5,093 research outputs found

    Tea: A High-level Language and Runtime System for Automating Statistical Analysis

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    Though statistical analyses are centered on research questions and hypotheses, current statistical analysis tools are not. Users must first translate their hypotheses into specific statistical tests and then perform API calls with functions and parameters. To do so accurately requires that users have statistical expertise. To lower this barrier to valid, replicable statistical analysis, we introduce Tea, a high-level declarative language and runtime system. In Tea, users express their study design, any parametric assumptions, and their hypotheses. Tea compiles these high-level specifications into a constraint satisfaction problem that determines the set of valid statistical tests, and then executes them to test the hypothesis. We evaluate Tea using a suite of statistical analyses drawn from popular tutorials. We show that Tea generally matches the choices of experts while automatically switching to non-parametric tests when parametric assumptions are not met. We simulate the effect of mistakes made by non-expert users and show that Tea automatically avoids both false negatives and false positives that could be produced by the application of incorrect statistical tests.Comment: 11 page

    Development of a model-based algorithm for the assessment of the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

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    Questa tesi presentata AAS-PD (Sistema di Assessment Adattivo per i disturbi psicologici), un sistema computerizzato di assessment psicologico adattivo per il Disturbo Ossessivo-Compulsivo (DOC). Tale sistema software è basato su una rappresentazione forma del DOC, chiamata Formal Psychological Assessment (FPA), e rappresenta una novità nel campo della psicologia clinica. AAS-PD prende una struttura di conoscenza (struttura clinica), ed esegue l'assessment facendo inferenze probabilistiche su tale struttura, usando come criterio di stop la misura dell'entropia della struttura. I risultati mostrano che AAS-PD assegna correttamente pattern di risposta a stati clinici, evidenziando inoltre alcuni miglioramenti del modello formale da fare. Sviluppi futuri comportano lo sviluppo di un vero e proprio software capace di supportare il clinico nell'assessment dei principali disturbi psicologici / This thesis presents AAS-PD (Adaptive Assessment System for psychological disorders), a computerized adaptive psychological assessment system for the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This software system is based on a formal representation of the OCD called Formal Psychological Assessment (FPA), and represents an innovation in the field of clinical psychology. AAS-PD requires a knowledge structure (clinical structure), and performs the assessment by making probabilistic inferences of such a structure, using as stop criterion the measure of entropy of the structure. The results show that PD-AAS properly assigns response patterns to clinical states, and note some improvements of the formal model to do. Future developments will involve the development of a real software that supports the clinician in the assessment of the major psychological disordersope

    Formal logic: Classical problems and proofs

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    Not focusing on the history of classical logic, this book provides discussions and quotes central passages on its origins and development, namely from a philosophical perspective. Not being a book in mathematical logic, it takes formal logic from an essentially mathematical perspective. Biased towards a computational approach, with SAT and VAL as its backbone, this is an introduction to logic that covers essential aspects of the three branches of logic, to wit, philosophical, mathematical, and computational

    Using domain-independent problems for introducing formal methods

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    The key to the integration of formal methods into engineering practice is education. In teaching, domain-independent problems i.e., not requiring prior engineering background-offer many advantages. Such problems are widely available, but this paper adds two dimensions that are lacking in typical solutions yet are crucial to formal methods: (i) the translation of informal statements into formal expressions; (ii) the role of formal calculation (including proofs) in exposing risks or misunderstandings and in discovering pathways to solutions. A few example problems illustrate this: (a) a small logical one showing the importance of fully capturing informal statements; (b) a combinatorial one showing how, in going from "real-world" formulations to mathematical ones, formal methods can cover more aspects than classical mathematics, and a half-page formal program semantics suitable for beginners is presented as a support; (c) a larger one showing how a single problem can contain enough elements to serve as a Leitmotiv for all notational and reasoning issues in a complete introductory course. An important final observation is that, in teaching formal methods, no approach can be a substitute for an open mind, as extreme mathphobia appears resistant to any motivation

    Computational Modeling of Emotion: Towards Improving the Inter- and Intradisciplinary Exchange

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    International audienceThe past years have seen increasing cooperation between psychology and computer science in the field of computational modeling of emotion. However, to realize its potential, the exchange between the two disciplines, as well as the intradisciplinary coordination, should be further improved. We make three proposals for how this could be achieved. The proposals refer to: 1) systematizing and classifying the assumptions of psychological emotion theories; 2) formalizing emotion theories in implementation-independent formal languages (set theory, agent logics); and 3) modeling emotions using general cognitive architectures (such as Soar and ACT-R), general agent architectures (such as the BDI architecture) or general-purpose affective agent architectures. These proposals share two overarching themes. The first is a proposal for modularization: deconstruct emotion theories into basic assumptions; modularize architectures. The second is a proposal for unification and standardization: Translate different emotion theories into a common informal conceptual system or a formal language, or implement them in a common architecture

    Incorrect Responses in First-Order False-Belief Tests:A Hybrid-Logical Formalization

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    In the paper (Braüner, 2014) we were concerned with logical formalizations of the reasoning involved in giving correct responses to the psychological tests called the Sally-Anne test and the Smarties test, which test children’s ability to ascribe false beliefs to others. A key feature of the formal proofs given in that paper is that they explicitly formalize the perspective shift to another person that is required for figuring out the correct answers – you have to put yourself in another person’s shoes, so to speak, to give the correct answer. We shall in the present paper be concerned with what happens when answers are given that are not correct. The typical incorrect answers indicate that children failing false-belief tests have problems shifting to a perspective different from their own, to be more precise, they simply reason from their own perspective. Based on this hypothesis, we in the present paper give logical formalizations that in a systematic way model the typical incorrect answers. The remarkable fact that the incorrect answers can be derived using logically correct rules indicates that the origin of the mistakes does not lie in the children’s logical reasoning, but rather in a wrong interpretation of the task
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