delta - \sum_{i,j=1}^n \frac{x_i x_j}{t^2} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_i \partial x_j} - \frac{\kappa}{t^2} \sum_{i=1}^n x_i \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} + \frac{\kappa(2-\kappa)}{4t^2} \right) where κ=n+σ\kappa=n+\sigma and σ∈R\sigma \in {\mathbb R} is an arbitrary parameter. The generalised harmonic analysis for Lσ,tL_{\sigma,t} gives rise to the (σ,t)(\sigma,t)-translation, the (σ,t)(\sigma,t)-convolution, the (σ,t)(\sigma,t)-spherical Fourier transform, the (σ,t)(\sigma,t)-Poisson transform, the (σ,t)(\sigma,t)-Helgason Fourier transform, its inverse transform and Plancherel's Theorem. In the limit of large t,t, t→+∞,t \rightarrow +\infty, the resulting hyperbolic harmonic analysis tends to the standard Euclidean harmonic analysis on Rn,R^n, thus unifying hyperbolic and Euclidean harmonic analysis

    Harmonic analysis on the proper velocity gyrogroup

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    Revista sem período de embargo.In this paper we study harmonic analysis on the Proper Velocity (PV) gyrogroup using the gyrolanguage of analytic hyperbolic geometry. PV addition is the relativistic addition of proper velocities in special relativity and it is related with the hyperboloid model of hyperbolic geometry. The generalized harmonic analysis depends on a complex parameter zz and on the radius tt of the hyperboloid and comprises the study of the generalized translation operator, the associated convolution operator, the generalized Laplace-Beltrami operator and its eigenfunctions, the generalized Poisson transform and its inverse, the generalized Helgason-Fourier transform, its inverse and Plancherel's Theorem. In the limit of large t,t, t→+∞,t \rightarrow +\infty, the generalized harmonic analysis on the hyperboloid tends to the standard Euclidean harmonic analysis on Rn,{\mathbb R}^n, thus unifying hyperbolic and Euclidean harmonic analysis

    Number fields with prescribed norms

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    The Hasse norm principle for abelian extensions

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    We study the distribution of abelian extensions of bounded discriminant of a number field k which fail the Hasse norm principle. For example, we classify those finite abelian groups G for which a positive proportion of G-extensions of k fail the Hasse norm principle. We obtain a similar classification for the failure of weak approximation for the associated norm one tori. These results involve counting abelian extensions of bounded discriminant with infinitely many local conditions imposed, which we achieve using tools from harmonic analysis, building on work of Wright
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