2,252 research outputs found

    Levels of Decentralization and Trust in Cryptocurrencies: Consensus, Governance and Applications

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    Since the apparition of Bitcoin, decentralization has become an ideal praised almost religiously. Indeed, removing the need for a central authority prevents many forms of abuse that could be performed by a trusted third party, especially when there are no transparency and accountability mechanisms in place. Decentralization is however a very subtle concept that has limits. In this thesis, we look at the decentralization of blockchains at three different levels. First we look at the consensus protocol, which is the heart of any decentralized system. The Nakamoto protocol, used by Bitcoin, has been shown to induce centralization through the shift to mining pools. Additionally, it is heavily criticized for the enormous amount of energy it requires. We propose a protocol, Fantômette, that incorporates incentives at its core and that consumes much less energy than Bitcoin and other proof-of-work based cryptocurrencies. If the consensus protocol makes it possible to decentralize the enforcement of rules in a cryptocurrency, there is still the question of who decides on the rules. Indeed, if a central authority is able to determine what those rules are then the fact that they are enforced in a decentralized way does not make it a decentralized system. We study the governance structure of Bitcoin and Ethereum by making measurements of their GitHub repositories and providing quantitative ways to compare their level of centralization by using appropriate metrics based on centrality measures. Finally, many applications are now built on top of blockchains. These can also induce or straightforwardly lead to centralization, for example by requiring that users register their identities to comply with regulations. We show how identities can be registered on blockchains in a decentralized and privacy-preserving way

    Security and Fairness of Blockchain Consensus Protocols

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    The increasing popularity of blockchain technology has created a need to study and understand consensus protocols, their properties, and security. As users seek alternatives to traditional intermediaries, such as banks, the challenge lies in establishing trust within a robust and secure system. This dissertation explores the landscape beyond cryptocurrencies, including consensus protocols and decentralized finance (DeFi). Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, symbolize the global recognition of blockchain technology. At the core of every cryptocurrency lies a consensus protocol. Utilizing a proof-of-work consensus mechanism, Bitcoin ensures network security through energy-intensive mining. Ethereum, a representative of the proof-of-stake mechanism, enhances scalability and energy efficiency. Ripple, with its native XRP, utilizes a consensus algorithm based on voting for efficient cross-border transactions. The first part of the dissertation dives into Ripple's consensus protocol, analyzing its security. The Ripple network operates on a Byzantine fault-tolerant agreement protocol. Unlike traditional Byzantine protocols, Ripple lacks global knowledge of all participating nodes, relying on each node's trust for voting. This dissertation offers a detailed abstract description of the Ripple consensus protocol derived from the source code. Additionally, it highlights potential safety and liveness violations in the protocol during simple executions and relatively benign network assumptions. The second part of this thesis focuses on decentralized finance, a rapidly growing sector of the blockchain industry. DeFi applications aim to provide financial services without intermediaries, such as banks. However, the lack of regulation leaves space for different kinds of attacks. This dissertation focuses on the so-called front-running attacks. Front-running is a transaction-ordering attack where a malicious party exploits the knowledge of pending transactions to gain an advantage. To mitigate this problem, recent efforts introduced order fairness for transactions as a safety property for consensus, enhancing traditional agreement and liveness properties. Our work addresses limitations in existing formalizations and proposes a new differential order fairness property. The novel quick order-fair atomic broadcast (QOF) protocol ensures transaction delivery in a differentially fair order, proving more efficient than current protocols. It works optimally in asynchronous and eventually synchronous networks, tolerating up to one-third parties corruption, an improvement from previous solutions tolerating fewer faults. This work is further extended by presenting a modular implementation of the QOF protocol. Empirical evaluations compare QOF's performance to a fairness-lacking consensus protocol, revealing a marginal 5\% throughput decrease and approximately 50ms latency increase. The study contributes to understanding the practical aspects of QOF protocol, establishing connections with similar fairness-imposing protocols from the literature. The last part of this dissertation provides an overview of existing protocols designed to prevent transaction reordering within DeFi. These defense methods are systematically classified into four categories. The first category employs distributed cryptography to prevent side information leaks to malicious insiders, ensuring a causal order on the consensus-generated transaction sequence. The second category, receive-order fairness, analyzes how individual parties participating in the consensus protocol receive transactions, imposing corresponding constraints on the resulting order. The third category, known as randomized order, aims to neutralize the influence of consensus-running parties on transaction order. The fourth category, architectural separation, proposes separating the task of ordering transactions and assigning them to a distinct service

    Development and analysis of the Software Implemented Fault-Tolerance (SIFT) computer

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    SIFT (Software Implemented Fault Tolerance) is an experimental, fault-tolerant computer system designed to meet the extreme reliability requirements for safety-critical functions in advanced aircraft. Errors are masked by performing a majority voting operation over the results of identical computations, and faulty processors are removed from service by reassigning computations to the nonfaulty processors. This scheme has been implemented in a special architecture using a set of standard Bendix BDX930 processors, augmented by a special asynchronous-broadcast communication interface that provides direct, processor to processor communication among all processors. Fault isolation is accomplished in hardware; all other fault-tolerance functions, together with scheduling and synchronization are implemented exclusively by executive system software. The system reliability is predicted by a Markov model. Mathematical consistency of the system software with respect to the reliability model has been partially verified, using recently developed tools for machine-aided proof of program correctness

    Scaling Private Collaborated Consortium Blockchains Using State Machine Replication Over Random Graphs

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    Blockchain technology has redefined the way the software industry\u27s core mechanisms operate. With recent generations of improvement observed in blockchain, the industry is surging ahead towards replacing the existing computing paradigms with consortium blockchain-enabled solutions. For this, there is much research observed which aims to make blockchain technology’s performance at par with existing systems. Most of the research involves the optimization of the consensus algorithms that govern the system. One of the major aspects of upcoming iterations in blockchain technology is making individual consortium blockchains collaborate with other consortium blockchains to validate operations on a common set of data shared among the systems. The traditional approach involves requiring all the organizations to run the consensus and validate the change. This approach is computationally expensive and reduces the modularity of the system. Also, the optimized consensus algorithms have their specific requirements and assumptions which if extended to all the organizations leads to a cluttered system with high magnitudes of dependencies.This thesis proposes an architecture that leverages the use of state machine replication extended to all the nodes of different organizations with seamless updates over a random graph network without involving all the nodes participating in the consensus. This also enables organizations to run their respective consensus algorithms depending on their requirements. This approach guarantees the finality of consistent data updates with reduced computations with high magnitudes of scalability and flexibility

    A Hierarchical and Location-aware Consensus Protocol for IoT-Blockchain Applications

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    Blockchain-based IoT systems can manage IoT devices and achieve a high level of data integrity, security, and provenance. However, incorporating existing consensus protocols in many IoT systems limits scalability and leads to high computational cost and consensus latency. In addition, location-centric characteristics of many IoT applications paired with limited storage and computing power of IoT devices bring about more limitations, primarily due to the location-agnostic designs in blockchains. We propose a hierarchical and location-aware consensus protocol (LH-Raft) for IoT-blockchain applications inspired by the original Raft protocol to address these limitations. The proposed LH-Raft protocol forms local consensus candidate groups based on nodes' reputation and distance to elect the leaders in each sub-layer blockchain. It utilizes a threshold signature scheme to reach global consensus and the local and global log replication to maintain consistency for blockchain transactions. To evaluate the performance of LH-Raft, we first conduct an extensive numerical analysis based on the proposed reputation mechanism and the candidate group formation model. We then compare the performance of LH-Raft against the classical Raft protocol from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. We evaluate the proposed threshold signature scheme using Hyperledger Ursa cryptography library to measure various consensus nodes' signing and verification time. Experimental results show that the proposed LH-Raft protocol is scalable for large IoT applications and significantly reduces the communication cost, consensus latency, and agreement time for consensus processing.Comment: Published in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management ( Volume: 19, Issue: 3, September 2022). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.1696

    Authenticated group Diffie-Hellman key exchange: theory and practice

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    Authenticated two-party Diffie-Hellman key exchange allows two principals A and B, communicating over a public network, and each holding a pair of matching public/private keys to agree on a session key. Protocols designed to deal with this problem ensure A (B resp.)that no other principals aside from B (A resp.) can learn any information about this value. These protocols additionally often ensure A and B that their respective partner has actually computed the shared secret value. A natural extension to the above cryptographic protocol problem is to consider a pool of principals agreeing on a session key. Over the years several papers have extended the two-party Diffie-Hellman key exchange to the multi-party setting but no formal treatments were carried out till recently. In light of recent developments in the formalization of the authenticated two-party Diffie-Hellman key exchange we have in this thesis laid out the authenticated group Diffie-Hellman key exchange on firmer foundations

    Scaling Distributed Ledgers and Privacy-Preserving Applications

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    This thesis proposes techniques aiming to make blockchain technologies and smart contract platforms practical by improving their scalability, latency, and privacy. This thesis starts by presenting the design and implementation of Chainspace, a distributed ledger that supports user defined smart contracts and execute user-supplied transactions on their objects. The correct execution of smart contract transactions is publicly verifiable. Chainspace is scalable by sharding state; it is secure against subsets of nodes trying to compromise its integrity or availability properties through Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT). This thesis also introduces a family of replay attacks against sharded distributed ledgers targeting cross-shard consensus protocols; they allow an attacker, with network access only, to double-spend resources with minimal efforts. We then build Byzcuit, a new cross-shard consensus protocol that is immune to those attacks and that is tailored to run at the heart of Chainspace. Next, we propose FastPay, a high-integrity settlement system for pre-funded payments that can be used as a financial side-infrastructure for Chainspace to support low-latency retail payments. This settlement system is based on Byzantine Consistent Broadcast as its core primitive, foregoing the expenses of full atomic commit channels (consensus). The resulting system has extremely low-latency for both confirmation and payment finality. Finally, this thesis proposes Coconut, a selective disclosure credential scheme supporting distributed threshold issuance, public and private attributes, re-randomization, and multiple unlinkable selective attribute revelations. It ensures authenticity and availability even when a subset of credential issuing authorities are malicious or offline, and natively integrates with Chainspace to enable a number of scalable privacy-preserving applications

    The Blockchain Of Oz : Specifying Blockchain Failures for Scalable Protocols Offering Unprecedented Safety and Decentralization

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    Blockchains have starred an outstanding increase in interest from both business and research since Nakamoto’s 2008 Bitcoin. Unfortunately, many questions in terms of results that establish upper-bounds, and of proposals that approach these bounds. Furthermore, the sudden hype surrounding the blockchain world has led to several proposals that are either only partially public, informal, or not proven correct. The main contribution of this dissertation is to build upon works that steer clear of blockchain puffery, following research methodology. The works of this dissertation converge towards a blockchain that for the first time formally proves and empirically shows deterministic guarantees in the presence of classical Byzantine adversaries, while at the same time pragmatically resolves unlucky cases in which the adversary corrupts an unprecedented percentage of the system. This blockchain is decentralized and scalable, and needs no strong assumptions like synchrony. For this purpose, we build upon previous work and propose a novel attack of synchronous offchain protocols. We then introduce Platypus, an offchain protocol without synchrony. Secondly, we present Trap, a Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus protocol for blockchains that also tolerates up to less than half of the processes deviating. Thirdly, we present Basilic, a class of protocols that solves consensus both against a resilient-optimal Byzantine adversary and against an adversary controlling up to less than 2/3 of combined liveness and safety faults. Then, we use Basilic to present Zero-loss Blockchain (ZLB), a blockchain that tolerates less than 2/3 of safety faults of which less than 1/3 can be Byzantine. Finally, we present two random beacon protocols for committee sortition: Kleroterion and Kleroterion+ , that improve previous works in terms of communication complexity and in the number of faults tolerated, respectively

    Liveness analysis, modeling, and simulation of blockchain consensus algorithms\u27 ability to tolerate malicious miners

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    The blockchain technology revolution and concomitant use of blockchains in various applications have resulted in many organizations and individuals developing and customizing their own fit-for-purpose consensus algorithms. Because security and performance are principally achieved through the chosen consensus algorithm, the reliability and security of these algorithms must be both assured and tested. This work provides a methodology to assess such algorithms for their security level and performance is required; liveness for permissioned blockchain systems is evaluated. We focus on permissioned blockchains because they retain the structure and benefits afforded by the blockchain concept while end users maintain control over their processes, procedures, and data. Thus, end users benefit from blockchain technology without compromising data security. We expect that this methodology and taxonomy can be applied to other types of blockchains. The developed methodology is used to provide a liveness analysis of byzantine consensus algorithms for permissioned blockchains. We provide a Digital Ledger Technologies (DLTs) consensus algorithm classification to understand the miner-selection process. We compile the ``security ingredients\u27\u27 that enable consensus algorithms to achieve liveness, safety, and byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) in blockchain systems. We organize these requirements as a new taxonomy that describes requirements for security. And, Brewer\u27s theorem is utilized to explain tradeoffs between availability and consistency in consensus algorithm design. This analysis uses formal methods and techniques and is applied to two exemplary consensus algorithms: lightweight mining (LWM) and byzantine fault-tolerant Raft (Tangaroa). Our analysis reveals the liveness of the given consensus algorithm and its ability to protect against malicious miner denial of services (DoS) attacks. Digital signatures are employed to prove integrity and non-repudiation of messages passing in the systems. Queueing theory and Markov chains are applied to determine the average waiting time of client transactions when malicious miners work to slow the system. Queuing theory and Markov chains jointly are employed to test a given blockchain\u27s ability to perform correctly despite the presence of malicious miners or resistant nodes. Overall, the methodology presented here provides a roadmap to guide developers during the design phase of consensus algorithms to render these algorithms more secure and robust
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