45,779 research outputs found

    New moduli spaces of pointed curves and pencils of flat connections

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    It is well known that formal solutions to the Associativity Equations are the same as cyclic algebras over the homology operad (H∗(Mˉ0,n+1))(H_*(\bar{M}_{0,n+1})) of the moduli spaces of nn--pointed stable curves of genus zero. In this paper we establish a similar relationship between the pencils of formal flat connections (or solutions to the Commutativity Equations) and homology of a new series Lˉn\bar{L}_n of pointed stable curves of genus zero. Whereas Mˉ0,n+1\bar{M}_{0,n+1} parametrizes trees of P1\bold{P}^1's with pairwise distinct nonsingular marked points, Lˉn\bar{L}_n parametrizes strings of P1\bold{P}^1's stabilized by marked points of two types. The union of all Lˉn\bar{L}_n's forms a semigroup rather than operad, and the role of operadic algebras is taken over by the representations of the appropriately twisted homology algebra of this union.Comment: 37 pages, AMSTex. Several typos corrected, a reference added, subsection 3.2.2 revised, subsection 3.2.4 adde

    Varieties of Cost Functions.

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    Regular cost functions were introduced as a quantitative generalisation of regular languages, retaining many of their equivalent characterisations and decidability properties. For instance, stabilisation monoids play the same role for cost functions as monoids do for regular languages. The purpose of this article is to further extend this algebraic approach by generalising two results on regular languages to cost functions: Eilenberg's varieties theorem and profinite equational characterisations of lattices of regular languages. This opens interesting new perspectives, but the specificities of cost functions introduce difficulties that prevent these generalisations to be straightforward. In contrast, although syntactic algebras can be defined for formal power series over a commutative ring, no such notion is known for series over semirings and in particular over the tropical semiring

    Characterization of Multivariate Permutation Polynomials in Positive Characteristic

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    Multivariate permutation polynomials over the algebra of formal series over a finite field and its residual algebras are characterized. Some known properties of permutation polynomials over finite fields are also extended.AMS Classification 2000: 13B25, 13F25, 11T55. Keywords: Multivariate permutation polynomials.

    Groups of tree-expanded series

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    We describe the proalgebraic groups represented by three Hopf algebras on planar binary trees previously introduced by the author and Christian Brouder in relation with the renormalization of quantum electrodynamics. Using two monoidal structures and a set-operad structure on planar binary trees, we show that these groups can be realized on formal series expanded over trees, and that the group laws are generalization of the multiplication and the composition of usual series in one variable. All the constructions are done in a general operad-theoretic setting, and then applied to the duplicial operad on trees.Comment: 30 pages; added references, to appear in J.Algebr
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