1,431 research outputs found

    Polarization filtering for automatic picking of seismic data and improved converted phase detection

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    Data-adaptive polarization filtering is used to improve the detection of converted seismic phases. Both direct waves and mode-converted PS and SP arrivals may be more easily picked on the filtered records. An autopicking routine is applied that cuts the polarization filtered traces according to the modelled traveltime of each phase through an initial structure. Use of forward-modelled, source–receiver times reduces the likelihood of an automatic pick being incorrectly made on spurious spikes in the polarization filtered trace. It is therefore a realistic way of automatically picking multiphase data sets or, more generally, linearly polarized phases where low signal-to-noise ratios may be encountered. The method is suitable for any three-component seismic data and is here applied to local earthquakes recorded in North Island, New Zealand. Intermediate energy is observed between the direct P and S arrivals due to phase conversion at the interface between the Indo-Australian and subducting Pacific plates. The amplitudes of these converted arrivals are often too low for them to be identified above the P-wave coda but polarization filtering of the records enables the yield of converted phase picks to be greatly increased

    Crustal structure of the Borderland-Continent Transition Zone of southern California adjacent to Los Angeles

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    We use data from the onshore-offshore component of Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment (LARSE) to model the broad-scale features of the midcrust to upper mantle beneath a north-south transect that spans the continental borderland in the Los Angeles, California, region. We have developed an analysis method for wide-angle seismic data that consists primarily of refractions, lacks near-offset recordings, and contains wide gaps in coverage. Although the data restrict the analysis to the modeling of broad-scale structure, the technique allows one to explore the limits of the data and determine the resolving power of the data set. The resulting composite velocity model constrains the crustal thickness and location and width of the continent-Borderland transition zone. We find that the mid to lower crust layer velocities of the Inner Borderland are slightly lower than the corresponding layers in the average southern California crust model, while the upper mantle velocity is significantly higher. The data require the Moho to deepen significantly to the north. We constrain the transition zone to initiate between the offshore slope and the southwest Los Angeles Basin. If the Inner Borderland crust is 22 km thick, then the transition zone is constrained to initiate within a 2 km wide region beneath the southwest Los Angeles Basin, and have a width of 20–25 km. The strong, coherent, and continuous Pn phase suggests the Moho is coherent and laterally continuous beneath the Inner Borderland and transition zone. The Inner California Borderland seems to be modified and thickened oceanic crust, with the oceanic upper mantle intact beneath it

    Seismic Applications of Interactive Computational Methods

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    Effective interactive computing methods are needed in a number of specific areas of geophysical interpretation, even though the basic algorithms have been established. One approach to raise the quality of interpretation is to promote better interaction between human and the computer. The thesis is concerned with improving this dialog in three areas: automatic event picking, data visualization and sparse data imaging. Fully automatic seismic event picking methods work well in relatively good conditions. They collapse when the signal-to-noise ratio is low and the structure of the subsurface is complex. The interactive seismic event picking system described here blends the interpreter's guidance and judgment into the computer program, as it can bring the user into the loop to make subjective decisions when the picking problem is complicated. Several interactive approaches for 2-D event picking and 3-D horizon tracking have been developed. Envelope (or amplitude) threshold detection for first break picking is based on the assumption that the power of the signal is larger than that of the noise. Correlation and instantaneous phase pickers are designed for and better suited to picking other arrivals. The former is based on the cross-correlation function, and a model trace (or model traces) selected by the interpreter is needed. The instantaneous phase picker is designed to track spatial variations in the instantaneous phase of the analytic form of the arrival. The picking options implemented into the software package SeisWin were tested on real data drawn from many sources, such as full waveform sonic borehole logs, seismic reflection surveys and borehole radar profiles, as well as seven of the most recent 3-D seismic surveys conducted over Australian coal mines. The results show that the interactive picking system in SeisWin is efficient and tolerant. The 3-D horizon tracking method developed especially attracts industrial users. The visualization of data is also a part of the study, as picking accuracy, and indeed the whole of seismic interpretation depends largely on the quality of the final display. The display is often the only window through which an interpreter can see the earth's substructures. Display is a non-linear operation. Adjustments made to meet display deficiencies such as automatic gain control (AGC) have an important and yet ill-documented effect on the performance of pattern recognition operators, both human and computational. AGC is usually implemented in one dimension. Some of the tools in wide spread use for two dimensional image processing which are of great value in the local gain control of conventional seismic sections such as edge detectors, histogram equalisers, high-pass filters, shaded relief are discussed. Examples are presented to show the relative effectiveness of various display options. Conventional migration requires dense arrays with uniform coverage and uniform illumination of targets. There are, however, many instances in which these ideals can not be approached. Event migration and common tangent plane stacking procedures were developed especially for sparse data sets as a part of the research effort underlying this thesis. Picked-event migration migrates the line between any two points on different traces on the time section to the base map. The interplay between the space and time domain gives the interpreter an immediate view of mapping. Tangent plane migration maps the reflector by accumulating the energy from any two possible reflecting points along the common tangent lines on the space plane. These methods have been applied to both seismic and borehole-radar data and satisfactory results have been achieved

    Seismic Applications of Interactive Computational Methods

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    Effective interactive computing methods are needed in a number of specific areas of geophysical interpretation, even though the basic algorithms have been established. One approach to raise the quality of interpretation is to promote better interaction between human and the computer. The thesis is concerned with improving this dialog in three areas: automatic event picking, data visualization and sparse data imaging. Fully automatic seismic event picking methods work well in relatively good conditions. They collapse when the signal-to-noise ratio is low and the structure of the subsurface is complex. The interactive seismic event picking system described here blends the interpreter's guidance and judgment into the computer program, as it can bring the user into the loop to make subjective decisions when the picking problem is complicated. Several interactive approaches for 2-D event picking and 3-D horizon tracking have been developed. Envelope (or amplitude) threshold detection for first break picking is based on the assumption that the power of the signal is larger than that of the noise. Correlation and instantaneous phase pickers are designed for and better suited to picking other arrivals. The former is based on the cross-correlation function, and a model trace (or model traces) selected by the interpreter is needed. The instantaneous phase picker is designed to track spatial variations in the instantaneous phase of the analytic form of the arrival. The picking options implemented into the software package SeisWin were tested on real data drawn from many sources, such as full waveform sonic borehole logs, seismic reflection surveys and borehole radar profiles, as well as seven of the most recent 3-D seismic surveys conducted over Australian coal mines. The results show that the interactive picking system in SeisWin is efficient and tolerant. The 3-D horizon tracking method developed especially attracts industrial users. The visualization of data is also a part of the study, as picking accuracy, and indeed the whole of seismic interpretation depends largely on the quality of the final display. The display is often the only window through which an interpreter can see the earth's substructures. Display is a non-linear operation. Adjustments made to meet display deficiencies such as automatic gain control (AGC) have an important and yet ill-documented effect on the performance of pattern recognition operators, both human and computational. AGC is usually implemented in one dimension. Some of the tools in wide spread use for two dimensional image processing which are of great value in the local gain control of conventional seismic sections such as edge detectors, histogram equalisers, high-pass filters, shaded relief are discussed. Examples are presented to show the relative effectiveness of various display options. Conventional migration requires dense arrays with uniform coverage and uniform illumination of targets. There are, however, many instances in which these ideals can not be approached. Event migration and common tangent plane stacking procedures were developed especially for sparse data sets as a part of the research effort underlying this thesis. Picked-event migration migrates the line between any two points on different traces on the time section to the base map. The interplay between the space and time domain gives the interpreter an immediate view of mapping. Tangent plane migration maps the reflector by accumulating the energy from any two possible reflecting points along the common tangent lines on the space plane. These methods have been applied to both seismic and borehole-radar data and satisfactory results have been achieved

    Automated seismic waveform location using multichannel coherency migration (MCM)–I: theory

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    With the proliferation of dense seismic networks sampling the full seismic wavefield, recorded seismic data volumes are getting bigger and automated analysis tools to locate seismic events are essential. Here, we propose a novel Multichannel Coherency Migration (MCM) method to locate earthquakes in continuous seismic data and reveal the location and origin time of seismic events directly from recorded waveforms. By continuously calculating the coherency between waveforms from different receiver pairs, MCM greatly expands the available information which can be used for event location. MCM does not require phase picking or phase identification, which allows fully automated waveform analysis. By migrating the coherency between waveforms, MCM leads to improved source energy focusing. We have tested and compared MCM to other migration-based methods in noise-free and noisy synthetic data. The tests and analysis show that MCM is noise resistant and can achieve more accurate results compared with other migration-based methods. MCM is able to suppress strong interference from other seismic sources occurring at a similar time and location. It can be used with arbitrary 3D velocity models and is able to obtain reasonable location results with smooth but inaccurate velocity models. MCM exhibits excellent location performance and can be easily parallelized giving it large potential to be developed as a real-time location method for very large datasets

    Fast and automatic microseismic phase-arrival detection and denoising by pattern recognition and reduced-rank filtering

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    We have developed a fast method that allowed us to automatically detect and denoise microseismic phase arrivals from 3C multichannel data. The method is a two-step process. First, the detection is carried out by means of a pattern recognition strategy that seeks plausible hyperbolic phase arrivals immersed in noisy 3C multichannel data. Then, the microseismic phase arrivals are denoised and reconstructed using a reduced-rank approximation of the singular value decomposition of the data along the detected phase arrivals in the context of a deflation procedure that took into account multiple arrivals and/or phases. For the detection, we have defined an objective function that measured the energy and coherence of a potential microseismic phase arrival along an apex-shifted hyperbolic search window. The objective function, which was maximized using very fast simulated annealing, was based on the energy of the average signal and depended on the source position, receivers geometry, and velocity. In practice, the detection process did not require any a priori velocity model, leading to a fast algorithm that can be used in real time, even when the underlying velocity model was not constant. The reduced-rank filtering coupled with a crosscorrelation-based synchronization strategy allowed us to extract the most representative waveform for all the individual traces. Tests using synthetic and field data have determined the reliability and effectiveness of the proposed method for the accurate detection and denoising of 3C multichannel microseismic events under noisy conditions. Two confidence indicators to assess the presence of an actual phase arrival and the reliability of the denoised individual wave arrivals were also developed.Facultad de Ciencias AstronĂłmicas y GeofĂ­sica

    Fast and automatic microseismic phase-arrival detection and denoising by pattern recognition and reduced-rank filtering

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    We have developed a fast method that allowed us to automatically detect and denoise microseismic phase arrivals from 3C multichannel data. The method is a two-step process. First, the detection is carried out by means of a pattern recognition strategy that seeks plausible hyperbolic phase arrivals immersed in noisy 3C multichannel data. Then, the microseismic phase arrivals are denoised and reconstructed using a reduced-rank approximation of the singular value decomposition of the data along the detected phase arrivals in the context of a deflation procedure that took into account multiple arrivals and/or phases. For the detection, we have defined an objective function that measured the energy and coherence of a potential microseismic phase arrival along an apex-shifted hyperbolic search window. The objective function, which was maximized using very fast simulated annealing, was based on the energy of the average signal and depended on the source position, receivers geometry, and velocity. In practice, the detection process did not require any a priori velocity model, leading to a fast algorithm that can be used in real time, even when the underlying velocity model was not constant. The reduced-rank filtering coupled with a crosscorrelation-based synchronization strategy allowed us to extract the most representative waveform for all the individual traces. Tests using synthetic and field data have determined the reliability and effectiveness of the proposed method for the accurate detection and denoising of 3C multichannel microseismic events under noisy conditions. Two confidence indicators to assess the presence of an actual phase arrival and the reliability of the denoised individual wave arrivals were also developed.Facultad de Ciencias AstronĂłmicas y GeofĂ­sica

    First Arrival Time Auto-Picking Method Based on Multi-Time Windows Energy Ratio

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    First arrival time auto-picking technique plays an important role in seismic exploration. It is widely used in shallow layer tomography and static correction. Conventional method that based on sliding time windows energy ratio is not stable. Here a new method based on multi-time windows energy ratio is proposed. Combining with automatic quality control and phase-domain first arrival estimation technique, our method performs perfectly on seismic records of normal S/N ratio. In the computational process of conventional sliding time windows energy ratio method, first arrivals are often determined by the maximum energy ratio of two adjacent sliding time windows. It is well known that for low S/N ratio data the conventional picking is not effective, and for high S/N ratio data weak reflections are hardly detected. The reason is that first arrival time does not correspond to the maximum energy ratio. Meanwhile conventional method sometime picks local secondary extreme of energy ratio. The new method of multi-time windows energy ratio method takes both maximum and local secondary extreme in consideration. Hence new method promotes the stability and accuracy of first arrival picking. Combined with automatic quality control and phase-domain first arrival estimation, the new method performs well in its application in the middle part of Dzungarian Basin(Northwest China)
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