2,080 research outputs found

    High-level verification flow for a high-level synthesis-based digital logic design

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    Abstract. High-level synthesis (HLS) is a method for generating register-transfer level (RTL) hardware description of digital logic designs from high-level languages, such as C/C++/SystemC or MATLAB. The performance and productivity benefits of HLS stem from the untimed, high abstraction level input languages. Another advantage is that the design and verification can focus on the features and high-level architecture, instead of the low-level implementation details. The goal of this thesis was to define and implement a high-level verification (HLV) flow for an HLS design written in C++. The HLV flow takes advantage of the performance and productivity of C++ as opposed to hardware description languages (HDL) and minimises the required RTL verification work. The HLV flow was implemented in the case study of the thesis. The HLS design was verified in a C++ verification environment, and Catapult Coverage was used for pre-HLS coverage closure. Post-HLS verification and coverage closure were done in Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) environment. C++ tests used in the pre-HLS coverage closure were reimplemented in UVM, to get a high initial RTL coverage without manual RTL code analysis. The pre-HLS C++ design was implemented as a predictor into the UVM testbench to verify the equivalence of C++ versus RTL and to speed up post-HLS coverage closure. Results of the case study show that the HLV flow is feasible to implement in practice. The flow shows significant performance and productivity gains of verification in the C++ domain when compared to UVM. The UVM implementation of a somewhat incomplete set of pre-HLS tests and formal exclusions resulted in an initial post-HLS coverage of 96.90%. The C++ predictor implementation was a valuable tool in post-HLS coverage closure. A total of four weeks of coverage work in pre- and post-HLS phases was required to reach 99% RTL coverage. The total time does not include the time required to build both C++ and UVM verification environments.Korkean tason verifiointivuo korkean tason synteesiin perustuvalle digitaalilogiikkasuunnitelmalle. Tiivistelmä. Korkean tason synteesi (HLS) on menetelmä, jolla generoidaan rekisterisiirtotason (RTL) laitteistokuvausta digitaalisille logiikkasuunnitelmille käyttäen korkean tason ohjelmointikieliä, kuten C-pohjaisia kieliä tai MATLAB:ia. HLS:n suorituskykyyn ja tuottavuuteen liittyvät hyödyt perustuvat ohjelmointikielien tarjoamaan korkeampaan abstraktiotasoon. HLS:ää käyttäen suunnittelu- ja varmennustyö voi keskittyä ominaisuuksiin ja korkean tason arkkitehtuuriin matalan tason yksityiskohtien sijaan. Tämän diplomityön tavoite oli määritellä ja implementoida korkean tason verifiointivuo (HLV-vuo) C++:lla kirjoitetulle HLS-suunnitelmalle. HLV-vuo hyödyntää ohjelmointikielien tarjoamaa suorituskykyä ja korkeampaa abstraktion tasoa kovonkuvauskielien sijaan ja siten minimoi RTL:n varmennukseen vaadittavaa työtä. HLV vuo implementoitiin tapaustutkimuksessa. HLS-suunnitelma varmennettiin C++ -verifiointiympäristössä, ja Catapult Coveragea käytettiin kattavuuden analysointiin. RTL-kattavuutta mitattiin universaalilla verifiointimetodologialla (UVM) tehdyssä ympäristössä. C++ varmennuksessa käytetyt testivektorit implementoitiin uudelleen UVM-ympäristössä, jotta RTL-kattavuuden lähtötaso olisi korkea ilman manuaalista RTL-analyysiä. C++-suunnitelma implementoitiin prediktorina (referenssimallina) UVM-testipenkkiin koodikattavuuden parantamiseksi. Tapaustutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että määritelty HLV-vuo on toteutettavissa käytännössä. Vuota käyttämällä saavutetaan merkittäviä suorituskyky- ja tuottavuusetuja C++ -testiympäristössä verrattuna UVM-ympäristöön. 90.60% koodikattavuuden saavuttavien C++ testivektoreiden uudelleenimplementoiti UVM-ympäristössä tuotti 96.90% RTL-kattavuuden. C++-predictorin implementointi oli merkittävä työkalu RTL-kattavuustavoitteen saavuttamisessa

    Efficiency and Sustainability of the Distributed Renewable Hybrid Power Systems Based on the Energy Internet, Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts

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    The climate changes that are visible today are a challenge for the global research community. In this context, renewable energy sources, fuel cell systems, and other energy generating sources must be optimally combined and connected to the grid system using advanced energy transaction methods. As this book presents the latest solutions in the implementation of fuel cell and renewable energy in mobile and stationary applications such as hybrid and microgrid power systems based on energy internet, blockchain technology, and smart contracts, we hope that they are of interest to readers working in the related fields mentioned above

    Modelling and certification for electric mobility

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    The EnergyBus specification is the basis of an ongoing joint IEC/ISO standardisation effort focussing on public charging infrastructures for and interoperability of light electric vehicle components. This paper highlights how these efforts are supported by formal methods, starting at the design and specification level, up to establishing a certification framework for standards compliance of devices implementing the specification. The Modest Toolset supports the model-based analysis methods needed in this context

    UML as a system level design methodology with application to software radio

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    A reconfigurable real-time SDRAM controller for mixed time-criticality systems

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    Verifying real-time requirements of applications is increasingly complex on modern Systems-on-Chips (SoCs). More applications are integrated into one system due to power, area and cost constraints. Resource sharing makes their timing behavior interdependent, and as a result the verification complexity increases exponentially with the number of applications. Predictable and composable virtual platforms solve this problem by enabling verification in isolation, but designing SoC resources suitable to host such platforms is challenging. This paper focuses on a reconfigurable SDRAM controller for predictable and composable virtual platforms. The main contributions are: 1) A run-time reconfigurable SDRAM controller architecture, which allows trade-offs between guaranteed bandwidth, response time and power. 2) A methodology for offering composable service to memory clients, by means of composable memory patterns. 3) A reconfigurable Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM) arbiter and an associated reconfiguration protocol. The TDM slot allocations can be changed at run time, while the predictable and composable performance guarantees offered to active memory clients are unaffected by the reconfiguration. The SDRAM controller has been implemented as a TLM-level SystemC model, and in synthesizable VHDL for use on an FPGA

    Specification Enforcing Refinement for Convertibility Verification

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    International audienceProtocol conversion deals with the automatic synthesis of an additional component, often referred to as an adaptor or a converter, to bridge mismatches between interacting components, often referred to as protocols. A formal solution, called convertibility verification, has been recently proposed, which produces such a converter, so that the parallel composition of the protocols and the converter also satisfies some desired specification. A converter is responsible for bridging different kinds of mismatches such as control, data, and clock mismatches. Mismatches are usually removed by the converter by disabling undesirable paths in the protocol composition (similar to controllers in supervisory control of Discrete Event Systems (DES)). We generalize this convertibility verification problem by using a new refinement called specification enforcing refinement (SER) between a protocol composition and a desired specification. The existence of such a refinement is shown to be a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a suitable converter. We also synthesize automatically the converter if a SER refinement relation exists. The proposed converter is capable of the usual disabling actions to remove undesirable paths in the protocol composition. In addition, the converter can perform forcing actions when disabling alone fails to find a converter to satisfy the desired specification. Forcing allows the generation of control inputs in one protocol that are not provided by the other protocol. Forcing induces state-based hiding, an operation not achievable using DES control theory

    Advanced Battery Technologies: New Applications and Management Systems

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    In recent years, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have been increasingly contributing to the development of novel engineering systems with energy storage requirements. LIBs are playing an essential role in our society, as they are being used in a wide variety of applications, ranging from consumer electronics, electric mobility, renewable energy storage, biomedical applications, or aerospace systems. Despite the remarkable achievements and applicability of LIBs, there are several features within this technology that require further research and improvements. In this book, a collection of 10 original research papers addresses some of those key features, including: battery testing methodologies, state of charge and state of health monitoring, and system-level power electronics applications. One key aspect to emphasize when it comes to this book is the multidisciplinary nature of the selected papers. The presented research was developed at university departments, institutes and organizations of different disciplines, including Electrical Engineering, Control Engineering, Computer Science or Material Science, to name a few examples. The overall result is a book that represents a coherent collection of multidisciplinary works within the prominent field of LIBs

    Co-design of Security Aware Power System Distribution Architecture as Cyber Physical System

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    The modern smart grid would involve deep integration between measurement nodes, communication systems, artificial intelligence, power electronics and distributed resources. On one hand, this type of integration can dramatically improve the grid performance and efficiency, but on the other, it can also introduce new types of vulnerabilities to the grid. To obtain the best performance, while minimizing the risk of vulnerabilities, the physical power system must be designed as a security aware system. In this dissertation, an interoperability and communication framework for microgrid control and Cyber Physical system enhancements is designed and implemented taking into account cyber and physical security aspects. The proposed data-centric interoperability layer provides a common data bus and a resilient control network for seamless integration of distributed energy resources. In addition, a synchronized measurement network and advanced metering infrastructure were developed to provide real-time monitoring for active distribution networks. A hybrid hardware/software testbed environment was developed to represent the smart grid as a cyber-physical system through hardware and software in the loop simulation methods. In addition it provides a flexible interface for remote integration and experimentation of attack scenarios. The work in this dissertation utilizes communication technologies to enhance the performance of the DC microgrids and distribution networks by extending the application of the GPS synchronization to the DC Networks. GPS synchronization allows the operation of distributed DC-DC converters as an interleaved converters system. Along with the GPS synchronization, carrier extraction synchronization technique was developed to improve the system’s security and reliability in the case of GPS signal spoofing or jamming. To improve the integration of the microgrid with the utility system, new synchronization and islanding detection algorithms were developed. The developed algorithms overcome the problem of SCADA and PMU based islanding detection methods such as communication failure and frequency stability. In addition, a real-time energy management system with online optimization was developed to manage the energy resources within the microgrid. The security and privacy were also addressed in both the cyber and physical levels. For the physical design, two techniques were developed to address the physical privacy issues by changing the current and electromagnetic signature. For the cyber level, a security mechanism for IEC 61850 GOOSE messages was developed to address the security shortcomings in the standard