258 research outputs found

    Simulation-Oriented Methodology for Distortion Minimisation during Laser Beam Welding

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    Distortion is one of the drawbacks of any welding process, most of the time needed to be suppressed. One doubtful factor that could affect welding deformation is the shape of the liquid melt pool, which can be modified via variation of process parameters. The aim of this work was to numerically study the dynamics of the weld pool and its geometrical influence on welding distortion during laser beam welding. To achieve such a goal, a promising novel process simulation model, employed in investigating the keyhole and weld pool dynamics, has successfully been invented. The model incorporated all distinctive behaviours of the laser beam welding process. Moreover, identification of the correlation between the weld pool geometry and welding distortion as well as, eventually, weld pool shapes that favour distortion minimisation has also been simulatively demonstrated

    Simulation-Oriented Methodology for Distortion Minimisation during Laser Beam Welding

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    Distortion is one of the drawbacks of any welding process, most of the time needed to be suppressed. One doubtful factor that could affect welding deformation is the shape of the liquid melt pool, which can be modified via variation of process parameters. The aim of this work was to numerically study the dynamics of the weld pool and its geometrical influence on welding distortion during laser beam welding. To achieve such a goal, a promising novel process simulation model, employed in investigating the keyhole and weld pool dynamics, has successfully been invented. The model incorporated all distinctive behaviours of the laser beam welding process. Moreover, identification of the correlation between the weld pool geometry and welding distortion as well as, eventually, weld pool shapes that favour distortion minimisation has also been simulatively demonstrated

    Flexible Cycle Embedding in the Locally Twisted Cube with Nodes Positioned at Any Prescribed Distance

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    [[abstract]]A Hamiltonian graph G is panpositionably Hamiltonian if for any two distinct vertices x and y of G, it contains a Hamiltonian cycle C such that dC(x, y) = l for any integer l satisfying dG(x, y) ⩽ l ⩽ ⌈∣V(G)∣/2⌉, where dG(x, y) (respectively, dC(x, y)) denotes the distance between vertices x and y in G (respectively, on C), and ∣V(G)∣ is the total number of vertices in G. As the importance of Hamiltonian properties for data communication between units in parallel and distributed systems, the panpositionable Hamiltonicity involves more flexible cycle embedding for message transmission. This paper shows that for two arbitrary nodes x and y of the n-dimensional locally twisted cube LTQn, n ⩾ 4, and for any integer l ∈ {d} ∪ {d + 2, d + 3, d + 4, … , 2n−1}, where d=dLTQn(x,y), there exists a Hamiltonian cycle C of LTQn such that dC(x, y) = l

    Structured grid generation for gas turbine combustion systems

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    Commercial pressures to reduce time-scales encourage innovation in the design and analysis cycle of gas turbine combustion systems. The migration of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) from the purview of the specialist into a routine analysis tool is crucial to achieve these reductions and forms the focus of this research. Two significant challenges were identified: reducing the time-scale for creating and solving a CFD prediction and reducing the level of expertise required to perform a prediction. The commercial pressure for the rapid production of CFD predictions, coupled with the desire to reduce the risk associated with adopting a new technology led, following a review of available techniques, to the identification of structured grids as the current optimum methodology. It was decided that the task of geometry definition would be entirely performed within commercial Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems. A critical success factor for this research was the adoption of solid models for the geometry representation. Solids ensure consistency, and accuracy, whilst eliminating the need for the designer to undertake difficult, and time consuming, geometry repair operations. The versatility of parametric CAD systems were investigated on the complex geometry of a combustion system and found to be useful in reducing the overhead in altering the geometry for a CFD prediction. Accurate and robust transfer between CAD and CFD systems was achieved by the use of direct translators. Restricting the geometry definition to solid models allowed a novel two stage grid generator to be developed. In stage one an initial algebraic grid is created. This reduces user interaction to a minimum, by the employment of a series of logical rules based on the solid model to fill in any missing grid boundary condition data. In stage two the quality of the grid is improved by redistributing nodes using elliptical partial differential equations. A unique approach of improving grid quality by simultaneously smoothing both internal and surface grids was implemented. The smoothing operation was responsible for quality, and therefore reduced the level of grid generation expertise required. The successful validation of this research was demonstrated using several test cases including a CFD prediction of a complete combustion system

    Structured meshes: composition and remeshing guided by the Curve-Skeleton

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    Virtual sculpting is currently a broadly used modeling metaphor with rising popularity especially in the entertainment industry. While this approach unleashes the artists' inspiration and creativity and leads to wonderfully detailed and artistic 3D models, it has the side effect, purely technical, of producing highly irregular meshes that are not optimal for subsequent processing. Converting an unstructured mesh into a more regular and struc- tured model in an automatic way is a challenging task and still open prob- lem. Since structured meshes are useful in different applications, it is of in- terest to be able to guarantee such property also in scenarios of part based modeling, which aim to build digital objects by composition, instead of modeling them from a scratch. This thesis will present methods for obtaining structured meshes in two different ways. First is presented a coarse quad layout computation method which starts from a triangle mesh and the curve-skeleton of the shape. The second approach allows to build complex shapes by procedural composition of PAM's. Since both quad layouts and PAMs exploit their global struc- ture, similarities between the two will be discussed, especially how their structure has correspondences to the curve-skeleton describing the topology of the shape being represented. Since both the presented methods rely on the information provided by the skeleton, the difficulties of using automat- ically extracted curve-skeletons without processing are discussed, and an interactive tool for user-assisted processing is presented

    Structured meshes: composition and remeshing guided by the Curve-Skeleton

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    Virtual sculpting is currently a broadly used modeling metaphor with rising popularity especially in the entertainment industry. While this approach unleashes the artists' inspiration and creativity and leads to wonderfully detailed and artistic 3D models, it has the side effect, purely technical, of producing highly irregular meshes that are not optimal for subsequent processing. Converting an unstructured mesh into a more regular and struc- tured model in an automatic way is a challenging task and still open prob- lem. Since structured meshes are useful in different applications, it is of in- terest to be able to guarantee such property also in scenarios of part based modeling, which aim to build digital objects by composition, instead of modeling them from a scratch. This thesis will present methods for obtaining structured meshes in two different ways. First is presented a coarse quad layout computation method which starts from a triangle mesh and the curve-skeleton of the shape. The second approach allows to build complex shapes by procedural composition of PAM's. Since both quad layouts and PAMs exploit their global struc- ture, similarities between the two will be discussed, especially how their structure has correspondences to the curve-skeleton describing the topology of the shape being represented. Since both the presented methods rely on the information provided by the skeleton, the difficulties of using automat- ically extracted curve-skeletons without processing are discussed, and an interactive tool for user-assisted processing is presented