7 research outputs found

    Practical dynamic information flow control

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    Over the years, computer systems and applications have grown significantly complex while handling a plethora of private and sensitive user information. The complexity of these applications is often assisted by a set of (un)intentional bugs with both malicious and non-malicious intent leading to information leaks. Information flow control has been studied extensively as an approach to mitigate such information leaks. The technique works by enforcing the security property of non-interference using a specified set of security policies. A vast majority of existing work in this area is based on static analyses. However, some of the applications, especially on the Web, are developed using dynamic languages like JavaScript that make the static analyses techniques stale and ineffective. As a result, there has been a growing interest in recent years to develop dynamic information flow analysis techniques. In spite of the advances in the field, dynamic information flow analysis has not been at the helm of information flow security in dynamic settings like the Web; the prime reason being that the analysis techniques and the security property related to them (non-interference) either over-approximate or are too restrictive in most cases. Concretely, the analysis techniques gen- erate a lot of false positives, do not allow legitimate release of sensitive information, support only static and rigid security policies or are not general enough to be applied to real-world applications. This thesis focuses on improving the usability of dynamic information flow techniques by presenting mechanisms that can enhance the precision and permissiveness of the analyses. It begins by presenting a sound improvement and enhancement of the permissive-upgrade strategy, a strategy widely used to enforce dynamic information flow control, which improves the strategy’s permissiveness and makes it generic in applicability. The thesis, then, presents a sound and precise control scope analysis for handling complex features like unstructured control flow and exceptions in higher-order languages. Although non-interference is a desired property for enforcing information flow control, there are program instances that require legitimate release of some parts of the secret data to provide the required functionality. Towards this end, this thesis develops a sound approach to bound information leaks dynamically while allowing information release in accordance to a pre-specified budget. The thesis concludes by applying these techniques to an information flow control-enabled Web browser and explores a policy specification mechanism that allows flexible and useful information flow policies to be specified for Web applications.Seit Jahren werden Computersysteme und -Anwendungen immer komplexer und verarbeiten eine Unmenge private und sensible Daten. Die KomplexitĂ€t der Anwendungen trĂ€gt neben der Existenz von (un)gewollt eingefĂŒgten Software Fehlern zur Weitergabe dieser sensiblen Informationen bei. Information Flow Control (IFC, zu Deutsch Informations-Fluss-Analyse) Mechanismen sind Gegenstand intensiver Forschung um diesem Problem entgegen zu wirken. GrundsĂ€tzlich basieren diese AnsĂ€tze auf der Anwendung von vordefinierten Sicherheitsregeln, die die Unbeeinflussbarkeit (engl. non-interference) garantieren. Der ĂŒberwiegende Teil dieser Techniken nutzt statische Analyse zur Erzeugung der Regeln. Dem gegenĂŒber steht die Tatsache, dass Anwendun- gen, insbesondere im Bereich Web-Anwendungen, in dynamischen Sprachen wie JavaScript entwickelt werden, wodurch rein statische Analysen unzureichend sind. Dynamische Methoden auf der anderen Seite approximieren das Verhalten einer Anwendung und können daher die grundlegende non-interference nicht garantieren. Sie tendieren dazu besonders restriktive Regeln zu erzeugen, wodurch auch der rechtmĂ€ĂŸige Zugriff auf Information verweigert wird. Beide AnsĂ€tze sind daher nicht zur Anwendung auf Systeme in der realen Welt geeignet. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin die Benutzbarkeit von dynamischen IFC Mechanismen zu verbessern indem Techniken entwickelt werden, die die Genauigkeit und Toleranz steigern. Die Arbeit prĂ€sentiert eine korrekte (engl. ’sound’) Erweiterung der permissive-upgrade Strategie (eine Standardstrategie fĂŒr dynamische IFC), die die Toleranz der Strategie verbessert und sie weithin anwendbar macht. DarĂŒber hinaus prĂ€sentiere ich eine neue dynamische IFC Analyse, die auch komplexe Funktionen, wie unstruktierte KontrollflĂŒsse und Exceptions in Hochsprachen, abbildet. Obwohl Unbeeinflussbarkeit eine wĂŒnschenswerte Eigenschaft ist, gibt es Anwendungen, die rechtmĂ€ĂŸigen Zugang zu sensiblen Daten benötigen um ihre Funktion zu erfĂŒllen. Um dies zu ermöglichen prĂ€sentiert diese Arbeit einen Ansatz, der die ungewollte Weitergabe von Information quantifiziert und anhand eines vordefinierten Grenzwertes freigibt. Diese Techniken wurden in einen Web-Browser integriert, welcher es erlaubt die Definition von flexiblen und nĂŒtzlichen Informations-flussregeln fĂŒr Web Anwendungen umzusetzen.RS3 - DF

    Quantitative bounds on the security-critical resource consumption of JavaScript apps

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    Current resource policies for mobile phone apps are based on permissions that unconditionally grant or deny access to a resource like private data, sensors and services. In reality, the legitimacy of an access may be context-dependent - for example, depending on how often a resource is accessed and in which situation. This thesis presents research into providing bounds on the access of JavaScript apps to security and privacy-relevant resources on mobile devices. The investigated bounds are quantitative and interaction-dependent: for example, permitting one access each time the user presses a specified button. Two novel systems are presented with different approaches to providing these bounds. The system PhoneWrap injects a quantitative policy into an app and enforces the bound dynamically during runtime by monitoring the resource consumption and the user interaction. If the injected bound is exceeded, the resource request is replaced by a deny action. This way, PhoneWrap restricts the unwanted behaviour while the expected functionality can be performed. Policies for this system describe the UI elements which trigger the expected resource consumption and the number of resource units consumed for each interaction. The enforcement of the policies is achieved via wrapping the critical APIs using JavaScript internal features. The injection of a policy can be performed automatically. PhoneWrap is the first system using the lightweight wrapping method to inject policies directly into mobile apps and the first to combine quantitative policies with interaction-dependencies. The second system AmorJiSe statically analyses the resource consumption of a given JavaScript program. This system automatically infers amortised annotations on top of given JavaScript data types. The amortised annotations symbolise reserved resource units stored in the data structures. This way the amount of resource units available to the app is expressed dependent on the size of the data structures. The resulting function types of the UI handlers can be used to extract interaction-dependent bounds. The correctness of these bounds is proven in relation to a resource-aware operational semantics. AmorJiSe extends the known amortised type paradigm to JavaScript with its dynamic object structures and applies this paradigm to the novel domain of mobile resources. Although, the two systems are based on similar resource models and produce similar resource bounds, they use different methods with different properties which are presented in this dissertation

    A Generic Framework for Enforcing Security in Distributed Systems

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    A large extent of today's computer programs is distributed. For instance, services for backups, file storage, and cooperative work are now typically managed by distributed programs. The last two decades also brought a variety of services establishing social networks, from exchanging short messages to sharing personal information to dating. In each of the services, distributed programs process and store sensitive information about their users or the corporations their users work for. Secure processing of the sensitive information is essential for service providers. For instance, businesses are bound by law to take security measures against conflicts of interest. Beyond legal regulations, service providers are also pressed by users to satisfy their demands for security, such as the privacy of their profiles and messages in online social networks. In both instances, the prospect of security violations by a service provider constitutes a serious disadvantage and deters potential users from using the service. The focus of this thesis is on enabling service providers to secure their distributed programs by means of run-time enforcement mechanisms. Run-time enforcement mechanisms enforce security in a given program by monitoring, at run-time, the behavior of the program and by intervening when security violations are about to occur. Enforcing security in a distributed program includes securing the behavior of the individual agents of the distributed program as well as securing the joint behavior of all the agents. We present a framework for enforcing security in distributed programs. The framework combines tools and techniques for the specification, enforcement, and verification of security policies for distributed programs. For the specification of security policies, the framework provides the policy language CoDSPL. For generating run-time enforcement mechanisms from given security policies and applying these mechanisms to given distributed programs, the framework includes the tool CliSeAu. For the verification of generated enforcement mechanisms, the framework provides a formal model in the process algebra CSP. All three, the policy language, the tool, and the formal model allow for the distributed units of enforcement mechanisms to cooperate with each other. For supporting the specification of cooperating units, the framework provides two techniques as extensions of CoDSPL: a technique for specifying cooperation in a modular fashion and a technique for effectively cooperating in presence of race conditions. Finally, with the cross-lining technique of the framework, we devise a general approach for instrumenting distributed programs to apply an enforcement mechanism whose units can cooperate. The particular novelty of the presented framework is that the cooperation to be performed can be specified by the security policies and can take place even when the agents of the distributed program do not interact. This distinguishing feature of the framework enables one to specify and enforce security policies that employ a form of cooperation that suits the application scenario: Cooperation can be used when one's security requirements cannot be enforced in a fully decentralized fashion; but the overhead of cooperation can be avoided when no cooperation is needed. The case studies described in this thesis provide evidence that our framework is suited for enforcing custom security requirements in services based on third-party programs. In the case studies, we use the framework for developing two run-time enforcement mechanisms: one for enforcing a policy against conflicts of interest in a storage service and one for enforcing users' privacy policies in online social networks with respect to the sharing and re-sharing of messages. In both case studies, we experimentally verify the enforcement mechanisms to be effective and efficient, with an overhead in the range of milliseconds

    Flexible access control for JavaScript

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    International audienceProviding security guarantees for systems built out of untrusted components requires the ability to define and enforce access control policies over untrusted code. In Web 2.0 applications, JavaScript code from different origins is often combined on a single page, leading to well-known vulnerabilities. We present a security infrastructure which allows users and content providers to specify access control policies over subsets of a JavaScript program by leveraging the concept of delimited histories with revocation. We implement our proposal in WebKit and evaluate it with three policies on 50 widely used websites with no changes to their JavaScript code and report performance overheads and violations