321,704 research outputs found

    Measuring Scientific Reasoning Of Fourth Graders: Validation Of The Science-K Inventory In Paper-Based And Computer-Based Testing Environments

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    Nowadays, the assessment of student performance has become increasingly technology-based, a trend that can also be observed in the evaluation of scientific reasoning, with more and more of the formerly paper-based assessment tools moving into the digital space. The study aimed to examine the reliability and validity of the paper-based and computer-based forms of the Science-K Inventory, which assesses children's scientific reasoning in three aspects: experimentation, data interpretation, and understanding of the nature of science. The pilot study involved 84 fourth-grade Hungarian students, with 39 students taking the paper-based test and 45 students taking the computer-based test. Rasch measurements and reliability tests have indicated that both the paper-based and computer-based test versions are equally valid for assessing the scientific reasoning skills of fourth graders. Students achieved high test scores in both mediums, and there were no significant differences between boys' and girls' scientific reasoning in either test type. The novelty of this research was that the Science-K Inventory had not yet been tested in a computer-based format. The results demonstrate that the Science-K Inventory can be effectively utilized in digital testing to provide teachers with rapid and valuable information for fostering the development of their students' scientific reasoning.Keywords: computer-based testing, paper-based testing, primary school, Science-K Inventory, scientific reasonin

    Pengembangan Media Komputer Pembelajaran Pokok Bahasan Perubahan Kenampakan Bumi dan Benda Langit pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil BelajarSiswa Kelas IV di MI. AL-AZIEZSurabaya

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    Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan peneliti, pembelajaran IPA tentang perubahan kenampakan bumi  dan  benda  langit  pada  siswa  kelas  IV  di  MI.  Al  Aziez  Surabaya  masih  mengalami  keterbatasan dan permasalahan karena proses pembelajaran yang masih sangat sederhana yaitu menggunakan metode tradisional atau konfensional dan hanya menggunakan bahan ajar buku paket dan LKS saja. Hal inilah yang menjadi pertimbangan dikembangkannya media Komputer Pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan karakteristik siswa dan kondisi sekolah.Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam pengembangan kali ini adalah menggunakan Research & Development  (R  &  D)  dari  Sugiyono  (2008:298).  Produksi  media  Komputer  Pembelajaran  tentang  tentang perubahan kenampakan bumi dan benda langit pada siswa kelas IV di MI. Al Aziez Surabaya memerlukan beberapa sarana pendukung Semua aspek perangkat keras (Hardware) meliputi komputer atau laptop, PC, keyboard, mouse digunakan untuk menghasilkan suatu produk yang berupa Compact Disk (CD) yang berisi program media Komputer Pembelajaran tentang perubahan kenampakan bumi dan benda langit pada siswa kelas IV di MI. Dalam produksi media  komputer  pembelajaran  ini,  program  utama  yang  digunakan  adalah  Adobe  Flash  Professional  CS  6, sedangkan program-program pendukungnya antara lain: Adobe Photoshop CS 3,Corel Draw X7, Corel Video Studio Pro X3, Nero 7, dan Microsoft Word 2007.Simpulannya, Media Komputer Pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa terbukti dengan nilai rata-rata pre-test kelas IV adalah (50,3) dan nilai rata-rata post–test kelas IV adalah (89,2). Ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata post-test lebih besar daripada nilai rata-rata pre-test.Dalam pengujian signifikansi diperoleh t hitung (15) lebih besar daripada t tabel (2,341).Kata kunci : Media Komputer Pembelajaran, Perubahan Kenampakan Bumi dan Benda LangitDevelopment of Computer Media for Changing of Earth and Space as Main Critism of Science toDecreasing Fourth Grade Students Report at mi. Al-Aziez SurabayaABSTRACTBased on researched that had already done, Science (IPA) one of subjects in elementary about earth and space for students at fourth grade at MI.Al Aziez Surabaya still has limitation and problem due to the learning process which has more simple. Traditional methods or konfensional and using book package and exercise book (LKS) only. It became consideration to decreasing learning by computer that appropriate with students characteristic and school’s environment.The expansion that used in this program is using Research and Development (R & D) from Sugiyono (2008:298). Production of computer media about change of earth and space for students at fourth grade at MI.Al Aziez Surabaya need some supporter aspects of Hardware. There are computer or notebook, PC, keyboard, mouse that used to produce a product such as Compact Disc (CD) which has learning media program about change of earth and space at fourth grade at MI.Al Aziez. This method of learning by computer, the important program that has used is Adobe Flash Professional CS 6 while the supporter programs are: Adobe Photoshop CS 3,Corel Draw X7, Corel Video Studio Pro X3, Nero 7, and Microsoft Word 2007.The conclusion is learning by computer media can decreasing student’s report. It was proven by average score for pre-test at fourth grade is (50.3) and average score for post-test at fourth grade is (89.2). It shows that average score for post-test higher that average score for pre-test. At the significant examination, the result is (15) higher than (2,341) table.Keywords: Learning by computer media, Change of earth and space


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    Abstract: Computer study belongs to Science and Technology, the subjects of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Focus on computer learning for deaf students in fourth grade SDLB - B is on the order of appreciation and application of a simple computer. The results of early identification of skill to operate computer found that deaf students ability is low. In order to operate the computer skills of students with hearing impairment increases, there is a need to find model solving efforts by using direct instruction.The problem to be solved is "How to improve ability program operationalization words through computer media fourth grade deaf children in SDLB Negeri Tompokersan Lumajang?”. The purpose of research is to analyze the increase in picture story writing skills through hands-on learning using computer media in children with hearing impairment. This research is a qualitative descriptive. The type of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) with a design referring to the model of PTK Kemmis and Taggart. Improvement type as drawing and also applied in everyday life through the medium of computer, SF in the first cycle and got a score of 60% in the second cycle got a score of 90%, PR in the first cycle and got a score of 50% in the second cycle got a score of 80%, LD in the first cycle and got a score of 50% in the second cycle got a score of 80%, and YN the first cycle gets score 50% in the second cycle and got a score of 80%, has obtained an increase in the second cycle at the 3rd meeting of the results achieved. This shows the willingness and enthusiasm for learning that have been in had the student for success.Keywords: Computer learning, direct teaching mode

    Programming Environments for Children: Creating a Language that Grows with you

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    Recent efforts have increased the number of elementary and middle schools teaching computer science — but do they have the right tools for the job? Elementary school teachers are usually responsible for teaching all subjects, and often do not have a background or training in computer science. Fourth through sixth grade students are still developing their math and reading skills as well as learning how to type and use computers. Fortunately, computer science is one of the only domains that can adapt to meet the needs of the user. Unlike math or physics, computer science has few constants; computers, languages, and development environments have changed over the last decades and will continue to evolve. How can programming languages and environments better meet the needs of upper elementary classes learning computer science? This paper looks at designing block-based programming environments for upper elementary school students as a part of a larger research study on early computer science education. Block-based programming environments let children create complex, visual programs without worrying about compiling or syntax errors. This paper describes the research studies completed in the design and implementation of block-based programming environments created alongside the development of KELP-CS, a computational thinking curriculum for 4th — 6th grade. Both the programming environment and curriculum were piloted in schools across California as part of a design-based research project

    The Acquisition of Computational Thinking through Mentoring: An Exploratory Study

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    Educational robotics are commonly present in kindergarten and primary school classrooms, particularly Bee-bot. Its ease of use allows the introduction of computer programming to young children in educational contexts from a science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) perspective. Despite this rise, there are still few investigations that collect evidence on the effectiveness of robotic interventions. Although mentoring experiences with robotics had been carried out in educational contexts, this work explores their effect on the acquisition of computational thinking skills through mentoring. Participants from the second grade, aged seven through eight years, were exposed to two sessions of robotics with Bee-bot in order to promote hands-on experimentation. The sessions were conducted by nine students of the fourth grade (the mentors), aged 10 to 11 years. A descriptive case-study methodology was employed for the analysis of the mentoring intervention. The effect of the mentoring experience was assessed in terms of motivation and computational thinking skills. Mixed quantitative and qualitative results show two important findings: (i) Mentoring is a powerful tool to be considered for improvement of the motivation and cooperation of students in their teaching-learning process, and (ii) computational thinking skills can be acquired by second-grade students through a mentoring process


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    Abstract: Computer study belongs to Science and Technology, the subjects of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Focus on computer learning for deaf students in fourth grade SDLB - B is on the order of appreciation and application of a simple computer. The results of early identification of skill to operate computer found that deaf students ability is low. In order to operate the computer skills of students with hearing impairment increases, there is a need to find model solving efforts by using direct instruction.The problem to be solved is "How to improve ability program operationalization words through computer media fourth grade deaf children in SDLB Negeri Tompokersan Lumajang?”. The purpose of research is to analyze the increase in picture story writing skills through hands-on learning using computer media in children with hearing impairment. This research is a qualitative descriptive. The type of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) with a design referring to the model of PTK Kemmis and Taggart. Improvement type as drawing and also applied in everyday life through the medium of computer, SF in the first cycle and got a score of 60% in the second cycle got a score of 90%, PR in the first cycle and got a score of 50% in the second cycle got a score of 80%, LD in the first cycle and got a score of 50% in the second cycle got a score of 80%, and YN the first cycle gets score 50% in the second cycle and got a score of 80%, has obtained an increase in the second cycle at the 3rd meeting of the results achieved. This shows the willingness and enthusiasm for learning that have been in had the student for success.Keywords: Computer learning, direct teaching mode

    After the In-Service Course: Challenges of Technology Integration

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    This case study chronicles one teacher\u27s experience in the semester after an in-service course, Using Technology for Instruction and Assessment. Results suggest that success in the course and good intentions do not necessarily translate into dramatic change in methods or media of instruction. Student mobility and special needs, unexpected administrative mandates, the anxiety of being judged as competent based on standardized test results, poorly designed classrooms, insufficient time to master new software, and habitual ways of conceptualizing what and how students should learnall complicate efforts to help students use computers to construct meaning and represent their learning to others. Certainly, a professional development course is just one variable in a complex equation which has, as its solution, transformative teaching

    Attrition in STEM Fields at a Liberal Arts College: The Importance of Grades and Pre-Collegiate Preferences

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    There is widespread concern, both in the private and public sectors, about perceived declines in U.S. college graduates in STEM fields. In our sample, the proportion of science majors has remained steady over the sample period; however, the number entering our college intending to major in STEM fields has fallen. In this paper we use administrative data from the graduating classes of 2001-2009, roughly 5000 graduates, from a northeastern liberal arts college to model the progression of students through STEM majors. A series of selection models predicts the choice of whether to take a second course in the department, conditional upon having taken a first course. This choice is modeled as a function of pre-college characteristics and preferences, characteristics of the student, the course, the professor, the peers in the course, and the grade received in the course. Using the selected sample that progresses to a second course, the choice to progress to a third is modeled conditional on having taken the second. The covariates in these models are similar to those in the first stage. Models are estimated for the Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, and Psychology majors. Results suggest that gender effects are important, both in terms of the influence of the absolute and relative grades received, and in some cases in terms of the peers in the course and the gender of the instructor. The intended major (as reported on the admissions application) is a strong indicator of the likelihood of taking initial courses in a discipline and progression to a second course. AP credits are also strongly correlated to taking a first course, but diminish in the more selected samples. Grades and pre-collegiate intended major, have the most consistent and important influence on the decision to progress in a STEM major. When comparing across men and women, grades play a more important role in men’s decision-making while preferences play a bigger role in women’s choices

    Effectiveness of Two Keyboarding Instructional Approaches on the Keyboarding Speed, Accuracy, and Technique of Elementary Students

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    Background: Keyboarding skill development is important for elementary students. Limited research exists to inform practice on effective keyboarding instruction methods. Method: Using a quasi-experimental design, we examined the effectiveness of Keyboarding Without Tears® (n = 786) in the experimental schools compared to the control schools who used the district standard instructional approach of free web-based activities (n = 953) on improving keyboarding skills (speed, accuracy, and technique) in elementary students. Results: The results showed significant improvements in keyboarding speed and accuracy in all schools for all grades favoring the experimental schools compared to the control schools. Significant differences in improvements in keyboarding technique were found with large effect sizes favoring the experimental schools for kindergarten to the second grade and small effect sizes favoring the control schools for the third to fifth grade. Conclusion: Professionals involved in assisting with keyboarding skill development in children are recommended to begin training in these skills in early elementary grades, especially to assist in proper keyboarding technique development. While using free web-based activities are beneficial to improving keyboarding speed and accuracy, as well as keyboarding technique, using a developmentally-based curriculum, such as Keyboarding Without Tears®, may further enhance improvements in the keyboarding skills of elementary students
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