335 research outputs found

    Verification of systolic arrays: a stream functional approach

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    Journal ArticleWe illustrate that the verification of systolic architectures can be carried out using techniques developed in the context of verification of programs. This is achieved by a decomposition of the original problem into separately proving the correctness of the data representation and of the individual processing elements in the systolic architecture. By expressing a processing element as a function on a stream of data we are able to utilize standard proof techniques from programming language theory. This decomposition leads to relatively straightforward proofs of the properties of the systolic architecture. We illustrate the techniques via a substantial example, the proof of the correctness of a linear-time systolic architecture for computing the gcd of polynomials. Although this architecture has been designed a few years ago, a formal proof of correctness has not hitherto appeared in the literature

    Formal process for systolic array design using recurrences

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    Synthesis, structure and power of systolic computations

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    AbstractA variety of problems related to systolic architectures, systems, models and computations are discussed. The emphases are on theoretical problems of a broader interest. Main motivations and interesting/important applications are also presented. The first part is devoted to problems related to synthesis, transformations and simulations of systolic systems and architectures. In the second part, the power and structure of tree and linear array computations are studied in detail. The goal is to survey main research directions, problems, methods and techniques in not too formal a way

    The 1991 3rd NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the symposium are presented from the following sessions: (1) featured presentations 1; (2) very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit design; (3) VLSI architecture 1; (4) featured presentations 2; (5) neural networks; (6) VLSI architectures 2; (7) featured presentations 3; (8) verification 1; (9) analog design; (10) verification 2; (11) design innovations 1; (12) asynchronous design; and (13) design innovations 2

    A Pattern-based deadlock-freedom analysis strategy for concurrent systems

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    Local analysis has long been recognised as an effective tool to combat the state-space explosion problem. In this work, we propose a method that systematises the use of local analysis in the verification of deadlock freedom for concurrent and distributed systems. It combines a strategy for system decomposition with the verification of the decomposed subsystems via adherence to behavioural patterns. At the core of our work, we have a number of CSP refinement expressions that allows the user of our method to automatically verify all the behavioural restrictions that we impose. We also propose a prototype tool to support our method. Finally, we demonstrate the practical impact our method can have by analysing how it fares when applied to some examples

    Algebraic Stream Processing

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    We identify and analyse the typically higher-order approaches to stream processing in the literature. From this analysis we motivate an alternative approach to the specification of SPSs as STs based on an essentially first-order equational representation. This technique is called Cartesian form specification. More specifically, while STs are properly second-order objects we show that using Cartesian forms, the second-order models needed to formalise STs are so weak that we may use and develop well-understood first-order methods from computability theory and mathematical logic to reason about their properties. Indeed, we show that by specifying STs equationally in Cartesian form as primitive recursive functions we have the basis of a new, general purpose and mathematically sound theory of stream processing that emphasises the formal specification and formal verification of STs. The main topics that we address in the development of this theory are as follows. We present a theoretically well-founded general purpose stream processing language ASTRAL (Algebraic Stream TRAnsformer Language) that supports the use of modular specification techniques for full second-order STs. We show how ASTRAL specifications can be given a Cartesian form semantics using the language PREQ that is an equational characterisation of the primitive recursive functions. In more detail, we show that by compiling ASTRAL specifications into an equivalent Cartesian form in PREQ we can use first-order equational logic with induction as a logical calculus to reason about STs. In particular, using this calculus we identify a syntactic class of correctness statements for which the verification of ASTRAL programmes is decidable relative to this calculus. We define an effective algorithm based on term re-writing techniques to implement this calculus and hence to automatically verify a very broad class of STs including conventional hardware devices. Finally, we analyse the properties of this abstract algorithm as a proof assistant and discuss various techniques that have been adopted to develop software tools based on this algorithm

    Formal approach to hardware analysis

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    Formal methods and tools for the development of distributed and real time systems : Esprit Project 3096 (SPEC)

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    The Basic Research Action No. 3096, Formal Methods snd Tools for the Development of Distributed and Real Time Systems, is funded in the Area of Computer Science, under the ESPRIT Programme of the European Community. The coordinating institution is the Department of Computing Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, and the participating Institutions are the Institute of Computer Science of Crete. the Swedish Institute of Computer Science, the Programmimg Research Group of the University of Oxford, and the Computer Science Departments of the University of Manchester, Imperial College. Weizmann Institute of Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, IMAG Grenoble. Catholic University of Nijmegen, and the University of Liege. This document contains the synopsis. and part of the sections on objectives and area of advance, on baseline and rationale, on research goals, and on organisation of the action, as contained in the original proposal, submitted June, 198S. The section on the state of the art (18 pages) and the full list of references (21 pages) of the original proposal have been deleted because of limitation of available space

    Centre for Information Science Research Annual Report, 1987-1991

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    Annual reports from various departments of the AN