190 research outputs found

    Recommender Systems based on Linked Data

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    Backgrounds: The increase in the amount of structured data published using the principles of Linked Data, means that now it is more likely to find resources in the Web of Data that describe real life concepts. However, discovering resources related to any given resource is still an open research area. This thesis studies Recommender Systems (RS) that use Linked Data as a source for generating recommendations exploiting the large amount of available resources and the relationships among them. Aims: The main objective of this study was to propose a recommendation tech- nique for resources considering semantic relationships between concepts from Linked Data. The specific objectives were: (i) Define semantic relationships derived from resources taking into account the knowledge found in Linked Data datasets. (ii) Determine semantic similarity measures based on the semantic relationships derived from resources. (iii) Propose an algorithm to dynami- cally generate automatic rankings of resources according to defined similarity measures. Methodology: It was based on the recommendations of the Project management Institute and the Integral Model for Engineering Professionals (Universidad del Cauca). The first one for managing the project, and the second one for developing the experimental prototype. Accordingly, the main phases were: (i) Conceptual base generation for identifying the main problems, objectives and the project scope. A Systematic Literature Review was conducted for this phase, which highlighted the relationships and similarity measures among resources in Linked Data, and the main issues, features, and types of RS based on Linked Data. (ii) Solution development is about designing and developing the experimental prototype for testing the algorithms studied in this thesis. Results: The main results obtained were: (i) The first Systematic Literature Re- view on RS based on Linked Data. (ii) A framework to execute and an- alyze recommendation algorithms based on Linked Data. (iii) A dynamic algorithm for resource recommendation based on on the knowledge of Linked Data relationships. (iv) A comparative study of algorithms for RS based on Linked Data. (v) Two implementations of the proposed framework. One with graph-based algorithms and other with machine learning algorithms. (vi) The application of the framework to various scenarios to demonstrate its feasibility within the context of real applications. Conclusions: (i) The proposed framework demonstrated to be useful for develop- ing and evaluating different configurations of algorithms to create novel RS based on Linked Data suitable to users’ requirements, applications, domains and contexts. (ii) The layered architecture of the proposed framework is also useful towards the reproducibility of the results for the research community. (iii) Linked data based RS are useful to present explanations of the recommen- dations, because of the graph structure of the datasets. (iv) Graph-based algo- rithms take advantage of intrinsic relationships among resources from Linked Data. Nevertheless, their execution time is still an open issue. Machine Learn- ing algorithms are also suitable, they provide functions useful to deal with large amounts of data, so they can help to improve the performance (execution time) of the RS. However most of them need a training phase that require to know a priory the application domain in order to obtain reliable results. (v) A log- ical evolution of RS based on Linked Data is the combination of graph-based with machine learning algorithms to obtain accurate results while keeping low execution times. However, research and experimentation is still needed to ex- plore more techniques from the vast amount of machine learning algorithms to determine the most suitable ones to deal with Linked Data

    Ontology-based personalisation of e-learning resources for disabled students

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    Students with disabilities are often expected to use e-learning systems to access learning materials but most systems do not provide appropriate adaptation or personalisation to meet their needs.The difficulties related to inadaptability of current learning environments can now be resolved using semantic web technologies such as web ontologies which have been successfully used to drive e-learning personalisation. Nevertheless, e-learning personalisation for students with disabilities has mainly targeted those with single disabilities such as dyslexia or visual impairment, often neglecting those with multiple disabilities due to the difficulty of designing for a combination of disabilities.This thesis argues that it is possible to personalise learning materials for learners with disabilities, including those with multiple disabilities. This is achieved by developing a model that allows the learning environment to present the student with learning materials in suitable formats while considering their disability and learning needs through an ontology-driven and disability-aware personalised e-learning system model (ONTODAPS). A disability ontology known as the Abilities and Disabilities Ontology for Online LEarning and Services (ADOOLES) is developed and used to drive this model. To test the above hypothesis, some case studies are employed to show how the model functions for various individuals with and without disabilities and then the implemented visual interface is experimentally evaluated by eighteen students with disabilities and heuristically by ten lecturers. The results are collected and statistically analysed.The results obtained confirm the above hypothesis and suggest that ONTODAPS can be effectively employed to personalise learning and to manage learning resources. The student participants found that ONTODAPS could aid their learning experience and all agreed that they would like to use this functionality in an existing learning environment. The results also suggest that ONTODAPS provides a platform where students with disabilities can have equivalent learning experience with their peers without disabilities. For the results to be generalised, this study could be extended through further experiments with more diverse groups of students with disabilities and across multiple educational institutions

    Role of Semantic web in the changing context of Enterprise Collaboration

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    In order to compete with the global giants, enterprises are concentrating on their core competencies and collaborating with organizations that compliment their skills and core activities. The current trend is to develop temporary alliances of independent enterprises, in which companies can come together to share skills, core competencies and resources. However, knowledge sharing and communication among multidiscipline companies is a complex and challenging problem. In a collaborative environment, the meaning of knowledge is drastically affected by the context in which it is viewed and interpreted; thus necessitating the treatment of structure as well as semantics of the data stored in enterprise repositories. Keeping the present market and technological scenario in mind, this research aims to propose tools and techniques that can enable companies to assimilate distributed information resources and achieve their business goals

    A novel and validated agile Ontology Engineering methodology for the development of ontology-based applications

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    The goal of this Thesis is to investigate the status of Ontology Engineering, underlining the main key issues still characterizing this discipline. Among these issues, the problem of reconciling macro-level methodologies with authoring techniques is pivotal in supporting novel ontology engineers. The latest approach characterizing ontology engineering methodologies leverages the agile paradigm to support collaborative ontology development and deliver efficient ontologies. However, so far, the investigations in the current support provided by these methodologies and the delivery of efficient ontologies have not been investigated. Thus, this work proposes a novel framework for the investigation of agile methodologies, with the objective of identifying the strong point of each agile methodology and their limitations. Leveraging on the findings of this analysis, the Thesis introduces a novel agile methodology – AgiSCOnt – aimed at tackling some of the key issues characterizing Ontology Engineering and weaknesses identified in existing agile approaches. The novel methodology is then put to the test as it is adopted for the development of two new domain ontologies in the field of health: the first is dedicated to patients struggling with dysphagia, while the second addresses patients affected by Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.The goal of this Thesis is to investigate the status of Ontology Engineering, underlining the main key issues still characterizing this discipline. Among these issues, the problem of reconciling macro-level methodologies with authoring techniques is pivotal in supporting novel ontology engineers. The latest approach characterizing ontology engineering methodologies leverages the agile paradigm to support collaborative ontology development and deliver efficient ontologies. However, so far, the investigations in the current support provided by these methodologies and the delivery of efficient ontologies have not been investigated. Thus, this work proposes a novel framework for the investigation of agile methodologies, with the objective of identifying the strong point of each agile methodology and their limitations. Leveraging on the findings of this analysis, the Thesis introduces a novel agile methodology – AgiSCOnt – aimed at tackling some of the key issues characterizing Ontology Engineering and weaknesses identified in existing agile approaches. The novel methodology is then put to the test as it is adopted for the development of two new domain ontologies in the field of health: the first is dedicated to patients struggling with dysphagia, while the second addresses patients affected by Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    Linked Data Quality Assessment and its Application to Societal Progress Measurement

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    In recent years, the Linked Data (LD) paradigm has emerged as a simple mechanism for employing the Web as a medium for data and knowledge integration where both documents and data are linked. Moreover, the semantics and structure of the underlying data are kept intact, making this the Semantic Web. LD essentially entails a set of best practices for publishing and connecting structure data on the Web, which allows publish- ing and exchanging information in an interoperable and reusable fashion. Many different communities on the Internet such as geographic, media, life sciences and government have already adopted these LD principles. This is confirmed by the dramatically growing Linked Data Web, where currently more than 50 billion facts are represented. With the emergence of Web of Linked Data, there are several use cases, which are possible due to the rich and disparate data integrated into one global information space. Linked Data, in these cases, not only assists in building mashups by interlinking heterogeneous and dispersed data from multiple sources but also empowers the uncovering of meaningful and impactful relationships. These discoveries have paved the way for scientists to explore the existing data and uncover meaningful outcomes that they might not have been aware of previously. In all these use cases utilizing LD, one crippling problem is the underlying data quality. Incomplete, inconsistent or inaccurate data affects the end results gravely, thus making them unreliable. Data quality is commonly conceived as fitness for use, be it for a certain application or use case. There are cases when datasets that contain quality problems, are useful for certain applications, thus depending on the use case at hand. Thus, LD consumption has to deal with the problem of getting the data into a state in which it can be exploited for real use cases. The insufficient data quality can be caused either by the LD publication process or is intrinsic to the data source itself. A key challenge is to assess the quality of datasets published on the Web and make this quality information explicit. Assessing data quality is particularly a challenge in LD as the underlying data stems from a set of multiple, autonomous and evolving data sources. Moreover, the dynamic nature of LD makes assessing the quality crucial to measure the accuracy of representing the real-world data. On the document Web, data quality can only be indirectly or vaguely defined, but there is a requirement for more concrete and measurable data quality metrics for LD. Such data quality metrics include correctness of facts wrt. the real-world, adequacy of semantic representation, quality of interlinks, interoperability, timeliness or consistency with regard to implicit information. Even though data quality is an important concept in LD, there are few methodologies proposed to assess the quality of these datasets. Thus, in this thesis, we first unify 18 data quality dimensions and provide a total of 69 metrics for assessment of LD. The first methodology includes the employment of LD experts for the assessment. This assessment is performed with the help of the TripleCheckMate tool, which was developed specifically to assist LD experts for assessing the quality of a dataset, in this case DBpedia. The second methodology is a semi-automatic process, in which the first phase involves the detection of common quality problems by the automatic creation of an extended schema for DBpedia. The second phase involves the manual verification of the generated schema axioms. Thereafter, we employ the wisdom of the crowds i.e. workers for online crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) to assess the quality of DBpedia. We then compare the two approaches (previous assessment by LD experts and assessment by MTurk workers in this study) in order to measure the feasibility of each type of the user-driven data quality assessment methodology. Additionally, we evaluate another semi-automated methodology for LD quality assessment, which also involves human judgement. In this semi-automated methodology, selected metrics are formally defined and implemented as part of a tool, namely R2RLint. The user is not only provided the results of the assessment but also specific entities that cause the errors, which help users understand the quality issues and thus can fix them. Finally, we take into account a domain-specific use case that consumes LD and leverages on data quality. In particular, we identify four LD sources, assess their quality using the R2RLint tool and then utilize them in building the Health Economic Research (HER) Observatory. We show the advantages of this semi-automated assessment over the other types of quality assessment methodologies discussed earlier. The Observatory aims at evaluating the impact of research development on the economic and healthcare performance of each country per year. We illustrate the usefulness of LD in this use case and the importance of quality assessment for any data analysis

    Semantic Systems. In the Era of Knowledge Graphs

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    This open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Semantic Systems, SEMANTiCS 2020, held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in September 2020. The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic

    Alleviating the new user problem in collaborative filtering by exploiting personality information

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11257-016-9172-zThe new user problem in recommender systems is still challenging, and there is not yet a unique solution that can be applied in any domain or situation. In this paper we analyze viable solutions to the new user problem in collaborative filtering (CF) that are based on the exploitation of user personality information: (a) personality-based CF, which directly improves the recommendation prediction model by incorporating user personality information, (b) personality-based active learning, which utilizes personality information for identifying additional useful preference data in the target recommendation domain to be elicited from the user, and (c) personality-based cross-domain recommendation, which exploits personality information to better use user preference data from auxiliary domains which can be used to compensate the lack of user preference data in the target domain. We benchmark the effectiveness of these methods on large datasets that span several domains, namely movies, music and books. Our results show that personality-aware methods achieve performance improvements that range from 6 to 94 % for users completely new to the system, while increasing the novelty of the recommended items by 3-40 % with respect to the non-personalized popularity baseline. We also discuss the limitations of our approach and the situations in which the proposed methods can be better applied, hence providing guidelines for researchers and practitioners in the field.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (TIN2013-47090-C3). We thank Michal Kosinski and David Stillwell for their attention regarding the dataset

    A Framework for Profiling based on Music and Physiological State

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    The IoT (Internet of Things) is an emergent technological area with distinct chal-lenges, which has been addressed by the world research community. This disser-tation proposes the use of a knowledge-based framework capable of supporting the representation and handling of devices along with some autonomous inter-action with the human being, for creating added value and opportunities in IoT. With usability in mind, the objective lays in an attempt to characterize users’ physiological status mainly through music in a profiling approach. The idea is to produce a solution able to customize the environment by musical suggestions to the actual scenarios or mood that the users lie in. Such system can be trained to understand different physiological data to then infer musical suggestions to the users. One of the adopted methods in this work explores that thought, on whether the usage of a person’s physiological state can wield adequate sensorial stimulation to be usefully used thereafter. Another question considered in this work is whether it is possible to use such collected data to build user’s musical playlists and profile that tries to use the user’s physiological state to predict his or her emotional state with the objective to reach a well-being situation
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