9 research outputs found

    Supply facility and input/output point locations in the presence of barriers

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    This paper studies a facility location model in which two-dimensional Euclidean space represents the layout of a shop floor. The demand is generated by fixed rectangular-shaped user sites and served by a single supply facility. It is assumed that (i) communication between the supply point and a demand facility occurs at an input/output (I/O) point on the demand facility itself, (ii) the facilities themselves pose barriers to travel and (iii) distance measurement is as per the L1-metric. The objective is to determine optimal locations of the supply facility as well as I/O points on the demand facilities, in order to minimize total transportation costs. Several, increasingly more complex, versions of the model are formulated and polynomial time algorithms are developed to find the optimal locations in each case. Scope and purpose In a facility layout setting, often a new central supply facility such as a parts supply center or tool crib needs to be located to serve the existing demand facilities (e.g., workstations or maintenance areas). The demand facilities are physical entities that occupy space, that cannot be traveled through, and that receive material from the central facility, through a perimeter I/O (input/output or drop-off/pick-up) point. This paper addresses the joint problem of locating the central facility and determining the I/O point on each demand facility to minimize the total material transportation cost. Different versions of this problem are considered. The solution methods draw from and extend results of location theory for a class of restricted location problems. For practitioners, simple results and polynomial time algorithms are developed for solving these facility (re) design problems

    Facility Siting and Layout Optimization Based on Process Safety

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    In this work, a new approach to optimize facility layout for toxic release, fire and explosion scenarios is presented. By integrating a risk analysis in the optimization formulation, safer assignments for facility layout and siting have been obtained. Accompanying with the economical concepts used in a plant layout, the new model considers the cost of willing to avoid a fatality, i.e. the potential injury cost due to accidents associated with toxic release near residential areas. For fire and explosion scenarios, the building or equipment damage cost replaces the potential injury cost. Two different approaches have been proposed to optimize the total cost related with layout. In the first phase using continuous-plane approach, the overall problem was initially modeled as a disjunctive program where the coordinates of each facility and cost-related variables are the main unknowns. Then, the convex hull approach was used to reformulate the problem as a Mixed Integer Non-Linear Program (MINLP) that identifies potential layouts by minimizing overall costs. This approach gives the coordinates of each facility in a continuous plane, and estimates for the total length of pipes, the land area, and the selection of safety devices. Finally, the 3D-computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to compare the difference between the initial layout and the final layout in order to see how obstacles and separation distances affect the dispersion or overpressures of affected facilities. One of the CFD programs, ANSYS CFX was employed for the dispersion study and Flame Acceleration Simulator (FLACS) for the fires and explosions. In the second phase for fire and explosion scenarios, the study is focused on finding an optimal placement for hazardous facilities and other process plant buildings using the optimization theory and mapping risks on the given land in order to calculate risk in financial terms. The given land is divided in a square grid of which the sides have a certain size and in which each square acquires a risk-score. These risk-scores such as the probability of structural damage are to be multiplied by prices of potential facilities which would be built on the grid. Finally this will give us the financial risk. Accompanying the suggested safety concepts, the new model takes into account construction and operational costs. The overall cost of locations is a function of piping cost, management cost, protection device cost, and financial risk. This approach gives the coordinates of the best location of each facility in a 2-D plane, and estimates the total piping length. Once the final layout is obtained, the CFD code, FLACS is used to simulate and consider obstacle effects in 3-D space. The outcome of this study will be useful in assisting the selection of location for process plant buildings and risk management

    Facility placement with sub-aisle design in an existing layout

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    In this paper, we consider the integration of facility placement in an existing layout and the configuration of one or two connecting sub-aisles. This is relevant, for example, when placing a new machine/department on a shop floor with existing machines/departments and an existing aisle structure. Our work is motivated by the work of Savas et al. [Savas, S., Batta, R., Nagi, R., 2002. Finite-size facility placement in the presence of barriers to rectilinear travel. Operations Research 50 (6), 1018-1031], that considered the optimal planar placement of a finite-size facility in the presence of existing facilities. Our work differs from theirs in that we consider material handling to be restricted to the aisle structure. We do not allow the newly placed facility to overlap with existing facilities or with the aisle structure. Facilities are rectangular and travel is limited to new or existing aisles. We show that there are a finite number of candidate placements for the new facility. Algorithms are developed to find the optimal placement and the corresponding configurations for the sub-aisles. Complexity of the solution method is analyzed. Also, a numerical example is provided to explore the impact of the number of sub-aisles added.Facility design Facility placement Sub-aisle configuration

    Facility placement with sub-aisle design in an existing layout

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    In this paper, we consider the integration of facility placement in an existing layout and the configuration of one or two connecting sub-aisles. This is relevant, for example, when placing a new machine/department on a shop floor with existing machines/departments and an existing aisle structure. Our work is motivated by the work of Savas et al. [Savas, S., Batta, R., Nagi, R., 2002. Finite-size facility placement in the presence of barriers to rectilinear travel. Operations Research 50 (6), 1018-1031], that considered the optimal planar placement of a finite-size facility in the presence of existing facilities. Our work differs from theirs in that we consider material handling to be restricted to the aisle structure. We do not allow the newly placed facility to overlap with existing facilities or with the aisle structure. Facilities are rectangular and travel is limited to new or existing aisles. We show that there are a finite number of candidate placements for the new facility. Algorithms are developed to find the optimal placement and the corresponding configurations for the sub-aisles. Complexity of the solution method is analyzed. Also, a numerical example is provided to explore the impact of the number of sub-aisles added.This work gratefully acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation, via Grant DMI-0300370. The authors are also grateful to the efforts of a dedicated referee whose comments have substantially improved the exposition of this paperPublisher's Versio