113 research outputs found

    Differential Minds: Mass Intelligence Testing and Race Science in the Twentieth Century

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    Historians have argued that race science and eugenics retreated following their discrediting in the wake of the Second World War. Yet if race science and eugenics disappeared, how does one explain their sudden and unexpected reemergence in the form of the neohereditarian work of Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and Charles Murray? This dissertation argues that race science and eugenics did not retreat following their discrediting. Rather, race science and eugenics adapted to changing political and social climes, at times entering into states of latency, throughout the twentieth century. The transnational history of mass intelligence testing in the twentieth century demonstrates the longevity of race science and eugenics long after their discrediting. Indeed, the tropes of race science and eugenics persist today in the modern I.Q. controversy, as the dissertation shows. By examining the history of mass intelligence testing in multiple nations, this dissertation presents narrative of the continuity of race science and eugenics throughout the twentieth century

    Statistical physics approaches to large-scale socio-economic networks

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    Die statistische Physik erforschte im letzten Jahrzehnt eine Fülle von wissenschaftlichen Gebieten, was zu einem besseren quantitativen Verständnis von verschiedenen, aus vielen Elementen bestehenden Systemen, z.B. von sozialen Systemen, geführt hat. Eine empirische Quantifizierung von menschlichem Verhalten auf gesellschaftlichem Niveau hat sich allerdings bisher als sehr schwierig erwiesen, wegen Problemen bei der Gewinnung und Qualität von Daten. In dieser Doktorarbeit erstellen wir zum ersten mal einen umfangreichen über fünf Jahre gesammelten Datensatz, der praktisch alle Aktionen und Eigenschaften der 350.000 Teilnehmer einer gesamten menschlichen Gesellschaft aus einem selbstentwickelten Massive Multiplayer Online Game enthält. Wir beschreiben dieses aus stark wechselwirkenden Spielern bestehende soziale System in drei Ebenen. In einem ersten Schritt analysieren wir die Individuen und deren Verhalten im Verlauf der Zeit. Eine Skalen- und Fluktuationsanalyse von Aktions-Reaktions-Zeitreihen enthüllt Persistenz der möglichen Aktionen und qualitative Unterschiede zwischen "guten" und "schlechten" Spielern. Wir untersuchen danach den Diffusionsprozess der im Spieluniversum stattfindenden Bewegungen der Individuen. Wir finden Subdiffusivität und eine durch ein Potenzgesetz verteilte Präferenz zu kürzlich besuchten Orten zurückzukehren. Zweitens, auf der nächsthöheren Ebene, verwenden wir Netzwerktheorie um die topologische Struktur der Interaktionen zwischen Individuen zu quantifizieren. Wir konzentrieren uns auf sechs durch direkte Interaktionen definierte Netzwerke, drei davon positiv (Handel, Freundschaft, Kommunikation), drei negativ (Feindschaft, Attacke, Bestrafung). Diese Netzwerke weisen nichttriviale statistische Eigenschaften auf, z.B. skaleninvariante Topologie, und entwickeln sich in der Zeit, was uns erlaubt eine Reihe von Hypothesen über sozialdynamische Phänomene zu testen. Wir finden qualitative Unterschiede zwischen positiven und negativen Netzwerken in Evolution und Struktur. Schließlich untersuchen wir das Multiplex-Netzwerk der Spielergesellschaft, das sich aus den einzelnen Netzwerk-Schichten zusammensetzt. Wir quantifizieren Interaktionen zwischen verschiedenen Netzwerken und zeigen die nichttrivialen Organisationsprinzipien auf die auch in echten menschlichen Gesellschaften beobachtet wurden. Unsere Erkenntnisse liefern Belege für die Hypothese der strukturellen Balance, die eine Vermeidung von gewissen frustrierten Zuständen auf mikroskopischem Niveau postuliert. Mit diesem Aufbau demonstrieren wir die Möglichkeit der Gewinnung neuartiger wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse über die Natur von kollektivem menschlichen Verhalten in großangelegten sozialen Systemen.In the past decade a variety of fields has been explored by statistical physicists, leading to an increase of our quantitative understanding of various systems composed of many interacting elements, such as social systems. However, an empirical quantification of human behavior on a societal level has so far proved to be tremendously difficult due to problems in data availability, quality and ways of acquisition. In this doctoral thesis we compile for the first time a large-scale data set consisting of practically all actions and properties of 350,000 odd participants of an entire human society interacting in a self-developed Massive Multiplayer Online Game, over a period of five years. We describe this social system composed of strongly interacting players in the game in three consecutive levels. In a first step, we examine the individuals and their behavioral properties over time. A scaling and fluctuation analysis of action-reaction time-series reveals persistence of the possible actions and qualitative differences between "good" and "bad" players. We then study and model the diffusion process of human mobility occurring within the "game universe". We find subdiffusion and a power-law distributed preference to return to more recently visited locations. Second, on a higher level, we use network theory to quantify the topological structure of interactions between the individuals. We focus on six network types defined by direct interactions, three of them with a positive connotation (trade, friendship, communication), three with a negative one (enmity, attack, punishment). These networks exhibit non-trivial statistical properties, e.g. scale-free topology, and evolve over time, allowing to test a series of long-standing social-dynamics hypotheses. We find qualitative differences in evolution and topological structure between positive and negative tie networks. Finally, on a yet higher level, we consider the multiplex network of the player society, constituted by the coupling of the single network layers. We quantify interactions between different networks and detect the non-trivial organizational principles which lead to the observed structure of the system and which have been observed in real human societies as well. Our findings with the multiplex framework provide evidence for the half-century old hypothesis of structural balance, where certain frustrated states on a microscopic level tend to be avoided. Within this setup we demonstrate the feasibility for generating novel scientific insights on the nature of collective human behavior in large-scale social systems

    University of Windsor Graduate Calendar 2006-2008

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    Premises of the Arguments Concerning Immortality in Thirty Ingersoll Lectures (1896-1934)

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    Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Boston Universit

    2019-2020, University of Memphis bulletin

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    University of Memphis bulletin containing the graduate catalog for 2019-2020.https://digitalcommons.memphis.edu/speccoll-ua-pub-bulletins/1439/thumbnail.jp

    Procedural discourse generation model for 'Twenty Questions'

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    Third International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation TENOR 2017

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    The third International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation seeks to focus on a set of specific research issues associated with Music Notation that were elaborated at the first two editions of TENOR in Paris and Cambridge. The theme of the conference is vocal music, whereas the pre-conference workshops focus on innovative technological approaches to music notation

    2018-2019, University of Memphis bulletin

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    University of Memphis bulletin containing the graduate catalog for 2018-2019.https://digitalcommons.memphis.edu/speccoll-ua-pub-bulletins/1438/thumbnail.jp

    Terminological Methods in Lexicography: Conceptualising, Organising, and Encoding Terms in General Language Dictionaries

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    Os dicionários de língua geral apresentam inconsistências de uniformização e cientificidade no tratamento do conteúdo lexicográfico especializado. Analisando a presença e o tratamento de termos em dicionários de língua geral, propomos um tratamento mais uniforme e cientificamente rigoroso desse conteúdo, considerando também a necessidade de compilar e alinhar futuros recursos lexicais em consonância com padrões interoperáveis. Partimos da premissa de que o tratamento dos itens lexicais, sejam unidades lexicais (palavras em geral) ou unidades terminológicas (termos ou palavras pertencentes a determinados domínios), deve ser diferenciado, e recorremos a métodos terminológicos para tratar os termos dicionarizados. A nossa abordagem assume que a terminologia – na sua dupla dimensão linguística e conceptual – e a lexicografia, como domínios interdisciplinares, podem ser complementares. Assim, apresentamos objetivos teóricos (aperfeiçoamento da metalinguagem e descrição lexicográfica a partir de pressupostos terminológicos) e práticos (representação consistente de dados lexicográficos), que visam facilitar a organização, descrição e modelização consistente de componentes lexicográficos, nomeadamente a hierarquização das etiquetas de domínio, que são marcadores de identificação de léxico especializados. Queremos ainda facilitar a redação de definições, as quais podem ser otimizadas e elaboradas com maior precisão científica ao seguir uma abordagem terminológica no tratamento dos termos. Analisámos os dicionários desenvolvidos por três instituições académicas distintas: a Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, a Real Academia Española e a Académie Française, que representam um valioso legado da tradição lexicográfica académica europeia. A análise inicial inclui um levantamento exaustivo e a comparação das etiquetas de domínio usadas, bem como um debate sobre as opções escolhidas e um estudo comparativo do tratamento dos termos. Elaborámos, depois, uma proposta metodológica para o tratamento de termos em dicionários de língua geral, tomando como exemplo dois domínios, GEOLOGIA e FUTEBOL, extraídos da edição de 2001 do dicionário da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa. Revimos os termos selecionados de acordo com os princípios terminológicos defendidos, dando origem a sentidos especializados revistos/novos para a primeira edição digital deste dicionário. Representamos e anotamos os dados usando as especificações da TEI Lex-0, uma extensão da TEI (Text Encoding Initiative), dedicada à codificação de dados lexicográficos. Destacamos também a importância de ter etiquetas de domínio hierárquicas em vez de uma lista simples de domínios, vantajosas para a organização dos dados, correspondência e possíveis futuros alinhamentos entre diferentes recursos lexicográficos. A investigação revelou que a) os modelos estruturais dos recursos lexicais são complexos e contêm informação de natureza diversa; b) as etiquetas de domínio nos dicionários gerais da língua são planas, desequilibradas, inconsistentes e, muitas vezes, estão desatualizadas, havendo necessidade de as hierarquizar para organizar o conhecimento especializado; c) os critérios adotados para a marcação dos termos e as fórmulas utilizadas na definição são díspares; d) o tratamento dos termos é heterogéneo e formulado de diferentes formas, pelo que o recurso a métodos terminológicos podem ajudar os lexicógrafos a redigir definições; e) a aplicação de métodos terminológicos e lexicográficos interdisciplinares, e também de padrões, é vantajosa porque permite a construção de bases de dados lexicais estruturadas, concetualmente organizadas, apuradas do ponto de vista linguístico e interoperáveis. Em suma, procuramos contribuir para a questão urgente de resolver problemas que afetam a partilha, o alinhamento e vinculação de dados lexicográficos.General language dictionaries show inconsistencies in terms of uniformity and scientificity in the treatment of specialised lexicographic content. By analysing the presence and treatment of terms in general language dictionaries, we propose a more uniform and scientifically rigorous treatment of this content, considering the necessity of compiling and aligning future lexical resources according to interoperable standards. We begin from the premise that the treatment of lexical items, whether lexical units (words in general) or terminological units (terms or words belonging to particular subject fields), must be differentiated, and resort to terminological methods to treat dictionary terms. Our approach assumes that terminology – in its dual dimension, both linguistic and conceptual – and lexicography, as interdisciplinary domains, can be complementary. Thus, we present theoretical (improvement of metalanguage and lexicographic description based on terminological assumptions) and practical (consistent representation of lexicographic data) objectives that aim to facilitate the organisation, description and consistent modelling of lexicographic components, namely the hierarchy of domain labels, as they are specialised lexicon identification markers. We also want to facilitate the drafting of definitions, which can be optimised and elaborated with greater scientific precision by following a terminological approach for the treatment of terms. We analysed the dictionaries developed by three different academic institutions: the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, the Real Academia Española and the Académie Française, which represent a valuable legacy of the European academic lexicographic tradition. The initial analysis includes an exhaustive survey and comparison of the domain labels used, as well as a debate on the chosen options and a comparative study of the treatment of the terms. We then developed a methodological proposal for the treatment of terms in general language dictionaries, exemplified using terms from two domains, GEOLOGY and FOOTBALL, taken from the 2001 edition of the dictionary of the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa. We revised the selected terms according to the defended terminological principles, giving rise to revised/new specialised meanings for the first digital edition of this dictionary. We represent and annotate the data using the TEI Lex-0 specifications, a TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) subset for encoding lexicographic data. We also highlight the importance of having hierarchical domain labels instead of a simple list of domains, which are beneficial to the data organisation itself, correspondence and possible future alignments between different lexicographic resources. Our investigation revealed the following: a) structural models of lexical resources are complex and contain information of a different nature; b) domain labels in general language dictionaries are flat, unbalanced, inconsistent and often outdated, requiring the need to hierarchise them for organising specialised knowledge; c) the criteria adopted for marking terms and the formulae used in the definition are disparate; d) the treatment of terms is heterogeneous and formulated differently, whereby terminological methods can help lexicographers to draft definitions; e) the application of interdisciplinary terminological and lexicographic methods, and of standards, is advantageous because it allows the construction of structured, conceptually organised, linguistically accurate and interoperable lexical databases. In short, we seek to contribute to the urgent issue of solving problems that affect the sharing, alignment and linking of lexicographic data

    2010-2011, University of Memphis bulletin

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    University of Memphis bulletin containing the graduate catalog for 2010-2011.https://digitalcommons.memphis.edu/speccoll-ua-pub-bulletins/1430/thumbnail.jp