8,959 research outputs found

    Fostering efficiency of computational resource allocation - Integrating information services into markets

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    The application of market mechanisms for the allocation of computing services is a demanding task, which requires bridging economic and associated technical challenges. Even if the market-based approach promises an efficient allocation of computing services, the wide heterogeneity of consumer requirements and the diversity of computational services on provider side are challenging the processes of finding, allocating, and using an appropriate service in an autonomous way. The focus of the most papers is mainly devoted to the optimization embedded in the allocation process itself. However, we think that the optimization process starts much earlier and contains the information gathering until the final market-based resource allocations. In this paper we introduce an integrated framework for market-based allocation of computing services, integrating information retrieval of market information, prediction models, bidding strategies and marked mechanisms. As proof-of-concept, we implemented a first prototype of the framework. Furthermore, we propose a methodology for evaluating strategic behavior in market mechanisms with bidding strategies using market information and statistical prediction techniques. First simulation results show strategic behavior in selected market mechanisms by applying the proposed techniques

    Research on the Achievements, Experience and Innovation Path of China’s Green Sharing Economy in the New Era

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    The Green Sharing Economy represents a novel economic paradigm emergent under the auspices of global technological revolutions and industrial transformation. This paradigm facilitates optimal resource allocation, establishing precise alignments between “demand pools” and “supply pools.” It concurrently enhances ecological environments, creating a harmonious interplay between lush landscapes and prosperous economies, while expanding employment opportunities, and fostering synergistic developments in mass entrepreneurship and innovation. Within the framework of the New Era, China’s Green Sharing Economy has experienced rapid ascension. This growth fundamentally stems from the continuous refinement of top-level designs by the Chinese government, guiding high-quality development in the Green Sharing Economy. Initiatives include the advancement of administrative streamlining and decentralization, creating a conducive business environment; the acceleration of information technology development, eliminating connectivity barriers; and significant investment in digital talent cultivation, providing the necessary human capital foundation. At this historical juncture, it is imperative to expedite the construction of a trust system for the Green Sharing Economy, continuously optimize its platform technology, constantly improve its regulatory framework, and actively expand its global market presence

    Local Market Mechanisms: how Local Markets can shape the Energy Transition

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    Europe has embarked on a journey towards a zero-emission system, with the power system at its core. From electricity generation to electric vehicles, the European power system must transform into an interconnected, intelligent network. To achieve this vision, active user participation is crucial, ensuring transparency, efficiency, and inclusivity. Thus, Europe has increasingly focused on the concept of markets in all their facets. This thesis seeks to answer the following questions: How can markets, often considered abstract and accessible only to high-level users, be integrated for end-users? How can market mechanisms be leveraged across various phases of the electrical system? Why is a market- driven approach essential for solving network congestions and even influencing planning? These questions shape the core of this research. The analysis unfolds in three layers, each aligned with milestones leading to 2050. The first explores how market mechanisms can be integrated into system operator development plans, enhancing system resilience in the face of changes. In this regard, this step addresses the question of how a market can be integrated into the development plans of a network and how network planning can account for uncertainties. Finally, the analysis highlights the importance of sector coupling in network planning, proposing a study in which various energy vectors lead to a multi-energy system. According to the roadmap to 2030, this layer demonstrates how markets can manage several components of the gas and electrical network. Finally, even though the robust optimisation increases the final cost in the market, it allows to cover the system operator from uncertainties. The second step delves into the concept of network congestion. While congestion management is primarily the domain of operators, it explores how technical and economic collaboration between operators and system users, via flexibility markets, can enhance resilience amid demand uncertainties and aggressive market behaviours. In addition to flexibility markets, other congestion markets are proposed, some radically different, like locational marginal pricing, and others more innovative, such as redispatching markets for distribution. Building upon the first analysis, this section addresses questions of how various energy vectors can be used not only to meet demand but also to manage the uncertainties associated with each resource. Consequently, this second part revisits the concept of sector coupling, demonstrating how various energy vectors can be managed through flexibility markets to resolve network congestion while simultaneously handling uncertainties related to different vectors. The results demonstrate the usefulness of the flexibility market in managing the sector coupling and the uncertainties related to several energy vectors. The third and most innovative step proposes energy and service markets for low-voltage users, employing distributed ledger technology. Since this step highlights topics that are currently too innovative to be realized, this third section offers a comparative study between centralised and decentralised markets using blockchain technology, highlighting which aspects of distributed ledger technology deserve attention and which aspects of low-voltage markets need revision. The results show that the blockchain technology is still in the early stage of its evolution, and several improvements are needed to fully apply this technology into real-world applications. To sum up, this thesis explores the evolving role of markets in the energy transition. Its insights are aimed at assisting system operators and network planners in effectively integrating market mechanisms at all levels of

    Engineering Innovations And Sustainable Entrepreneurship: A Comprehensive Literature Review

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    This comprehensive study explores the dynamic intersection of engineering innovations and sustainable entrepreneurship, a nexus that promises to redefine the contemporary business landscape. The research employs a systematic approach to literature review, critically analyzing recent scholarly works to unearth the prevailing trends, challenges, and opportunities in the sector. The primary aim of this paper is to delineate the transformative role of engineering tools in fostering sustainable entrepreneurship, with a keen focus on artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and blockchain technology. Through a meticulous methodological approach, the study evaluates the impact of these innovations on sustainable practices, offering advanced interpretations and forecasts based on data analysis. The conclusion underscores a paradigm shift towards a more sustainable and future-oriented economy, driven by the integration of engineering innovations. It highlights the significant research gaps, indicating further exploration necessary to foster a deeper understanding of the sector's intricate dynamics. In light of the findings, the paper proposes strategic suggestions for the engineering sector, emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts, educational reforms, and policy initiatives to navigate the complexities of the evolving landscape. Furthermore, it outlines prospective developments and implications, highlighting the potential growth trajectories and the consequent socio-economic impacts. The study culminates in a set of robust recommendations, advocating for a harmonized approach that integrates technological advancements with sustainability principles, thereby fostering a landscape that thrives on innovation, sustainability, and entrepreneurship

    Meta-requirements for the Design of a Blockchain Multi-sided Platform for Sustainability and Circular Economy

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    Digital technologies have the potential to impact sustainability and circular economy (CE) initiatives. Blockchain, in particular, has gained attention for its potential to enable sustainable and circular practices. However, the high energy consumption associated with the technology also raises environmental concerns, necessitating careful design considerations. This study aims to identify the requirements for designing a blockchain multi-sided platform (MSP) for sustainability and CE. Through a systematic literature review, we derived six meta-requirements that focus on sustainability and circular economy practices. The findings contribute to the literature on blockchain technology by providing a structured understanding of how blockchain can align with sustainability and circular principles, providing an initial pathway for designing sustainable information systems. The research is also valuable for organizations seeking to leverage digital technologies for their sustainability goals, offering guidance on incorporating blockchain to minimize environmental impact and maximize sustainability benefits

    Synthesis 2006

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    The purpose of this report is to summarize and synthesize activities and achievements of the CPWF through the end of 2006. The CPWF is a CGIAR Challenge Program designed to take on the global challenge of water scarcity and food security. It takes the form of an international, multi-institutional research-for-development initiative that brings together scientists, development specialists, and river basin communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It seeks to create and disseminate international public goods (IPGs) helpful in achieving food security, reducing poverty, improving livelihoods, reducing agriculture–related pollution, and enhancing environmental security. This Challenge Program is a three-phase, 15-year endeavor. Several years have passed since the start of Phase 1 (2003-2008) which began with an inception phase in 2003 and was followed by full CPWF launch in January 2004. Research projects began field operations in mid-2004. This synthesis report, then, only describes work carried out in the first two and a half years of the Program. During this time, CPWF has conducted its research on water and food in nine benchmark basins, organized around five different themes. This work is being implemented through “first call projects”, “basin focal projects”, “small grant projects” and “synthesis research”. This present report is one example of the latter. CPWF projects have made considerable progress in developing innovative technologies, policies and institutions to address water and food issues. Some projects focused on improving agricultural water productivity. Others focused on developing mechanisms to inform multi-stakeholder dialogue and negotiation, or explored ways to value water used to produce ecosystem services. Advances were also made in understanding water-foodpoverty links, and their regional and global policy context

    A systematic review of the effects of cybernetic systems theory on innovation management

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    This thesis explores the potential benefits of integrating cybernetic systems theory into innovation management processes. It discusses the role of true innovation in disrupting established markets and business models, emphasizing the importance of creating genuine value. The research aims to map the potential of cybernetics systems in benefiting innovation management by using the Viable Systems Model and exploring the link between innovation, cybernetics, and worker rights. The study follows a systematic literature review and thematic analysis to identify key themes in cybernetic management in an innovation context. Key implications include fostering a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability in organizations. The thesis suggests that integrating cybernetic frameworks into innovation tools can enhance organizations' adaptability and continuous improvement culture. Furthermore, it advocates for a human-centric approach within viable systems. The thesis also provides practical implications for different stakeholder groups, addressing the need for humanistic approaches to management and the prioritization of worker well-being in fostering innovativeness within organizations.Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma tutkii kybernetiikan järjestelmäteorian integroimista innovaatiojohtamiseen ja tämän integraation mahdollisia hyötyjä. Tutkielma käsittelee sisäisen innovaation roolia vakiintuneiden liiketoimintamallien häiritsemisessä ja korostaen todellisen arvon luomisen merkitystä. Tutkielman tavoitteena on kartoittaa kuinka innovaatiojohtaminen voi hyödyntää kybernetisiä järjestelmiä kuten Viable Systems -järjestelmä. Lisäksi tutkielma tarkastelee innovaation, kybernetiikan ja työntekijöiden oikeuksien välistä yhteyttä. Aiheen monitieteellisyyden takia tutkielma suoritettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Kirjallisuuskatsaus tarkastelee aihetta temaattisen analyysin kautta. Keskeisiksi teemoiksi nousivat jatkuva parantaminen ja sopeutumiskykyisen kulttuurin edistäminen organisaatioissa. Tutkielma löydökset viittaavat siihen että, kybernetisten järjestelmien integrointi innovaatiojohtamiseen ja innovaatiotyökaluihin voi parantaa organisaatioista sopeutumiskykyä ja auttaa organisaatioita saavuttamaan jatkuvan parantamisen kulttuurin. Lisäksi löydökset kannustavat ihmiskeskeistä lähestymistapaa johtamiseen käyttäen Viable Systems –järjestelmän periaatteita. Tutkielma tarjoaa myös käytännön implikaatioita eri sidosryhmille, jotka käsittelevät humanististen lähestymistapojen tarvetta johtamiseen ja työntekijöiden hyvinvoinnin priorisointiin innovaatioiden edistämisessä organisaatioissa

    Internet of robotic things : converging sensing/actuating, hypoconnectivity, artificial intelligence and IoT Platforms

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) concept is evolving rapidly and influencing newdevelopments in various application domains, such as the Internet of MobileThings (IoMT), Autonomous Internet of Things (A-IoT), Autonomous Systemof Things (ASoT), Internet of Autonomous Things (IoAT), Internetof Things Clouds (IoT-C) and the Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) etc.that are progressing/advancing by using IoT technology. The IoT influencerepresents new development and deployment challenges in different areassuch as seamless platform integration, context based cognitive network integration,new mobile sensor/actuator network paradigms, things identification(addressing, naming in IoT) and dynamic things discoverability and manyothers. The IoRT represents new convergence challenges and their need to be addressed, in one side the programmability and the communication ofmultiple heterogeneous mobile/autonomous/robotic things for cooperating,their coordination, configuration, exchange of information, security, safetyand protection. Developments in IoT heterogeneous parallel processing/communication and dynamic systems based on parallelism and concurrencyrequire new ideas for integrating the intelligent “devices”, collaborativerobots (COBOTS), into IoT applications. Dynamic maintainability, selfhealing,self-repair of resources, changing resource state, (re-) configurationand context based IoT systems for service implementation and integrationwith IoT network service composition are of paramount importance whennew “cognitive devices” are becoming active participants in IoT applications.This chapter aims to be an overview of the IoRT concept, technologies,architectures and applications and to provide a comprehensive coverage offuture challenges, developments and applications

    How does Federated Learning Impact Decision-Making in Firms: A Systematic Literature Review

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