32 research outputs found

    End-to-end performance evaluation of MEC deployments in 5G scenarios

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    Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) promises to deliver localized computing power and storage. Coupled with low-latency 5G radio access, this enables the creation of high added-value services for mobile users, such as in-vehicle infotainment or remote driving. The performance of these services as well as their scalability will however depend on how MEC will be deployed in 5G systems. This paper evaluates different MEC deployment options, coherent with the respective 5G migration phases, using an accurate and comprehensive end-to-end (E2E) system simulation model (exploiting Simu5G for radio access, and Intel CoFluent for core network and MEC), taking into account user-related metrics such as response time or MEC latency. Our results show that 4G radio access is going to be a bottleneck, preventing MEC services from scaling up. On the other hand, the introduction of 5G will allow a considerable higher penetration of MEC services

    Analysis, characterization and optimization of the energy efficiency on softwarized mobile platforms

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorLa inminente 5ª generación de sistemas móviles (5G) está a punto de revolucionar la industria, trayendo una nueva arquitectura orientada a los nuevos mercados verticales y servicios. Debido a esto, el 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) ha especificado una lista de Indicadores de Rendimiento Clave (KPI) que todo sistema 5G tiene que soportar, por ejemplo incrementar por 1000 el volumen de datos, de 10 a 100 veces m´as dispositivos conectados o consumos energéticos 10 veces inferiores. Con el fin de conseguir estos requisitos, se espera expandir los despligues actuales usando mas Puntos de Acceso (PoA) incrementando así su densidad con múltiples tecnologías inalámbricas. Esta estrategia de despliegue masivo tiene una contrapartida en la eficiencia energética, generando un conflicto con el KPI de reducir por 10 el consumo energético. En este contexto, la comunidad investigadora ha propuesto nuevos paradigmas para alcanzar los requisitos impuestos para los sistemas 5G, siendo materializados en tecnologías como Redes Definidas por Software (SDN) y Virtualización de Funciones de Red (NFV). Estos nuevos paradigmas son el primer paso hacia la softwarización de los despliegues móviles, incorporando nuevos grados de flexibilidad y reconfigurabilidad de la Red de Acceso Radio (RAN). En esta tesis, presentamos primero un análisis detallado y caracterización de las redes móviles softwarizadas. Consideramos el software como la base de la nueva generación de redes celulares y, por lo tanto, analizaremos y caracterizaremos el impacto en la eficiencia energética de estos sistemas. La primera meta de este trabajo es caracterizar las plataformas software disponibles para Radios Definidas por Software (SDR), centrándonos en las dos soluciones principales de código abierto: OpenAirInterface (OAI) y srsLTE. Como resultado, proveemos una metodología para analizar y caracterizar el rendimiento de estas soluciones en función del uso de la CPU, rendimiento de red, compatibilidad y extensibilidad de dicho software. Una vez hemos entendido qué rendimiento podemos esperar de este tipo de soluciones, estudiamos un prototipo SDR construido con aceleración hardware, que emplea una plataformas basada en FPGA. Este prototipo está diseñado para incluir capacidad de ser consciente de la energía, permiento al sistema ser reconfigurado para minimizar la huella energética cuando sea posible. Con el fin de validar el diseño de nuestro sistema, más tarde presentamos una plataforma para caracterizar la energía que será empleada para medir experimentalmente el consumo energético de dispositivos reales. En nuestro enfoque, realizamos dos tipos de análisis: a pequeña escala de tiempo y a gran escala de tiempo. Por lo tanto, para validar nuestro entorno de medidas, caracterizamos a través de análisis numérico los algoritmos para la Adaptación de la Tasa (RA) en IEEE 802.11, para entonces comparar nuestros resultados teóricos con los experimentales. A continuación extendemos nuestro análisis a la plataforma SDR acelerada por hardware previamente mencionada. Nuestros resultados experimentales muestran que nuestra sistema puede en efecto reducir la huella energética reconfigurando el despligue del sistema. Entonces, la escala de tiempos es elevada y presentamos los esquemas para Recursos bajo Demanda (RoD) en despliegues de red ultra-densos. Esta estrategia está basada en apagar/encender dinámicamente los elementos que forman la red con el fin de reducir el total del consumo energético. Por lo tanto, presentamos un modelo analítico en dos sabores, un modelo exacto que predice el comportamiento del sistema con precisión pero con un alto coste computacional y uno simplificado que es más ligero en complejidad mientras que mantiene la precisión. Nuestros resultados muestran que estos esquemas pueden efectivamente mejorar la eficiencia energética de los despliegues y mantener la Calidad de Servicio (QoS). Con el fin de probar la plausibilidad de los esquemas RoD, presentamos un plataforma softwarizada que sigue el paradigma SDN, OFTEN (OpenFlow framework for Traffic Engineering in mobile Network with energy awareness). Nuestro diseño está basado en OpenFlow con funcionalidades para hacerlo consciente de la energía. Finalmente, un prototipo real con esta plataforma es presentando, probando así la plausibilidad de los RoD en despligues reales.The upcoming 5th Generation of mobile systems (5G) is about to revolutionize the industry, bringing a new architecture oriented to new vertical markets and services. Due to this, the 5G-PPP has specified a list of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that 5G systems need to support e.g. increasing the 1000 times higher data volume, 10 to 100 times more connected devices or 10 times lower power consumption. In order to achieve these requirements, it is expected to expand the current deployments using more Points of Attachment (PoA) by increasing their density and by using multiple wireless technologies. This massive deployment strategy triggers a side effect in the energy efficiency though, generating a conflict with the “10 times lower power consumption” KPI. In this context, the research community has proposed novel paradigms to achieve the imposed requirements for 5G systems, being materialized in technologies such as Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). These new paradigms are the first step to softwarize the mobile network deployments, enabling new degrees of flexibility and reconfigurability of the Radio Access Network (RAN). In this thesis, we first present a detailed analysis and characterization of softwarized mobile networking. We consider software as a basis for the next generation of cellular networks and hence, we analyze and characterize the impact on the energy efficiency of these systems. The first goal of this work is to characterize the available software platforms for Software Defined Radio (SDR), focusing on the two main open source solutions: OAI and srsLTE. As result, we provide a methodology to analyze and characterize the performance of these solutions in terms of CPU usage, network performance, compatibility and extensibility of the software. Once we have understood the expected performance for such platformsc, we study an SDR prototype built with hardware acceleration, that employs a FPGA based platform. This prototype is designed to include energy-awareness capabilites, allowing the system to be reconfigured to minimize the energy footprint when possible. In order to validate our system design, we later present an energy characterization platform that we will employ to experimentally measure the energy consumption of real devices. In our approach, we perform two kind of analysis: at short time scale and large time scale. Thus, to validate our approach in short time scale and the energy framework, we have characterized though numerical analysis the Rate Adaptation (RA) algorithms in IEEE 802.11, and then compare our theoretical results to the obtained ones through experimentation. Next we extend our analysis to the hardware accelerated SDR prototype previously mentioned. Our experimental results show that our system can indeed reduce the energy footprint reconfiguring the system deployment. Then, the time scale of our analysis is elevated and we present Resource-on-Demand (RoD) schemes for ultradense network deployments. This strategy is based on dynamically switch on/off the elements that form the network to reduce the overall energy consumption. Hence, we present a analytic model in two flavors, an exact model that accurately predicts the system behaviour but high computational cost and a simplified one that is lighter in complexity while keeping the accuracy. Our results show that these schemes can effectively enhance the energy efficiency of the deployments and mantaining the Quality of Service (QoS). In order to prove the feasibility of RoD, we present a softwarized platform that follows the SDN paradigm, the OFTEN (Open Flow framework for Traffic Engineering in mobile Networks with energy awareness) framework. Our design is based on OpenFlow with energy-awareness functionalities. Finally, a real prototype of this framework is presented, proving the feasibility of the RoD in real deployments.FP7-CROWD (2013-2015) CROWD (Connectivity management for eneRgy Optimised Wireless Dense networks).-- H2020-Flex5GWare (2015-2017) Flex5GWare (Flexible and efficient hardware/software platforms for 5G network elements and devices).Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Gramaglia , Marco.- Secretario: José Nuñez.- Vocal: Fabrizio Giulian

    Development and Performance Evaluation of Urban Mobility Applications and Services

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    L'abstract è presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachmen

    Demystifying Internet of Things Security

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    Break down the misconceptions of the Internet of Things by examining the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms. This open access book reviews the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the SW stack leading up to defense-in-depth. The IoT presents unique challenges in implementing security and Intel has both CPU and Isolated Security Engine capabilities to simplify it. This book explores the challenges to secure these devices to make them immune to different threats originating from within and outside the network. The requirements and robustness rules to protect the assets vary greatly and there is no single blanket solution approach to implement security. Demystifying Internet of Things Security provides clarity to industry professionals and provides and overview of different security solutions What You'll Learn Secure devices, immunizing them against different threats originating from inside and outside the network Gather an overview of the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms Understand the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the software stack leading up to defense-in-depth Who This Book Is For Strategists, developers, architects, and managers in the embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) space trying to understand and implement the security in the IoT devices/platforms

    Management And Security Of Multi-Cloud Applications

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    Single cloud management platform technology has reached maturity and is quite successful in information technology applications. Enterprises and application service providers are increasingly adopting a multi-cloud strategy to reduce the risk of cloud service provider lock-in and cloud blackouts and, at the same time, get the benefits like competitive pricing, the flexibility of resource provisioning and better points of presence. Another class of applications that are getting cloud service providers increasingly interested in is the carriers\u27 virtualized network services. However, virtualized carrier services require high levels of availability and performance and impose stringent requirements on cloud services. They necessitate the use of multi-cloud management and innovative techniques for placement and performance management. We consider two classes of distributed applications – the virtual network services and the next generation of healthcare – that would benefit immensely from deployment over multiple clouds. This thesis deals with the design and development of new processes and algorithms to enable these classes of applications. We have evolved a method for optimization of multi-cloud platforms that will pave the way for obtaining optimized placement for both classes of services. The approach that we have followed for placement itself is predictive cost optimized latency controlled virtual resource placement for both types of applications. To improve the availability of virtual network services, we have made innovative use of the machine and deep learning for developing a framework for fault detection and localization. Finally, to secure patient data flowing through the wide expanse of sensors, cloud hierarchy, virtualized network, and visualization domain, we have evolved hierarchical autoencoder models for data in motion between the IoT domain and the multi-cloud domain and within the multi-cloud hierarchy

    10th International Conference on Business, Technology and Innovation 2021

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    Welcome to IC – UBT 2021 UBT Annual International Conference is the 10th international interdisciplinary peer reviewed conference which publishes works of the scientists as well as practitioners in the area where UBT is active in Education, Research and Development. The UBT aims to implement an integrated strategy to establish itself as an internationally competitive, research-intensive university, committed to the transfer of knowledge and the provision of a world-class education to the most talented students from all background. The main perspective of the conference is to connect the scientists and practitioners from different disciplines in the same place and make them be aware of the recent advancements in different research fields, and provide them with a unique forum to share their experiences. It is also the place to support the new academic staff for doing research and publish their work in international standard level. This conference consists of sub conferences in different fields like: Security Studies Sport, Health and Society Psychology Political Science Pharmaceutical and Natural Sciences Mechatronics, System Engineering and Robotics Medicine and Nursing Modern Music, Digital Production and Management Management, Business and Economics Language and Culture Law Journalism, Media and Communication Information Systems and Security Integrated Design Energy Efficiency Engineering Education and Development Dental Sciences Computer Science and Communication Engineering Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment Architecture and Spatial Planning Agriculture, Food Science and Technology Art and Digital Media This conference is the major scientific event of the UBT. It is organizing annually and always in cooperation with the partner universities from the region and Europe. We have to thank all Authors, partners, sponsors and also the conference organizing team making this event a real international scientific event. Edmond Hajrizi, President of UBT UBT – Higher Education Institutio

    Assembly Line

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    An assembly line is a manufacturing process in which parts are added to a product in a sequential manner using optimally planned logistics to create a finished product in the fastest possible way. It is a flow-oriented production system where the productive units performing the operations, referred to as stations, are aligned in a serial manner. The present edited book is a collection of 12 chapters written by experts and well-known professionals of the field. The volume is organized in three parts according to the last research works in assembly line subject. The first part of the book is devoted to the assembly line balancing problem. It includes chapters dealing with different problems of ALBP. In the second part of the book some optimization problems in assembly line structure are considered. In many situations there are several contradictory goals that have to be satisfied simultaneously. The third part of the book deals with testing problems in assembly line. This section gives an overview on new trends, techniques and methodologies for testing the quality of a product at the end of the assembling line

    Management: A continuing bibliography with indexes

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    This biliography lists 919 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in 1981