14 research outputs found

    Designing an Information System for Inventory Forecasting: (Case Study: Samsung Partner Plaza, Sorong City)

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    Samsung Partner Plaza is a company that sells smartphones and serves large-scale sales by adopting the membership and computerized systems. The company’s inventory management activities consist of the normal inventory flow direction and management, ranging from the inventory procurement, storage to sales. The company would often face a problem where it would be running out of finished goods inventory to be sold in coming months. The remaining inventory would be inadequate to meet the customer demands. Such situation, and the fact that the company has competitors both inside and outside Sorong city, might cause customers to find other companies that could meet their demands, thus reducing the company’s capacity to generate profit. Given the situation, this research was conducted to create an information system which could be used by Samsung Partner Plaza for inventory forecasting. The system would provide information regarding the correct amount of inventory which could meet the customer demands. The waterfall method was employed to develop the system whereas the exponential smoothing method was employed by the system to perform forecasting. The research produced a forecasting information system which was helpful for the company in predicting the adequate amount of inventory to be ordered to meet the customer demands. The system was tested using the Black Box testing and the results showed that all functions of the system worked well (valid)

    Designing and Implementing a Telemedicine System

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    Background: A modern tele-consultation system improves patients’ monitoring and favors remote assistance in terms of facilitating the daily life to the patients. The aim of this work is to design and implement a modern remote consultation system. Methods: To achieve this work, we identify the actors who interact with the system to be developed and the use cases relating to each actor. A class model is designed to derive the relational model and the corresponding database. During implementation, we have used PHP language and MySQL database system. Results: A tele-consultation framework is implemented. The users (patients and doctors) must register then authenticate in order to use the system. The latter allows them audio and video conversation between them. Conclusion: We have given in this study how to design and implement a telemedicine system which will improve health care, ensure continuity of home care, prevent complications and thus limit hospitalizations and limit medical travel

    Sistem Informasi Freelance Marketplace Berbasis WEB

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    Nowadays, the state of the digital world is now experiencing a very rapid development of technological sophistication today, for example in the business world. The presence and development of digital services today makes every transaction activity, be it sales, marketing, and promotion of products and services, can be done online or digitally. In south Sumatra, especially in the city of Palembang, digital service business actors who are just starting a business are very unlikely to get consumers who choose the digital services they offer. And sometimes people find it difficult to find the digital services they need. With this, the researcher intends to design and build a website-based freelance marketplace information system to bring together service providers with service users in the digital world. The research method used is a prototype method which includes Communication, Planning Quickly, Modeling Design Quickly, Forming Prototypes, Handing Over Systems and Reciprocity. This website will be built using php programming language using codeigneter 3 framework and connected to MYSQL database.Dewasa ini keadaan dunia digital sekarang mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat akan kecanggihan teknologi saat ini, Sebagai contoh pada dunia bisnis. Kehadiran serta perkembangan layanan digital saat ini menjadikan setiap kegiatan transaksi baik itu penjualan, pemasaran, dan promosi produk maupun jasa dapat di lakukan secara online atau digital. Di Sumatra selatan khusus nya di kota Palembang pelaku usaha jasa digital yang baru mau merintis usaha sangat kecil kemungkinan untuk mendapatkan konsumen yang memilih jasa digital yang mereka tawarkan. Dan terkadang masyarakat kesulitan untuk mencari jasa digital yang mereka butuhkan. Dengan ini peneliti bermaksud merancang dan membangun sistem informasi freelance marketplace berbasis website untuk mempertemukan penyedia jasa dengan pemakai jasa di dunia digital. Metode penelitan yang digunakan adalah metode prototype yang meliputi Komunikasi, Perencanaan Secara Cepat, Pemodelan Perancangan Secara Cepat, Pembentukan Prototype, Penyerahan Sistem dan Timbal Balik. Website ini akan di bangun menggunakan Bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan menggunakan framework codeigneter 3 dan terhubung ke database MYSQL

    Water and environmental issues

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    Water is a precious and finite part of the environment which is vital for socioeconomic development, sustainability of the environment and survival. Malaysia is fortunate that it is located in a humid tropical area rich in rainfall and water resources. The rapid economic growth of Malaysia in the past decades is also mainly attributed to its ability to exploit abundant natural resources including water. The exploitation of water resources is an important catalyst of economic growth but continuous exploitation without proper management and conservation may cause the depletion of water supplies, rendering water resources unsustainable. In recent years, water problems have escalated in Malaysia due to climate change, urbanization and population explosion. Therefore, effective water conservation, efficient waste water and sewage management integrated with recent technologies are important for fostering the tandem development of economic growth and the sustainability of environmental resources

    On the semantics of redefinition, specialization and subsetting of associations in UML (extended version)

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    The definition of the exact meaning of conceptual modeling concepts is considered a relevant issue since it enhances their effective and appropriate use by designers and facilitates the automatic processing of the models where they are included. Three related concepts that permit to improve the definition of an association in UML and which still lack of a formal semantic definition are: association redefinition, association specialization and association subsetting. This paper formalizes their semantics and points out the similarities and differences that exist among them. The formalization we propose is based on the meta-modelling approach and a semantic domain composed of a set of basic UML concepts and OCL expressions, which have a previous formal definition in the literature and which are well-understood.Preprin