16 research outputs found

    Ratio Interval-Frequency Density with Modifications to the Weighted Fuzzy Time Series

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    The improvement of plantation forecasting accuracy, particularly with regard to coffee production, was an essential aspect of earth observations for the purpose of informing plantation management alternatives. These decisions included strategic and tactical decisions on supply chain operations and financial decisions. Many research initiatives have used a variety of methodologies to the forecasting of plantation areas and related industries, such as coffee production. One of these methods was known as the fuzzy time series (FTS) technique. This  study combined ratio-interval and frequency density to get universe of discourse and partition followed by adopted weighted and modified that weighted. The first step was defined universe of discourse using ratio-interval algorithm. The second step was partition the universe of discourse using ratio-interval algorithm followed by frequency density partitioning. The third step was fuzzyfication. The fourth step built fuzzy logic relationship (FLR) and fuzzy logic relationship group (FLRG). The fifth step was adopted the modification weighted. The last step was defuzzyfication. The  models evaluated  by  average  forecasting  error  rate  (AFER)  and  compared  with  existing methods.  AFER  value  1.24%  for  proposed method

    A Weighted Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Model

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    Multiple classifiers fusion and CNN feature extraction for handwritten digits recognition

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    Handwritten digits recognition has been treated as a multi-class classification problem in the machine learning context, where each of the ten digits (0-9) is viewed as a class and the machine learning task is essentially to train a classifier that can effectively discriminate the ten classes. In practice, it is very usual that the performance of a single classifier trained by using a standard learning algorithm is varied on different data sets, which indicates that the same learning algorithm may train strong classifiers on some data sets but weak classifiers may be trained on other data sets. It is also possible that the same classifier shows different performance on different test sets, especially when considering the case that image instances can be highly diverse due to the different handwriting styles of different people on the same digits. In order to address the above issue, development of ensemble learning approaches have been very necessary to improve the overall performance and make the performance more stable on different data sets. In this paper, we propose a framework that involves CNN based feature extraction from the MINST data set and algebraic fusion of multiple classifiers trained on different feature sets, which are prepared through feature selection applied to the original feature set extracted using CNN. The experimental results show that the classifiers fusion can achieve the classification accuracy of ≥ 98%

    Granular computing based approach of rule learning for binary classification

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    Rule learning is one of the most popular types of machine-learning approaches, which typically follow two main strategies: ‘divide and conquer’ and ‘separate and conquer’. The former strategy is aimed at induction of rules in the form of a decision tree, whereas the latter one is aimed at direct induction of if–then rules. Due to the case that the divide and conquer strategy could result in the replicated sub-tree problem, which not only leads to overfitting but also increases the computational complexity in classifying unseen instances, researchers have thus been motivated to develop rule learning approaches through the separate and conquer strategy. In this paper, we focus on investigation of the Prism algorithm, since it is a representative one that follows the separate and conquer strategy, and is aimed at learning a set of rules for each class in the setting of granular computing, where each class (referred to as target class) is viewed as a granule. The Prism algorithm shows highly comparable performance to the most popular algorithms, such as ID3 and C4.5, which follow the divide and conquer strategy. However, due to the need to learn a rule set for each class, Prism usually produces very complex rule-based classifiers. In real applications, there are many problems that involve one target class only, so it is not necessary to learn a rule set for each class, i.e., only a set of rules for the target class needs to be learned and a default rule is used to indicate the case of non-target classes. To address the above issues of Prism, we propose a new version of the algorithm referred to as PrismSTC, where ‘STC’ stands for ‘single target class’. Our experimental results show that PrismSTC leads to production of simpler rule-based classifiers without loss of accuracy in comparison with Prism. PrismSTC also demonstrates sufficiently good performance comparing with C4.5

    A New Method for Short Multivariate Fuzzy Time Series Based on Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Clustering

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    Forecasting activities play an important role in our daily life. In recent years, fuzzy time series (FTS) methods were developed to deal with forecasting problems. FTS attracted researchers because of its ability to predict the future values in some critical situations where most standard forecasting models are doubtfully applicable or produce bad fittings. However, some critical issues in FTS are still open; these issues are often subjective and affect the accuracy of forecasting. In this paper, we focus on improving the accuracy of FTS forecasting methods. The new method integrates the fuzzy clustering and genetic algorithm with FTS to reduce subjectivity and improve its accuracy. In the new method, the genetic algorithm is responsible for selecting the proper model. Also, the fuzzy clustering algorithm is responsible for fuzzifying the historical data, based on its membership degrees to each cluster, and using these memberships to defuzzify the results. This method provides better forecasting accuracy when compared with other extant researches

    Research of fuzzy time series model based on fuzzy entropy and fuzzy clustering

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    时间序列预测是通过对有限个历史观测样本进行分析来建立模型,并利用模型来解释数据之间的统计规律,以期达到控制和预报目的的一门学科,在众多领域中都有非常广泛的应用。对于时间序列的建模和预测,目前已经有了许多成熟的技术和方法,但传统时间序列预测方法往往依赖大量的历史数据,而在实际问题中由于不确定性的广泛存在导致历史数据往往是不完整的、不准确的和含糊的,因而限制了传统预测模型的应用。为了解决这些问题,Song和Chissom提出了模糊时间序列的概念,其主要是在传统时间序列预测的基础上引入了模糊理论,通过建立相应的模糊逻辑关系进行预测。由于模糊时间序列在处理数据的不确定性和模糊性方面上所显示的优势,关于...Time series forecasting is modeled by limited historical observations sample, it is a technology of using the model to explain the statistical regularity of data in order to achieve the purpose of control and forecast and having a wide range of applications in many fields. For time series modeling and forecasting, there are many mature technologies and methods. The traditional time series predicti...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院_概率论与数理统计学号:1902010115250

    Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Model Based on Automatic Clustering Techniques and Generalized Fuzzy Logical Relationship

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    In view of techniques for constructing high-order fuzzy time series models, there are three types which are based on advanced algorithms, computational method, and grouping the fuzzy logical relationships. The last type of models is easy to be understood by the decision maker who does not know anything about fuzzy set theory or advanced algorithms. To deal with forecasting problems, this paper presented novel high-order fuzz time series models denoted as GTS (M, N) based on generalized fuzzy logical relationships and automatic clustering. This paper issued the concept of generalized fuzzy logical relationship and an operation for combining the generalized relationships. Then, the procedure of the proposed model was implemented on forecasting enrollment data at the University of Alabama. To show the considerable outperforming results, the proposed approach was also applied to forecasting the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index. Finally, the effects of parameters M and N, the number of order, and concerned principal fuzzy logical relationships, on the forecasting results were also discussed

    Multi-task learning for intelligent data processing in granular computing context

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    Classification is a popular task in many application areas, such as decision making, rating, sentiment analysis and pattern recognition. In the recent years, due to the vast and rapid increase in the size of data, classification has been mainly undertaken in the way of supervised machine learning. In this context, a classification task involves data labelling, feature extraction,feature selection and learning of classifiers. In traditional machine learning, data is usually single-labelled by experts, i.e., each instance is only assigned one class label, since experts assume that different classes are mutually exclusive and each instance is clear-cut. However, the above assumption does not always hold in real applications. For example, in the context of emotion detection, there could be more than one emotion identified from the same person. On the other hand, feature selection has typically been done by evaluating feature subsets in terms of their relevance to all the classes. However, it is possible that a feature is only relevant to one class, but is irrelevant to all the other classes. Based on the above argumentation on data labelling and feature selection, we propose in this paper a framework of multi-task learning. In particular, we consider traditional machine learning to be single task learning, and argue the necessity to turn it into multi-task learning to allow an instance to belong to more than one class (i.e., multi-task classification) and to achieve class specific feature selection (i.e.,multi-task feature selection). Moreover, we report two experimental studies in terms of fuzzy multi-task classification and rule learning based multi-task feature selection. The results show empirically that it is necessary to undertake multi-task learning for both classification and feature selection

    Study of Railway Track Irregularity Standard Deviation Time Series Based on Data Mining and Linear Model

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    Good track geometry state ensures the safe operation of the railway passenger service and freight service. Railway transportation plays an important role in the Chinese economic and social development. This paper studies track irregularity standard deviation time series data and focuses on the characteristics and trend changes of track state by applying clustering analysis. Linear recursive model and linear-ARMA model based on wavelet decomposition reconstruction are proposed, and all they offer supports for the safe management of railway transportation

    Nature inspired framework of ensemble learning for collaborative classification in granular computing context

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    Due to the vast and rapid increase in the size of data, machine learning has become an increasingly popular approach of data classification, which can be done by training a single classifier or a group of classifiers. A single classifier is typically learned by using a standard algorithm, such as C4.5. Due to the fact that each of the standard learning algorithms has its own advantages and disadvantages, ensemble learning, such as Bagging, has been increasingly used to learn a group of classifiers for collaborative classification, thus compensating for the disadvantages of individual classifiers. In particular, a group of base classifiers need to be learned in the training stage, and then some or all of the base classifiers are employed for classifying unseen instances in the testing stage. In this paper, we address two critical points that can impact the classification accuracy, in order to overcome the limitations of the Bagging approach. Firstly, it is important to judge effectively which base classifiers qualify to get employed for classifying test instances. Secondly, the final classification needs to be done by combining the outputs of the base classifiers, i.e. voting, which indicates that the strategy of voting can impact greatly on whether a test instance is classified correctly. In order to address the above points, we propose a nature-inspired approach of ensemble learning to improve the overall accuracy in the setting of granular computing. The proposed approach is validated through experimental studies by using real-life data sets. The results show that the proposed approach overcomes effectively the limitations of the Bagging approach