252,083 research outputs found

    Requirements analysis of the VoD application using the tools in TRADE

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    This report contains a specification of requirements for a video-on-demand (VoD) application developed at Belgacom, used as a trial application in the 2RARE project. The specification contains three parts: an informal specification in natural language; a semiformal specification consisting of a number of diagrams intended to illustrate the informal specification; and a formal specification that makes the requiremants on the desired software system precise. The informal specification is structured in such a way that it resembles official specification documents conforming to standards such as that of IEEE or ESA. The semiformal specification uses some of the tools in from a requirements engineering toolkit called TRADE (Toolkit for Requirements And Design Engineering). The purpose of TRADE is to combine the best ideas in current structured and object-oriented analysis and design methods within a traditional systems engineering framework. In the case of the VoD system, the systems engineering framework is useful because it provides techniques for allocation and flowdown of system functions to components. TRADE consists of semiformal techniques taken from structured and object-oriented analysis as well as a formal specification langyage, which provides constructs that correspond to the semiformal constructs. The formal specification used in TRADE is LCM (Language for Conceptual Modeling), which is a syntactically sugared version of order-sorted dynamic logic with equality. The purpose of this report is to illustrate and validate the TRADE/LCM approach in the specification of distributed, communication-intensive systems

    Interactive specification acquisition via scenarios: A proposal

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    Some reactive systems are most naturally specified by giving large collections of behavior scenarios. These collections not only specify the behavior of the system, but also provide good test suites for validating the implemented system. Due to the complexity of the systems and the number of scenarios, however, it appears that automated assistance is necessary to make this software development process workable. Interactive Specification Acquisition Tool (ISAT) is a proposed interactive system for supporting the acquisition and maintenance of a formal system specification from scenarios, as well as automatic synthesis of control code and automated test generation. This paper discusses the background, motivation, proposed functions, and implementation status of ISAT

    UAS Service Supplier Specification

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    Within the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) system, the UAS Service Supplier (USS) is a key component. The USS serves several functions. At a high level, those include the following: Bridging communication between UAS Operators and Flight Information Management System (FIMS) Supporting planning of UAS operations Assisting strategic deconfliction of the UTM airspace Providing information support to UAS Operators during operations Helping UAS Operators meet their formal requirements This document provides the minimum set of requirements for a USS. In order to be recognized as a USS within UTM, successful demonstration of satisfying the requirements described herein will be a prerequisite. To ensure various desired qualities (security, fairness, availability, efficiency, maintainability, etc.), this specification relies on references to existing public specifications whenever possible

    Proving Well-Definedness of JML Specifications with KeY

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    Specification methods in formal program verification enable the enhancement of source code with formal annotations as to formally specify the behaviour of a program. This is a popular way in order to subsequently prove software to be reliable and meet certain requirements, which is crucial for many applications and gains even more importance in modern society. The annotations can be taken as a contract, which then can be verified guaranteeing the specified program element – as a receiver – to fulfil this contract with its caller. However, these functional contracts can be problematic for partial functions, e.g., a division, as certain cases may be undefined, as in this example a division by zero. Modern programming languages such as Java handle undefined behaviour by casting an exception. There are several approaches to handle a potential undefinedness of specifications. In this thesis, we chose one which automatically generates formal proof obligations ensuring that undefined specification expressions will not be evaluated. Within this work, we elaborate on so-called Well-Definedness Checks dealing with undefinedness occurring in specifications of the modelling language JML/JML* in the KeY System, which is a formal software development tool providing mechanisms to deductively prove the before mentioned contracts. Advantages and delimitations are discussed and, furthermore, precise definitions as well as a fully functional implementation within KeY are given. Our work covers the major part of the specification elements currently supported by KeY, on the higher level including class invariants, model fields, method contracts, loop statements and block contracts. The process of checking the well-definedness of a specification forms a preliminary step before the actual proof and rejects undefined specifications. We further contribute by giving a choice between two different semantics, both bearing different advantages and disadvantages. The thesis also includes an extensive case study analysing many examples and measuring the performance of the implemented Well-Definedness Checks

    Simple non-deterministic rewriting in verification

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    Abstract. We discuss the non-deterministic rewriting in application for engine functions of Verification of Formal Specification (VFS) system in this paper. VFS – are tools to prove properties of systems described as formal specifications (basic protocols), such as the completeness (the system behavior has a possible continuation at each of its stages) and consistency (the system behavior is deterministic at each stage), safety (something bad will never happened), or the correspondence of the specified behavior to given scenarios. Together these tools constitute a powerful environment for the formal verification of formal specifications expressed through message sequence charts

    Formal specification of requirements for analytical redundancy-based fault -tolerant flight control systems

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    Flight control systems are undergoing a rapid process of automation. The use of Fly-By-Wire digital flight control systems in commercial aviation (Airbus 320 and Boeing FBW-B777) is a clear sign of this trend. The increased automation goes in parallel with an increased complexity of flight control systems with obvious consequences on reliability and safety. Flight control systems must meet strict fault-tolerance requirements. The standard solution to achieving fault tolerance capability relies on multi-string architectures. On the other hand, multi-string architectures further increase the complexity of the system inducing a reduction of overall reliability.;In the past two decades a variety of techniques based on analytical redundancy have been suggested for fault diagnosis purposes. While research on analytical redundancy has obtained desirable results, a design methodology involving requirements specification and feasibility analysis of analytical redundancy based fault tolerant flight control systems is missing.;The main objective of this research work is to describe within a formal framework the implications of adopting analytical redundancy as a basis to achieve fault tolerance. The research activity involves analysis of the analytical redundancy approach, analysis of flight control system informal requirements, and re-engineering (modeling and specification) of the fault tolerance requirements. The USAF military specification MIL-F-9490D and supporting documents are adopted as source for the flight control informal requirements. The De Havilland DHC-2 general aviation aircraft equipped with standard autopilot control functions is adopted as pilot application. Relational algebra is adopted as formal framework for the specification of the requirements.;The detailed analysis and formalization of the requirements resulted in a better definition of the fault tolerance problem in the framework of analytical redundancy. Fault tolerance requirements and related certification procedures turned out to be considerably more demanding than those typically adopted in the literature. Furthermore, the research work brought up to light important issues in all fields involved in the specification process, namely flight control system requirements, analytical redundancy, and requirements engineering